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1/21/2020 7:20 am  #1

The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Note that this post and the next, originating on CxPulp had previously been expanded on in Capes (Optional). However, some of the newer information was lost in the site crash. Information below is up Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:27 pm so participants in the game will have to decide if they want to pick up from that point or not.  Due to character limits, the intro post as been split up into multiple posts.
05-10-2015, 03:01 AM

With all the Imaginary Handbook threads, the central conceit was to pick a particular theme and come up with potential entries for a handbook based on that theme. Whether that theme was a particular character (Spider-Man) or team (Avengers), a category or concept (Vampires, Magic, Westerns, Characters Who've Used the Name "Captain Marvel"), we could comb through Marvel continuity, comics, online sites, encyclopedias, and more to find characters, concepts, objects, events, even alternate universe-counterparts that somehow, directly, indirectly, very indirectly, or even just tangentially, tied into that theme. You with me so far?

But that ignores the approach used by the two A-Z Update mini-series. Two series of handbook entries, each issue complete unto itself, with no central theme that all entries had to tie into. Each issue with a seemingly random selection of characters, teams, places, objects, events, and races, arranged in more-or-less alphabetical order per issue...and the next issue, another seemingly random selection of entries, in A-Z order, and so on. No attempt to arrange the entries across all four or five issues in alphabetical order, meaning that if you missed one issue you wouldn't miss a good-sized chunk of the alphabet, just the entries in that issue. It was seemingly random, unpredictable to the audience, and well, fun.

So, how do we most closely reproduce that in Imaginary Handbook form? I've got the answer: The Imaginary A-Z Game. Here's how it works. Start with the letter A (or a number, if you want to start with a reality best known by a year like 2099 or 2020). One person nominates a character, team/group/organization, alternate-reality, place, object or event whose name or title starts with the letter A. Then a second person suggests a potential handbook entry that starts with the letter B. Then the third person suggest one for the letter C, etc. Anybody and anything that, as of yet, has not received their/its own individual entry. That includes members of teams/groups that have had an entry for the team or group, but not all/some/any of its individual members. Be they a member of the Imperial Guard, the Corporation, the Acolytes, or the Zodiac -- the group got an entry, but not (all or any of) its individual members? Now's your chance to nominate an individual member. Dead or alive, active or inactive, intact or destroyed, any time period, any era, any universe. Just include a brief (BRIEF) note to identify who/what/where the entry is or is from, since we're free to get as obscure as we want. These are the entries that would probably warrant only a half-page or a single page, but might warrant more than that if given the chance. Plus, hey, since it's Imaginary, no restrictions: you want to include somebody or something from the Ultraverse, or Amalgam, or a comics counterpart of a real-life or historical person, or a (gasp) licensed character? Go for it.

Each "issue" will consist of each go-through of the alphabet, so we limit one entry per letter per go-through the alphabet (so we don't overload it with two or three dozen entries for the letters M or S, for example. If, after a day or two, nobody has (or can) thought of an entry for a letter, skip to the next letter. (Useful for letters like Q or X, for example.) Get to the end (or as close to it) of the alphabet -- letters W, X, Y, or Z -- start the next issue with A, B, or C again. Or until we get tired of it, ha ha.

And since I'm proposing it, I'll start. A is for Amphibius (of the Savage Land Mutates).
Angelicknight wrote:05-10-2015, 05:47 AM

NB - I've taken the liberty of doing a little colour coding, just to make the variations easy to see. Anyone in bold would be off-limits to the real handbooks, usually due to copyright reasons. Obviously there are also Ultraverse characters, plus ones from novels, TV shows, movies and foreign titles, which might also be problematic on a case by case basis depending on how contracts defined who owned what, but those I won't recolour at this time.

A.T.C.U./Advanced Threat Containment Unit (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
A La Mode (Lunch Legion, What The?)
Aardwolf (foe of Night Thrasher/Dwayne Taylor)
Abadon (Marvel UK character, Shadow Riders foe)
Abberation (Gamma Corps: Black member)
Abby-L (insane Gwen Stacy clone)
Abdol, Salome (Living Pharaoh's daughter)
Abernaphy, Abner (What The?)
Abernaphy, Mildred (What The?)
Abernathy, Ambrose (inventor, Amazing High Adventure #1)
Abilene Kid (Frontier Western #9)
Abomination (Magneto foe, possible Morlock)
Abomination (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Abomination (Earth-534834)
Abominatrix (She-Hulk foe)
Abominite (Amalgam)
Abraham (Bible Tales for Young Folks #3)
Absolute Carnage (event)
Absorbing Man (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Absorbing Man (Earth-534834)
AC Universe (What The?)
Academy of the New Elite (Ultraverse)
Access (Axel Asher, DC Vs. Marvel/Amalgam)
Ace - Spider-Man ally/enemy from two Spectacular Spider-Man Annuals
A’Charr (Ultraverse)
Acolytes (Earth-92131)
Acosta, Claire (Ultraverse)
Acrobat (Captain America/Mace foe)
Action Boy (Earth-?, partner of Captain Action, Captain Action & Action boy promo (1967))
Adams, Gomez and Morticia (Captain America #401)
Adams, Murdoch (adventurer/occult dabbler, Dr. Strange ally)
Adams, Stacy (Ultraverse)
Adaptoid ("Frank Senic"; defective artificial lifeform with similar abilities to the Super-Adaptoid)
Adar, Don (time-traveler, Uncanny Tales #41)
Adrenazon (She-Hulk foe/ally)
Adur (Deathwalkers member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Adversary (demon; Forge enemy)
Aemilianus, Scipio (historical figure, Battle #35)
Aeon (Ultraverse)
Aerie (Ultraverse)
Aerwan (Ultraverse race)
A-Force (Singularity's team)
Afrikaa (Marvel UK, ally of Black Axe)
Agent 12 B (Pussycat #1)
Agent Axis (the Italian+German+Japan Nazi agent)
Agent G (Pussycat #1)
Agent S (Pussycat #1)
Agent X (Commie spy, Spy Cases #17)
Agent X (Pussycat #1)
Agent X (Secret Service Agent, Crimefighters #4)
Agent X (Earth-92131)
Agent Z (investigator, True Complete Mystery #7)
Agents of R.A.G.E. (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers foes)
Agu (Lorna the Jungle Girl character)
Aguila, el (Alejandro Montoya; ally of Power Man & Iron Fist)
Agunzzi (monster, Journey into Mystery #14)
Ahqlau (female Deviant scientist, ally of Ghaur)
Air Force (team, New Warriors foes)
Ajax (member of the Pantheon)
Alaric (invader, Battle #32)
Alemain, el
Alexander, Carrie (marine biologist, daughter of Caleb, Namor character)
Allatou (demon, wife of Nergal, foe of Hellstorm, Avengers & Master Pandemonium)
All-Captains Squad (Earth-91119, Super Hero Squad cartoon)
Allergen Al (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
Allergen Gang (Captain America foes)
All-Hate Squad (Fight-Man foes)
Alliance for Peace (Marvel Super-Heroes cartoon version of the original X-Men)
All-Out (Anti-Registration Underground member)
All-Star Winners Squadron (Amalgam)
Alpha (Andrew Maguire, Spider-Man's "protege")
Alpha Clan (New Warriors foes)
Alpha Prime (Savage Land team)
Alslavia (fictional country in Marvel Mystery Comics #22, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Al-Thahab Al-Aswad/Black Gold (Aqirian hero, member of Hero Force)
Alvin Industries (Corporation who uses the armored "spokesmask" Hardshell)
Amador, Akela (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Amazon (Amalgam)
American Eagle (Fletcher, WWI pilot)
American Kaiju (New Avengers foe)
American Panther (Black Panther foe)
American Son armor
Amon Hatok (immortal pharaoh, Marvel Tales #145)
Amphibian (Earth-712, Squadron Supreme member)
Amphibius (of the Savage Land Mutates)
Ancients (novels group)
Androods, Starchy (What The?)
Angar the Screamer (David Allen Angar, foe of Daredevil, Iron Fist, & more, former partner of Screaming Mimi)
Angel, Julie (Fantastic Four ally)
Animator (Villain killed while being transported to the Vault, Cage character)
Animax (mutant, X-Men foe)
Annie (LMD friend of Red Hulk)
Anti-Man (Blue Marvel foe)
Antimatter (Singularity/A-Force foe)
Anti-Vision (Vision synthozoid of Earth-938, joined the Gatherers)
Apache Kid (Aloysius Kare/Dazii, half-white/half-Apache peacemaker/adventurer in Old West)
"Apastron" (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Ape X (Roy Reyna Earth-616)
Ape-X (Institute of Evil turned Squadron Supreme member after behaviour modification; Earth-712)
Apex (Avengers Arena character)
Apparition (Earth-S, possible Golden Agency member)
Aquan (Ultraverse)
"Arabian Knight" (ancestor of the modern day Arabian Knight (Qamar), fought and defeated Gog and Magog in the past)
Arachne (Greek myth character, member of the Olympus Group)
Arachne (Earth-11714)
Arachnikid (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Arachnoid (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Arachnosaur (Spider-Totum of Earth-99476)
Arácnido Jr. (Mexican Spider-Man)
Araki (Shi'ar Chamberlin)
Araki, Doctor (early 70s Hulk manga)
Arcanna (Jones; Squadron Supreme member)
Arch E (Not Brand Echh)
Arclight (Philippa Sontag, Marauders, X-Men foe)
Argo (MC2, son of Hercules)
Argonauts (Hercules' former team)
Aries (Marcus Lassiter, Grover Raymond, & Oscar Gordon, all members of the Zodiac Cartel; think the entries for Grasshopper & Sq. Sinister's Dr. Spectrum)
Arizona Annie (western character)
Arizona Kid
Arizona Kid (outlaw, Wyatt Earp #3)
Armbruster, Col John (deceased Incredible Hulk supporting cast member; Hulkbusters)
Armidez, Jose (criminal, Amazing Detective Cases #4)
Armless Tiger Man (Golden Age Angel foe)
Armorines (Earth-Valiant Marvel, Agents of R.A.G.E., Avengers foes)
Arnim Zola's ESP box (source of Zola's powers)
Arnold, Pete (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Magazine #98)
Arrowcaster (Amalgam)
Arrowhead (western character)
Artie Choke (Hostess villain, Hulk foe)
Ascendants (Chinese super team)
Ash, Volcana (Killraven ally)
Asha (Wakandan School For Alternative Studies student)
Ashkenaz, Serena (Ultraverse)
Ashlocke, Gabriel (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Askari (Excalibur character)
Asp (Richard Harper, thief, Living Mummy character)
Assassin of Paris (murderer, Journey into Mystery #10)
Assassin-8 (Spider-Man foe in adventures only published in his UK comic in 1984; he was discussed in the latest Back Issue).
Assistant Editors Month (quasi event; period of time where many Marvel heroes suddenly found themselves faced with the absurd and/or profound)
Asteroid Vergona (Marvel Tales #106)
Astonishing Puffball (SPAFON member, Beetle (Jenkins) adversary)
Astra (X-Men foe, mutant teleporter)
Atalon (Ultraverse)
Atalon (Ultraforce cartoon)
Athena (Amalgam)
Athos (musketeer)
Atalanta (female member of the Pantheon, wields plasma bow, Hulk character)
Atlantis (Amazing Mysteries #32)
Atlantis (Marvel Tales #140)
Atlantis (Marvel Tales #145)
Atlantis (Mystic #41)
Atlantis (Amalgam)
Atlas Foundation (ancient secret society currently led by Jimmy Woo)
Atom Bob (Ultraverse, member of the Strangers, turned evil & called himself the Pilgrim)
Atom Bob (Ultraforce cartoon)
Atomic Man (supervillain, Astonishing #31)
Atomic Skeletons of Paris (Blue Marvel foes)
Atomiumman (Belgian superhero)
Attainia (fictional country from American Ace stories, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Attila the Hun (historical figure)
Attilan (home of the Inhumans)
Atua-Thaugul (Department of Occult Armaments member)
A-Tuna (What The?)
Aula (Ultraverse)
Aunty Monitor (What The?)
Aura (Anne Herd, wife of Override, Spider-Man foe)
Autobots (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Autolycus (Adam Warlock foe, soul swallowed up by the Soul Gem)
Avatar (Alaisa Ruatha Pethnan, Silver Surfer character, empowered by Mistress Love & Sire Hate)
Avenger (western character, Outlaw Fighters #2)
Aviatrix (Mystery Men character)
Avengers (evil alternate reality versions inadvertently rescued by AIM-616)
Avengers (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Avery, Hal (Gothic Tales of Love #1)
A-Wet-man (What The?)
Awful Flight (What The?)
Ayeda (goddess, Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Ayesha (She, Marvel Classics Comics #24)
Axis (Marvel: The Lost Generation character)
Babenberg family (historical figures)
Baby (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Bacchus (Ultraverse)
Backlash (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Backlash (Ultraverse)
Backstabber (Ultraverse)
Bad Ones of the Earth (Strange Stories of Suspense #6)
Badger Teeth (Furious Five, Spider-Man foe)
Badrock (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Bagmom (Middle East country visited by Howard the Duck)
Bailey, Spider (outlaw, Western Outlaws and Sheriffs #72)
Baker, Al (Ultraverse)
Ballentine, Kayla (former personal assistant & girlfriend of Wendell Vaughn, later wielded the Star Brand)
Ballistic (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Bancroft, Martine (Morbius's romantic interest, later actual vampire, now dead)
Band of Baddies (Spider-Man/Wolverine foes)
Bandera, la (Wolverine character, mutant South American heroine, killed by Zeitgeist/Everyman)
Bane, Bruce (What The?)
Banisher (Amalgam)
Banshee, the (western character, Wild Western #39)
Banshee (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Baqir (demon, brother of Shiklah)
Bar With No Doors (mystical hangout for magic users)
Bar with No Name (bars that villains patronize; one was site of Scourge massacre)
Barbarossa, Frederick (historical figure)
Barbera, Capt. (police officer, Amazing Spider-Man TV series)
Barclay, Tod (time-traveler, Astonishing #44)
Barker, Barney (50s war character)
Barnes, Brooklyn (Amalgam)
Baron Brimstone (Walter Theodoric, foe of Machine Man/Spider-Man/Paladin/more)
Baron Blood (Marvel Apes; impersonated Captain America)
Baron Wotan (Amalgam)
Baron Zero (What The?)
Baron Zero (Amalgam)
Barsh (alien infiltrator, Astonishing #32)
Bartak (Silver Surfer imposter)
Bartok, Bela (historical figure)
Barton (time traveler, Adventures into Terror #27)
Basic Black (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Basinger, Kim (What The?)
Bass, Sam (historical figure)
Bastinado (Ultraverse)
Batal (New Warriors character, Sabra foe)
Batgirl (Earth-74425)
Bathory, Elizabeth (historical figure)
Batman (Earth-3839)
Batman (Bruce Wayne, Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Batman (Azrael, Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Batman (Earth-74425)
Batman (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Batman (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Batroc's Brigade (mercenaries working for Batroc the Leaper)
Bat-Thing (Amalgam)
Battleaxe (Hostess villain)
Battlewagon (Ultraverse)
Battleworld (Doctor Doom’s; from Secret Wars 2015)
Bat-X (Unlimited Access)
Bayakura (Human Meteor hidden city)
Bayonet (Department H operative)
Baze, Ton-ton (voodoo priest, Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Bazin, Phillipe (crimelord, Darkhawk foe)
Bazinni, Pete (Ultraverse)
Bazor, King of the Underworld Demi-Gods (Adventures into Terror #43)
Beame, Abe (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Bear (Stark Seven/Mighty Avengers 1970s)
Beast (Earth-98121)
Beast Men (Black Rider foes, Western Winners #6)
Beast-Man, the (Marvel Tales #113)
Beastmaster (Berserkers member, Alpha Flight/X-Men character)
Beaver (Canada Corp operative)
Becker, Lint (Voodoo zombie master, Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #7)
Beetlepeople (Mister Zardu foes)
Belladonna (Ravanna/Spider-Man foe)
Belle Porte, including its residents
Benedict, Pierce (Roxxon executive, Captain America character)
Benton, Tommy (Spellbound #17)
Beowulf (King of the Geats, mortally wounded Grendell, joined Hercules' Gods of War)
Bernadeth (Amalgam)
Bestial (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Big Man (Janice Foswell) (villain from Marvel Team-Up #39-40)
Big Mouth (Hostess villain, Capain Marvel foe)
Billy (Peter Parker’s cousin, Sanger Harris Dallas Times Herald insert)
Billy Buckskin (western character)
Billy the Kid (historical figure)
Billy the Marlin (Miami Marlins mascot, Spider-Man ally)
Bio-Genes (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack foes)
Bird-Man (Achille DiBacco, 2nd group of Ani-Men, resurrected Scourge victim)
Birdwatcher (SPAFON member)
Bison (Kitson)
Black (Genogoth, Generation X: Genogoths novel)
Black Abbot (resurrected Scourge victim)
Black Ant (Secret Avengers foe, Illuminati member)
Black Baron (Astonishing #22)
Black Bart (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #9)
Black Beauty (horse, Marvel Classics Comics #5)
Black Bee (Spider-Man ally)
Black Bunny (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Black Devil (wolf, All-True Crime Cases #31)
Black Dragon Death Squad (Wolverine foes)
Black Knight (Earth-83930, Nightman TV series)
Black Metal (Agent foe)
Black Rider (Matthew Masters, Golden Age Western hero, not to be confused with his impersonators or Kim Lewis, one-time foe of Clay Harder with her own Black Rider identity)
Black Wolf (Department H operative)
Blackbyrd (NYC detective; appearedin several 70s titles)
Blackmark (fantasy character)
Blake, Becky (Daredevil supporting cast)
Blake, Donald (Thor ally from The incredible Hulk Returns)
Blake, Kent (1950s Secret Service agent, later met Spider-Man)
Blindspot (Daredevil sidekick)
Bling! (Roxanne Washington, X-Men character, Jean Grey School student)
Blink (Earth-616)
Bloated Bandit (Iron Man foe)
Blofeld, Ernst (member of Machiavelli Club, Marvel Super Special #19)
Bloodhawk (Lemuel Krug, ally/member of Earth-928's X-Men in 2099 AD)
Bloodshed (Wyndell Dichinson, professional criminal turned superhuman, joined Hood's army, Spider-Man foe)
Bloodstorm (Ororo Munroe of Earth-21710, vampirized by Dracula as a young pickpocket, eventually killed by Ahab)
Bloody Lips (serial killer who cannabalizes his victims for their powers)
Blow Dryer (Hostess villain, Human Torch foe)
Blue Bullet (Dr. Johann/John Goldstein, WWII-era Invaders character)
Blue Eagle (Earth-712's Squadron Supreme)
Blue Ear (Dr. Pedro Perez, Stark employee, custom comic character)
Blue Marvel (Marvel Boy duplicate)
Blur (Jeff Walters, alleged last survivor of Earth-148611/New Universe, now member of post-Secret Wars Squadron Supreme)
Boar (Beta Ray Bill/Spider-Man foe)
Bobcat (Hawkeye foe)
Bobster (Spider-Man ally)
Boddy, Noah (Earth-6799, Spider-Man cartoon)
Boilermaker (Brooklyn Avengers member)
Boise Kid (Gunsmoke Western #52)
Bomb (Wolverine's First X-Men)
Bombshell (Wendy Conrad, Death-Throws member, former partner of Oddbal/Healey)
Bombshell (Lori Baumgartner, energy-blasting mutant, formerly of Earth-1610)
Bond, James
Bonehead (Speedball/Squirrel Girl foe)
Boomslang (Marc Reimer, Serpent Society member who throws snake-shaped "serpent-rangs)
Boravia (fictional country in Spider-Man newspaper strip, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Boston Terroriers (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Box (Roger Boches, Alpha Flight member)
Box (Braddock Academy student)
Brady, Battle (50s war character)
Brady, Boot-Camp (50s war character)
Brain Spasm (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Brand, Buzz (50s war character)
Brant, Bob and the Troubleshooters (50s adventurers)
Brashear, Adrienne (daughter of Blue Marvel, Assistant Administrator of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.)
Brashear, Kevin (son of the Blue Marvel, first person to leave the Omniverse)
Brenner, Heinrich von (Nazi, Men’s Adventures #24)
Briar, Cassandra (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Briggs, Lou (Moon-man, Menace #1)
Brood (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Brooklyn Avengers (Spider-Man team)
BrooklynKnight (Brooklyn Nets mascot, BrooklynKnight #1)
Brother Brood (Amalgam)
Brothers (cosmic entities, DC vs. Marvel series, Adventures of the X-Men #12)
Brown, Abe (member of the Sons of the Tiger, brother of Hobie "Prowler" Brown)
Brown, Reno (licensed western character)
Bruin (Hobgoblin empowered villain)
Bruiser (mercenary, worked for various criminal organizations)
Bruklan (fictional country in The Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] #11, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Brun, Eva (Journey into Unknown Worlds #32)
Brushfire (Gravity foe)
Brute Force (90s cyborg animals who recently resurfaced in a Deadpool annual)
Brutus (historical figure, Marvel Tales #136)
Bryant, Jane (Menace #4)
Buff (Earth-700029, Generation X movie)
Buggit (Daredevil foe)
Buglers in Black (Spider-Man “foes”)
Bugout (Zoid, What The? character)
Building Behemoth (Hostess villain, Thing foe)
Bulldozer (Henry Camp, Wrecking Crew)
Bulldozer (Marci Camp, daughter of Bulldozer/Henry Camp)
Bullet (Buck Cashman, Daredevil foe)
Bullet Biker
Bullock, Clark (Amalgam)
Bumstead, Dagwood (Captain America #401)
Bundesadler (German hero, Morlum victim)
Burglekutt (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Burgos, Everett (Spider-Man: Mutant Agenda #2-3)
Burke, Battleship (50s war hero)
Burke, Tom (inventor, Marvel Science Stories vol. 1 #4)
Burnout (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Butcher (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Butterfly (Ultraverse)
Byrne, John (Earth-616)
Byrne, John (What The?)
Byter (Ultraverse)
Bzzk'Joh (Howard the Duck foe)
Cabal (Ultraverse)
Cable, Niles (Amalgam)
Cabral, Pedro Alvares (historical figure)
Caesar, Augustus (historical figure)
Caesar, Julius (historical figure)
Caesar of Crime (Lorna foe, Lorna the Jungle Girl #15)
Cage, Luke (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Cairn (Deathwalkers member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Caliban (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Caliber (Alpha Flight foe)
Calico Kid (Tex Morgan foe, Tex Morgan #5)
California [state that was or is the base of Avengers West Coast (just south of LA), Champions (LA), Daredevil and Black Widow (San Francisco)]
Calvin (humor character, L’il Kids #10-12)
Calvin, Dr. Wilma (former SHIELD agent assigned to work on Super-Soldier Serum, Man-Thing & Ka-Zar ally)
Campbell, Felicia (Ultraverse)
Canada Corp (Deadpool characters)
Canary (Amalgam)
Canasta (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Canasta (What The?)
Cancer (Ultraverse)
Candy Kid (Lawbreakers Always Lose #3)
Candy Man (Spider-Man foe from the novels)
Cannibal (Black Panther foe)
Cannonball (Earth-92131)
Cannonfire (Amalgam)
Cantrell, Kelly (Ultraverse)
Cantrell, Kelly (Ultraforce cartoon)
Cape Crow (assassin, Elektra character)
Captain Action (Earth-?, partner of Action Boy, Captain Action & Action boy promo (1967))
Captain America (Earth-3488/Ultimate Avengers cartoon movie)
Captain America (Earth-3839)
Captain America (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Captain America (Earth-74425)
Captain America (Earth-92131)
Captain America (Earth-98121)
Captain America (Earth-697064-1990 movie)
Captain America (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
Captain America (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Captain America (Grant Gardner; movie serial)
Captain America (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Captain America (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Captain America (What If? #44; revived later than on 616)
Captain America, Jr. (Unlimited Access)
Captain Armenia (Crazy Magazine character)
Captain Bad (What The?)
Captain Brazil (Earth-91119, Super Hero Squad cartoon)
Captain Britain (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Captain British (What The?)
Captain Canada (World Federation of Superheroes member)
Captain Citrus (Licensed character, Avengers ally)
Captain Forsa (Brazilian hero, Everyman murder
Captain Italy (Umberto Landi, Earth-1610) an Italian super-hero
Captain Liechtenstein (Earth-91119, Super Hero Squad cartoon)
Captain Marble (What The?)
Captain Marvel (Earth-74425)
Captain Marvel (Amalgam)
Captain Marvel Ball (What The?)
Captain Nemo
Captain Neato (What The?)
Captain Rectitude (She-Hulk foe)
Captain Terrific (Hero whose severed head hangs in Satan's Circus bar)
Captain Trunk (licensed character from Sledge Hammer)
Captain Wonder (Golden Age hero, only member of the The Twelve not covered)
Caramelli, Yusuf (pasha, historical figure, Battle #21, Marines in Battle #4, #6)
Carbone, Rosalie (Punisher foe, mafia princess)
Carson, Blaze (western character)
Carson, Richard (Shogun Warriors pilot)
Carter, Kathy (teen humor character)
Carter, Mary (alien spy, Journey into Mystery #21)
Carter, Nick (licensed detective character, Rendezvous with Dead Men)
Carter, Randolph (Uncanny Tales pulp vol. 2 #6)
Carter, Rufus "Super Midnight"
Caruthia (fictional country in Strange Tales #18, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Casey, Combat (50s war character)
Casket of Ancient Winters (Asgardian mystic artifact)
Cassady, Wes (Spider-Man ally)
Cassidy, Kid (former partner of Reno Jones, eventually killed by Joness during assault on Wonderment)
Castile D'Or (fictional country from golden age American Ace stories, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Cat (Shirlee Bryant)
Cat and Mouse (skilled thieves, musicians, & operatves of the Shroud)
Catfish (mutant, friend of Cannonball, Generation X: Genogoths novel)
Cat-Man (Townsend Horgan, member of first Ani-Men, died working for Count Nefaria)
Catseye ("Sharon Smith," one of Emma Frost's Hellions)
Cavernia (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Journey into Mystery #39)
Cazador, el (Ant-Man (Lang) foe)
Cellar (new superhuman prison)
Chadwick, Cheer (Royalist/Imperial Forces; foe of Captain America & the Thunderbolts)
Chairman (from the Hostess Spider-Man ad)
Chance (Powell; gambling mercenary)
Chance (Fallen Angels member)
Chandler, Marlo (Hulk character, married to Rick Jones)
Chane of the Yellow Hair (fantasy character, Savage Sword of Conan #63-64, 67; not a Robert E. Howard character)
Charade (mutant, X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors novel)
Charcoal (Thunderbolts member)
Charlie America (Not Brand Ecch version of Captain America)
Chase, Prof. Jonathan/"Manimal" (Earth-83930, Nightman TV series)
Chaste (foes of the Hand, Daredevil/Elektra characters)
Chat (Earth-616, Spider-Girl character)
Cheetah (Carracas, Captain Mar-Vell foe, Scourge victim)
Cherry Blossom (Nail member)
Cheshire Cat (Luke Cage foe, powers of invisibilty/teleportation/intangility, Flashmob member)
Chewie (Captain Marvel’s flerken; currently the only remaining adult)
Cheyenne Kid (Red Warrior #4)
Chickenwings (Morlock, Sabretooth victim)
Chimera (Superia's Femizons)
Chipmunk Hunk (Partner of Koi Boi, Squirrel Girl ally)
Chitauri (Earth-616, alien race)
Cho, Maddy (Hulk/Amadeus Cho's sister)
Choice (Ultraverse)
Chord, Andrew (supporting character for New Warriors & Night Thrasher, father of Silhouette & Midnight's Fire)
Chronosaurus Rex (Spider-Man/Silk armored foe/ally)
Chrysler Building (New York landmark; became sentient during World War Hulk)
Chupacabra, el (Mexican wrestler, Armadillo foe)
Churchill, Winston (historical figure)
Cinder (Pyrokinetic villain killed by Guardsmen)
Cipher (Alissa Tager, X-Men character)
Circuit Breaker (616)
Clam (Rocket Raccoon/Groot foe)
Cleopatra (historical figure)
Clinic for Paranormal Research (New Universe institution, crucial DP7 location/supporting characters)
Clock (Brian O'Brien; Earth 1136 Protectors; public domain)
Coachwhip (Beatrix Keener, Serpent Society member, wields electrically charged whips mounted to gauntlets)
Cobalt Tomahawk (American Eagle foe)
Cobra (villain from 60s Brazilian crossover between android Human Torch and Fawcett's Captain Marvel, possibly set on Earth-7642 [Earth-Crossover])
Coffee a Go-Go (original X-Men hangout in civilian guise)
Cohen, Izzy (Howling Commandos member)
Coker, Raymond (werewolf)
Cold War (Captain/Steve Rogers foe)
Coldmoon (Avengers ally, partner of Dragonfire)
Comanche (criminal archer, foe of Luke Cage, former partner of Shades)
Combat Kelly (50s war character)
Combo Man (Promotional character, A.I.M. foe)
Comet (Harris Moore, formerly retired 1950s hero, later joined Champions of Xandar)
Commedia Dell’Morte (Power Man/Iron Fist foes)
Commission of Superhuman Activities (U.S. government organization)
Confessor (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Connors, Billy (son of Curt Connors, ultimately killed by father's alter ego the Lizard)
Conway, Rita (Daily Bugle Reporter from Amazing Spider-Man TV series)
Cooper, Alice
"Cosmic Specter" (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Costa, Bruno (Punisher foe)
Costaguay (fictional country in Chamber of Chills #5, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Cottonmouth (Burchell Clemens, Serpent Society member)
Cowan, Buck (confidante of Jack Russell/The Werewolf)
Crane, Julia (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Crane, Percival (time-traveler, Strange Stories of Suspense #6)
"Cratus" (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Crawley, Bertrand (homeless informant for Moon Knight, father of the Slasher)
Cregg (murderer, Western Outlaws #7)
Crime Syndicate, the (Justice #41)
Crime-Master (Bennett Brant, Betty's brother, enemy of Venom/Flash Thompson)
Crimson Curse (Aerika Harkness, Earth-982/MC2, member of that world's Avengers, died)
Crimson Daffodil
Crimson Dynamo (Dimitri Bukharin, formerly known as Airstrike) (Hey, if Gavrilov can get a separate entry...)
Crimson Dynamo (Earth-534834)
Crisle (alien, Uncanny Tales #7)
Crockett, Davey (historical figure)
Cromwell (Ultraforce guy, Ultraverse)
Cromwell, Oliver (historical figure)
CrossGen Universe
Crotus (Limbo/Otherplace demon)
Crowbar (What The?)
Crusader (Ultraverse)
Crusher Clark (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Crusoe, Robinson (Marvel Classics Comics #19)
Cruz, Carlos (Punishser replacement)
Crystal (Earth-534834)
Culebra (Ultraverse)
Cult of the Klaw (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Cupid, Dan (Spellbound #24)
Cyber Croc (Amalgam)
Cyberforce (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Cyberiad (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Cyblade (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Cyborg (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Cyclops (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Cyclops (Earth-92131)
Cyclops (Earth-98121)
Cyclops (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Cyrus, Billy Ray (he met Merlin, so why not?)
D.I.S.K.s (Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
Da Costa, Emmanuel (White Rook of the Hellfire Club and Sunspot’s dad)
Da’ati, Nampi (Native American deity, Tim Holt #34 [first Ghost Rider story])
Dachs (German hero, Morlun murder victim)
Daddy Longlegs (Spider-Woman foe)
Daddy Wronglegs (Fantastic Four / Punisher foe)
Daemonites (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Dagger (Amalgam)
Dagnabbit (What The?)
Dagon (visitor from another dimension, Mystery Tales #47)
Dahntu (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Daily Globe (main rival to Daily Bugle)
Daimonji, Indira "Indy" (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series catoon)
Dakimh the Enchanter (Man-Thing character, last covered in the Master Edition)
Dale, Irvin and Jane (Astonishing #44)
Dale, Marc (mutant healer)
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
Dallas Kid (Six-Gun Western #1)
Dallas Kid (Two Gun Kid #33)
Dallas, Sam (For Men Only vol. 6 #3)
Damaskinos, Nyssa (Earth-26320, Blade movies)
Dame, Nosey (What The?)
Damian, Daniel (Eternals supporting cast member, later enemy)
Danan, Elora (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Dane, Jackson (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Daniel (Bible Tales for Young People #5)
Daniels, Lola (Earth-616, Phil Coulson's former gf)
Danning, Sandra (Leopard Girl foe, Jungle Action #1)
Dante (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Dantes, Edmond (Marvel Classics Comics #17)
Dare (Amalgam)
Dare, Dan (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Dare-a-Day Davy (met Nick Fury in Pow #33)
Daredevil (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Daredevil (Earth-92131)
Daredevil (Earth-98121)
Daredevil (Earth-534834)
Daredevil (Earth-701306)
Daredevil (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Daredevil (from Trial of the incredible Hulk)
Daredevil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1)
Dark Aegis (Earth-534834)
Dark Art (She-Hulk foe)
Dark Claw (Amalgam)
Dark Dimension (mystic realm, home to/ruled by Dormammu, Umar, and Clea at various points)
Dark Matter (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Dark Messiah (Mordecai Jones, agent of Moondragon, foe of Daredevil)
Dark Wave (Ultraverse)
Darkforce users (like Gamma Mutates entry)
Darkness, Haggatha (What The?)
Darkseid (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Darkstar (Sascha Roerich, redheaded women given original Darkstar's DNA & powers, turned into a monster & powers)
Darkurians (Ultraverse race)
D’Artagnan (musketeer)
Dashwood, Elinore (Sense and Sensibility)
DaSilva, Enriquo (Ultraverse)
David, King (Biblical figure)
DaVinci Toad (X-Men international reject)
Davis, Rick (50s spy)
Davis Jr., Sammy (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Dawson, Tex (western character)
Day, Dr Wendy (ally of Captain America from 1978 TV movies)
De Vine, Hedy (humor/romance character)
Dead Man's Hand (event)
Deadeye (Ultraverse)
Deadpool (Earth-10005)
Deadpool (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Death (Cap. America foe from Marvel Fanfare #26)
Death Locket (Avengers Arena character)
Death Reaper (Nekra’s daughter)
Death-Sting (Miranda Rand-K'ai, Iron Fist's sister)
Deathstroke (Tani Uriuson, assassin, Spider-Woman foe, killed 'auditioning' for position with Red Skull)
Defensor (Gabriel Sepulveda, participant in Grandmaster's Contest of Champions, killed by Zeitgest)
Delectrode (Spider-Man foe)
Delta Vee (Arcadia Group member)
Demolition Derby (Hostess Villain, Spider-Man foe)
Demon Dinosaur (Brainchild creation, Spider-Man/Devil Dinosaur foe)
Demona (Daimon Hellstrom's daughter, Infinity: The Hunt character)
Department of the Uncanny (WW II era magic team)
Depresso (Xavier School reject)
Desadia (clairvoyant, former partner of Gabriel the Devil-Hunter)
DeSalvo, Emma/"Rapport" (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Deserter (Hostess villain, Captain America foe)
Destroyer (Remo Williams)
Detroit Steel (Iron Man foe)
Devil Shark (Men’s Adventures #25)
Devil's Reign (crossover event with Top Cow)
Devourer of Souls (Conan foe)
Die-Cut (Marvel UK character)
Difference Engine (1907 era Wonder, Upward Path member, Runaways character)
Digger (Roderick Krupp, horror host turned member of Night Shift)
Dill, Dolly (40s humor character)
Dimly, Pearl (humor character)
Disciplinarian (Dagger foe)
Discus (Tim Stuart, brother of Stiletto, foe of Luke Cage)
Disk-Eyes the Detective (40s detective)
Ditto (Goodmam, Lieber, Kurtzburg & Holliway, shape-shifting process server)
DK (mutant, X-Factor member)
Doc Savage (pulp character)
Doctor, the
Doctor Anarchy (Fight-Man foe)
Doctor Bultar (Thanos/Adam Warlock foe)
Doctor Crocodile (Joshua N'Dingi, Captain Britain & X-Men character)
Doctor Danger (Jules Bergen, Old West criminal, member of Iron Mask's Circus of Crime, foe of Kid Colt)
Doctor Dark (B-Sides/Fantastic Four foe)
Doctor Doom (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes version)
Doctor Dorcas (Sub-Mariner foe)
Doctor Goodwrench (mutant, West Coast Avengers foe)
Dr. Mime (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
Doctor Mindbubble (Captain Americal foe)
Doctor Octopuse (Octavia Otto of Earth-1104, ally of the Web-Warriors)
Doctor Positron (son of the Blue Marvel)
Dr. Sacotti (from 1948's Ideal #2)
Dr. Satan (Captain America (Mace) foe)
Doctor Sax (former foe of Dazzler & partner of Johnny Guitar)
Doctor Strange (1970s TV movie)
Doctor Strange (Earth-8107)
Doctor Strangefate (Amalgam)
Doctor Tannenbaum (Great Lakes Avengers foe)
Doctor Tricky (Fight-Man foe)
Doctor Warlock (Empirikul victim)
DoctOrangutang (Fight-Man foe)
Doctor Zero (Earth-88194, Shadowline character, appeared/died during Secret Wars)
Dog Brother #1 (Iron Fist character, one of the Immortal Weapons)
Dog Pound (mutant, M.O.N.S.T.E.R. member, Generation X: Crossroads novel)
Dolan, Stacy (Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch character, would-be victim of Colonel America)
Domino (Dominic Dunsinane, information broker, helped the Scourge program)
Don of the Dead (former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Taskmaster foe)
Doom (man believing himself to be the Heroic Age's Victor von Doom, Earth-928's 2099 AD)
Doom (heroic Victor von Doom from What If? #22)
Doomsday Man (Energy Drainers member, Captain America foe)
Doomstomp (Who Wants To Be A Thunderbolt? contestant)
Doorman (Crazy Magazine character)
Dorez, Rodrigo (plantation owner, Uncanny Tales #11)
Dorma (Heroes Reborn counterpart on Franklin Richards' Counter-Earth, presumably died after dimension-hopping Proteus/MacTaggert raised her Atlantis to the surface)
Double-Time (Fresh-Men member)
Downes, Johnny (early mutant? Mystic #41)
Drabny the Fixer (Amalgam)
Dracula (Earth-74425)
Dragila (monster, Uncanny Tales #29)
Drago Kid (Kid Colt Outlaw #48)
Dragon Fang (Ultraverse)
Dragonclaw (Silk foe/ally)
Dragonfire (Night Raven foe)
Dragonfire (Avengers ally, partner of Coldmoon)
Dragonfly (Ultraverse)
Dragonrider (Atlantean rebel, later Fathom Five member)
Dragon's Claws (team on Earth-5555 circa 8162 AD)
Drax (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Dread (agent of Anton Hellgate)
Dreadknight (Earth-534834)
Dream Crystal (Amalgam)
Dream Date (Amalgam)
Dream Eye (Dakota Chief, Arrowhead #2)
Drew, Anton (anthropologist, Spellbound #32)
Drizly, Amos (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #8)
Dromedan (Deviant)
Drop Kick (Ultraverse)
Druzek (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Mystic #49)
Dryad (Callie Vetto; resurrected Xavier Institute student who can control plant life & growth)
Ducktor Doom (Spider-Ham foe; doesn't want to be a rock star; he just wants to rule the world)
Dude (western character, Two-Gun Kid #14)
Duey (Ultraverse)
Duey (Ultraforce cartoon)
Duffy, Jo (Earth-616)
Dugan, Devil-Dog (50s war character)
Dugan, Ken (time traveler, Marvel Tales #135)
Duke (G.I.Joe First Sergeant; appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #268)
Duke, Mortimer (member of Machiavelli Club)
Duke of Borazzo (Mystery Tales #10)
Duke of Density (What The?)
Duke, Randolph (member of Machiavelli Club)
Dumsday (What The?)
Duplessis, Mirielle (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Dusk (Negative Zone rebel leader)
Dusk (Cassie St. Commons, Slingers)
Dust Devil (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
Dyata (Ultraverse)
Dynamic Concepts (Corporation who approached Tungsten about being their armored "spokesmask")
Dynamo (Earth-91274, Neo-Knights member)
Dynorr the Stalker (Namor foe)
Dystopia (Reality-9200, world where the Hulk became the Maestro, home reality of Janis Jones)
E.V.A. (manifestation of Fantomex's nervous system)
Eagan, Dallas (criminal, Lawbreakers Always Lose #2)
Eagan, Hammerhead (Detective Short Stories vol. 3 #2)
Eagle, Herbert
Eames, Clayton E. (attorney, Detective Short Stories vol. 1 #2)
Early, Jubal (historical figure, Battle Action #30)
Earp, Ezra (western character, Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine pulp vol. 3 #2)
Earp, Wyatt
Earth Force (foes turned allies of Thor)
Earth Lord (Kyle Brock, member of Earth Force, Thor character)
Earth-616 (where most Marvel stories take place; nope, it's never had its own entry except in Appendices)
Earth-7642 (Earth-Crossover)
Earth-58627 (1989 Punisher film)
Earth-74425 (Bravavelli advertisements world)
Earth-700029 (Spider-Woman cartoon)
Earth-Bullpen (world where Marvel staffers are the Fantastic Four)
Earthforce (an alternate-reality Ultraforce)
Earth-“Pow! Biff! Pops!”
Earthquake (Imperial Guard member)
Earth-S (712): home of Squadron Supreme
Earth-“The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic”
Earth-Valiant Marvels
(merged Marvel Earth-616/Earth-Valiant Universe)
Eastman, Monk (murderer, Crime Must Lose #12)
Eaton, Mark (Mystery Tales #37)
Ebony (Calico Kid’s [Rex Fury] horse)
Ebony Blade (cursed weapon forged by Sir Percy from the Starstone, wielded by many, including Dane Whitman)
Ebony Maw (member of Thanos's Black Order)
Ebora (priestess, Marvel Premiere #5-6)
Eborsisk (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Ebron (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ecallaw (Warlock and the Infinity Watch #26, 41)
Ecce (Watcher)
Eccentrics (What The?)
Ecchscalibur (What The?)
Ecdysiast (Rick Jones "foe")
Echelon Super-Soldier Program (Red She-Hulk foes)
Echhs-Men (Not Brand Echh)
Echidna (Doom Maidens member)
Eckhardt, Professor Jonas (Axis Mundi member)
Eckhart, Mason (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Ecliptic (Alpha Flight foe)
E-Coli (Fight-Man foe)
Ecuador (country, Marvel Atlas entry)
Ed (Headline Hunter editor, 40s character)
Eden, Barbara (Ultraverse)
Edge, Morgan (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Edgeworth, Harry (pilot, Stag vol. 11 #7)
Edwards, Mary (Marvel Mystery Comics #6)
Eel (Nazi agent, Captain America foe)
Eel (Edward Lavell, successor to Viper's brother)
Eel (Atlantean)
Eelar (Giant-Size Defenders #5)
Eelectro (Larval Earth, Spider-Ham foe)
Eerok (giant monster, FF/Iron Man character)
Effex (Ultragirl foe)
Effinger, Dia (Daredevil #78-79)
Egg (X-Men, formerly Goldballs)
Egghead (Punisher War Journal #8)
Egghead (Earth-98121)
Eggleston, W. E. (Detective, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 2 #6)
Ego, the Living Planet (Earth-534834)
Ehrmann, John (Iron Man #137, 140-141)
Eiffel Flower (X-Men international reject)
Eight Immortals (Chinese team)
Eikert (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eirig (King, Marvel Super Special #28)
Eisele, Horst (Hydra agent, Thunderbolts foe)
Eisenhower, Dwight (historical figure)
Elasti-Girl (Amalgam)
"Elastico" (criminal who has a profile in the in universe "Super Villains Handbook," Elektro character)
Elastika (Earth-534834)
Elderly Man (Crazy Magazine character)
Elders of the Universe
“Elec Boy” (mutant, Phantome foe)
Electric Eve (mutant member of Chicago-based Morlocks, uncontrollable electrical generation powers)
"Electric Scaramouche" (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Electrisha (Amazing Fantasy, Vegas character)
Electro (90s Spider-Man cartoon/Red Skull's son)
Electro (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Electro (Earth-120703, Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie)
Electrocute (Ultraverse)
Electrode (Department H operative)
Electro-Man (Robert Tunstall)
Electron (Imperial Guard)
Elephant Steve (Earth-99062, Avengers member)
Elijah (biblical figure)
Eliminator (Fantastic Four foe)
Eliminator (Ultraverse)
Ellen (Firearm girlfriend, Ultraverse)
Elmer (40s humor character)
Elric of Melnibone (appeared in two issues of a Conan story as well as a few of his own)
Elven (Ultraverse)
Ember (Paul Chenklo, Force Works character, champion of the Dudak people of Slorenia)
Ember (Bastards of Evil member)
Emerald Warlock (Scarlet Witch foe)
Emissaries of Evil (all members of all line-ups, like the entries for the Lethal Legion or the Masters of Evil)
Emotion Charger (Dr. Doom device)
Emperor of Texas (Team America foe)
Emperor Spider (Journey into Unknown Worlds #24)
Empire State University (New York City-based college, history & known students/faculty)
Empire-7 (Ultraverse)
Empirikul (There goal "purify" all magic across the dimensions)
Emplate (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Empyrean (mutant, X-Men foe)
Encephalon (Blackheart servant, Red Hulk foe)
Enchantress (Heroes Reborn character, FR's recreation of Amora, member of that world's Lethal Legion)
Endicott, Gloria (criminal, Justice Comics #5)
Endo (Wolverines character)
Endotherm (Thomas Wilkins, Iron Man foe)
Energizer (Katie Power)
Energy Drainers (Captain America foes)
Enforcer (Charles Delazney Jr., foe of multiple heroes, first known Scourge victim)
Enforcer (Mike Nero, Hood foe)
Enigma Force (Source of power for Captain Universe)
Enigma Force (Microverse team)
Entity on the Moon (Ultraverse)
Entropy (One of the Seven Friendless, son of Eternity, has encountered Genis-Vell and Starbrand & Nightmask)
Eon (deceased cosmic being, mentor of Captain Marvel and Quasar)
Eosimias (Xavier student)
Epiphany (daughter of Eternity, member of  the Seven Friendless, Genis-Vell & Rick Jones character)
Epsilon (Arcadia Group, Wolverines character)
Eques (X-Men at the Texas State Fair, promo character)
Equilibrius (Savage Land Mutates)
Erg (former Morlock)
Ergo the Magnificent (Marvel Super Special #28)
Erik (Viking, Navy Action #9)
Eriksson, Magnus (historical figure)
Erlik (Hyborian/Mongolian god)
Ernst (X-Man-in-training, superstrong, possibly afflicted with progeria)
Erraut, Edward (murderer, Mystery Tales #14)
Erricone (mobster, All-True Crime #42)
Esmerelda (Marvel Classics Comics #3)
Espectro (Silk ally)
Espeth (Genogoth, Generation X: Genogoths novel)
Esquida, Vincent (Ultraverse)
Essex Corporation (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Estacado, Jackie (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Esther (Bible Tales for Young People #5)
Eternals (Earth-199999)
Ethicals (five humans transformed into godlike beings by energy discharge caused by Machine Man, later found on Stranger's Laboratory World)
Eula (ape-woman, Uncanny Tales pulp vol. 2 #6)
Euroforce update
Europe (continent, source of many international heroes/villains; map in original Handbook needs updating).
Eurystheus (Foe of Hercules and Wolverine)
Evangelist (Blackheart servant, Venom foe)
Evans, Clarence (murderer, Crimefighters #8)
Evans, Doris (Fantastic Four #203, Iron Man Annual #8)
Evans, Doris "Dorrie" [the Human Torch (Storm)'s first known girlfriend who did not love Johnny's super-hero job and who came back in the last issue of Fantastic Four (#645), after she was married and had children]
Evans, Dorrie (Earth-98121)
Evans, Ed (time traveler, Strange Tales #38)
Evans, Leo (Sgt., Battlefront #5)
Evans, Mary (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Evans, Willie (Pvt., Combat #5)
Evens, Marla (Journey into Unknown Worlds #8)
Everett, Bill (Earth-616)
Everett, Vince (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Everwraith (astral embodiment of all who died in the atomic attacks of Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
Evil Deadpool (clone compossed of parts of Deadpool that had been cut off over the years)
Evil Inhumans (Maximus, Aireo, Falcona, Leonus, Nebulo, Stallior, Timberius) [I really would like to read this profile]
Evilizer (toy gun that two minor villains killed each other over; from a Speedball story in Marvel Super-Heroes)
Excalibur (The Sword in the Stone, magical sword wielded by King Arthur, currently in Faiza Hussain's possession)
Excavator (Ricky Callusky, son of Piledriver, Wrecking Crew character)
Executioner (Young Masters member)
Exiles (Ultraverse team)
Exmore, Sam (Fast Lane anti-drug inserts)
Exocet (Meteor Man foe)
Expatriate (Generation X novels villain)
Experiment XYZ (Tales to Astonish #1)
Explorer's Club (1950s group)
Express, Agamotto (Amalgam)
Exterminatrix (Oubliette Midas, Noh-Varr character, daughter of Dr. Midas)
Exto Clan (aliens, Deadpool foes)
Eyeclops (What The?)
Eyes, the (Astonishing #30)
Eye-Scream (X-Men foe)
Eyl, David (50s war character, Men in Action #6)
Ezaki, Noriko (Shadowmasters #2-3)


