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11/05/2020 1:48 pm  #1

Omniverse map 2.0 - read this first

In the other Omniverse map thread way back around the time it was first started, many boards ago, I was asked about when I might update the map in question:
I said at the time that I needed a better way to put the map together - I'd done it as a tif file with a ridiculous number of layers so I could move titles around and rearrange links, and it had been massively unwieldy, and then I'd saved a copy of the map as a jpg. Adding new links would mean going back to the tif and that would be a pain.

Recently, I finally found a program that is made to visually map links - mindmup - and even better, it's free to use. The only problem is that it doesn't let you download the program unless you pay for it (and given I'd only ever use it for this one map, that's not really something I want to do); you can use it for free on the website, but then it only allows you to save a map for a limited period of time, meaning I'll have to complete the revised map within that time. That's viable, but to do the mapping right I need to have a clear idea of links before I start laying it out. So I want to modify the Omniverse map thread a little, making it multiple threads for a start, to facilitate that. 

If possible, can we create a new subforum for the Omniverse threads please? With the usual people having moderator rights?


11/05/2020 4:36 pm  #2

Re: Omniverse map 2.0 - read this first

Loki wrote:

If possible, can we create a new subforum for the Omniverse threads please? With the usual people having moderator rights?

As a wise swordsman once said, "As you wish!"

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

11/07/2020 3:19 pm  #3

Re: Omniverse map 2.0 - read this first

11/06/2020 6:01 pm #3zuckyd1  Re: Omniverse map 2.0 - Universes and where they have been linked to.
 Loki wrote:Unofficial cameos - first Marvel character in DC in ??; first DC character in Marvel in ??
Would the Aquaman/Sub-Mariner "crossover" qualify?  

11/06/2020 7:52 pm #4Loki Re: Omniverse map 2.0 - Universes and where they have been linked to.

It's certainly noteworthy, though I don't think either appeared in each other's title, so it isn't an example of unofficial cameos.


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11/07/2020 3:33 pm  #4

Re: Omniverse map 2.0 - read this first

Aquaman #56:

Sub-Mariner #72:


11/07/2020 4:06 pm  #5

Re: Omniverse map 2.0 - read this first

zuckyd1 wrote:

Aquaman #56:

Sub-Mariner #72:

Yeah - a very sneaky cameo, given it's only the hand, but that still counts. Aquaman in Sub-Mariner I#52. That said, it's still predated by the similarly sneaky cameos during the Rutland Halloween Parade story, as the above took place in 1974 and the parade crossover in 1973.

     Thread Starter

5/05/2021 11:49 am  #6

Re: Omniverse map 2.0 - read this first

Loki wrote:

Marvel to Conan/Hyperborea - incorporated Conan into 616 in Conan the Barbarian#1/connection confirmed in Marvel Team-Up I#79 when Conan character Red Sonja and Conan foe Kulan Gath encountered Spider-Man in modern day NYC.

Even earlier in Sub-Mariner #62 the "Tales of Atlantis" backup story is stated as occurring "500 years after the reign of King Kull -- 8,000 years before the coming of Conan".


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