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1/21/2020 7:41 am  #2

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Fabian, Henry (archaeologist, World of Fantasy #8)
FACADE (Spider-Man foe)
Façade (What The?)
Facade (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
Facelift (Brooklyn Avengers/Spider-Man foe)
Factious Five (Sentry foes)
Fahrnwell, Kent (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #6)
Fairchild (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Fairfax, Jane (Emma)
Fairmont, Roger (Adventures into Weird Worlds #6)
Fairweather, Simon (Male vol. 6 #6)
Falcon (Torres, Captain America: Sam Wilson ally)
Falcon (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Falcona (Evil Inhumans)
Falk, Chris (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Fall (Four Seasons member, Ultimate Spider-Man TV comic)
Fallen Angels (NYC gang of superpowered individuals)
False-Face Gang (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Falter, Ernest (time-traveler, Mystery Tales #40)
Famine (Rolfson)
Fancy Dan (Dan Brito, member of the Enforcers)
Fandom Stranger (What The?)
Fandral (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Fandral the Dashing (one of the Warriors Three)
Fang (Mobster, Captain America Comics #6)
Fang (Lorna foe, Lorna the Jungle Girl #7)
Fangella (What The?)
Fantastic Four (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Fantastic Four (Earth-92131)
Fantastic Four (Earth-98121)
Fantastic Four (Earth-121698/2005 Fantastic Four movie and sequel)
Fantastic Four (Earth-534834)
Fantastic Four (of Earth-Bullpen)
Fantastic Four (Superman #50)
Fantastic Lad (Amalgam)
Fantastical Four (What The?)
Fantom of the Fair (Public domain character, Avengers #92 1971)
Fantomelle (Wolverines character)
Faraday, Heather (Ultraverse)
Fargo Kid (Blaze Carson foe, Tex Morgan #5)
Fargo Kid (Kid Colt Outlaw #31)
Fargo Kid (Two Gun Western vol. 2 #7)
Fargo, Ken (Haunt of Horror vol. 1 #2)
Farmer, Robert (Amalgam)
Farraday, Jabez (Western character, Cowboy Action #8)
Farrell, Kat (Daily Bugle reporter)
Fast Five (Blue Streak's team)
Fastforward (Quasar character)
Fastman (Fight-Man foe)
Fatale (Kate Horsley, Black Widow foe/ally)
Fate (40s character who appeared in various crime comics)
Fates (cosmic)
Father Time (Captain America #383)
Fawcett-Majors, Farrah (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Fawn Woman (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Best of the West #4)
Feather Boa (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
Feedback (Beta Flight member)
Feng Po-Po (Thunderbolts foe)
Fenton, Al (Spellbound #7)
Fernandez, John (reporter/Stamford victim)
Fernands, Anastasia (SHIELD press secretary)
Fenris Wolf (Asgardian creature and apparent offspring of Loki); no entry since Deluxe Edition. Since neither parent looks like a wolf, one or both of their ancestors must have had an interesting night at some point, with the wolf proving to be the recessive gene.
Ferret (would-be super-hero, Amazing Spider-Man story)
Feuer (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Fiber (Wolverine foe)
Fickle Fly (Spider-Man foe)
Fields, Dr. Carolyn (David Banner’s second wife, Incredible Hulk TV series)
Fifi the Duck (Howard the Duck/She-Hulk character)
Fifty-One (alien, Rangers member)
Fighting American (he met a version of Captain America in a Hembeck cartoon in Marvel Age #83)
Figment (Big House inmate)
Fin (Intruders member)
Finesse (Jeanne Foucault, Avengers Academy student)
Finn, Huckleberry (Marvel Classics Comics #7)
Fire God (Jungle Tales vol. 1 #3)
Fire People (Mystery Tales #23)
Firearm (Ultraverse)
Firebolt (Sloan)
Firebrand (Damon Malone, burn-scarred pirate in 1948, foe of Namor and Namora)
Firebrand (Amanda, mercenary, has faced Iron Man under the employ of the Mandarin and Spymaster)
Firebug (Alpha/Beta Flight foe)
Firefall (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
Firefall (Archie Stryker): Earth criminal in Spaceknight armour)
Firefight (Heroes for Hire foe)
Firefox (Grigori Andreivitch, Russian cyborg & assassin)
Fish Men (Mystery Tales #9)
Fisticuff-Woman (Fight-Man foe)
Fitz, Leo (Earth-616, SHIELD)
Fitzgerald, Caitlin (Access/Axel Asher's DC Universe girlfriend)
Fitzgerald, Tim (Earth-928 mutant, member of 2099's X-Men)
Fixer (Roscoe Sweeney, "fixed" boxing matches, had Jack Murdock killed for not taking a dive, Daredevil foe)
Flame (Dazzler foe)
Flame Thrower (Hostess villain, Human Torch foe)
Flame Witch (1950's foe of Leopard Girl)
Flap Flipflop (40s humor character)
Flat Man (Spellbound #3)
Flatt, Miles (possible Initiative recruit)
F’leet (Ultraverse)
Flerken (alien race normally resembling domestic cats; only one surviving adult but numerous offspring)
Flint (NuHuman/Inhuman)
Floyd, Sally (reporter for Front Line, mother of deceased mutant child)
Fly (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Flying Carpet (Super Heores of Europe member)
Fly-Man (Mystic #29)
Foe (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Foe-Dog (Iceman character)
Foolkiller 2099
Forbush, Irving (Earth-665)
Force (Guardians of the Galaxy-691 foes)
Force of Nature (team of super-powered agents of Project Earth, New Warriors enemies)
Forearm (Michael McCain, multi-armed mutant with superstrength, former MLF member, current citizen of Krakoa)
Foreigner (Spider-Man foe/Silver Sable's ex)
Forget-Me-Not (1907 era Wonder, Sinners member, Runaways character)
Fortisquians (alien race, include Caretakers of Arcturus and Comet Man's ally Max)
Foster, Flash (50s racer)
Four Seasons (villain team, Ultimate Spider-Man TV comic)
Fourhand (mutant, M.O.N.S.T.E.R. member, Generation X: Genogoths novel)
Fourth Musketeer (Golden Age hero)
Fox, Phil (Daily Bugle reporter, Luke Cage ally)
Fox, Shalimar/"ShadowFox" (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Foxfire (Ultraverse)
F’rahsti (What The?)
Francis of Assisi (Francis, Brother of the Universe #1)
Frankenstein Monster (Harry Bennett) (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #10)
Frankensurfer (Borgo, foe of Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange)
Frankie and Johnnie (World’s Greatest Songs Illustrated #1)
Franklin, Benjamin (historical figure)
Fraser, Kate (Dracula / Captain Britain character)
Frazer, Ingram (Journey into Mystery #22)
Freakout (Derangers member)
Freaks of Fear (Ghost Rider (Rex Fury) foes)
Frederick the Great (historical figure, Marines in Action #5, Battle Action #24)
Free, Scott (Amalgam)
Freedom Force (Initiative team)
Freedom Force (U.S. Army team)
Freedom's Five (WWI team)
Freefall (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Freeman, Barbara (Ultraverse)
Freeware (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Freex (Ultraverse team)
Freud, Sigmund (historical figure)
Friedrich, Gary (Earth-616)
Friends of Humanity (Earth-92131)
Frietzak (Belgian superhero)
Frightful Five (Amalgam)
Frightful Four update
Frightful Four (team of monster mercenaries formed by Dracula)
Frimp, Felicity (Spider-Man foe)
Frisco Kid (Western Gunfighters vol. 1 #26)
Fritter, Henry (Uncanny Tales #37)
Frizone (Hostess villain, Human Torch foe)
Frobisher, Nigel (Excalibur/Captain Britain character, once transformed into a double of Vixen, killed by Sat-Yr-9)
Froelich, Franz (living doll, Astonishing #20)
Froma (alien race, members have encountered Iron Man and later She-Hulk)
Frost Pharaoh (Miles Morales foe)
Frost, Adrienne (Emma Frost's older sister, Generation X villain, shot & killed by Emma)
Frost, Doug (Bachelor magazine vol. 2 #1)
Frost, Emma (Earth-92131)
Frost, Sidney (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Frostbite (Iron Man foe)
Fry, Bob (Journey into Unknown Worlds #53)
Frye, Del (Incredible Hulk TV series; became a Hulk-like creature before Banner did)
Frye's Creature (Earth-400005, Incredible Hulk, TV series)
Fu Manchu (father of Shang-Chi, done some other things)
Fuddle, Frankie (humor character)
Fuel (Offer’s Squad, Wolverine ally)
Full Throttle (Road Force: Reconnaissance and Demolitions Division member)
Fulton, Jerry (telepath, Mystery Tales #39)
Fumes (Furious Five member)
Funke (German admiral, Battle #38)
Funnel (mutant, X-Men: Mutant Empire #3 novel)
Furball (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
Furies (Olympian goddesses, Alecto, Megaera & Tisiphone; one-time foes of Ghost Rider/Ketch)
Furious Five (Spider-Man foes)
Furious, Knock (leader of SHEESH; Not Brand Ecch #8)
Fury, Nick (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Fury, Nick (Earth-534834)
Fury, Nick (Marvel MAX/Earth-200111)
Future Man (All-Winners Squad foe)
Fuzz, the (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
G.I.Joe (team of Real American Heroes)
Gabbino (swami, Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Tim Holt #26)
Gabop (What The?)
Gabriel (angel, biblical figure)
Gabriel (RCX agent)
Gabriel (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Gadfly (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
Gadget (Cervantes)
Gaea (Amalgam)
Gaines, Roland & Roxanne (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series catoon)
Galacta (daughter of Galactus)
Galactiac (Amalgam)
Galactic Council (assembly of leaders of empires throughout universe, Trial of Reed Richards, Maximum Security)
Galacticus (What The?)
Galactus (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Galactus (Earth-534834)
Galactus (Earth-Kalimán)
Gale, Dorothy (Marvel's Wizard of Oz adaptations)
Galleo, Antonius (gladiator, Marvel Tales #146)
Gambit (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Gambit (Earth-92131)
Gamble, Professor Justin Alphonse (ex-TVA agent, time traveler)
Gamesmaster (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Gamma Quest (novels event)
Gamma Ray (Earth-700089, Fantastic Four cartoon)
Gamora (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Gamorola (Amalgam)
Gand, Mig-El (Amalgam)
Gang (Pan Asian School student, Infinity: The Hunt character)
Gang War (Spider-Man event)
Gangsta (Ultraverse)
Garden of Eden (Marvel Tales #141)
Gardner (Amalgam)
Gardner, Guy (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Gargoyle Brothers (Department of Occult Armaments members)
Gargoyles of Madness (Uncanny Tales pulp vol. 3 #1)
Garibaldi, Giuseppe (historical figure, Battleground #9)
Garrington, Eobar (ancestor of Dane Whitman, body was possessed for a time by Whitman's spirit)
Garth, Donna (Simon Garth's daughter, Legion of Night)
Gas (mutant, Dawn of the White Light member, Wolverine foe)
Gate (Ultraverse)
Gatecrasher (leader of the Technet)
Gateway (X-Men ally)
Gatlin, Machine Gun Butch (criminal, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Gato, el (Ultraverse)
Gator (Gavin Grant, mutated wrestler)
Gaylord, Linda (Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Gecko (Ultraverse)
Gehringer, Pete (mutant, Avengers/JLA character)
Geirrodur (king of Asgardian trolls)
Geller, Uri (Psychic, Daredevil ally)
Gemini (Joshua Link, Zodiac Cartel)
Gemini (Marvel Italia team)
Gemini (Ultraverse)
Gen13 (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Genegineer (Daniel Moreau, Genoshan scientist, oversaw transformation of Genoshan mutants into mutates)
Generation Hex (Amalgam)
Generation X (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Generator X (Ultraverse)
Generic Badguy (Fight-Man foe)
Genevieve (Earth-92131 (Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon)
Genie (from Aladdin’s lamp, Strange Stories of Suspense #5, Journey into Mystery #25, Marvel Classics Comics #30)
Genie (Ultraverse)
Genogoths (novels group)
Gentleman (novels Spider-Man foe)
Georgie (40s humor character)
Geronimo (historical figure)
Ghast (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Ghost Dancer (Department of the Uncanny member)
Ghost Rider (Rex Fury)
Ghost Rider (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ghost Rider (Earth-534834)
Ghost Rider (Alejandra)
Ghost Roller (What The?)
Ghosts of Christmas
Ghosts of Cyclops (All-New X-Men foes)
Ghost Strike (Meteor Man foe)
Ghost Writer (What The?)
Ghoul (Malloy, Hulk foe)
Ghoul (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Ghoul (Jonathan Martin of Ultraverse, died and gained powers from Theta Virus, member of the world's first  Exiles team, later joined Ultraforce)
Ghoul (Ultraverse cartoon)
Giant Flea Market Eating Flea (Hostess villain, Captain Marvel foe)
Giant-Man (Malhotra, Ant-Man ally)
Gianus, Comte Alvise
Gideon (New Mutants/X-Force villain, one of the Externals)
Gideon, Gregory (Fantastic Four foe/Glorian's dad)
Gila (Arcadia Group, Wolverines character)
Gilbert, Gregson (Dragon Man's creator, appeared in Fantastic Four, Sub-Mariner, Power Pack and Human Torch comics)
Gilbert, Roxanne (Iron Man character, sister and daughter of Gary and Simon Gilbert, respectively)
Gimmick (Fight-Man foe)
Gismotron (Fight-Man foe)
Git (Earth-751263, Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon)
Giyera (Earth-199999, Inhuman, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Gladiator (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Glamor (Vision & Scarlet Witch character, widow of Illusion, stage magician & thief)
Glenn, Heather (former girlfriend of Matt Murdock with mental health issues, committed suicide)
Glob Herman (Robert Herman, mutant with "living wax" body, X-Men character)
Globalita (promo character, Iron Man ally)
Glow Worm (Morlock, X-Factor character)
Glyph (Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. member)
Gnatman (Not Brand Echh)
Goblyn (Alpha Flight character, deformed mutant girl, sister of Pathway/Laura Dean)
God of Justice (Marvel Tales #123)
God Squad (multi-pantheon team of gods & supernatural beings, first opposed Skrull pantheon gods & later Chaos King)
Godzilla (giant scary monster)
Go-Getter (SPAFON member)
Gold Rush (Fast Five member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Goldballs (X-student)
Goldbrick (1907 era Wonder, Sinners member, Runaways character)
Golddigger (Angela Golden, foe of Captain America and Hawkeye)
Golden Agency (Earth-S World War II era team)
Golden Kid (murderer, Tex Taylor #5)
Golden Kid (murderer, Apache Kid #7)
Goldfire (Sabuki, V-Battalion member)
Goldigger (Mr Fantastic foe in Hostess ad)
Goleta the Wizard-Slayer (Weirdworld character)
Goliath (Biblical)
Gomi (Fallen Angels member)
Goodman, Martin (Earth-616, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
Goody Two-Shoes (minor Thing foe exaggerated by John Byrne-616)
Goom (alien invader from Planet X, father of Googam)
Goose Rider (Larval Earth hero from Marvel Tails)
Gopher (Howard the Duck foe)
Gopher (She-Hulk character)
Gordon (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D TV series)
Gorr the Golden Gorilla (Fantastic Four character)
Gossip Girl (Furious Five member, Spider-Man foe)
Gragoa (Monsters of Evil member)
Grahh-Nola, the Crunch That Walks Like A Man (Portland Avengers, parody character)
Grain Reaper (Foolkiller/Yodman foe)
Grant, Doug (50s spy)
Grappler (She-Hulk foe & victim of Scourge)
Grapplers (team of female wrestlers who became costumed criminals/mercenaries)
Grasscutter (magical sword; has been wielded by Amatsu-Mikaboshi and Gorgon)
Gravestone (member of Earth-1136's Protectors)
Great Question (Amazing Man/Prince of Orphans foe)
Great Society (Earth-4290001)
Green Gagsters (Spider-Man foes)
Green Guardswoman (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Green Skull (Captain America foe)
Grenade (Ultraverse, member of the Strangers)
Grey, Jean (Earth-10005)
Grid (Inhuman/NuHuman)
Griffith, David "D.W." (close friend of Luke Cage, owner/operator of the Gem Theatre)
Grimm, Ben (alternate reality Thing cured by Thing-616)
Grobe, Darrion (son of Advent, came from the future and "replaced" Speedball in the New Warriors for some time)
Grod, Magilla (What The?)
Grogg (giant monster found under Russia, member of SHIELD's Howling Commandos)
Growing Boy (Amalgam)
Grrugg (Trrosstian alien, Spellbound #10)
Grubb, Jason (time-traveler, Tales of Suspense #2)
Gruber Brothers (members of Machiavelli Club)
Gruenwald, Jenette (Amalgam)
Grunau (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Astonishing #51)
Grundy, Geraldine (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Grunge (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Guardian (Mr. Doug; one of two villains who killed each other over a toy gun; from a Speedball story in Marvel Super-Heroes)
Guardian (synthoid replica/clone of James M. Hudson, circa age 19, one-time co-leader of Alpha Flight)
Guardian Angel (Amalgam)
Guardian of the Spirit World (golden age Vision foe)
Guardians of the Galaxy (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Guardians of the Galaxy (Disney XD animated series)
Guardinghams of the Universe (What The?)
Gudrun the Golden (Hostess villain, Thor foe)
Guest Host Offengers (What The?)
Guiding Light (Soap Opera crossover character)
Guillotine (French heroine, Contest of Champions character)
Guise (Ultraverse)
Gullin, Granny (Amalgam)
Gummi (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Gummy (Royal Roy’s pet crocodile)
Gun Nut (Ultraverse)
Gun-Barrel Kid (2 Gun Western #4)
Gun-Dance Kid (Cowboy Action #6)
Gungnir (Odin's spear)
Gunhawk (Red Larabee, western character)
Gunhawk (aka Bounty-Hawk, bounty hunter, killed Kid Colt at Wonderment)
Gunk (Ultraverse)
Gun-R (Korean hero killed in the Contest of Champions)
Gutierrez, Joey (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Gutman, Casper (Gentleman ally)
Gutter Gang (What The?)
Guy the Gardener (What The?)
Gwendor (Ultraverse)
Gwenpool (Gwen Poole)
Gypsy Moth (Defenders/Initiative foe)
Gyration, Henry Peter (What The?)
Gyrich (Amalgam)
Gyrich, Henry (Earth-92131)
H.E.C.T.O.R. (Amalgam)
Haarfager, Harold (historical figure)
Hack (Hulk character)
Hacker, Tim (depowered mutant, victim of the Ghoul)
Hackett, Bob (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #98)
Hackstabber, Rufus T. (Shang-Chi/Defenders character)
Haddad, Dean (SHIELD agent)
Haddon, Hook (murderer, Kid Colt Outlaw #30)
Haechi (New Warriors member, NuHuman/Inhuman)
Hag, the (Human Torch foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #19)
Haggis (X-Men international reject)
Haines, Lou (Cap foe, Captain America Comics #3)
Hair-Trigger Kid (Two Gun Western vol. 2 #8)
Hako (giant hawk, Jungle Action #3)
Hale, Norman (immortal, Astonishing #47)
Hale, Jr., Timothy (historical figure, Battle #40)
Halflife (alien babe)
Half-Mad (French kyphotic mutant, Werewolf (Russell) foe)
Halfshot (What The?)
Hall, Jimmy (pilot, Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Hallock, Hair-Trigger (western character, Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine pulp vol. 3 #2)
Halloran, Lisa (Ultimates character, Ms. America love intrest)
Halloway, Caleb (western character, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
Haloroma (Amalgam)
Hammer & Anvil (Hulk foes, later victims of Scourge)
Hammer, Caleb (Old West character, Pinkerton, one of the few survivors of Wonderment's clash with night riders)
Han, Yun Guang (Avengers foe)
Hannibal (historical figure, Battleground #3)
Harbormaster (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Hardcase (Ultraverse)
Hardshell (armored "spokesmask" for Alvin Industries)
Harkspur Brood (Department of Occult Armaments members)
Harris, Hawkeye (western character, Whip Wilson #9, but not a licensed character)
Harrison, Julie (mutant, Jean Grey student)
Hart, Rex (western character)
Harvesters (Kansas state Initiative team)
Haunter (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Hauptmann Englande (Brian Braddock of Earth-597; leader of the Lightning Force)
Haus (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Haven (Radha Dastoor, mutant from India, X-Factor foe, died birthing reincarnation of Adversary)
"Hawaiian Thunder" (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Hawkeye (Marvel Classics Comics #13: Last of the Mohicans)
Hawk-mensch (What The?)
Haymaker (Furious Five member, Spider-Man foe)
Hayseed, Eustace (40s humor character)
Haywerth, Lewis (CSA member)
Haywire (Harold Danforth, former Redeemers/Squadron Supreme member and Avengers foe/ally)
Head Case (AIM, Ms. Marvel foe)
Headless Horseman (Hessian)
Headless Horsemen (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foes, Tim Holt #28)
Headlok (Singleton; Avengers/Alpha Flight foe)
Headmen (group of bizarre supervillains)
Heap (golden age hero)
Heart Attack (Tyler Meagher, former mercenary leader, rebuilt into cyborg by the Firm, Ghost Rider/Ketch character)
Heavy Hitters (Initiative team)
Hebe (Olympian goddess of youth, former wife of Hercules)
Hedgehog (Spike Dexter, Marvel Super Hero Roll Playing exemplar character)
Hei Hei (Angie Huang's pet flying monkey, She-Hulk character)
Hellblade (Ultraverse character)
Hellfang (Who Wants To Be A Thunderbolt contestant)
Hellfire Club (Earth-92131)
Hellspawn (Daredevil's Infinity War doppleganger)
Hembeck, Fred (Brother Voodoo, Red Skrull)
Henderson, Tommy (Amazing Man sidekick)
Henderson, Zona (Amazing Man companion)
Hero Force (Aqirian super-team)
Hickok, Wild Bill
Highway Bandit (Road Force: Recovery Division crew leader)
Hijack (X-student)
Hildegarde (member of the Valkyrior, accompanied Thor Odinson on several adventures)
Hippie (Portland Avengers member)
Hippo (hippopotamus turned into one of HE's New Men, criminal career)
Hitler, Adolf (including his appearances in stories published during the 50s)
Ho, Toni (New Avengers/AIM support member)
Hoag, Anne Marie (director of Damage Control, acquaintance of Wolverine)
Hobgoblin (Lefty Donovan) - patsy from Amazing Spider-Man
Hogun (Asgardian, Warriors Three)
Holly (artificial lifeform created by Iron Man obsessed with breast cancer awareness)
Hollywood (Reality-691's Simon Williams in the 31st century)
Holmes, Sherlock (great-uncle of Clive Reston)
Holo (Wolverine's First X-Men)
Home Wrecker (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Homer, the Happy Ghost
Hood, The (Dynamic Man foe, Mystic Comics #3)
Hood's Gang (The Hood's criminal army)
Hoomple, Harry (murderer, Mystery Tales #10)
Hooper, Herman (evil scientist, Strange Tales #14)
Hooper, Homer (humor/romance character)
Hope (Esperanza Ling, mutant who carried the transmode virus without being infected)
Hope (Ariana Diamante, body made of diamond, member of the Liberteens & later the Fantastix)
Hopkins, Charles C. (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Horatius (Battlefront #21)
Horde (Gamma mutate)
Hornet (Eddie McDonough, Slingers member)
Horror That Walked, the (Namor foe, Sub-Mariner Comics #4)
Horrormoor Castle (Adventures into Weird Worlds #27)
Horses (animal; many have appeared in Marvel adventures as steeds including plenty of winged horses)
Horsestar (What The?)
Horus (Madripoor's protector)
Hot Rox (Ultraverse)
House of Shadows (entity, foe of Dr. Strange & Rom)
Hotrodders (What The?)
Hotshot (Hostess villain)
Houdini, Harry (historical figure)
Hound (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Hour-Glass Hannah (Snafu vol. 2 #2)
House of Hate (quasi-sentient house from Captain America Comics #58)
Howard (treasure hunter, Journey into Unknown Worlds #6)
Howard the Duck (Howard newspaper strip)
Howeird the Duck (What The?)
Howell, Speed (Marvel Stories vol. 2 #2)
Howlin’ Grinsburg (Pussycat #1)
Howling Commandos (Earth-92131)
Howling Commandos (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Howling Commandos (Amalgam)
Huang, Angie (She-Hulk character)
Hub (surviving Genoshan mutant with teleportation powers, former member of Genoshan Excalibur, lost her powers on M-Day)
Hubert (Astonishing #46)
Hudson, Jim (50s police officer)
Hudson, Jimmy (Earth-1610, son of that reality's Wolverine, now on Earth-616)
Hudson, Rock (historical figure)
Huffinger, Howard (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Hughes, Carol (model, Male vol. 6 #6)
Hugo (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #8)
Hugo the Hippo (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Hulk (Amadeus Cho) Update
Hulk (1980s cartoon; clothes grew back whenever he reverted to Banner)
Hulk (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Hulk (Earth-98121)
Hulk (Earth-534834)
Hulk (Hulk newspaper strip)
Hulk (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Hulk (David Banner; from 1970s TV series)
Hulk (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Hulk Robot (Eternals character, powered by cosmic rays)
Hulk the Menace
Human Cannonball (Jack Pulver) from Ringmaster's Circus of Crime
Human Computer (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Human Fly (Rick Rojatt, stuntman/hero)
Human Guess (Merzah the Mystic's Neuronauts, X-Men: Legacy character)
Human Haze (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Human Lantern (Amalgam)
Human Meteor (golden age hero, Invaders foe)
Human Scorch (Not Brand Ecch)
Human Torch (pyromaniac, Amazing Detective Cases pulp vol. 2 #4)
Human Torch (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Human Torch (Earth-98121)
Human Torch (Earth-534834)
Human Torch (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Humanity (Old West town, Amalgam)
Humanoids (synthetic androids created by the Leader & all the variations since)
Hume, Helen (murder victim, Male vol. 6 #6)
Hummingbird (New Warriors member)
Hunchback (Nazi, Captain America Comics #3)
Hunt, Amber (Ultraverse, Exiles member, Phoenix Force host)
Hunt, Guy (Ultraverse)
Hunt, J.D. (Ultraverse)
Hunt, J.D. (alternate from Ultraforce #Infinity)
Hunt, Jerry (ex-boyfriend of Spider-Woman)
Hunter, Henrietta (member of X-Statix)
Hunter, Morgan (Ultraverse)
Hunter, Stevie (dance instructor, physical therapist for the X-Men, later congresswoman)
Huntress (Amalgam)
Hupple, George (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #4)
Hurricane (Thunderbolts foe)
Hurtful Girl (What The?)
Hussar (Imperial Guard)
Hyatt, Jake (romance character, True Secrets #22)
Hybrid (Ultraverse)
Hybrid (Earth-534834, Incredible Hulk cartoon)
Hyde (Amalgam)
Hydra update
Hydra (Amalgam)
Hydra Ladies Auxiliary (What The?)
Hydro-Man (Earth-92131)
Hydro-Man (Earth-534834)
Hyena (Amalgam)
Hypnotia (Earth-534834, Iron Man cartoon)
Hypst’r (Brooklyn Avengers)
I.Q. (Ishmael Questor, Franklin Richards' Counter-Earth)
Iago (Ultraverse)
Ibanez, Juan Castillo (Two-Gun Kid [Harder] friend, Two-Gun Kid #15)
Ibn Khor, Abdul (sheikh, Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Ibn Saudi (government official, Strange Tales #12)
Ice (Drug Lords member)
Ice Duchess (Empirikul victim)
Ice King (Golden Age foe of Namor the Sub-Mariner)
Ice Monster (Journey into Unknown Worlds #17)
Ice Princess (Superia's Fenizons)
Iceberg (Amalgam)
Iceberg (Liberteens member)
Iceberg (Earth-92131)
Icebox Bob (Blaze foe)
Iceman (Bobby Drake) Update
Iceman (Sub-Mariner series within the larger Marvel Superheroes series)
Iceman (Earth-92131)
Iceman (Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends series)
Iceman (X-men movies)
Iceman (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Iceworm (Jack Frost foe)
Ichabod (horse, Kid Colt Outlaw #36)
Ichor (Blackheart servant, Ghost Rider (Alejandra) foe)
Icon (Nazi team, Avengers 1950s foes)
Icon (U'mbaya)
Iconoclast (alien foe of the Fantastic Four)
Id Paralyzer
Id the Selfish Moon
Idunn (Thor character, Asgardian goddess of golden apples & immortality)
Igan (cyclops, Captain America Comics #4)
Iggy (Earth-98121)
Igor (vampire, Marvel Tales #127)
Iguanid (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Iguno (Greg Knight companion, Lorna the Jungle Girl #13)
Ika (female ally of Crystar, has magical abilities & crystalline body)
Ikari (Daredevil foe)
Ike (Strange Young Fighting Frogs, What The?)
Ikelli (Inhuman, sister of Flint)
Ikon (Spaceknight)
Ikonn (mystic entity, sometimes invoked by Dr. Strange, part of the Octessence)
Ikthalon (demon representing stagnation, foe of Hellstorm, invoked in spells)
Ila (Strange Tales #42)
Ill Billy (mutant, Fight-Man foe)
Illuminati (Hood's group)
Illuminator (licensed character)
Illusion (Ilya Zarkov, husband of Glamor, stage magician/thief killed by Hellphyr)
Immelmann (WWI Ace, Battle Action #17)
Immortus, Marcus (Avengers/Ms. Marvel character, from the infamous Avengers #200)
Imo Miri (Thunderbolts foe)
Imogen (Century foe)
Imp Prince (Guillotine foe, Contest of Champions character)
Impact (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Impala (Captain America character, former member of Bad Girls, Inc.)
Imperator (leader of the Empirikul)
Impercepto (Hostess villain, Mr. Fantastic foe)
Imperfects (Earth-50701, Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects)
Imperial Guard (Earth-92131)
Imperial Hydra (Arnold Brown)
Imperial Suicide Squad (Amalgam)
Impervious Guard (What The?)
Impossible Dawg (Amalgam)
Impossible Man (Earth-534834)
Impossible Mod (Amalgam)
Impossible Woman (Impossible Man’s “wife”)
Impulse (Imperial Guard member)
Impulse (Dwight Hubbard, super-fast member of Psionex)
Incandescent Man (Spider-Man/Cannonball foe)
Incinerator (Power Man and Iron Fist foe)
Incoming (Ultraverse)
Incredible Kvetch (Crazy Magazine character)
Incredible Wino (Crazy Magazine character)
Independent Pictures (Journey into Unknown Worlds #58)
Inedible Bulk (Not Brand Echh)
Inertia (Earth-712's Redeemers & Squadron Supreme)
Inertia (Supreme Power)
Inevitable Girl (Shrew Storm; Not Brand Echh)
Inevitable Woman (What The?)
Infectia (X-Factor foe, died of the Legacy Virus)
Infernal Man (The Order foe)
Inferno (Slifer, Ghost Rider/Blaze foe, demon agent of Mephisto)
Inferno (Conroy, Avengers foe)
Infestation (Hellions)
Infinata (Earth-6799, Spider-Man cartoon)
Infinite Kickers, Inc. (Amalgam)
Infinitus (Human Torch/Iron Man foe)
Infinity Sword (Earth-91119: Super Hero Squad)
Infinity War (comics event, Magus's plan involving cosmic containment units & evil dopplegangers)
Inger, Frank (Strange Tales #22)
Ingle, Gil (western character, Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine pulp vol. 3 #1)
Ingot (Brute Force member, Thunderbolts foe)
Ingrediento (Marvex foe)
Inhuman Torch (Jim Hammond foe)
Inhumans (Earth-534834)
Injun Joe (Marvel Classics Comics #7)
Injun Sam (Mystic #37)
Injustice Gang (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ink (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Inner Guard (Madame Masque's robot servants, named after famous traitors, Avengers characters)
Inquisition (Taskmaster foes)
Insect Queen (Amalgam)
Insecticide (Humbug foe)
Inshallah, Khalid (sorcerer, Doctor Strange ally)
Insidio (Ovoid scientist, member of the Starblasters)
Insidious Six (Earth-92131)
Invincible (Earth-Image, Marvel Team-Up #14)
Invincible Robots (particular kind of robots invented by Dr. Doom; have been used to quell rebellions, deliver messages, and sink Avengers Island)
Invisible Man (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Invisible Woman (Claire Maynard, Mystery Tales #13)
Invisible Woman (Olga Petrov, Journey Into Mystery #43)
Invisible Woman (Sue Richards) Update
Invisible Woman (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Invisible Woman (Earth-92131)
Invisible Woman (Earth-534834)
Invisible Woman (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Invisible Woman (Sue Storm of Earth-121698/2000s Fantastic Four movies)
Inyushin, Anastasia (New Universe, member of Psi-Force)
Ion (Femizon member/Machine Man enemy)
Ion Man (MC2, member of the Revengers)
Ione (Ultraverse)
Ionello, Jason (former high school classmate of Peter Parker & Flash Thompson)
Ionic mutates (like the Gamma mutates entry)
Ire (Gods of War member, Hercules ally)
Irellis (Inhuman, mother of Flint and Ikelli)
Iridia (a very beautiful Inhuman)
Irish Wolfhound (Cuchulain of Earth-691, Celtic warrior, GotG character)
Iron Clad (Ultraverse)
Iron Comrade (1950s Soviet Super Soldier)
Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler; repentant Nazi villain)
Iron Cross (Oskar Mors)
Iron Cross (Clare Gruler, NuHuman)
Iron Fist (Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
Iron Fist imposter (Luke Cage "partner" killed by Captain Hero/Super-Skrull)
Iron Lantern (Amalgam)
Iron Lantern 5700 (Amalgam)
Iron Legion (Earth-91119)
Iron Man (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Iron Man (Earth-92131)
Iron Man (Earth-534834)
Iron Man (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Iron Man (Aric of Dacia, Iron Man/X-O Manowar: Heavy Metal #1)
Iron Mouse (Larval-Earth hero)
Iron Rangers (Carnage foes)
Ironclad (Mike Steele, U-Foes)
Ironed Man (Not Brand Echh)
Ironheart (Riri Williams)
Irons, Tim (stunt coordinator, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
Irving, Washington (historical figure)
Isaac of York (Marvel Classics Comics #16: Ivanhoe)
Isaacs, Carleton (scientist, Astonishing #24)
Iscariot, Judas (biblical figure)
Isch, Arnold (Sheriff, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 9 #3)
Ishima, David (former boyfriend of Jessica Drew, X-Men ally)
Ishmael (Marvel Classics Comics #8: Moby Dick)
Isis (Heliopolitan goddess)
Island of Madness (Strange Tales #2)
Isle of No Return (Amazing Mysteries #32)
Ismael (Marvel Classics Comics #19)
Iso (Inhuman)
Iso-8/Neutronium (Ultimates/Contest of Champions)
Isolda (Queen of Atlantean descendants, Journey into Mystery #12)
Israel (Ultraverse)
Istarte, Zelda (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #6)
It (Strange Tales #4)
Itobo, Joshua (T'Challa's cousin, one of the Black Musketeers)
Itor (prince, Human Torch foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #21)
Itza (Amazing High Adventure #1)
Ivan (Cossack, Adventures into Weird Worlds #18)
Ivan (zombie, Astonishing #35)
Ivan the Mighty One (Dave Dean foe, Funny Pages #2)
Ivan the Terrible (Ivan Pushkin, Maverick/Nord foe, Russian Mafia leader)
Ivana, Lena (Morbius the Living Vampire #25-32)
Ivanhoe (Marvel Classics Comics #16)
Ivanshmoe (Riot #2)
Ivar (Prince of Orphans ally)
Ives, Martha (romance character, My Own Romance #29)
Ivory (What The?)
Ivory Wench (What The?)
Ivransen (professor, Mystery Tales #29)
I'xx'll'tk (Department of Occult Armaments member(s)?)
Izan (Human Torch foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #28)
Jabari tribe (Man-Ape's tribe, frequent foes of Black Panther)
Jack (early if miniature clone of Peter Parker created and later killed by the Jackal)
Jack Chain (NuHuman, New Warriors foe)
Jack Frost (1960s Marveol Super-heroes cartoon)
Jack O'Lantern (brother of Steven Mark Levins, agent of Satan)
Jack O'Lantern ("Jack," agent of Crime-Master/Bennett, foe of Venom/Thompson)
Jack Rabbit Kid (outlaw, Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine pulp vol. 3 #2)
Jack the Ripper (Earth-92131)
Jackdaw (Captain Britain character, elf from Otherworld)
Jackhammer (former member of Hydra, Power Tools, & Dr. Octopus's Masters of Evil)
Jackpot (Howard the Duck foe)
Jacks, Billie Joe (televangelist in Dr. Strange novel Nightmare)
Jackson, Action (Earth-74425)
Jackson, Andrew (historical figure, Battlefront #35, Marines in Battle #10)
Jackson, Gordon (tourist victim, Mystic #22)
Jackson, Roy (romance character, Love Romaces #45)
Jackson, Stonewall (historical figure, Battleground #4)
Jacob (thief, The Life of Christ: The Easter Story)
Jacob (1907 era Wonder, Street Arabs member, Runaways character)
Jacobs, John (Men in Adventure [Jun 1968])
Jade (Earth-534834)
Jade Dragon (Guan; Chinese hero)
Jade Enchantress (Amalgam)
Jade Nova (Amalgam)
Jade Tiger Amulet (used in fragments by the Sons of the Tiger and as a whole by various White Tigers)
Jagged Bow
Jaguar, el (Kid Colt foe, Kid Colt Outlaw #25)
Jaguar, el (Ramon de Rico, Daredevil foe, Hydra member, Scourge victim)
Jahrmarkt (carnival, Nightcrawler characters)
Jailbait (Jess Harrison, member of the Riot Squad)
Jambes, Roy (Male vol. 6 #6)
James (disciple of Jesus)
James VI and I (historical figure)
James, Bob (murderer, Men in Adventure [Jun 1968])
James, Jesse (historical figure)
Jamesley, Aloysius (architect with 'artistic vision,' Thor character)
Jameson, J. Jonah (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Jameson, J. Jonah (Earth-92131)
Jameson, J. Jonah (Earth-98121)
Jameson, J. Jonah (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Jameson, J. Jonah (1960s Spider-man cartoon series)
Jameson, J. Jonah (from 1970s Spider-Man TV series)
Jameson, J. Jonah (Amalgam)
Jann of the Jungle
Jansen, Hans (formerly the Dutch Spiderman)
Janson, Tyrone (friend of Daredevil)
Janus (Derangers)
Janus (Atlantean, Wolverine character)
Janus (Ultraverse)
Jardine, Amos (former millionaire, circus owner, Spider-Man and Nightcrawler character)
Jason (Greek myth, leader of the Argonauts)
Jason (renegade member of the Pantheon, wears an eyepatch, used to do Agamemnon's dirty work)
Javelin (Super Heores of Europe member)
Jaws (Marvel Super Special #6)
Jaxon, Jerry (Omega Flight founder)
Jean Grey School for Higher Learning
Jeanie (late 40s teen humor character)
Jeff the Land Shark (pet, associated with Gwenpool, Elsa Bloodstone, & Deadpool)
Jenkins, Pete (murderer, Crimefighters #6)
Jenskot (Aliya Dayspring of Earth-4935, wife of young Nathan Summers, killed in attack by Stryfe's forces)
Jessup, Randy (NuHuman, Hulk ally)
Jessup, Col. Tyrone (Troubleshooter, Ultimates character)
Jessup, Tyrone (New Univese, member of Psi-Force)
Jester (Golden Age Captain America foe)
Jester (Crazy Gang)
Jesus (Biblical character)
Jet (Gary Akers, Golden Age Human Torch foe)
Jet Black (Arnim Zola's daughter)
Jewel, the (novels Spider-Man foe)
Jeweller (Roger Corman Fantastic Four foe)
Jiaying (Earth-616, Inhuman)
Jiaying (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Jinku ("witch doctor" of the Lava Men, foe of the Avengers & X-Force)
Jinn (Psylocke/X-Men foe)
JLX (Amalgam)
Joan of Arc (historical figure)
Joan the Mouse (friend of the Punisher)
Jocasta (Gatherers member)
Johansen, Dan (Ultraverse)
Joker (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
John the Baptist (biblical figure)
John the Skrull (Skrull in John Lennon's form, member of MI-13, killed during Secret Invasion)
Johnny Cool (Initiative member)
Johnny Justice (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Johnny Nightmare (Punisher foe/ally)
Johnny Punk (Hostess villain)
Johnson, Doug (WWII Air Force member who earned nickname "J A P Buster" while battling Japanese forces to avenge best friend, joined Crazy SUES, died)
Johnson, Frank (comic-book illustrator, creator of Zzutak, correspondent of Elsa Bloodstone)
Johnson, Grizzly (Cristo Pike's gang, Old West character, Sensational Seven foe)
Jokester (What The?)
Jolen (Inhuman with plant-related powers, former exchange student)
Jolena (former lover of Odin)
Jolly Roger (Speedball villain)
Jolt (Kyi, Taskmaster's student)
Jones, George (gorilla boy, Adventures into Weird Worlds #22)
Jones, Gabriel (Earth-534834)
Jones, George (gorilla boy, Adventures into Weird Worlds #22)
Jones, Gullivar
Jones, Harry (FBI, Astonishing #24)
Jones, Hugh (Roxxon CEO)
Jones, Indiana (Earth 1961, Grandson encountered by Reed Richard on Mars)
Jones, Jack Bundy (criminal, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 9 #1)
Jones, Jeep (40s war character)
Jones, Jessica (Earth-199999 Jessica Jones TV series)
Jones, John (Amalgam)
Jones, John Paul (historical figure)
Jones, Jughead (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Jones, Lucy (Ultraverse)
Jones, Nefertiti (SAFE agent, novels character)
Jones, Nia (mother of Nick Fury, Jr.)
Jones, Orji (Blade's vampire hunting mentor)
Jones, Phil (vampire, Adventures into Terror #28)
Jones, "Piranha" (former crime boss, foe of Luke Cage & Terror, Inc.)
Jones, Reno (Wild West hero, former Phantom Rider)
Jones, Rick (1960s Marvel Superheroes cartoons, usually Hulk segments)
Jones, Rick (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Jones, Rick (Earth-98121)
Jones, Rick (Earth-534834)
Jones, Rick (1980s Hulk cartoon)
Jones, Slow Motion (African-American speedster, brief partnership with GA Whizzer, joined Crazy SUES, portrayed as racial stereotype in 1940's Timely Comics)
Jones, Stabbity (Who Wants to be a Thunderbolt? contestant)
Jontor (Ultraverse)
Jordan, Hal (Amalgam)
Jordan, Joey (Top Dog)
Jordan, Mark (scientist, World of Suspense #1)
Jordan, Paul (Astonishing #40)
Jordan, Rocky (50s detective)
Jorgis, Ebeneezer (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Tim Holt #22)
Joseph (Jesus’ adoptive father)
Joseph (biblical patriarch, Bible Tales for Young Folk #2)
Joseph, Franz (historical figure)
Joseph of Arimathea (biblical figure)
Joshua (shepherd, The Life of Christ)
Josiah X (Crew)
Josie and the Pussycats (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Jotunheim (one of Asgard's Nine Worlds)
Joust (Stockpile member)
Joyce, Frank (mobster, Crime Cases Comics #11)
Jozaba (witch doctor, Lorna the Jungle Girl #10)
J-Team (Doc Justice's 1970s team)
Juarez, Benito (historical figure, Battle #42)
Jubilee (Earth-92131)
Jubilee (Earth-700029, Generation X movie)
Jubilee (X3: The Last Stand)
Jubilee (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Jubilee's Fairy Tale (Earth-961116)
Jubula Pride (616, Daredevil foe/ally, daughter of the Owl)
Judd, Matt (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Tim Holt #21)
Judex (Ally of Prince of Orphans)
Judge Dredd (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Judge Mental (New Universe)
Judgment League Avengers (Amalgam)
Judgment League Avengers International (Amalgam)
Judgment League Avengers West (Amalgam)
Judson, Judy (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #98)
Jug, the (What The?)
Juggernaut (Golden Age Destroyer foe)
Juggernaut (Earth-10005)
Juggernaut (Earth-92131)
Juggler (Tex Taylor foe, Tex Taylor #5)
Juice (mutant, Ghosts of Cyclops member)
Julia (Midnight Fire's super powered daughter)
Juma (Hyborean-era barbarian from Kush, later Turanian army officer, ally of Conan)
June Jitsui (Hostes Villain)
Jungle Boy (Jack Spears Jr., 1950s jungle adventure character)
Junipur (Young Gods ally)
Junk (Paradise, Wolverines character)
Junkman of Brooklyn (NuHuman, SHIELD Secret Avengers foe)
Junkpile (Earth-928, X-Men 2099 foe, later joined SHIELD)
Junn (High Aldwin, Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Jupiter, Gideon (Amalgam)
Jusko, Joseph L. (producer, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
Just-a-League (What The?)
Justice (Wyatt Earp’s steed)
Justice (Amazing Mysteries #32)
Justice (Tensen; Newuniversal version)
Justice (What The?)
Justice Junta (What The?)
Justicia/Justice (Masacre's pet jaguar)
Jutta (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Kaaskop (Dutch hero)
Kaboom (NuHuman, Ms. Marvel foe)
Kadesh Base (world's only privately owned undersea science-fortress)
Kael (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Kafka, Ashley (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Kagago (Jungle Boy foe, Jungle Action #5)
Kago Kid (outlaw, Kid Colt Outlaw #61)
Kagrok the Killer (demon, foe of Doctor Doom)
Kaifi, Elloe (Sakaarian Imperial, member of the Hulk's Warbound)
Kai-Mak (Vision foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #23)
Kale, Naomi
Kalgantor (Atlantis resident, Marvel Tales #97)
Kali (Kid Colt foe, Black Rider #27)
Kalibak (Amalgam)
Kallikrates (Marvel Classics Comics #24)
Kalmaku, Happy (Amalgam)
Kamikaze (Haruo Tsuburaya, Mutant Liberation Front, accidentally decapitated by Archangel)
Kamikaze Kat (What The?)
Kamran (NuHuman, Ms. Marvel (Khan) foe)
Kane, Adam (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Kane, George (Dynamic Science Stories pulp #2)
Kane, Harry (Spider Queen’s husband)
Kane, Solomon
Kang, the Time Conqueror
Kangaroo (Oliver)
Kankun (war character, Battlefront #39)
Kantique (Unlimited Access)
Kanto (Amalgam)
Kaparthy, Voltan (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Kapplebaum, Anna (Holocaust survivor rescued as a child by Captain America; decades later became his landlord in same building)
Karate Kommandos (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Karbon (Tektos member, Marvel U.K.)
Karkas (Deviant, ally of the Eternals)
Karl (werewolf victim, Uncanny Tales #23)
Karmel (What The?)
Karnak (Earth-534834)
Karnoff (supervillain, Strange Tales #39)
Karonak, Steve (peeping Tom, Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Karr (Ultraverse)
Karst, Ziggy (mutant, X student)
Karzz the Conqueror (Avengers foe)
Katinya (Ultraverse)
Katmandingo (Fight-Man foe)
Katyusha (First Line member)
Katzenburg, Nick (unpleasant Daily Bugle employee)
Kaylie (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ka-Zar (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ka-Zar (Amalgam)
Keah (princess, Jungle Action vol. 1 #6)
Kean, Sally (government agent, USA Comics #1)
Keating, Kris (police officer; reluctant ally of Spider-Man)
Keene, Katy (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Keeper of the Comics Code (What The?)
Keepsake (Death's Head and The Doctor ally)
Keever, Alan (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Keller, Barton (sheriff, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
Kelly, Francis (war character, Complete War Novels Magazine pulp #3)
Kelly, Robert (Earth-92131)
Kellys, the (humor characters)
Kelvin, Royce (criminal, All True Crime #49)
Kemo (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Kennard, Ron (immortal, Strange Tales #44)
Kennedy, John F. (Earth-616)
Kenny the Kid (western character, Rawhide Kid #4)
Kenojuak, Aningan (Inuit shaman)
Kensington, Philomena (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Kent, Alan (necromancer, Astonishing #10)
Kent, Clark (Earth-616)
Kent-Cameron, Arthur (lawyer, Male vol. 6 #6)
Kenyan (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ketch, Barbara (Ghost Rider character, sister of Dan Ketch & Johnny Blaze, murdered by Blackout)
Kevlor (Nomextra's partner, Pyro foe)
Khan, Genghis (historical figure, Human Meteor foe)
Khan, Kublai (Historical figure)
Khana (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Mystic #59)
Khanata (T'Challa's cousin)
Khoryphos (music loving Eternal)
Khruschev, Nikita (both the commie human and the alien, Kusoom, who replaced him partway through his administration in Tales to Astonish #31)
Kh'thon (novels alien race)
Khyscz (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Marvel Comics Super Special #5)
Kiber the Cruel (Black Panther foe)
Kickers Inc. (New Universe)
Kid Arachnid (Miles Morales, former Spider-Man in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Kid Blackheart (Anton Satan, result of Satanists' plan to create the Antichrist)
Kid Briton (Avengers Arena)
Kid Commandos (WWII team)
Kid Copper (Braddock Academy student)
Kid Dead (Rawhide Kid/Sensational Seven foe)
Kid from Dodge City (western character)
Kid Gladiator (Kubark, son of Gladiator/Kallark)
Kid Kree (Moon Girl/Devil Dinosaur foe)
Kid Rescue (Secret Wars character)
Kid Six-Gun (Rawhide Kid #12)
Kid Stuff (Amalgam)
Kid Twist (1907 era Wonder, Sinners member, Runaways character)
Kierkegaard (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Killer Thrill (sadistic alien female bounty hunter; foe of Venom, Drax, & the X-Men; consumed by a Poison)
Killjoy (Black Panther foe)
Killraven’s Freemen (Martians fighters in the future)
Killshot (Spider-Man foe)
Killspree (Weapon P.R.I.M.E. member)
Kilmartin, Jesse/"Synergy" (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
King Bee (Spider-Man foe)
King Cobra (Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
King of the Sewers (Daredevil villain, leads an underground society in the sewers)
King, Sharon (former mutant, former Xavier student)
King Winter (Spider-Man promo villain)
Kingdom (Omega Flight member, Avengers character)
Kingmaker (Wallace, former member of the Hellfire Club, made deals with the Xavier Academy's Hellions squad to make their dreams come true)
Kingo Sunen (Eternal, movie star in Japan)
King-Pig (Spider-Ham foe)
Kingpin (PunisherMax villain)
Kingpin (from Daredevil movie)
Kingsize (Wasp/Dakota North foe)
Kinmont, Casey (Doctor Strange ally)
Kinsey, Fred (criminal, Crimefighters #4)
Kirby, Jack
Kismet Deadly (Ultraverse)
KISS (licensed team)
Klaue, Colonel Fritz (WWII foe of Nick Fury, father of Ulysses Klaw)
Kleenex (New Universe character)
Klemp, Stanislaw (FF foe)
"Klepto" (Hostess villain, Thing foe)
Klompman (Dutch hero)
Knievel, Evel (daredevil, had his on promo book from Marvel)
Knight, Betty (50s humor/romance character)
Knight & Fogg (Spider-Man foes)
Knight Errant (William Matson, Excalibur character)
Knightley, George (Emma)
Knightley, Isabella (Emma)
Knightley, John (Emma)
Knights of the Infinite (New Avengers characters)
Knights of the Round Table (order of Knights serving King Arthur at Camelot of legend)
Knightsabre (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Knorda (Asgardian, Avengers & Fantastic Four character/Domination Factor)
Knowhere (severed Celestial head floating in space; site of city, science station, & mining operation)
Knowhere Corps (Guardians of the Galaxy characters)
Knowles, Gregor (mad scientist, Astonishing #31)
Kobik (Avengers Standoff character)
Koemannen (Dutch heroes)
Kofi (Power Pack ally)
Kogar (foe of Shang-Chi)
Koi Boi (Partner of Chipmunk Hunk, Squirrel Girl ally)
Kokoro (Amalgam)
Kommandant Englander (Earth-846) member of the Corps
Korbinites (alien race, Beta Ray Bill's people)
Korea Kate (Commie propagandist, Battlefront #15)
Korean War
Korg (Kronan member of the Hulk's Warbound)
Kort, Malcolm (Ultraverse)
Krakoa (Amalgam)
Kral IV (world inhabited by Skrulls who emulate various eras and people of relatively recent Earth history)
Krall, Urgoth (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Kravadka, Casimir (Uncanny Tales #26)
Kraven the Hunter (Earth-92131)
Kravinov, Orissa (Prince of Orphans ally)
Kreagan, Dr. Emil (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Krevius (Microverse villain, Venom/Scarlet Spider foe)
Krishnaman (Crazy Magazine character)
Krueger, Freddy (A Nightmare on Elm Street #1-2)
Krueger, Hans (puppeteer, Journey into Mystery #7)
Kruzado (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Kryptonian (DC's Superman, briefly a Herald of Galactus while in the Marvel Universe)
Krystalin (Ruth Porter-Ogada, member of X-Men 2099, Earth-928 native)
Kulan Gath
(king of Vallusia, circa 18,500 BC)
Kultron (Amalgam)
Kuo-Fan, Ming (girlfriend of Access/Axel Asher)
Kurt (Nazi, Rugged Action #1)
Kurtzberg, Zelda (Iceman ex-girlfriend)
Kussia (fictional country in Mystic Comics #3, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Kutt (Ultraverse)
Kuzov, Boris (scientist, Strange Tales #18)
Kwanzaagator (Winter Friends member, Hawkeye character)
Kwill (Ultraverse)
Kwirkegard (Hostess villain, Iron Man foe)
Kymellians (alien race, Power Pack allies)
Kymri (Excalibur character, former freedom fighter turned Earth-1289's Captain Britain Corps member)
Kyzerra Os (Deviant, mother of the Mole Monster)

Last edited by skippcomet (2/09/2025 7:53 am)

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1/21/2020 7:56 am  #3

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

L.U.S.T. (Pussycat #1)
La Guardia, Fiorella (Earth-616)
La Moor, Dolly (Adventures into Weird Worlds #17)
La Rosa, Carlotta (actress, Thing's ex-girlfriend)
Labella, Lulu (Annie Oakley #7)
Lachryma 2099 (Earth-928 vampire)
Lacoco, Beverly (Fight-Man character)
Lacy, Dan (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #6)
LaDonna, Holly (Vision & Scarlet Witch ally)
LaDueña, Linda (What The?)
Lady Bug (Amalgam)
Lady Bug (Amalgam, alternate from Earth-12772)
Lady Death (Amalgam)
Lady Deathstrike (X2: X-men United)
Lady Gorgon (Tanya Adrian, assassin, former Hand member, killed by the Punisher)
Lady Hellbender (monster hunter, Hulk/Amadeus foe)
Lady Killer (Daredevil foe)
Lady Killer (Ultraverse)
Lady Lotus (WWII foe of Invaders, retconned to have been Lotus Newmark's true identity all along)
Lady Maryjo (What The?)
Lady Rowena (Marvel Classics Comics #16)
Lady Stilt-Man (criminal successor of the late Wilbur Day/Stilt-Man)
Lady Talia (Amalgam)
Lady Tanaka (Earth-58627)
Lady Trident (human/Deviant hybrid member of Tantalus's Peacekeepers, wields throwing tridents)
Lake, Clea (Dr Strange TV Movie)
Lakoonda (Adventures into Terror #20)
Lame, Jim (What The?)
Lament (Ultraverse)
Lamplight Phantom (Amalgam)
Lana (humor/romance character)
Lance, Christopher (For Men Only vol. 8 #3)
Lancelot (the famous knight)
Lancelot (SHIELD agent, Marvel Italia)
Lancer (Samantha Dunbar, Franklin Richards' Counter-Earth, one of Dr. Doom's generals)
Land Between Life and Death (Journey into Unknown Worlds #5)
Landers, Dave (possible Earth-616 counterpart to the New Universe's Mastodon, tombstone seen in West Coast Avengers #65)
Landry, Charlie (outlaw, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
Lane, Dorset (romance character, True Secrets Comics #35)
Lane, Linda (Real Mystery Magazine vol. 1 #2)
Lane, Lois (Earth-616)
Lane, Lois (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Lane, Lois (Amalgam)
Lane, Rex (supernatural investigator)
Lang, Lana (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
La-Ni (Egyptian princess, Mystery Tales #47)
Lanning, Larry (Detective Short Stories vol. 3 #2)
Laralei/Graylin (crossover character with Gold Key’s Dagar the Invincible, Kull the Destroyer #22-28)
Laramie Kid (murderer, Red Warrior #5)
Larcenous Lil (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Lard Boys (What The?)
Laredo Kid (Gunsmoke Western #51)
Laredo Kid (Gunsmoke Western #57)
LaRue, Trixie (What The?)
Larvis (What The?)
Lash (Inhuman)
Lasher, Bart (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Tim Holt #11)
Lashina (Amalgam)
Latkovia (Amalgam)
Latverian School of Science
Laughing Boy (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #5]
Laurie (professor, Journey into Mystery #26)
Lavender (Golden Age foe of Captain America/Jeff Mace & Bucky/Fred Davis)
Laxidazians (Pip the Troll's race; no entry since Deluxe Edition)
Leader (Man Comics #8)
Leafmaster (Xavier School reject)
Leah (Loki/Angela ally)
Leather and Lace (Black Cat foes)
Leather Angel (Anti-Registration Underground member)
‘Lectron (Amalgam)
Lee, Stan (616 version)
Lee, Teri (Earth-92131, Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon)
Leech, Roxy (Amalgam)
Leecher (Somalian mutant, leader of the Bio-Genes, Silver Sable foe)
Leeds, Ned (Spider-Man supporting character, Hobgoblin patsy)
Leeds, Ned (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Leeds, Ned (Earth-98121)
Left-Winger & Right-Winger (former partners of John Walker turned foes)
Legacy Quest (novels event)
Legacy Virus (mutant disease)
Legal Eagle (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Legba (Eternal)
Legion Accursed (Secret Wars II villain team)
Legion of Monsters
Legumbé (Annual reject, Marvel Year-In-Review character)
Leno, Jay (Spider-Man ally, talk show host)
Leo (Daniel Radford, member of the Zodiac Cartel)
Leo (LMD Zodiac member)
Leonid (cosmic powered offspring of Isaac Newton and a Deviant woman named Morda)
Leonus (Evil Inhuman with lion-like attributes)
LEOPARD (Douglas Cook, Marvel Super Hero Roll Playing exemplar character)
Leopard Girl (1950s jungle heroine)
Leprechauns (supernatural creatures, found in Overworld, Cassidy Keep, etc.)
Letterman, David (talkshow host, Avengers character)
Leucenstern, Melinda (SHIELD scientist, Hulk ally)
Leviathan (Soviet organization, Nick Fury/Hydra foe)
Leviathan (Anarchist S.H.I.E.L.D. foe)
Leviathan (giant monster killed by Archangel of the X-Men)
Levine, Sidney (SHIELD scientist, nicknamed "The Gaff," flew with the Sky Wolves during WWII)
Liberty (Ultraverse)
Liberty Girl (member of the First Line)
Liberty's Torch (novels militia group)
Libra (LMD Zodiac member, foe of the Defenders & Avengers)
Lichidus (Deathwalkers member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Liddleville (miniature town created by Dr. Doom & Puppet Master, used to trap FF, also encountered by Micronauts and Meltdown of X-Force)
Lightbright (Intruders member)
Lightning Force (Earth-597 Nazi team, foes of Excalibur-616)
Lightning Rod (Genoshan mutant, Excalibur foe)
Lighttrakker (Power Pack ally)
Lightwave (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Limbo (various realms; some or all could be the same place)
Lionfang (Luke Cage foe, uses technology to control large cats, confined to wheelchair)
Lionheart (cyborg animal, Brute Force member)
Litter (Excalibur foes)
Little Bear, Jay (WWII Native American soldier, former Leatherneck Raider, died a member of the Deadly Dozen)
Little Lizzie (humor character)
Live-Wire (Rance Preston, Circus of Crime)
Living Monolith (Ahmet Abdol)
Llama Harry (Mercs For Hire character, in therapy group with Foolkiller)
Lobe (X-Men Foe)
Loblolly (Brute Force member, Thunderbolts foe)
Lobo (Tex Morgan companion)
Lobo the Duck (Amalgam)
Lobo, Carlos (Spider-Man villain)
Lobo, Esmeralda (mutant, sister of the Lobo Brothers)
Loch (Braddock Academy student)
Locke, Cassandra (time-traveling historian from Earth-700, First Line observer)
Locke, Ted (ally of heroic Human Fly)
Locksmith (Spider-Woman foe)
Lodestone (Andrea Haggard, Darkhawk foe, Crimson Cowl's Masters of Evil)
Lodestone (Jenny Hopkins, Marvel Super Hero Roll Playing exemplar character)
L’ok D’saad (Amalgam)
Longhair John (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Best of the West #10)
Loop (Deadpool/Cable: Split-Second)
Loot, Lorna (Royal Roy)
Loothor, Lecks (What The?)
Lord Great Dagora (giant monster, Radiance/Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Lord Hawk (Professor Willard Scott, one-time foe of Captain Britain)
Lord Pumpkin (Ultraverse)
Lord Quietus (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Lord Tiki (Monsters of Evil member)
Lorna the Jungle Girl
Lost Boy (Offer’s Squad, Wolverine character)
Lost Boys and Girls (Nanny's mind-controlled children)
Lost Kingdom (Lorna the Jungle Queen #5)
Louis the Lump (mobster, Justice #36)
Louis XVI (historical figure)
Lovecraft (Ultraverse)
Low Gage (What The?)
Low Key (What The?)
Lowre, Chester (scientist, Marvel Science Stories pulp vol. 3 #1)
Lo-Zar (jungle character)
Lucas (The Life of Christ: The Easter Story)
Lucas, George (castaway, World of Fantasy #8)
Lucid (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
Lucifer (alien, X-men/Iron Man foe)
Ludi (demon/former god, worshipped by Druids, foe of Murdoch Adams & later Dr. Strange)
Lukasz (Mantra, Ultraverse)
Lumbermen (X-Statix foes)
Lump (Gnobian, SHIELD II member)
Lumpkin, Billie (Willie Lumpkin’s daughter)
Lumpkin, Tino (Amalgam)
Lunatica, la (Earth-928, X-Men 2099)
Lunch Legion (What The?)
Lupa (Savage Land Mutates new member)
Lurch (Captain America #401)
Lurker (Zoid, What The? character)
Luscher, Frank (Colonel, Combat #3)
Lustig (scientist, Marvel Tales #120)
Luthor, Lex (member of Machiavelli Club)
Luthor, Lex (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Luxem (fictional country in Royal Roy, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Luz (Children of the Vault)
Lyla (LYrate Lifeform Approximation, personal holographic assistant to Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099 on Earth-928)
Lynch, Darren (Ultraverse)
Lynch, John (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Lynne, Monica (T'Challa's former fiancee)
Lyra (Ultraverse)
M-80 (Elite Agent of SHIELD)
Ma Yonaise (Belgian superheroine)
Maa-Gor (last of the Man-Apes tribe, Ka-Zar & Zabu foe)
Mabu the Elephant Boy (Golden Age Namor ally)
MacArthur, Douglas (historical figure)
Macbeth (Shakespearean character, Adventures into Terror #27)
Macchio, Ralph (Earth-616)
Mach 1 (Danny Paterson, Marvel Super Hero Roll Playing exemplar character)
Machete (female)
Machiavelli Club (novels organization)
Machine Gun Kelly (historical figure, Crime Exposed #1)
Machine-Gun Maggie (Justice Comics #9)
MacTaggert, Moira (Earth-92131)
MacTaggert, Moira (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Mad Harriet (Amalgam)
Madam Menace (A.I. duplicate of Sunset Bain, foe of Iron Man, killed the original Sunset Bain)
Madam Web (Hostess villain)
Madam Worm (Hydra agent, Winter Soldier foe)
Madame Banshee (Amalgam)
Madame Cat (Amalgam)
Madame Minuette (Ultraverse)
Madame Saphire (Amalgam)
Madame Vegan (Portland Avengers member)
Mademoiselle Peggy (Amalgam)
Madmartigan (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Magdalena (Patience, Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Magico (Ghost Rider (Rex Fury) foe)
Magna Mind (Spider-Man foe, Magic Snake advertisement)
Magnavox (What The?)
Magnetic Man (Spider-Man foe, later presumably hired by Peter Parker after serving his sentence)
Magnetic Men (Amalgam)
Magneto (Earth-92131)
Magneto (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Magneeto (What The?)
Magnus, Will (Amalgam)
Magnut, Robot Biter (Not Brand Echh)
Magua (Marvel Classics Comics #13, Marvel Illustrated: The Last of the Mohicans)
Mahatma Doom (Doctor Strange ally, targeted by the Empirikul)
Mainframe (Ian Wajler, Deathlok foe)
Mainframe (Earth-982, android designed by Tony Stark after his Iron Man armor, eventually activated and became a membeer & leader of a new team of Avengers)
Mainframe (Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. cartoon)
Major Violence (Delta City hero, Fight-Man rival)
Major Zemo (Amalgam)
Makoa, Sam (Amalgam)
Makro (Nail member)
Malefactor (Meteor Man foe)
Malice (psionic entity that possesses others, member of the Marauders)
Malick, Gideon (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Malvern, Henry (scientist, Journey into Unknown Worlds #6)
Mamalu (Lorna foe, Lorna the Jungle Queen #5)
Mammoth (giant, Strange Tales #39)
Mammoth (Power Pachyderms)
Man in the Mask (Strange Tales #29)
Man Who Shrunk, the (Marvel Tales #142)
Man Who Walked Alone, the (hit man, Crime Exposed #4)
Man With 999 Faces (Hostess villain, Daredevil foe)
Manelli, Dino (Howling Commandos)
Manhattan (where a sizable percentage of Marvel stories take place)
Mania (Symbiote wearer, Venom sidekick)
Mann, Hugh (robot infiltrator, Journey into Mystery #6)
Manta (Imperial Guard member)
Mantego, Daniel (Honduran mutant, killed in collision with a plane)
Man-Thang (What The?)
Man-Thing's Swamp (Florida Everglades area containing the Nexus of All Realities)
Marcus the Centaur (New Frightful Four member)
Margie (humor character)
Marsh Monster (cursed hero from Captain America’s Weird Tales #74)
Marvel Adventures (Earth-20051, universe in which the Marvel Adventures line of comics took place)
Marvel Age-Verse (Earth-50302, reality where most of the Marvel Age line's stories took place)
Marwan, Krista (mutant, Genetix ally)
Masacre (Mexico's Deadpool, Mercs For Money member)
Masked Rose (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Mason, Clark (50s spy)
Mason, Mark (1940's private eye, employer & later husband of Louise Mason/Blonde Phantom, now deceased)
Master Mental (Merzah the Mystic’s Neuronauts character)
Masters, Julie (Daily Bugle reporter; The Amazing Spider-Man TV series)
Matador, el (fictional country in Crash Comics #2 [strongman story], not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Ma-tuk (mummy, Journey into Unknown Worlds #24)
Maulers (2nd Attack Squad, allie/rivals of the Howling Commandos during WWII)
May, Melinda (Earth-616, SHIELD agent)
Mayan Rule (event)
Mayhem (O'Reilly; Cloak and Dagger foe/ally)
Mazidor, El (fictional country in Spellbound #23, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
M’Batu (giant jellyfish, Spellbound #12)
McBrain (Hostess villain, Daredevil foe)
McCabe, Lindsey (Spider-Woman/Drew and Wolverine character, private investigator)
McCartney, Paul (historical figure)
McCoy, Skip (40s detective)
McGee, Jack (Earth-400005, Incredible Hulk, TV series)
McGraw, "Iron Mike" (50s war hero)
Meanstreak (Henry Huang of Earth-928's X-Men team circa 2099 AD)
Mech Tomorrow (Dynamic Man foes)
Mechanoid (Leader vehicle from toilet paper comic)
Mega Morphs
Melee (Initiative)
Melmacians (Evolutionary War alien race)
Men in Black (alien policing group; although originally published by Aircel and then Malibu, Marvel gained the rights after they purchased the latter)
"Mephitis" (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Mercurio the Fourth-Dimensional Man (Gramosian foe of Thor and Mar-Vell)
Meruda (Inhuman/NuHuman, Storm/X-men foe)
Metahumes (Spider-Man characters)
Meteor Man (Jefferson Reed)
Meteorite (Valerie Barnhardt, Redeemers/Thunderbolts character)
Mexican Pete (Masked Raider companion)
Midnight Angels (a subgroup of Wakanda's Dora Milaje composed of it's best members)
Miguel (terrorist played by Christopher Lee in Captain America II: Death Too Soon)
Mikage, Kikyo (Earth-101001, Wolverine Anime)
Mills, Dr. Simon (ally of Captain America from 1978 TV movies)
Mind-Wave (Gelden, resurrected Scourge victim)
Minister Blood (Melvin Scarbo, brother of Mother Night & agent of the Red Skull)
Minor Domo (Mojo's assistant)
Minotaur (Dario Agger, Greek CEO of Roxxon, can assume form & power of the Minotaur of legend, Thor foe)
Mints (Brooklyn Avengers member)
Miracleman (fair game now Marvel owns him - NB this is the Moore version)
Mirage (Desmond Charne, Spider-Man foe, resurrected Scourge victim, dead again)
Miss Fury (Marla Drake, Golden Age heroine, costume alleged to be a magical panther skin, aka Black Fury)
Miss Thing (Darla Deering, Ant-Man's former girlfriend)
Mister Danger (Evel Knievel foe)
Mister Density (Fight-Man foe)
Mister Miracle (Corporation member)
Mister Nobody (Earth-982 criminal with teleporting suit, foe of Spider-Girl/Mayday Parker)
Mr. Sinister (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Mr. Sinister (Earth-92131)
Mistress Miraculous (stage magician with limited magical abilites, died performing when her magic left her during "The Last Days of Magic")
Mitsuko (70s Hulk manga character)
Mjnari (Earth-92131, X-Men: The Animated series cartoon)
Mojo II (Clone of Mojo, later foe of Squirrel Girl)
Mole Monster (son of the Mole Man, Nova/Red She-Hulk character)
Molecule Kid (Avengers Assemble cartoon)
Molivia (fictional country from Marvel Mystery Comics #5, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Momenta (Goodmam, Lieber, Kurtzburg & Holliway's super-swift courier)
Mona Lisa (Uncanny Tales #36)
Monotony Man (Hostess villain)
Monster Metropolis (location)
Montana (member of the Enforcers)
Montesi, Victoria (Darkhold Redeemers)
Moon Girl (Lunella LaFayette, genius Inhuman child, new partner of Devil Dinosaur)
Moon Man (Golden Age hero)
Moositaur (Canada Corp operative, Deadpool character)
Moravia (fictional character in Royal Roy, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Morbius (Earth-92131)
Mordecai (Ultraverse)
Mordo (swami, Adventures into Weird Worlds #11)
Morgan, Tex (western character)
Morn, Bran Mak (Robert E. Howard character)
Moses (Biblical character, Sphinx enemy)
Mother Monster (mother of the Wendigo Girls, She-Hulk/Wolverine (X-23) foe)
M-Parasiteplate (Amalgam)
Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan, Inhuman super-hero)
Ms. Marvel (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ms. Marvel (Earth-92131)
Ms. Moreballs (What The?)
Mudbug (Hellions member)
Muhammad (founder of Islam)
Muldoon, Texas Jack (Captan America ally)
Mule (What The?)
Multi-Master (Amalgam)
Multiple Maid (Amalgam)
Multiple-Guy (What The?)
Mulwray, Brennan/"Fuse" (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Mummy (Earth-74425)
Mundi, Rex (Ultraverse)
Murderworld: various large deathtraps used by Arcade to endanger adult superheroes or force teen superheroes to kill each other thus giving any survivors a serious case of PTSD.
Murdock, Al (western character, Crimefighters #2)
Murdock, Battling Jack (Dardedevil's daddy)
Murdock, Rock (50s war character)
Murrhr (Martian, Adventures into Weird Worlds #11)
MUSIC (Black Panther/Shuri character)
Musidora (Ally of Prince of Orphans)
Musketeers (France's elite armored goverment unit)
Mussolini, Benito (historical figure)
Mustang (Ultraverse)
Mustang Kid (Wild Western #19)
Mutant Control Agency (Earth-92131)
Mutant Force (aka "new" Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, members later part of the Resistants)
Mutant Outsiders (Amalgam)
Mutie Wanna-Bes (What The?)
Myriad (Amalgam)
Mysterio (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Mysterio (Earth-98121)
Mysticus (magician, World of Suspense #1)
Mystique (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Mystique (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Myx (Amalgam)
N-4 (Nazi, Marvel Mystery Comics #23)
Nabu (Amalgam)
Nachochip (What The?)
Nadar (Inhuman scientist)
Nader, Ralph (Earth-616, Male vol. 21 #7)
Nadir's Raiders (Crazy Magazine characters, Hulk foes)
Naga (Namor foe, Serpent Crown wearer)
Nagraj (Earth-Nagraj, Ally of Spider-Man, Superman and Batman)
Nagurski, Bronko (historical figure, Sports Action #6)
Nahrees (Inhuman with electrical conducting powers, former exchange student)
Naiad (X-student, Advocates member)
Naiad (Ultraverse)
Naida (Mystery Tales vol. 3 #1)
Nail, the (villain team)
Nail (Ultraverse)
Nails (Eaton, member of the Elite Agents of SHIELD)
Naja (Inhuman/NuHuman)
Nakamoto, Kenji (SHIELD foe, reality warper)
Namor (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Namor (Earth-534834)
Namor (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Nancy Ann (ship, Astonishing #43)
Nanny (robot)
Napalm (Road Force member)
Napier, Dr. Carter (Deathweb creater)
Napier, Jack (member of Machiavelli Club)
Nappy Head (Haunt of Horror vol. 1 #1)
Nara (Braddock Academy Student, Avengers Arena)
Narangan Blade (Asgardian sword wielded by Vör and later by Skadihr)
Nash, Frank (criminal, Justice Comics #9)
Nasty Boys (Earth-92131)
Nata (Brazilian mutant, Muties character)
Natchios, Elektra (Earth-701306)
Natchios, Nikolas (Earth-701306)
National Force (fascist group masterminded by Dr. Faustus, foes of Captain America and SHIELD)
Natural (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Nature Girl (Jean Grey School student)
Nau, Jean Jacques (pirate, All-True Crime #44)
Naughty Georgie (humor character, Riot #5)
Nautilus (Spider-Man/Cage foe)
Navarone, Jimmy (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Navarro, Rosa (X-Men 2099 character, member of the Freakshow, became involved with Metalhead of the X-Men)
Naza (King of Subland, World of Mystery #5)
Nazis (frequent threat in stories written and/or set in 1940s)
Nebuchadnezzar (Bible Tales for Young People #5)
Nebulo (Evil Inhumans)
Necrogateur, le (le Bureau Discret member)
Necromancer (Deadpool ally, SHIELD agent)
Necromantra (Ultraverse)
Needle (Night Shift member)
Needler (Ultraverse)
Neely, Tony (Mystic #36)
Negasonic Teenage Warhead (New X-Men character)
Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Deadpool movie)
Negatory Zone (What The?)
Negresco (Ultraverse)
Nellie the Nurse
Nelson & Murdock (prominent law firm)
Nelson, Baby Face (historical figure)
Nelson, Bart (thug, Journey into Unknown Worlds #17)
Nelson, Candace (Foggy's sister)
Nelson, Claire (Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Nelson, Don (romance character, Love Tales #38)
Nelson, Foggy (Earth-98121)
Nelson, Foggy (Earth-701306)
Nelson, Horatio (admiral, Marines in Battle #4, Navy Combat #6)
Nelson, Neuron (Hostess villains, Captain Marvel foe)
Nelwyn (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Nenora (Silver Surfer foe)
Neo-Knights (Earth-91274, Autobot/Transformers allies)
Neolithic (Monster Island creature, Fantastic Four foe)
Nephilia (Earth-8107, Spider-Man cartoon)
Nephrus (ancient Egyptian wizard, enemy of the Living Mummy)
Neramani, D’Ken (Earth-92131)
Neramani, Lilandra (Earth-92131)
Netman (Cap foe, Captain America Comics #10)
Netster (Road Force: Recovery Division member)
Network (Sarah Vale, depowered Xavier student, killed by Stryker's forces)
Network Nina (SHIELD ESPer agent)
Neuro (Paradise, Wolverines character)
Neuronauts (Merzah the Mystic’s group)
Neuronne (Ultraverse)
Nevada Kid (Six-Gun Western #3)
Nevada Kid (Western Outlaws #13)
Neverland (Weapon X prison camp)
Nevermind (informal name for a parasitic Hulk foe)
Nevil, Bret (alien, Mystic #39)
Neville, Fats (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Neville, Kate (former SHIELD agent & lover of Nick Fury, killed by Baron Strucker)
New Asgods (Amalgam)
New Avengers (Avengers Idea Mechanics/AIM) (Sunspot's team)
New Charles Xavier School for Mutants
New Genix (Marvel Comics Presents team)
New Gods (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
New Musicians (Power Pachyderms)
New Mutants (New Mutants Forever)
New Seed (2001, Deadpool, referenced in Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone)
New Western Teen Malform Force (Amalgam)
New Worriers (What The?)
New York Special Crimes Unit (Amalgam)
Newell, Alice (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Newell, James (actor, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Newton, Betty (romance character, Girl Comics #12)
Newuniversal Earth (alternate take on the New Universe)
Next Wave (Ghost Rider/Silver Sable foes)
Nezarr the Calculator (Celestial)
NFL SuperPro
N’Iceman (What The?)
Nichestein (fictional country in Battle #16, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Nidhogg (Asgardian dragon)
Niema (Mystic #18)
Night Gawker (Night Stalker parody from Arrgh!). This one's a bit of a grey area in turns of black or red: the character has only appeared in Marvel, but his sole appearance was in a Mad-style TV show parody.
Night of the Demons (Eternals event)
Night Phantom (Travis Hoyt, Iron Man foe based in Haiti, later imprisoned in SHIELD's Pleasant Hill)
Night Witch (Red Guardians' WW II era unnamed team)
Nightcat (singer/heroine)
Nightcrawler (Pryde of the X-Men)
Nightfire (demon, Illuminator foe)
Nightingale (First Line member)
Nighthawk (Earth-31916 member of Prime Earth/Earth-616 Squadron Supreme)
Nightman (Ultraverse)
Nightman (Ultraforce cartoon)
Nightman (the tv show version, not the regular Ultraverse)
Nightside (Imperial Guard)
Nightstick (1907 era Wonder, Upward Path member, Runaways character)
Nightvoid (mutant, X-Force/X-Statix farm team)
Nightwoman (Earth-83930, Nightman TV series)
Nikhail, Anna (witch, Mystic #10)
Nine, The (Rancor's group of mutant lieutenants on Haven colony, Reality-691)
Ningal (one of the Annunaki, degenerated into a demon, foe of Dr. Strange)
Ninja (Iron Fist foe, servant of Master Khan)
Ninja Star (Earth-135263, Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes cartoon)
Ninotchka (Red Room trainee, mercenary, foe of Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Daredevil, & Black Widow)
N’Jaga (Ka-Zar [David Rand] animal)
NME (Ultraverse)
Noah (biblical figure)
Noble, Heather (Earth-982, fellow classmate of Mayday Parker, became friend after first being bully)
Noble, Nia (daughter of U-Man & Lady Lotus, married Peter Noble/The Fin, ally of New Invaders)
Nocturne (Angela Cairn, former NYPD officer mutated into bat-winged form, Spider-Man character)
Nocturne (Gray Poldark, Earth-9561 hero inspired by that world's Night Raven)
Nogi (sidekick of Mr. Zardu)
Noir (Darkforce user, Power Man/Iron Fist character)
Noir Universe (Earth-90214, world were counterparts of 616 characters debuted in 1920s-30s, like Spider-Man Noir, X-Men Noir, etc.)
Noise (mutant, Agent (Mason) foe)
Nolan, Rocky (boxer, Girl Comics #9)
Noles, Frankie (reporter, Crime Cases Comics #26)
Nomad (Ian Rogers)
Nomak, Jared (Earth-26320, Blade movies)
Norman, Norma (Love Adventures #10)
Norton, Mike (western character, Wild West Storie and Complete Novel Magazine #98)
Not Brand Ecch Earth
Notch (Ultraverse)
Nova (Frankie Raye, Earth-534834)
Nova Kid (What The?)
Nova Roma (community of alleged Roman descendants, created by Selene in Brazilian jungle)
Novak, Cookie (50s war character, Combat Kelly friend)
Novak, Pete (romance character, True Secrets #22)
Novak, Ray (war character, Battle #2)
Nowarra, Inoshiro (Haunt of Horror vol. 1 #2)
Nowlan, Michael (X-Factor character, pawn of Apocalypse)
Nth Command (Thing/Captain America enemies)
Nuba (lion, Jungle Tales vol. 1 #1)
Nugget (Annie Oakley’s horse)
Nuglo (alien, Journey into Mystery #26)
NuHumans (race)
Nuke (Albert Gaines; Squadron Supreme)
Nuke (Amalgam)
Nul (Servent of Cul the Serpent, one of the Worthy)
Numa (Man-oo foe, Jungle Action #1)
Numbers (10'-plus tall member of the Technet & Special Executive)
Nur (Inhuman/NuHuman)
Nutcracker (What The?)
NuWareWolves (Ultraverse)
Nyles, Jennifer (Beast character)
Nymph (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Nyteflyt (Ultraverse)
Nyx (Olympian Goddess of Darkness, Avengers foe)
Oa the Living Planet (Amalgam)
Oakley, Annie (the historical figure, not the humor/romance character from the first few issues of the Annie Oakley series)
Oakley, Annie (the humor/romance character set in the 1940s from the first 4 issues of the Annie Oakley series, a distinct character from the western historical figure in the rest of the series)
Oatis, Bill (war character, Men’s Adventures #17)
Obama, Barack (President)
O’Bannon, Presley (marine, Marines in Battle #6)
Obb (alien, Deadpool ally)
Obeahman (sorcerer, Hellstorm character)
O’Bell, Mike (detective, The Eagle #2-4)
O’Brien, Conan (Ultraverse)
O’Brien, Joe (reporter, Love Tales #63)
OBrien, Matthew (the guy who killed the Hangman)
O’Brien, O.B. (detective, Detective Short Stories vol. 2 #3)
O'Brien, Randy (New Universe character, former member of DP7, formerly called Anti-Body)
Occultist (Spider-Man/Black Cat foe)
Ocean (mutant, O-Force member)
Ocelot (mutant, O-Force member)
O’Conlon, Richard (policeman, Caught #2)
O’Connell, Jeannine (Project: Pegasus)
O'Connell, Maire (Magik(Rasputin) ally)
O'Connell, Taryn (US1/She-Hulk character, romantic partner of Razorback)
O’Connor, Winthrop (General, Battlefront #3)
Odashu, Genji (Shogun Warriors/Avengers pilot)
Odd John (Micronauts foe)
Oddball (member of the Death-Throws; fought Hawkeye before joining)
Oddbrand Otter (Asgardian character)
Odin (Earth-9997/Earth-X)
O'Donnell (bartender in Madripoor, friend of Patch/Wolverine)
Odysseus (Greek hero, Trojan War veteran, slain battling Mikaboshi's forces)
Oesterreich, Walburga (Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 2 #6)
O’Faye, Ellen (western character, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
Offending Society (Amalgam)
Offer (Wolverine character)
Office of Insufficient Evidence (Sleepwalker foes)
Officer Outbody (Astral plane patrolman)
Officer Z.E.R.O. (Code: Blue foe)
Officer Dragon imposter (Nova foe, Skrull impersonator of Image's Savage Dragon)
O-Force (X-Statix characters)
Og (prehistoric man, Mystery Tales #39)
Ogden, Hoppy (criminal, All True Crime Cases #30)
Ogeode (Crystar character, sorcerer)
O’Grady, John (Colonel, Man Comics #17)
Ogre (Angel (Halloway) foe)
Ogre (Wicked Brigade member)
Ogre (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Ogress (Riot Squad member)
O’Hill, Michael (policeman, Web of Spider-Man #52)
Oink (mutant, 0-Force member)
Ojo Macabra (Everyman murder victim)
Okoye (Black Panther character, one of the Dora Milage)
O’Krime, Officer (40s humor character)
"Old Flame" (Human Torch foe, Hostess villain)
Old Man (Ultraverse/Earth-93060, allegedly millennia-old hunter, sometime-leader of the Freex)
Old Man Spider (Ezekiel Sims of Earth-4, Spider-Verse Character)
Old Skull (Killraven ally)
O’Leary, Jeremiah (war character, Battle #15)
O’Leary, Kevin (Irishman, Battle Action #21)
O’Leary, Mike (Sgt., Spy Fighters #10)
Olney, Black George (western character, Wild Western #10)
Olsen, James (Amalgam)
Olson, Pete (war character, Combat Casey #6)
Olympus (home of the Greek gods)
Omaka (daughter of Sakaar's Red King/Angmo-Asan, ally of Skaar, later became the Red Queen)
O’Malley (Strange Tales #11)
O'Malley, Karen (Earth-751263, Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon)
Omega (android created by Maximus, Inhumans character)
Omega Beast (Amalgam)
Omega Clan (trio of clones based on Omega Red's genetics created by the White Sky, foes of the X-Force strike team)
Omega Flight (Validator's team, Avengers characters)
Omega Red (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Omega Red (Earth-92131)
Omega Team (Ultraverse)
Omerta (Italian hero, Alpha Flight character)
Omni-Wave Projectot (Kree technological device, used for hyperspace communication but also as a weapon)
Omnus (Planet Terry)
Omo (elephant, Jungle Tales vol. 1 #4)
One More Day/One Moment in Time (Spider-Man event/storyline)
One-Above-All (multiversal entity, has been known to adopt various guises)
One-Man Atrocity (Fight-Man foe)
Oneg the Prober (Celestial)
Onome (Future Foundation)
Onslaught (Imperial Guard member)
Onyx (Meteor Man foe, partner of Silver)
Ooze (mutant, O-Force member)
Operation: Zero Tolerance (X-title event)
Operative (Mystery Men)
Operator (Ultraverse)
Optiman (mutant, O-Force reject)
Ora (Drax character, later member of Yondu's Ravagers)
Oracle (Super Heores of Europe member)
Oracle (O-Force trainee)
Oracle (Earth-92131)
Orange Crusher (depowered mutant, Anti-Registration Underground member)
Orb (Neo member)
Orb of Agamotto (used by Dr Strange)
Orbit (Spacemen member, Spider-Man foe)
Orbit (mutant, O-Force member)
Orby, Moose (western character, Cowboy Action #8)
Orchid (mutant, O-Force rejectee)
Orchid, Jonny (criminal, Crime Cases Comics #24)
O'Reilly, Rebel (Franklin Richards' Counter-Earth)
Org (prehistoric man, Spellbound #23)
Organism 8 (Ultraverse)
Orifice (mutant, O-Force member)
Orikal (prophetic extradimensional being held prisoner by Asgard's Rock Trolls)
Orillium ("radio-active principle," Marvel Stories vol. 2 #2)
Orini (Dr. Strange foe; Clea's father)
Oriole (Air Force member, Night Thrasher/New Warriors foe)
Orion (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Orion Rex (Marvel Boy (Greyson) foe, Astonishing #5)
Orjanski, Stefan (Journey into Mystery #39)
Orkin Man (Spider-Man: The Bug Stops Here)
Orlovsky, Meghan (Deadpool film)
Ortega, Izzy (Bishop's former police partner in District X)
Orthan Ba ('s Sacred Relics of Kh'bor provided by WAND to Red Hulk to use against Oberoth'm'gozz posing as Doctor Strange)
Orto (Gwenpool foe)
Osborn, Emily (Norman's wife & Harry's mother, faked her death, years later became nanny to her grandsons)
Osborn, Harry (Earth-98121)
Osborn, Norman (Earth-92131)
Osborn, Normie (Harry and Liz Osborn's son) - this is the 616 version
Osborn, Normie (MC2, Earth-982's son of Harry and Liz Osborn, Spider-Girl foe-turned-ally)
Oscar (humor character)
O’Shea, Pat (Chief Petty Officer, Spy Fighters #10)
O’Shea, Terrence (Sgt., Battle Action #11)
Oshtur (Elder Goddess, part of the Vishanti, mother of Agamotto)
Osprey (would-be Frightful Four member)
O’Sullivan, Nellie (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Oswyn (Marvel Super Special #28)
Otar (alien invader, Marvel Tales #119)
Otetsukun (Japanese giant robot, Fantastic Four character)
Other-People (Marvel Stories vol. 2 #3)
Otomo (Japanese adventurer, Super-Soldier Serum variant-empowered, Machine Man character)
O’Toole, Paddy (Uncanny Tales #31)
O’Toole, Tim (50s war character)
Ott, Roger (detective, Crime Must Lose #12)
Otto II (“The Red,” Holy Roman Emperor)
Otto the Great (historical figure)
Otwani (Prince, Marvel Super Special #34)
Ouija (Hull House resident, Alpha Flight character)
Outcasts (Subterranea, super-powered allies of the Mole Man)
Outcasts (Puck's former team)
Outlaws (team of Silver Sable agents)
Outrage (Ultraverse)
Overcharge (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Overkill (mutant, O-Force member)
Overkill (aka Taserface, foe of Reality-691's Guardians of the Galaxy)
Overkill Horn
Overlord (Ultraverse)
Over-Mime (What The?)
Overmire, Slim (grease monkey, Sports Action #13)
Overrider (Captain America foe)
Overshadow (Philip Nolan Voight, New Universe character, DP7 villain)
Oversize (Shadowforce member, Spider-Man/X-Factor foe)
Overstreet, Septimus (Men’s Adventures #22)
Ovlov (escapee, Male magazine [Jan. 1961])
Owens, Frank (detective, Detective Short Stories vol. 2 #3)
Owens, Pamela (romance character, My Love Story #4)
Owl (Earth-92131, Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon)
Owl (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Owl (What The?)
Owlhoot Cub (Complete Western Book Magazine pulp vol. 11 #4)
Owlhoot Kid (outlaw, Western Kid #9)
Owlsey, Leland (Earth-199999, Daredevil TV series)
Owlsley, Helena (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Owlwoman (Marvelman/Miracleman character)
Ox (Ronald Bloch, brother of Raymond, second Ox to join the Enforcers)
Ox (Raymond Bloch, twin of Ronald, first Bloch to join Enforcers)
Ox (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Ox (1960s Spider-man cartoon)
Oxbow (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
Oya (Santerians' member)
Oya (All-New X-Men member)
Oyabun (Ultraverse)
Oz (fictional location)
Ozaki, Keigo (composer, Avengers #101)
Ozarks Kingpin (Deadpool and the Mercs For Money character)
Ozma (Princess, Ozma of Oz)
Ozone (mutant, O-Force rejectee)
Ozymandias (X-Men character, servant of Apocalypse and Clan Akkaba)
Pa Tat (Belgian superhero)
Paabo, Anna (Hungarian Agent, For Men Only vol. 6 #3)
Packer, Artie (Rom Ally)
Pada (leopard, Jungle Tales vol. 1 #2)
Paez, Jose (bandit, western character, Official True Crime Cases Comics #24)
Page, Karen (Earth-98121)
Painkiller Jane (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Paladorns (subterranean race, Mystic #11)
Palmer, Christine (nurse, ally of Nightcrawler)
Palmer, Ray (Amalgam)
Pal-o’mine (What The?)
Panacea (Inhuman/NuHuman)
Pan-European Conference on Superhuman Affairs
Panthera (Amalgam)
Panthrax (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Papa Verite (Ultraverse)
Papamondo, el (Amalgam)
Parademons (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Parademons (Amalgam)
Parasite (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Parker, Benjamin (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Parker, Mary (romance character, Secret Story Romances #1)
Parker, Peter (Earth-DC/Earth-1, photographer, Crisis on Infinite Earths #5)
Parker, Peter (Amalgam)
Parker, Teresa (CIA agent, possible sister of Spider-Man (Peter Parker))
Parker, Wendy (humor character; is she related to Peter?)
Parrish, Robin (Avengers Fail Safe Program)
Parrot (Golden Age foe of original Human Torch, had beak-like facial deformity)
Passion, Ivan (Pussycat #1)
Paste Pot Peep (Lave Earth villain)
Paste-Eater Pete (Amalgam)
Pathfinder (Berserkers member, Alpha Flight/X-Men character)
Pathway (Laura Dean, Alpha Flight character)
Patrick, Claudia (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #6)
Patton, George S. (historical figure)
Pawling, Peter (time-traveler, Mystery Tales #39)
Payback (Eddie Dyson/Punisher character)
Paydirt (Initiative/Point Men member)
Peace Corpse (Avengers foes)
Peace Lover (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Peak (superhuman prison that held Damion Hellstrom)
Pecos Bill (Texas Kid #4)
Pecos Kid (Frontier Western #1)
Pecos Kid (western character, Reno Brown #50)
Pecos Kid (Western Gunfighters vol. 1 #27)
Peel, Emma (Captain America #401)
Peg (flying horse, Uncanny Tales #37)
Peggy (40s humor character)
Pelt Man (Amalgam)
Penance (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Pendleton, Tom (Gothic Tales of Love #3)
Pengaster, Hetty (Gothic Tales of Love #1)
People's Defense Force (Chinese team)
Pepper, Powerhouse (40s character)
Percival (knight, Mystery Tales #39)
Perry, Matthew (historical figure, Marines in Battle #19)
Pershing, John J. (General, historical figure)
Persuader (1950s, Cloak and Dagger character)
Persuader (Roland Rayburn, foe of Spider-Man, killed by the Punisher)
Persuasion (formerly Purple Girl; Purple Man's daughter)
Peter (biblical figure, Strange Tales #11)
Peter-Parker's-Marriage-to-Gwen-Dream-Sequence (from the original Spidey comics published in Mexico)
Peters, Pandora (head of W.A.N.D., S.H.I.E.L.D.'s supernatural division)
Peterson, Irma (My Friend Irma; she meets Stan Lee, so that's tentative evidence that Irma is a 616 character)
Petras Petragon (Inhuman, Gorgon's son)
Petrodax (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series cartoon)
Phade (Ultraverse)
Phantom (Black Rider foe, Wild Western #8)
Phantom (Lawbreakers Always Lose #5)
Phantom (Suspense #7)
Phantom (one of two villains who killed each other over a toy gun; from a Speedball story in Marvel Super-Heroes)
Phantom Bull, The (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Best of the West #11)
Phantom Eagle (Karl Kaufman-616, Freedom's Five, masked biplane fighter pilot of WWI, ghost haunted his killer)
Phantom Rider (Jaime Slade, Mockingbird foe)
Phastos (Eternals of Earth, technologist)
Phoomie Goonies (Hostess villains, Hulk foes)
Photoman (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Photon (Jason Dean, Maggia agent using a "photon gun," foe of Nova/Rich Rider & Spider-Man)
Physique (Initiative doctor)
Pierce, Alexander Goodwin (SHIELD agent, not the character from Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie)
Pierce, Lexa (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Piledriver (Brian Calluskey, Wrecking Crew member)
Pillar (Ghosts of Cyclops member)
Pinball (Squadron Earth)
Pink Sphinx (Deadpool character, Contest of Champions participant)
Pipedream (mutant, X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors novel)
Piper (Savage Land Mutates)
Pisces (Noah Perricone of Zodiac)
Pit Bull (New Universe character, Paranormal Platoon member)
Pit-Viper (double for Viper/Ophelia Sarkissian, would-be ally of Punisher, foe of Captain America & Silver Sable, killed by Viper)
Pizarro, Francisco (historical figure, Tim Holt #37 [Ghost Rider story], Battle #43)
Plague (former Morlock turned into Pestilence, Horseman of Apocalypse)
Plainsman (Looter adversary)
Planet Terry (Cammi/Pip the Troll ally, Star Comics character)
Plasmacabre (time traveler, Squirrel Girl character)
Pleasant Hill (Prison community opperated by SHIELD)
Plotter, The (1960s Spider-Man cartoon)
Plymouth Rocker (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Pod (New Avengers/AIM member)
Pokerface (Power Man/Iron Fist foe)
Polaria (fictional country from Crash Comics #5 [Strongman story], not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Pool Shark (Moon Knight foe)
Poole, Albert (mad scientist, Pym employer)
Porcupine (Roger Gocking, successor to Alex Gentry, current Spider-Woman character)
Portland Avengers (parody characters)
Positron (Annie, Amazing Fantasy character)
Possessor (Kamo Tharnn, Elder of the Universe)
Power Corp (Russian Team, mentioned only)
Power, Jack (member of Power Pack)
Power, Katie (Power Pack)
Power Tools (two different teams of agents of Karl Malus, fought Hawkeye & Captain America)
Powers, Patty (humor/romance character)
Praeter (Herald of Galactus)
"Presidential Kidnapper" (Hulk foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide)
Press Gang (X-Men characters, mutants serving as willing members of Genosha's Magistrates)
Pretorious (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Press-On (SPAFON member)
Pretty Boy (Reaver)
Price, Rosalind (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Priests of Pama (pacifist sect of Kree spread throughout the universe, trained Mantis and Moondragon)
Prima Donna (Initiative/Action Pack member)
Primal (Berman, mutant)
Primal (Teon Macik, X-Men, one of the Five Lights)
Prime (Ultraverse)
Primevil (Ultraverse)
Primus (Armin Zola creation)
Printout Man (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Prism (crystalline-bodied member of the Marauders, repeatedly killed & cloned)
Prodigy (from Amazing Spider-Man vs the Prodigy)
Professor Imam (Squadron Supreme ally)
Professor Prometheus (Micronauts foe)
Professor X (Alliance for peace leader from Marvel Superheroes/Sub-Mariner cartoon)
Professor Xu (Chinese mystic, ally of Doctor Strange)
Profit (Spider-Man foe)
Project Cadmus (Amalgam)
Project Patriot (Ultraverse)
Project Ricochet (Captain America/Spider-Man advertisement)
Prometheus (Ultraverse)
Protector (Captain America (Mace) foe)
Protectors (team of heroes on Earth-1136)
Protester (Portland Avengers member)
Proteus (Atlantean; if memory serves at odds with Namor)
Proteus (Earth-92131)
Proton (Initiative member)
Prototype (Bob Campbell) (Ultraverse)
Prototype (Jimmy Ruiz) (Ultraverse)
Proxima Midnight (assassin & servant of Thanos, Black Order member)
Prussland (fictional country not covered in the Marvel Atlas; from Red Raven Comics #1)
Psi (Brooklyn Avengers member)
Psycho-Man (Earth-534834)
Psylocke (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Psylocke (Earth-92131)
Psylocke (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Puck (Amalgam)
Puff Adder (Gordon Fraley, Serpent Society member)
Pulse (Augustus, X-Men character)
Pulverizer (What The?)
Punisher (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Punisher (Earth-58627)
Punisher (Earth-92131)
Punisher (MAX series; got to have one headlinder character in there)
Punisher (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Punisher (Amalgam)
Punk (What The?)
Pup-Pest Master (What The?)
Puppet Master (Earth-534834)
"Purple Piccolo" (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Purple Pig (in-universe fictional character, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
Purvis, Andy (Journey into Unknown Worlds #37)
Push (MC2, member of the X-People)
Pussycat (Pussycat #1)
Puzzle Man (contest character)
Pym, Hank (Earth-98121)
Pym, Hank (What The?)
Pym, Hank (Amalgam)
Pyra (Mystery Tales #23)
Pyrotic (Ultraverse)
Python (Emil Cullen, WWII saboteur/villain)
Q (James Bond character, Marvel Super Special #19, #26)
Q7 Strike Force (Marvel UK, Gene Dogs foes)
Qabiri (extradimensional world destroyer from the Brilliant City; foe of X-Man/Nate Grey)
Q-Bomb (Crazy vol. 1 #2)
Qeelocke (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Qermit (frog-like other-dimensional alien, member of the Silver Legion, Silver Surfer character)
Qiblah (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Qin Shi Huan-Ti (historical figure)
Qua (Earth-4935, Atlantean elemental, Clan Askani member, killed by Diamanda Nero)
Quacksilver (Larval Earth; member of Scavengers)
Quackson, Johnny (Duckworld television talk show host)
Quadriverse (dimension)
Quadro (hunchback, Adventures into Terror #21)
Quagmire (Squadrron Supreme foe)
Quaid, Capt. Frank (Ultimate universe, NYPD successor to Jean DeWolff, encountered both Parker & Morales in their roles as Spider-Man)
Quake (Earth-8096, Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes cartoon)
Quake (Dawn of the White Light member)
Quake (Earth-91274, Decepticon)
Qualaero (Ultraverse)
Quan, Rebecca (former romantic interest of Steve Rogers)
Quan-St'ar (Shang-Chi foe, sorcerer)
Quantrell’s Guerillas (Western Outlaws and Sheriffs #66)
Quantrill’s Band (Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Quantum (Lomen, Dakkamite Soldier, member of Graviton's Forces and the Elect)
Quantum Banders (duplicates of former Protectors of the Universe)
Quantum Drive (high-capacity data storage device that contained a comprehensive list of effective counter-meassures against every major super hero on the planet)
Quantum Mechanic (Captain Universe foe)
Quaqui (African tribe, Lorna the Jungle Girl #11)
Quar (Ultraverse)
Quark (McKenzie)
Quark (the ram guy from the Mojoverse)
Quark (Microns member)
Quark (Earth-92131)
Quarl (other dimension, home of Ka-Zar foes the Sheenarians & Quarlians)
Quarrel (Kree, Spider-Man promo villain)
Quarry (mercenary, friend of War Machine)
Quarry (Dystopia bounty hunter)
Quartermain, Clay (LMD, part of Deltan Conspiracy)
Quartermain, Clay (Earth-5724, Nick Fury movie)
Quartermaster, Jason (Luke Cage foe)
Quartrino (hunchback, Crime Can’t Win #43)
Quarto (Irth sorcerer and ally of Khaos, from Excalibur Annual #1.)
Quasar (Kincaid, SHIELD agent)
Quasar (What The?)
Quasar the Future Man (Iron Man foe)
Quasar’s Wrist Bands (power devices)
Quasi-Humans (What The?)
Quasimodo (hunchback, Mystic #23-24, Marvel Classics Comics #3)
Quasimodo (Incredible Hulk versus Quasimodo)
Quasimodo (Earth-11911)
Quasimodox (Amalgam)
Quasimudpuddle (Crazy vol. 1 #6)
Quasi-Universe (dimension)
Quattro (Ultraverse team)
Quayle, Dan (What The?)
Qubit (Nova Corps)
Queega (alien race)
Queen Adora (ruler of Xandar, died when Nebula wiped out Xandar, resurrected via cloning, and killed again by Annihilation Wave)
Queen Bavmorda (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Queen Elizabeth II (British Monarch; met Captain Britain, etc)
Queen Fria (Micronauts ally)
Queen Hilda (Planet Terry)
Queen Hippolyta (Amalgam)
Queen Medusa (ruler of the Sub-Earth Men, encountered Captain America and Nazi agent the Spook in 1942 American Mid-West)
Queen Mother (ruler of Earth-1193's Britain, magical power, AU counterpart of Saturnyne)
Queen Nara (Marvel Mystery Comics #9)
Queen of Angels (Angela character, Thor foe)
Queen of Crime (1940s crime boss, foe of Human Torch & Toro)
Queen of Diamonds (costumed diamond thief, Earth-57780/Spidey Super-Stories)
Queen of Nevers (cosmic entity, embodiment of all possibility)
Queen of the Brood (Brood queen of unknown origins, member of Galactic Council's new roster)
Queen of the Sub-Sea Realm (1950s foe of Namor)
Queen of Venus (Marvel Stories vol. 2 #2)
Queen Regalia (Royal Roy)
Queen Repugna (Planet Terry)
Queen's Vengeance (altered version of Avengers)
Queens (Atlas-style entry on largest of New York's five boroughs, home of Peter Parker)
Quentin (western character, Rawhide Kid #4)
Quentin (Ultraverse Premiere #2-3)
Quentin Carnival (Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze characters)
Quentin Carnival (Amalgam)
Quentin, Ralph (founder of Quentin Carnival)
Quentin, Ray (Ultraverse)
Quentino, Raul (Silver Sable's Wild Pack member)
Questa (Assassins Guild mutant, Rogue foe)
Quest for Neptune’s Trident (event); has Blockbusters Appendix entry but not a full entry.
Questprobe (event, including details from the computer games)
Quick Freeze (Unlimited Access)
Quick Kick (Earth-91274, G.I. Joe member)
Quick Kick (Earth-120185, Action Force member, student of Shang-Chi)
Quick-Draw Kid (Western Outlaws #15)
Quickfire (NuHuman, Mighty Avengers character)
Quickkick (NFL SuperPro foe)
Quickmix (Earth-91274, Autobot)
Quicksilver (X-Men: Days of Future Past movie)
Quicksilver (Earth-295/Age of Apocalypse counterpart of Pietro Maximoff)
Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff of Earth-1298/Mutant X, X-Men member, died in Mutant X Annual 2001)
Quicksilver (Pietro Lensherr of Earth-1610/Ultimate Universe)
Quicksilver (Earth-8096)
Quicksilver (Earth-10005)
Quicksilver (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
Quicksilver (Earth-12131)
Quicksilver (Earth-91119)
Quicksilver (Earth-92131, X-Men: The Animated series cartoon)
Quicksilver (Earth-199999, Avengers: Age of Ultron movie)
Quicksilver (alternate from Ultraforce #Infinity)
Quicksliver (What The?)
Quicksilver (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
Quickstart (Fight-Man foe)
Quickwire (MC2/Earth-982 character, Spider-Girl foe turned government agent)
Quiet Bill (William Kimpton, homeless mutant, Gambit character)
Quiet Burp (Riot #6)
Quiet Council of Krakoa (mutants who serve as nation of Krakoa's government)
Quiet Man (Steinbeck, Mystique character)
Quiet Man (Fantastic Four foe)
Quiet Room (location, Inhumans: Attilan Rising)
Quill (Warpy)
Quill (Resistant)
Quill (Max Jordan; Xavier student)
Quill (Quinlan; New Universe assassin)
Quill (Earth-10005)
Quill (Earth-58163, House of M)
Quill, Jan (Mystic #33)
Quill, Meredith (Star-Lord’s mother)
Quills (mutant, Arena fighter)
Quimby, Willard (General, Man Comics #17)
Quinn (Colonel, Combat Kelly #16)
Quinn (Daredevil foe, former SHIELD agent)
Quinn (Earth-26320)
Quinn Gang (outlaws, Wild Western #24)
Quinn, Jenny (Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #14, 16-18)
Quinn, Niall (Ultraverse)
Quinn, Pamela (Delmar Insurance employee, mutually attracted to Machine Man)
Quinn, Peter (Earth-92131)
Quinn, Sid (romance character, Millie the Model Comics #74)
Quinn, Walt (western character, Western Outlaws #11)
Quintessons (Earth-91274)
Quinto, Colonel (war character, War Comics #8)
Quintronic Man (giant robotic foe of Hulk and Nova/Rider)
Quire, Quentin Update (Does anybody call him "Kid Omega" anymore? Just wondering.)
Quirk (Naomi Torrijos-Washington, Earth-298's 2099 AD, singer, ally & love interest for John Eisenhart/Hulk)
Quirt, Morty (Mystic #37)
Quisling (Madame Masque's robotic servant)
Quitman, John (historical figure, Marines in Action #10)
Quiver (Rentaro Nakadai, Earth-928, mutant ally of Sham and X-Men circa 2099 AD)
Quiver (Annie Stevenson, New Universe character)
Quixote (Ultraverse)
Quizling (Howard the Duck foe)
Qu'lar the Massive (Thanos thrall)
Qune (Ultraverse)
Quo (alien race, Tales to Astonish #37)
Quog (boar, Ka-Zar animal)
Quogg (Tales to Astonish monster)
Quoggoth (Shuma-Gorath creation, X-Men/Squirrel Girl foe)
Quor (Ka-Zar the Savage foe)
Quorum (hired thug of James Johnsmeyer/one of the Great Game's sponsors, fought Kaine)
Quota (Agent foe, cyborg)
Qury, Samra (Fantastic Four: War Zone novel)
Q'Wake (Avatars of the Mandarin member)
Qwerty (Morlock prophet)
Qyre (the Watcher, She-Hulk character)

Last edited by skippcomet (2/09/2025 1:33 am)

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1/21/2020 8:17 am  #4

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

R.U. Reddy (Thunderriders/Team America)
Ra the Avenger (Captain America Comics #8)
Rackham, Billy Bob (Luke Cage foe)
Radial (Xavier School reject)
Radioactive Kra (Amalgam)
Radioactive Man (Igor Stanchek, Black Panther foe)
Radioactive Man (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Rafferty (Ultraverse)
Rai (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
Raidus (Micoverse villain, Scarlet Spider/Venom foe)
Raina (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Rainmaker (Astonishing #39)
Rainmaker (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Rakk 'n' Ruin (Rocket Raccoon’s spaceship)
Rama-In-Pajamas (Winter Friends member, Hawkeye character)
Ramjet (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ramonda (T'Challa's stepmother, Black Panther character)
Ramrod, the (western character, Kid Colt Outlaw #52)
Rancor (Reality-691, alleged descendant of Wolverine, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
Random, Johnny (Amalgam)
Rangers (modern day western/50 State Initiative team)
Ransak the Reject (human-looking Deviant, ally of the Eternals)
Rapido (Roussel Dupont, French cyborg, Punisher foe)
Rapture (Earth-91274, Neo-Knights member, Autobot/Transformers ally)
Rapunzel (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
Rarebit Fiend (X-Men international reject)
Ra’s Al Ghul (member of Machiavelli Club)
Ra’s Al Ghul (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Rasputin, Alexi (Amalgam)
Rasputin, Mikhail (X-Men foe, brother of Colossus & Magik, leader of Gene Nation)
Rasputina, Ilyana (What The?)
Rassendyll, Rudolf (Marvel Classics Comics #29)
Ratatoskr (Asgardian, Squirrel Girl character)
Ratbag (1907 era Wonder, Sinners member, Runaways character)
Ratchet (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Rathia (Namor foe, The Human Torch #5B)
Rattan (Captain America and Spider-Man foe)
Rattler (outlaw, Kid Colt Outlaw #22)
Rattler (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Rattler (Gustav Krieger, Serpent Society member killed by Scourge/Demolition-Man)
Rattler (Red Wolf foe)
Rattler Coil (western character, Kid Colt Outlaw #24)
Raven (Thorn Trask, bird-costumed foe of the Rawhide Kid)
Raven (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ravok the Ravager (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Rawborgs (Ultraverse)
Rawhide Kid (original from first 16 issues of RK series)
Rayder, Holden (Ultraverse)
Raye, Frankie (Earth-121698)
Raye, Jeff (scientist, Strange Tales #67)
Razorfist (hero, partner of Spiral)
R-Day (event, War Adventures #13)
Reader (Inhuman)
Reader, John (war character, War Action #13)
Readers (X-Persons foes, What The?)
Reagan, Nancy (historical figure)
Reaper (Pantu Hurageb; X-Cell member, former Mutant Liberation Front and Exiles/Ultraverse member)
Reasoner, Harry (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Recall (mutant, M.O.N.S.T.E.R. member, Generation X: Crossroads novel)
Recorder-404 (Force Works infiltrator/ally of Starstealth)
Recorders (Rigellian-made robots)
Red Bear (Spider-Man Novels villain)
Red Guardian/Steel Guardian
Red Queen (Hope Pym of Earth-982/MC2, daughter of Hank and Janet, villainous leader of the Revengers)
Red Ronin (robot from Godzilla)
Red Rover (mutant, X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors novel)
Red Skull (John or George Maxon imposter; first RS to encounter Captain America and Bucky)
Red Storm (Amalgam)
Red Warrior (western character)
Red Widow (Black Widow character)
Red Wolf (All-New Marvel)
Redeemer (Microverse, Venom/Scarlet Spider character)
Redeemers (Squadron Supreme foes)
Redline (Fast Five member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Red-Robed Rainmakers (Spider-Man foes)
Redstone (Earth-712, Squadron Supreme member)
Reflex (Hand ninja, Wolverine ally)
Refrax (Earth-700029, Generation X movie)
Regent (Spider-Man foe)
Reichonia (fictional country in Mystic Comics #1, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Remnant (Earth 712 Squadron Supreme foe)
Repairman (Silk foe)
Replica (Earth-691, Guardians of the Galaxy character)
Rev (Sammy Smith, cult leader, Punisher foe)
Revenant (Mystery Men)
Revengers (from Not Brand Ecch and What The--?!)
Revere, Paul (historical figure)
Revolutionary (Dynasty member, Iron Man ally)
Rewind (mutant, X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors novel)
Rey, Abdul (FF foe)
Rhiannon (Ultraverse, cannibal & sorceress, foe and mother of Night Man)
Rhinos (Hostess ad, armored assault vehicles faced by Iron Man)
Rhoda Dendron (Hostess villain, Hulk foe)
Richard the Lionheart (historical figure)
Richards, Gail (Grant Gardner’s secretary; Captain America serial)
Rick Jones (1960s Marvel Superheroes cartoons, usually Hulk segments)
Ricochet Monster (Hostess villain, Thor foe)
Rider, Charles (father of Richard and Robert Rider)
Ridge, Dan "Zapper
Right (armored wearing anti-mutant group)
Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt)
Ringmaster of Death (Fritz Tiboldt)
Ringo Kid (western character, Wild Western #26)
Ringo Kid (western character, Western Outlaws and Sheriffs #73)
Rio Grande Kid (Kid Colt Outlaw #66)
Rio Kid (western character, Wild Western #27)
Rio Kid (western character, Kid Colt Outlaw #50)
Rio Kid (western character, Love Adventures #6)
Riot (Captain Britain foe)
Ripfire (Ultraverse character)
R'malk'i (alien race of sentient plants)
Roach (mutant, killed by the Ghoul)
Road Force (Avengers characters)
Roberts, Barbie (licensed character; any reason she can’t be 616?)
RoboCop (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Robodevil (What The?)
Robota (Planet Terry)
"Robotman" (Droom ally)
Rocket Raccoon (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Rocketeers (Corporation operatives; foes of Daredevil, Rom, Torpedo & Turbo)
Rockslide (mutant, Dawn of the White Light member, Wolverine foe)
Rockwell, Douglas (Red Skull stooge and former head of the CSA)
Rodent (Ultraverse)
Rodgers, Nikki (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Rodriguez, Becca (Weirdworld character)
Rodstvow (Earth-148611, Russian empowered by the White Event, foe of Psi-Force, died)
Rogers, Anthony (Martian, Journey into Unknown Worlds #8)
Rogers, Jeanie (Steve Roger's daughter from Earth-"Just Imagine: Jeanie" in the Questar magazine)
Rogue (Earth-92131)
Rogue (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Rojhaz (1602 version of Captain America)
Roko the Amazing (Lon Crag, gains super-powers from magic work "Illium," Golden Age hero)
Roller Discoe Devils (Hostess villains, Hulk foes)
Rolling Doors (Amalgam)
(Amalgam, Lobo the Duck #1)
Ronin (Dr. Nozomu Akatsuki, Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
Rool (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (historical figure)
Rooten, Hans (son of Dutch WWII resistance fighter, Howling Commandos' mascot)
Rosamonda (fortune teller, Astonishing #48)
Rose (prostitute, Men in Adventure [Jun 1968])
Rosella (fortune teller, Mystic #38)
Ross, Courtney (former lover of Brian Braddock, killed by Sat-Yr-9)
Ross, Jonah (Earth-8107, Incredbile Hulk cartoon)
Ross, Thunderbolt (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ross, Thunderbolt (Amalgam)
Rotary (Brooklyn Avengers member)
Roto, Ted (murderer, Marvel Tales #120)
Rotten (Not Brand Echh)
Rotten Belly (Crow chief, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
"Rouge Drummer" (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Roundtree, Jess (Texas Ranger, Western Supernovel Magazine pulp #1)
Rover (talking dog, Marvel Tales #133)
Rover (biologically engineered Canine humanoid created by the Secret Empire, Hawkeye character)
Roxanne Gilbert (Iron Man character, sister & daughter of Gary and Simon Gilbert, respectively)
Roy, David (arsonist, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Royal Roy (a prince of a boy)
Ruby Rooster (funny animal character)
Rugburn (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
Rugger (torturer, Mystery Tales vol. 3 #1)
Rugworth, Ronald (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Rumbo (Power Pachyderms)
Rumor (Spider-Man ally)
Runabout (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Runamuck (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Runaway (Amalgam)
Runciter, Gail (SHIELD agent)
Rune (Ultraverse)
Rune (Ultraforce cartoon)
Running Wolf (Arrowhead foe, Arrowhead #2)
Rurik (Viking, Battle Action #13)
Rush (Ultraverse)
Russian Bill (outlaw, Arizona Kid #3)
Rust (Resistants member)
Rusty (Defender sidekick)
Rusty (40s humor character)
Rutabaga, Daryl (Amalgam)
Rutania (fictional country in Crash Comics #3 [Strongman story], not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Rutland Vermot (Marvel/DC location)
Ryland, Howard (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
S.A.F.E. (novels organization)
S.C.O.R.E. (Pussycat #1)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Update
S.H.I.E.L.D. (Earth-92131)
S.H.I.E.L.D. (Amalgam)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Sabbath Raven (Gina Morelli, casino owner; Dominic Fortune's landlord, partner, & ex-girlfriend)
Saberbat (Iron Man character)
Sabre (Earth-691 Killraven character)
Sabrebak (Unlimited Access)
Sabretooth (Earth-92131)
Sabretooth (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Sagamaw Kid (Quick-Trigger Western #18)
Sage (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Saint Hildegard (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Saint Patrick (historical figure)
Saint Valentine (Journey Into Mystery #27)
Salamander (Scarlet Spider/Hummingbird foe)
Salem's Witch (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
San Diego, Carmen (member of Machiavelli Club)
Sandman (Pre-Fantastic Four monster)
Sapna (X-Men student)
Sarto (alien invader, Marvel Tales #120)
Sasquatch (Alpha Flight monster)
Satan (a general entry covering all the various appearances of "Satan" [including stuff published in the 40s and 50s], and differentiating the various distinct characters who have sometimes used the name)
Sathanas (Devil, Journey into Mystery #9)
"Savage Fin" (Band of Baddies member, Spider-Man/Wolverine foe)
Savage, Ilongo (Shogun Warriors pilot)
Sazzik the Sorcerer (from Tales of Suspence #32)
Scanlandia (fictional country in Crash Comics #4 [Strongman story], not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Scarab (Earth-600001, Captain America movie serial)
Scarecrow (Kid Colt foe, Kid Colt Outlaw #5)
Scarlet Cyclist (Portland Avengers member)
Scarlet Spider (Kaine) Update
Scarlet Witch (Natalya Maximoff, mother of Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff)
Scarlet Witch (Maximoff, 90s Iron Man animated series)
Scimitar (sword-wielding mercenary from Halwan, Iron Fist foe)
Scintilla (Imperial Guardsman with shrinking powers, formerly called Midget)
Scorched Earth (Red Hulk event)
Scorecard (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Scorpion Boy (mutant, X-Men student)
Scout (Gabby Kinney, clone of Laura Kinney/X-23)
Secret Wars Earth (from toy line descriptions; differs from 616’s Secret Wars involvement in key ways such as Iceman being present, Magneto being a villain, characters receiving coded messages, etc)
Señor Mágico (Power Man and Iron Fist ally)
Serpentino (Magic Snake ad, Hulk foe)
Shades (Luke Cage foe)
Shadow (Road Force team leader, Dire Wraith)
Shadowshift (Wolverine's First X-Men)
Shang-Ti (giant, Battle Action #12)
Shape (Raleigh Lund, Earth-712's Squadron Supreme)
Shark Rider (Atlantean Spirit of Vengeance)
Shatterfist (foe of Thor/Eric Masterson, joined Crimson Cowl's Masters of Evil)
Sheckleberg, Hiriam (Thing ally)
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle (Marvel Super Special #34)
She-Man-Thing (Deadpool character, Contest of Champions participant)
Sherry the Showgirl (humor character)
Shikata (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series catoon)
Shiklah (Deadpool's wife)
Shocker (Kendall, Miss America foe)
Shocker (Randall Darby, member of Mutant Force, aka Paralyzer of the Resistants)
Shockjock (Thing foe)
Shredded Man (NuHuman, Uncanny Avengers foe)
Shuriken (Ultraverse character)
Silencer (Big House inmate)
Silver Burper (from Not Brand Ecch and What The--?!)
Simpson, Roxanne (John Blaze's wife) - an argument could be made for putting her under the B's but when I did a keyword search I found out that Roxanne Blaze is also the name of a porn star so I decided it's best for all concerned to put her under her maiden area.
Simpsons (presumed surname of an American family who have encountered Speedball, Scorpion, Black Cat, and Vulture)
Sinbad the Sailor (legendary hero)
Siphon (Wolverines foe)
Siren (Ultraverse)
Sisters of Sin (Captain America foes)
Six-Gun Kid (Renegades member, Vegas foe)
Skull Punch (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Skunk Ape (Monsters of Evil member)
Skylark (Linda Lewis, member of Earth-712's Squadron Supreme)
Slasher (Crawley, Moon Knight foe)
Slaughter, Kilgore
Slingshot (Yo Yo Rodriguez, Griffin/Johnny Horton's daughter, one of Nick Fury's Secret Warriors)
Smart Alec (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
S-Men (Red Skull's team)
Smith, Cindy (humor/romance character)
Smith, Prof. Hiawatha (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Smokescreen (Spider-Man/Power Man/Storm foe, anti-smoking comic)
Sneepers (alien race, Tales of Suspense #49)
Sogmaster (Cap'n Crunch/Spider-Man ad foe)
Solar, Man of the Atom (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
Solitaire (Ultraverse)
Solomon, King (biblical figure)
Solution, the (Ultraverse)
Sorrowful Maiden (Department of Occult Armaments member)
South, Gulliver (Intelligence agent, ally of Tarantula)
Sovernia (fictional country in Mystic Comics #2, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Sparkplug (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Sparrow (Air Force member)
Spectrum (Spider-Man foe/character)
Speedball (Robbie Baldwin of Marvel Apes Earth; ally of Gibbon who visited 616)
Sphinxor (Pegasusian hired to move HE's Counter-Earth, encountered Adam Warlock, later imprisoned on Stranger's Laboratory World)
Spider-Girl (Anya Corazon, formerly known as Arana -- think the first All-New A-Z 12-issue series' last issue's entries for Venom/Gargan and Winter Soldier after they'd previously been covered as Scorpion and Bucky)
Spider-Man (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Spider-Man (Earth-31198 armored Spider-Man from Spider-Man the animated series)
Spider-Man (Earth-92131)
Spider-Man (1960s cartoon, does whatever a spider can)
Spider-Man (from 1970s TV series)
Spider-Woman (from 1970s cartoon series)
Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter/90s Iron Man cartoon)
Springheeled Jack (British Ghost Rider)
Squad, the (Ultraverse)
Stalin, Josef (including his appearances in stuff published in the 50s)
Standby (What The?)
Star Sign (Initiative/Point Men member)
Starbolt (former Imperial Guardsman, killed in IG's assault on Cancerverse)
Statue of Liberty (Astonishing #24)
Stealth (Agent (Mason) foe)
Steele, Rocky (50s boxer)
Steeplejack (Marvin Flumm, Scourge victim)
Steinberg, Flo (Earth-616, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
Stiro (alien from planet Zorg, Adventures into Terror #20)
Stompa (Amalgam)
Stone, Josiah (sea captain, Journey into Mystery #29)
Stonewall (Louis Hamilton, ally of Crimson Commando and Super-Sabre)
Storm (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Storm (Earth-92131)
Storm (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Storm, Ace (Amalgam)
Storm, Suzanne (romance character, Love Romances #31)
Stormtrooper, Johnny (Amalgam)
Stormwatch (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Strand (Ultraverse)
Strange Men (Strange Tales #1)
Strange Ones (early mutants, Strange Tales #31)
Strangers (Ultraverse)
Strangler (Challenger foe, Mystic Comics #6)
Streakback (Ultraverse)
Streisand, Barbara (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Strel (formerly Mentor of the Imperial Guard, coerced into joining Fraternity of Raptors)
Strongman (public domain character, Invaders foe)
Strontian (Xenith, cousin of Gladiator/Kallark, member of the Praetorians, formerly Star Masters)
Stroud, Simon (government agent, former foe of Man-Wolf & Morbius)
Stryker’s Island (prison complex; 616 analogue of Rikers Island)
Stummp (Ultraverse)
Stuporman (humor character, Daring Mystery Comics #8, Snap vol. 1 #2, Snap vol. 1 #3, Joker vol. 1 #4)
Stuporman (Not Brand Echh)
Sturm-and-Drang (What The?)
Stygians (underground race, Journey into Unknown Worlds #8)
Subbie the Sea-Going Lad
Subland (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, World of Mystery #5)
Subterraneans (underground races)
Subunderhander (What The?)
Sugar (Ultraverse)
Suicide Run (Punisher event)
Sum, David (immortal SHIELD agent)
Sun Lord (Amalgam)
Sunder (former Morlock, died as one of the Muir Island X-Men)
Sunfirestorm (Amalgam)
Sunpyre (Leyu Yoshida, X-Men/X-Corps character, Sunfire's sister)
Sunrise Society (Shadowmasters villians; referrenced to have an entry in OHotMU Update '89 but didn't)
Sunshine (Ultraverse)
Superbman (What The?)
Superb-Pro (What The?)
Supergirl (Earth-74425)
Superman (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Superman (Earth-74425)
Superman (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Superman (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Super-Olympics (charity event put on by the Maria Stark Foundation)
Super-Skrull (Earth-534834)
Super-Soldier (Amalgam)
Super Ninja (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Supra (Ultraverse)
Supreme (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Supreme Soviet (Ultraverse)
Sur, Rhomann (Amalgam)
Surefire (What The?)
Surf (Lunch Legion, What The?)
Surgeon (Mystery Men)
Surtur (Amalgam)
Survivor (Journey into Mystery #28)
Susan (Marvel Tales #134)
Swami (Journey into Mystery #18)
Swamp-Thang (What The?)
Swamp Thing (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Swan, Ellen (Ultraverse)
Sweeney, Sailor (50s war character)
Sweetface (Ultraverse)
S-Wing (Spider-Man Hostess villains prison)
Swiss Miss (Spider-man foe, Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark musical)
Switzer, Beverly (Howard the duck's girlfriend)
Swordsman (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Synapse (Uncanny Avengers member)
Tabe (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Tablet of Life and Time (Spider-Man object, mystic tablet, sought by Silvermane and others)
Taboo (alien with tar-like body)
Taboo (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Tachzillo the Terrible (Strange Stories of Suspense #13)
Tadpole (Wannabe Frog-Man sidekick)
Tag Team (Flux foes)
Tagak the Lantern-Lord (Amalgam)
Tai (Cult of the Dragon's Breath, sought to Well of All Things to rule the world, New Warriors foe, killed by Night Thrasher)
Talbot, Glenn (Earth-534834)
Talia (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Talkin’ Bird (What The?)
Talon (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series catoon)
Tam, Tara (Howard the Duck character)
Tamale (What The?)
Tanager (Air Force member, New Warriors foe)
Tantalus (Deviant from the planet Armachedon, conqueror, father of both Blackwulfs)
Taranta (giant spider, Marvel Tales #101)
Tareva (Atlantean sorceress, Doctor Strange ally)
Tarpit (Ghosts of Cyclops member)
Tatterdemalion (homeless supervillain, Night Shift member)
Tattoo (Ultraverse)
Taurus (Cornelius van Lunt; Zodiac member)
Taylor, Tex (western character)
Taylor, Torpedo (50s war character)
Taylor, Turkey (private eye, Detective Short Stories vol. 3 #1)
Tchekov, Mikhail (war character, Complete War Novels Magazine pulp #3)
Team 7 (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Team X (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Team X (Earth-10005)
Tech (Lela Cho, Ultraverse)
Technocracy (Blue Marvel foes)
Techuza (Ultraverse)
Tecmahseh (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Best of the West #1)
Tecumseh (historical figure, Arrowhead #4, Battle #36)
Teen Abomination (Superior Iron Man character)
Teen Titans (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Tektos (Marvel UK team)
Telectrician (Merzah the Mystic's Neuronauts)
Telekinian (NuHuman, Hellcat character)
Telka, Marion (romance character, My Own Romance #30-31)
Temple, Claire (medical doctor, past romantic connections to Bill Foster & Luke Cage, has encountered other superhumans)
Tempo (Heather Tucker, mutant, formerly with MLF and Acolytes, current member of Kitty Pryde's Marauders)
Tempus (Eva Bell, Australian mutant with time-related powers, current member of The Five on Krakoa)
Tenda, Ricky (70s Hulk manga)
Tenfingers (Daredevil foe)
Terminator (First Generation Spaceknight, killed by Galactus)
Terra Firma (Mandy Garrett, mutant, X-Force Campaign Book, TSR Game Accessory)
Terraformer (Plantman simuloid, Force of Nature member)
Terra-X (Amalgam)
Terrible Eye (Agents of M.O.D.O.K. member, Gwenpool character)
Tessie the Typist
Teutonia (fictional country in Mystic Comics #4, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Thane (Thanos' son)
Thang (What The?)
Thanos-Coptor (Earth-57780 vehicle)
Thanoseid (Amalgam)
Tharlock (Amalgam)
Thatcher, Becky (Marvel Classics Comics #7)
Thermal Thief (Energy Drainers member, Captain America foe)
Thermo the Thermatronic Man (Dr. Walter Michaels, foe of Spider-Man, Dazzler, Paladin, Quasar and Captain America)
Thermos (mutant, Dawn of the White Light member, Wolverine foe)
Thing (Benjy Grimm, from Fred & Barney Meet the Thing)
Thing Rings (Earth-616 version)
Third Power (Night Thrasher/Meteor Man foe)
Thompson, Lea (actress, Howard the Duck client)
Thongor (fantasy character)
Thor (the evil Thor from the original Brazilian X-Men comics)
Thor (from Marvel Super-Heroes cartoon anthology series)
Thor (from Return of the Incredible Hulk)
Thor (Earth-534834)
Thorndrake, Aloysius (Shadow Council member)
Thornton, Robert (explorer, Strange Tales #44)
Thorson (murderer from Justice #19)
Three Musketeers
Throwdown (Death-Throws applicant)
Thug (X-Men foe)
Thunderbolt (Bill Carver, Power Man & Iron Fist ally, super-speed/accelerated aging)
Thunderbolts (Red Hulk's)
Thunderclap: another villain from the Spider-Man UK story mentioned under Assassin-8. My suspicion is he's a villain because his name scares away any possible romantic partners.
Thunderer (Jerry Carstairs, aka the Black Marvel, Golden Age hero)
Thunderpunch (Earth-91274, Neo-Knights member)
Thwart (Zoid, What The? character)
Tigora (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Marvel Super Special #34)
Timberius (one of the "Evil" Inhumans)
Time King (Fight-Man foe)
Timestorm (event involving Spider-Man & Wolverine/Earth-616 with Earth-96099's 2099 AD)
Tink (Tinkabelinos Hardleg, faerie, MI13 member, married Pete Wisdom)
Titan (moon of Saturn; birthplace of Thanos)
Titanis (Eternal)
Titanium Man (Earth-Valiant Marvel, Agents of R.A.G.E., Avengers foe)
Toad (Earth-652975/Pryde of the X-Men)
Toby (Human Meteor sidekick)
Todd (Agent of W.A.N.D., Pandora Peters right hand man)
Tom Thumb (Earth-712's Squadron Supreme member)
Tombstone (Sgt. Harlan Stone, Texas Ranger, Vegas/Amazing Fantasy character)
Tommy (Morlock)
Topaz (Ultraverse)
Topspin (Mitchell, mutant, V-Battalion member)
Toro Rojo, el (Deviant, wrestler, Delta Network member)
Torpid (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
Tosser (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Tower (mutant)
Tower, Blake (DA in numerous Marvel titles)
Tradesmen (Ultraverse)
Trance (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Trant, George (Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Trapp, Mike (40s detective)
Trapster (Larry Curtiss; would-be successor to Peter Petruski)
Trapster (Earth-534834)
Trask, Bat (marshal, Amalgam)
Trask, Bolivar (Earth-10005)
Trask, Marvin (scientist, Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Trauma (Ultraverse)
Trax (Ultraverse)
T-Ray (Terry Raymond, X-Man promotional character)
Trent, Mike (40s detective, Lawbreakers Always Lose #1)
Tresh, Dr. Russel (Earth-700029, Generation X movie)
Trevor-Hale, Ian C. (British intelligence, Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Triage (The Crew foe)
Triage (X-student)
Trickster (Milo Von Sett; Captain America Comics #71-72)
Trigger, Aurora (Amalgam)
Trigger, Northstar (Amalgam)
Trijenskot (Amalgam)
Triplikill (X-Men foe)
Triserinak (Amalgam)
Triskelion (island headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. also used as a base by the Ultimates)
Triton (Earth-700089, Fantastic Four cartoon)
Triumph Division (team)
Troglodyte (Spider-Man foe, Adventures in Reading Starring the Amazing Spider-Man #1 (1990))
"Trojan" (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Troll (Gunna Sijurvald, Asgardian/Troll hybrid, former Thunderbolts member)
Troll (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Trolls (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Trouble (Ultraverse)
Troubleshooters (Earth-148611, team of MIT students that worked with Spitfire)
Trull the Unhuman (alien whose life essence took over a steam shovel, later Ghost Rider foe)
Trump (Carlton Sanders, stage magician turned costumed criminal)
Trunklops (Power Pachyderms)
Trust, the (aspiring despotic organization, Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Tsathogua (Savage Sword of Conan #40)
Tuatara (Iron Man foe)
Tuck (replicated humanoid, partner of Death's Head/Minion)
Tudor, Edward (The Prince and the Pauper, Marvel Classics Comics #33)
Tuft (a-hole, Adventures into Terror #17)
Tugun (Ultraverse)
Tul, Nan (mystic, Astonishing #41)
Tulsa Kid (Western Trails #1)
Tumbleweed (Blaze Carson deputy)
Tumolo, Joanne (Cat People, posed as human scientist, Tigra character)
Tungsten (approached by Dynamic Concepts about being their armored "spokesmask")
Turbo Jet (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series cartoon)
Turbocharge (Ultraverse)
Turf (Lunch Legion, What The?)
Turf (Ultraverse)
Turner, Val (Marvel Stories vol. 2 #3
Turnip, Jonas (Amalgam)
Tuskmaster (What The?)
Tut Al-Amaan (mummy, Spellbound #10)
Tutakamin (prince, Lorna the Jungle Queen #3)
Twelve, the (WW2 superheroes)
Two-Faced Goblin (Amalgam)
Two-Finger (Ultraverse)
Two-Gun Kid (Clay Harder)
Two-Gun Kid (Kevin Maplewood)
Two-Gun Perry (criminal, Crime Must Lose #9)
Ty (dinosaur, Adventures into Weird Worlds #30)
Tyler, Adam (scientist, Strange Tales #20-21)
Tyler, Joe (bounty hunter, Male vol. 21 #7)
Tyler, John (president, historical figure)
Tyme, Tommy (golden age character)
Typhoon (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
Tyrannosaurus (Ultraverse)
Tyrax (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Tyron (British General, Battle #31)
U.S.S. Enterprise (Earth-Star Trek, 2 seperate starships visited by members of the X-Men)
U.S. 1 (U.S. Archer's extremely modified/rebuilt truck, now a spaceworthy vehicle)
U.S. Annie (Anti-Registration Underground, Civil War)
U-016 (Ultraverse)
U-587 (Ultraverse)
Uatu (Earth-91119)
Uatu (Earth-92131)
Uatu the Guardian (Amalgam)
Uatu-tu (What The?)
Uber Alles (NuHuman, Invaders/Iron Cross foe)
Uberhart, Richard (Nazi, Tales of Suspense #69-71)
Uberkommando (Invaders foes)
Uber-Machine (Spider-Man foe)
Ubermadchen (team, Miss America foes)
Ubiquitor's Emissaries (Earth-691, foes of the Galactic Guardians)
Ubuwong (Amalgam)
Udarnik (Iron Man: Fatal Frontier)
Ufgood, Kiaya ((Marvel Graphic Novel #36))
Ufgood, Mims (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Ufgood, Ranon (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Ufgood, Willow (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Ufo (alien from Alpha Centauri, met and was duped by the Yellow Claw, hated lies and liars)
Ugami-San (war character, Battleground #9)
Ugly John (mutant, Cyclops/Wolverine ally)
Ugly Willy (Astonishing #38)
Uhalf, Arda (ancestor of Secret Warrior Sandra Murphy, defeated the demon Aeshma and claimed his mace for himself and his descendants)
Uhlin (Amazing Man foe, Amazing Man Comics #5)
Uhman, Isadore (X-Men Annual #3)
Uhura, Nyota (USS Enterprise communications officer, during the X-Men's visit)
Ukko (Jumala/Finnish sky god, Council of Godheads)
Ula (Asgardian queen of the Flying Trolls of Thryheim)
Ulana the Watcher (Uatu the Watcher's widow, see Original Sin)
Ulavitch (commie, Uncanny Tales #22)
Ulga (fortune teller, Journey into Unknown Worlds #40)
Ulik (Thor foe/troll; no full non-Files entry since Master Edition)
Ulik (What The?)
Ull (gang leader, Doc Savage vol. 1 #3-4)
Ullikumis (Mesopotamian god)
Ul'lula'ns (alien race)
Ulrica (Marvel Classics Comics #16)
Ultima (She-Hulk foe)
Ultimate Brawling League (Thunderbolts group)
Ultimate Captain Hamerica (Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham #1)
Ultimate Nullifer (Teen Brigade)
Ultimates (Blue Marvel's group)
Ultimates (Earth-1610) Update
Ultimator (Avengers foe)
Ultimatum (Miles Morales-616)
Ultimatum (Ultimate Universe event)
Ultimo (Earth-8096, Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes cartoon)
Ultimo (Earth-534834)
Ultivac, the Multi-Robot (Amalgam)
Ultraforce (team of heroes in Ultraverse)
Ultraforce (Ultraforce cartoon)
Ultraforce (the alternate-reality team from Ultraforce #Infinity)
Ultra-Marine (Kith Nasca, Marvel UK, Dark Guard member)
Ultra-Max (computer virus)
Ultra-Metallo (Amalgam)
UltraTech (Ultraverse)
UltraTech (Ultraforce cartoon)
Ultratex (Malibu based company whose corporate "spokesmask" is the armored Working Model)
Ultraverse (alternate reality, home of Prime, Hardcase, Night Man, and more)
Ultra-Violence (Ultraverse)
Ultron (Earth-1610, Ulitimate Universe version)
Ultron (Earth-91119)
Ultron (Earth-199999, Avengers: Age of Ultron movie)
Ultron (Avengers Assemble cartoon)
Ultron (What The?)
Ulysses (Walter Charles, member of the Pantheon)
Ulysses (NuHuman/Inhuman, key player in Civil War II)
Umbotha, Tanuta (Q7 Strikeforce member, Marvel UK)
Umbra (Fantastic Four foe, Darbian ruler of Warworld, brother/enemy of Jaagur)
Umbra (Xavier student, Rogue's Advocates Squad)
Umbridge, Malvin (Mutant, Beast foe)
Umbu the Unliving (robot, foe of Hulk and Ka-Zar)
U-Men (X-Men characters, stole mutant body parts to graft onto their bodies)
Una (Kree; early love interest for Captain Mar-Vell)
Uncanny Avengers (Earth-91119)
Uncas (Marvel Classics Comics #13: The Last of the Mohicans)
Uncinus (Zoid, What The? character)
Uncle Scrooge (What The?)
Undead G-Man
Undead MC (Blaze foes)
Underchild (demon, Doctor Strange foe)
Underground City (section of San Francisco collapsed into a cavern, formerly protected by Venom)
Undertaker (Death's Head (FPA) foe)
Undertow (Atlantean, SURF member)
Undertow (New Warriors foes)
Underwood, Beck (Venom/Eddie Brock supporting character, romantic interest)
Underwood, Samuel T. (politician, Captain American #250)
Underwood, Tom (romance character, Stories of Romance #5)
Unger, Thomas (Major, Man Comics #17)
Un-Human (Skaa, Journey into Mystery monster)
Un-Human (50's foe of the original Human Torch)
Unhumans (Not Brand Echh)
Unicron (Earth-91274, Autobots foe)
Unidipus (Doctor Druid foe)
Uni-Mind (primarily formed by Eternals but sometimes by other others)
United Planets Organization (Marvel Tales #142)
United States Presidents (Earth-616; some normally treated as separately people may due to the sliding timescale prove to be the same person)
Universal Church of Truth (Cosmic religion, Earth-691 version)
Universe Boy (Amalgam)
Universe Boy (Amalgam, alternate from Earth-12772)
Universe-Two (Amalgam)
University of Atlantis (Atlantean school for superhumans)
Unkillables (name given to group of immortal/unklllables individuals gathered by Contagion; included Wolverine, Yi Yang, & Immortalis)
Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation
Unnameable (Defenders foe)
Unnthinnk (demon, Six-Fingered Hand member)
Uno (Ghost Rider character, Paranormal Law Enforcement Team leader)
Uno, el (Spider-Man foe)
Un-People (Amalgam)
Unseen (Unam; Spaceknight)
Unseen Ones (invisible tribe, Mystery Tales #39)
Unstable Molecules
Untouchables (Luke Cage foes)
Unus the Untouchable (Earth-Raio Negro)
Unus's Gang (gang of surviving Genoshan mutants led by Unus, depowered on M-Day))
Unuscione, Carmella (member of the Acolytes)
Uotto (What The?)
Upakiis (cannibal tribe, Lorna the Jungle Girl #12)
UPC-PO human/cash register relations (Deadpool character)
Updike, Terrance (New Universe/Earth-148611 Justice ally)
Updraft (X-student)
Updraft (Earth-91274, G.I. Joe member)
Uplink (Chain Gang member, (Sleepwalker foe)
Uppercut (mutant, Ghost of Cyclops member)
Upward Path (1907 era Wonders, Runaways characters)
Uranians (gave Marvel Boy his abilities)
Uranium (Elements of Doom/Masters of Alchemy member)
Urban Jungle (Ka-Zar-centric event)
Urbanek, Anna (murder victim, Amazing Detective Cases vol. 1 #5)
Urbanek, John (Amazing Detective Cases vol. 1 #5)
Urbanek, Joseph (Amazing Detective Cases vol. 1 #5)
Urg (Cosmic Commandos member, Star Masters foe)
Urich, Ben (from the future seen in Daredevil: End of Days)
Urich, Ben (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Urich, Ben (Earth-701306, Daredevil movie)
Urich, Doris (Ben Urich's wife)
Urich, Jimmy (Amalgam)
Uriel (angel, ally/enemy of Noble Kale)
Uri-El (Johnny Blaze character, ancient demon-killing warrior wrapped in chains)
Urn (Descendants member, Secret Avengers foe)
Uroc (Thor foe)
"Ursa Minor" (Believed to be a clone of Ursa Major (Black Widow/Fantomex foe)
Ursa the Man-Bear (Old West character, foe of Red Wolf/Johnny Wakely)
Ursino (Fight-Man foe)
Ursula (Queen, American Ace foe)
Ursula (Swiss heroine, Pan-European Conference on Superhuman Affairs)
Ursulus (gladiator, Sports Action #3)
Ursus (gladiator, Marvel Tales #146)
Uru (metallic ore found in Asgardian cosmology, durable, high affinity for magic, used to forge weapons like Mjolnir)
Urzetta, Sammy (golfer, Sports Action #7)
US War Machine (MAX version of James Rhodes)
USAjerk (What The?)
Ushas (Iron Fist foe)
Ushijima (General, Battle #17)
Ustane (Marvel Classics Comics #24)
Utah Kid (Outlaw Fighters #4)
Utah Kid (Rawhide Kid #9)
Utah Kid (Wild Western #53)
Uticek, Hugo (Mystery Tales #16)
Utolan (hidden city of Inhumans)
Utopia Island (mutant refuge)
Utterson, Gabriel John (Marvel Classics Comics #1: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
U-tu (What The?)
Uwaga (Strange Tales #40)
Uzbek, Nikoli (Russian military, X-Factor Annual #1)
Uzi (Grip member)
Vachon, Emil (Colleen Wing foe)
Vacuum (Spacemen member, Spider-Man foe)
"Vængir" (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Vagabond (Golden Age hero)
Vague (Hell's Belles member)
Vakume (Salem's Seven)
Valdez, Pancho (bandit, Western Outlaws and Sheriffs #65)
Valencia, Federico (Blade foe)
Valentine (doctor, Real Mystery Magazine vol. 1 #2)
Valentine, Melody (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Valerez, Ramon (Namor foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #23)
Valeria (Victor Von Doom's lover)
Valhalla Villas (Retirement home/community for Golden Age heroes and villains)
Valhalla Zone (Unlimited Access)
Validator (Omega Flight member)
Valinus (Amalgam)
Valkin (Polar Eternal, father of Druig & uncle of Ikaris, left Earth with most of Earth's Eternals to explore universe)
Valkyrie (What The?)
Valley of the Mists (hides an unnamed fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Adventures into Terror #27)
Val-Or (mutant Moloid)
Valron (Marvel Tales #144)
Valulu (god, Astonishing #11)
Vammatar (Conan foe)
Vampiric Verses (Dr. Strange-centric event that led to restoration of vampires post-Montesi Formula)
Vampiro (Eternal, masked wrestler)
Vampyr (London Morlock)
van Helsing, Abraham (Dracula foe)
van Scotter, Jubulile (Carnage character)
Vance, George (Jewel thief, Lawbreakers Always Lose #8)
Vand, Primus (Hulk character, Sakaarian Imperial & gladiator trainer, killed by Elloe Kaifi)
Vandaree, Vince (criminal, All True Crime #39)
Vandenberger, Rudy (knife thrower, Marvel Comics Presents #42)
Vane, Sunset (Amalgam)
Vane, William (criminal, Complete Mystery #2)
Vani Hu (fictional country in Adventures into Weird Worlds #29, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Vapor (U-Foes)
Vapor Girl (metafictional character, Unstable Molecules)
Vapora (Daredevil foe)
Vaquero (Looter adversary)
Varden (doctor, Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Varden, Mary (Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Varga (Venusian, Mystic #2)
Varghese (lead scientist at Project: Troubleshooter, turned soldier into the American Kaiju, New Avengers character)
Vargo (Kid Colt foe, Kid Colt Outlaw #58)
Varing, Kent (western character, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
Varua (leader of the Young Gods, killed by Legba of the Eternals)
Vastar (Wally the Wizard)
Vaughn, Richard (war character, Battle #2)
Vault, the (prison for supervillains)
Vector (Simon Utrecht, the U-Foes' leader)
Veda (Magdalena Marie Neuntaben, member of the Initiative's team The Order)
Vega, Robin (mutant, Spider-Man character)
Veidt, Paul (character tied into Abraham Erskine and Captain America's creation in Dark Horse's series The Shadow and Doc Savage?)
Veil (Corporation member)
Veil (Madeline Berry, now depowered former Avengers Academy student)
Veil (Ultraverse)
Veil (Ultraforce cartoon)
Vejigante, el (Fantastic Four character)
Velocidad (Gabriel Cohuelo, former member of the Lights & X-Men)
Velocity (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Velvet Fist (Ultraverse)
Vendetta (2099 AD, re-programmed Gene Doll, ally of Punisher 2099)
Vendetta, Harry (criminal, Lawbreakers Always Lose #5)
Vending Machine at Heroes for Hire (non-sentient(?) nemesis of Luke Cage while he was teaming with Iron Fist)
Vendor (Sentry foe)
Vengeance (Amalgam)
Venom (Flash Thompson) Update
Venom (Earth-92131)
Venom (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Venus (Ultraverse)
Veras (Microverse villain, Venom/Scarlet Spider foe)
Verinder family (Marvel Classics Comics #23: Moonstone)
Veritas (Sayge)
Verlan (executioner, Strange Tales #29)
Vermeer, Hendrick (college dean, USA Comics #3)
Vermin the Vile (Planet Terry)
Vermis, Count Otto (Spider-Woman/Drew character)
Verne, Jules (Uncanny Tales #31)
Veronica, Vinnie (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Verre (X-Men foe)
Vertigo (Savage Land Mutates)
Vertigo (Salem's Seven); the version listed as Savage Land Mutants should actually be Savage Land Mutates
Vertigo (Earth-92131)
Vesper (Codename: Genetix member)
Vesper (Legion of Vengeance member)
Veteri, Daman (SHIELD scientist, Hulk ally)
Vibrania (Sharra, Speedball character, Vibranium-powered blasts, died saving kids)
Vibranium (metal)
Vibranium (Baru, Avengers character)
Vice (Grip member)
Viciada (Deathwalkers member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Vicious Vine (FF foe)
Vick, Samuel (crime character, All True Crime Cases Comics #36)
Victor - heroic Earth-8610 Dr. Doom
Victory Boys (40s war characters)
Videoman (Earth-8107, villain, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Videoman (Frances Byte, Earth-8107, Spider-Man and the Amazing Friends cartoon, X-Men member)
Vidocq, Francois (Justice #49)
Vielfras (Nightcrawler foe)
Vienna (Shang-Chi character, freelance spy)
Vigilance (Avengers West Coast/Vision foes)
Vigilantes, the (Western Outlaws #4)
Vigilantes Support Group (Foolkiller characters)
"Vigor" (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
"Viking Virtuoso of Volume" (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Vikki Valkyrie (Amalgam)
Vile Tapeworm (Deadpool character, Contest of Champions participant)
Villains for Hire (supervillain team brought together by the Purple Man and Headhunter)
Villefort, Gerard de (Marvel Classics Comics #17)
Vi-Locks (techno-organic race created on Earth-8545 when the Legacy Virus encountered Warlock's circuitry, foes of the dimension-hopping Exiles)
Vin & Viv (Vision's twin children)
Vinaigrette (Ultraverse)
Vincey, Leo (Marvel Classics Comics #24)
Vines, Mike (Male vol. 6 #6)
Violence (Super Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. member/infiltrator)
Violette, Abel J. (Inspector, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 2 #6)
Viper (Jordan Stryke/Dixon, Captain America foe, brother of Eel/Leopold Stryke)
Viper (Leon Murtaugh, member of Sin's Serpent Squad, later killed by Scourge/Dennis Dunphy)
Virginia (Vision's wife)
Virgo (Elaine McLaughlin, Zodiac Cartel)
Virgo (Zodiac LMD)
Virmin Vundavort (Unlimited Access)
Virus (Lyle Doorne, First X-Men foe)
Visage (Iron Man foe)
Vision (Earth-730784, Avengers: United They Stand cartoon)
Vision (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon)
Vision, Della (humor/romance character)
Vision, Viv (Champions member)
Visioneer (Damage Control employee)
VISTA (Patricia Wolman, Hulk character)
Vixen (bandit, Western Life Romances #2)
Vizzion (from What The--?!)
Vladek, Pogo (criminal, Amazing Detective Cases #4)
Vladimir (sentient bomb, Secret Avengers character)
Voght, Amelia (Earth-92131)
Volstagg (What The?)
Volton (former hero, later Invaders foe)
Volx (Dire Wraith queen, foe of the New Warriors and later the Annihilators)
von Bismarck, Otto (historical figure, War Comics #41)
von Boden (Nazi, Black Marvel foe, Mystic Comics #6)
von Cragg (spy, Daring Mystery Comics #3)
von Doom, Cynthia (Dr. Doom's mother)
von Falkenhausen (Nazi general, Battle #34)
von Frankenstein, Victoria (scientist & descendant of Victor, has encountered the Monster and various heroes)
von Habsburg, Rudolf (historical figure)
Von Richthofen, Molly (police officer; member - sometimes the only – of the Punisher Task Force)
von Strucker, Werner (son of Wolfgang von Strucker, former leader in Hydra, SHIELD foe)
von Ward, Florence (golden age Destroyer companion)
von Wehrheit, Franz (Nazi, Daring Mystery Comics #8)
von Wilkinson, Daphne (fashion designer, Tomb of Dracula #34-35)
Vonntor (murderer, Uncanny Tales #14)
Voodini (Terry Vance foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #27)
Voodonut (Portland Avengers member)
Voodoo (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Voodoo Chile (Doctor Voodoo's pretend nephew)
Vortex (mutant, Generation X/Gen13 character)
Vostok (robotic member of the Supreme Soviets/Winter Guard)
Vox (Initiative/Action Pack)
Voyager (Divad, former Imperial Guard member)
Vulcan (First Line member)
Vulgaria (fiction country in Royal Roy, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Vulture (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe)
Vulture (Tex Morgan foe)
Vulture (western character, Outlaw Fighters #2)
Vulture (commie fighter pilot, Combat Kelly #12)
Vulture (Lorna foe, Lorna the Jungle Queen #4)
Vulture (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Vulture (Earth-5555)
Vulture (Earth-98121)
Vulture (Earth-92131)
Vulture (1960s Spider-man cartoon)
Vultures (Black Rider foes, Wild Western #39)
Vulturions (Spider-Man foes)
Vunderknight (1959 Avengers foe)
Vyking (Strikeforce: Morturi member)
Vykin the Black Bolt (Amalgam)
Vyr (Ultraverse)
W.E.S.P.E. (Blue Marvel foes)
Wacky Kid (Amalgam)
Waco Kid (Man Comics #9)
Waco Kid (Amalgam)
Wagner (Arnim Zola empowered Thunderbolts foe)
Wakonda (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #1]
Waku, Prince of the Bantu (Jungle Tales volume 1 #1 September 1954)
Walden, Kinsey (Secret Invasion: Home Invasion)
Waldo (Uncanny Tales #23)
Walter (telescope operator, Adventures into Terror #10)
Walters, Morris (She-Hulk's father)
WAND (Mystical branch of SHIELD)
War (Abraham Keiros, X-books character, former Horseman of Apocalypse)
War Eagle (Ultraverse)
War Machine (Earth-534834)
War Monarch (Amalgam)
Warblade (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Warbug (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Ward, Charlie (war character, Battle #42)
Ward, Grant (Earth-616, SHIELD/Hydra agent)
Ward, Grant (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Warhammer (Meteor Man foe)
Warhawks (group of lackeys/terrorists organizes by Ares, foes of the Avengers & Hercules)
Warhead (John Walker foe)
Warhead (Bastards of Evil member)
Warlord Kaa (Leader of the Shadow Realm, has attempted to invade/conquer Earth several times)
Warmaster (Earth-Valiant Marvel, AgentS of R.A.G.E., Avengers foe)
Warp (Earth-982/MC2 character, former thief, joined that world's Avengers)
Warstrike (Ultraverse)
Warwolf (Reyna, Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. member)
Washington, George (historical figure)
Wasp (FCBD 2016/All-New All-Different Avengers character)
Wasp (Jan of Marvel Apes)
Wasp (1960s Marvel Super-heroes cartoon)
Watcher (Marvel Apes; not to be confused with Watcher-Watcher)
Watcher-Watcher (Marvel Apes alien)
Watchers (alien race)
Water Witch (Water contolling member of Mole Man's Outcasts, Superia's Femizons)
Water Snake (New Warriors member)
Waterman (Hostess villain, Iron Man foe)
Watson, Mary Jane (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Watson, Mary Jane (Earth-92131)
Wattage Waster (Energy Drainers member, Captain America foe)
Wave (Pearl Pangan, Philippina heroine with water-controllling powers, joined Agents of Atlas)
Waver (Ultraverse)
Wax Men (Adventures into Terror #24)
Wazar (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Astonishing #59)
Weak Link (Chain Gang member, Sleepwalker foe)
Weatherman (Suspense #9)
Weed (Drug Lords member)
Weed Witchards (What The?)
Weiderspan, Eugene Turbot (Earth-92131)
Weightwatcher (mutant, SPAFON member)
Wellspring of Power (New Warriors/Thunderbolts item/location)
Welsh, Pat (50s spy)
Wendigo (Validator's Omega Flight)
Wendigo Girls (daughters of Mother Monster, She-Hulk/Wolverine (X-23) foes)
Werewolf (Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Westcott, Skip (the guy who molested young Peter Parker)
Wester, Winda (Howard the Duck supporting character)
Whalesong (University of Atlantis student, Infinity: The Hunt character)
Wheel of Fortune (mutant, Ultimate X-Men: It's a Wonderful Life story)
Whirlwind (Avengers Assemble cartoon)
WHISPER (New Avengers foes)
Whistler (Earth-92131 (Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon)
White Avenger: as member of the Supremacists, fought Black Panther
White Death (murderer in Justice #7)
White Fang (Marvel Classics Comics #32)
White Flower (female leader of pirates in 1948, foe of Namor & Namora)
White Fox (Earth-616, Contest of Champions character)
White Fox (Avengers: Electric Rain, Korean heroine)
White Knight of York (Astonishing #22)
White Man (Deadpool/Power Man/Iron Fist foe)
White Ninja (Spider-Man foe)
White Noise (Imperial Guardsman, possibly Deathbird's daughter)
White Swan (supporting cast/would-be romantic interest of the Apache Kid, member of the Apache Nation in Old West Arizona)
White Wizard (Spider-Man foe)
White-Collar Criminal (Crazy Magazine character)
Whitehead, Nancy (Squirrel Girl character)
Whitemane, Aelfyre (Power Pack character)
Whiteout (Savage Land Mutates)
Whitley, Alisha (Earth-199999, Inhuman, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Whitmore, Berkley (sci-fi author in Warrior's Revenge novel)
Whizzer (Stanley Stewart of Earth-712's Squadron Supreme)
WHO (bulky computer that Spidey determined was a killer)
Wicked Brigade (Spider-Man villains)
Widgit Witch (40s humor character)
Widowmaker (Road Force: Recovery Division member)
Wilburn, Myron (Project: Pegasus)
Wilcoxson, Harry (Stag vol. 15 #7)
Wild Bunch (Western Outlaws #17)
Wildboyz (Spit and Jet, Daredevil foes)
Wildfire (Power Man foe)
Williams, Bill (racer from Marvel Comics #1)
Willie (40s humor character)
Willis, Verity (Loki character)
Wilson, Betty (1950s ally of Human Torch/Hammond)
Wilson, Cliff (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #98)
Wilson, Tad (Strange Tales #38)
Wilson, Whip (western character)
Wilton (professor, Journey into Unknown Worlds #35)
Wimpole, Humphrey (Dynamic Science Stories pulp #1)
Winchester Kid (lawman, Outlaw Fighters #5)
Windchill (Fresh-Men member)
Wingsoe, Helle (actress, For Men Only vol. 6 #3)
Windstorm (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
Winston, Diane (Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Winston, Hugh (Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Winstrom, Eddie (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Winter (Four Seasons member, TV Ultimate Spider-Man comic villain)
Winter Friends (Hawkeye characters)
Winter Woman (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Wintergreen, Joseph (psychotherapist, Astonishing #22)
Winters, Katy (Pussycat #1)
Winterstick (Amalgam)
Wired (Amalgam)
Wisdom, Romany (Pete Wisdom's sister, ties to British intelligence agencies)
Witch (Fantastic Four foe, coloring book character)
Witch Hunter (Ultraverse)
Witch of Landor (Uncanny Tales #7)
Witch Queen (Amazing Mysteries #33)
Witchblade (Sara Pezzini, Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Witchblade (Dani Baptiste, Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Witchbreaker (1907 era Wonder, Upward Path member, Runaways character)
Witt, Wendell (scientist, Astonishing #32)
Wiz Kid (Takashi Matsuya, wheelchair-bound mutant with "techno-forming" powers, last seen at Avengers Academy)
Wizard (Earth-534834)
Woden (Reality-691, Thorson, Guardians of the Galaxy ally)
Wold (Ultraverse)
Wolf (Amazing Detective Cases vol. 1 #2)
Wolfe, Sara (Dr. Strange ally)
Wolfpack (street-level vigilante team)
Wolfstain (What The?)
Woltan (apprentice sorcerer, Journey into Mystery #28)
Wolverina (Ravencroft Institute inmate)
Wolverina (What The?)
Wolverine (Laura Kinney/X-23) Update
Wolverine (Earth-811/Days of Future Past, later recruited into the Exiles and Earth X's Heralds)
Wolverine (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Wolverine (Earth-92131)
Wolverine (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Wolverine (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Wolverine (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Wolvie (What The?)
Wonder Ball (What The?)
Wonder Girl (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Wonder Man (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Wonder Wasp (Unlimited Access)
Wonder Woman (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Wonder Woman (Earth-74425)
Wonder Woman (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Wonder Woman (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Wondercat (Amalgam)
Wonder-Gold (Amalgam)
Wong (Earth-98121)
Wong (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Woodhouse, Emma (Emma)
Woodhouse, Henry (Emma)
Woodman, Arthur (Hydra agent)
Working Model (armored corporate "spokesmask" for Ultratex)
Works, the (former HQ of Force Works)
World Federation of Superheroes (Fun and Games characters, international team)
World of Flame (Astonishing #54)
Worm (Savage Land Mutates)
Worm (alien, Monsters of Evil member)
Wotta Woman (Not Brand Echh)
Wraith (Watanabe, Spider-Man ally)
Wraith (Amalgam)
Wrangler (Laralie, rope-wielding assassin, joined Superia's Femizons)
Wrath (Ultraverse)
Wreckage (Ultraverse)
Wu (Hong Kong detective with magically enhanced weapons, Scarlet Witch ally)
Wu, Mr - Golden Age detective, and possibly Marvel's first non-stereotype non-Caucasian lead.
Wump Jump (dragon, Marvel Mystery Comics #28)
Wyatt, Victor (author, Strange Stories of Suspense #8)
Wynn, Diane (romance character, Love Romances #28)
Wynn, Janet (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Wyoming Kid (Kid Slade, Gunfighter #6)
Wyoming Kid (outlaw, Wild Western #45)

Last edited by skippcomet (2/09/2025 2:02 am)

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1/21/2020 8:23 am  #5

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

X (Makkari foe, Captain America Comics #9)
X (mutant, leader of the Brotherhood)
X (monster, Earth-11911)
X, Joe (Marvel Science Stories pulp vol. 3 #1)
X the Marvel (Willie Dance) a wrestler who drank a Super-Soldier serum and had a fight with Luke Cage
X, the Thing That Lived (Pre-FF Marvel Monster, later faced off against Big Hero 6 & Alpha Flight)
X/Ms (Mutant Town gang)
X-1 (robot, Journey into Unknown Worlds #8)
X-11 (Earth-928's 2099 A.D., assassin associated with Synthia Food-Corp, enemy of Ravage 2099)
X-16 (experimental plane, Mystery Tales #29)
X-23 (Earth-10005)
X-23 (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
X-666 (Blackheart servant, X-23 foe)
Xabago (modified recreational vehicle used by male members of Generation X, Generation X: Crossroads novel)
Xaccus (planet, Strange Tales #93)
Xak (Spawn of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon)
Xaltotun (Conan foe)
Xanadu Amalgamated (Ultraverse)
Xandarians (alien race, created the Nova Corps)
Xande (mutant, Cable character)
Xander (Dr. Strange foe, sorceror & agent of the Creators)
Xandra (Earth-928's 2099 AD era; Doom 2099 character, member of Panther's Rage)
Xandra (genetically engineered child of Professor X & Lilandra, telepath, new Shi'ar Majestrix)
X'Andria (student at Sotomayor University, classmate & friend of America Chavez)
Xanja (Spider-Man foe)
Xantia (Super Soldiers member)
Xantippe (Anti-Registration Underground, Civil War)
Xaos (demon, took the form of Wong's deceased love Imei)
Xaos (Cerebro's X-Men nanotech team)
Xaphan (fire demon, foe of Nightcrawler, Deadpool, and John Blaze & Dan Ketch)
Xarggu (giant monster, Captain Marvel/Spectrum foe)
Xavi (the Watcher, alternate reality She-Hulk character)
Xavier (Charles Xavier II of Earth-13729, son of that reality's Charles Xavier & Mystique)
Xavier, Charles (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Xavier, Charles (Earth-10005, Fox movies)
Xavier, Charles (Earth-92131)
Xavier, Charles (Earth-98101)
Xavier, Charles (Earth-98121)
Xavier, Charles (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past
Xavier, James (Earth-92131)
Xavier, P. (Earth-10005)
Xavier School for Hormonally Overactive Adolescents (What The?)
Xavier, Sharon (Professor X's mother)
Xavier, Sharon (Earth-10005)
Xavier, Sharon (Earth-92131)
X-Building (Amalgam)
X-Calibre (team on Earth-295)
Xcel (Amalgam)
X-Cellent (team of mutants formed by Zeitgeist, fought reformed X-Statix)
X-Club (aka the Science Team, group of specialists gathered to figure out how to "turn on" depowered mutants' X-Genes)
X-Ceptional (Bailey Hoskins, Worst X-Man Ever)
X-Ceptionals (X-Force characters, wannabe heroes)
X-Corporation/X-Corps (Sean Cassidy's attempt at an international mutant-run organization)
X-Cutioner (unidentified man whose family died during an attack by Magneto on Central Park, became armed serial killer of mutants, X-Men foe)
X-Cutioner's Song (X-Men event)
X-Desk (covert CIA group that monitors mutant activities after the founding of the Krakoan nation)
Xeccalenon (alien, Suspense #23)
Xemnu (Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.)
Xen (Earth-9997/Earth-X)
Xena (Wyrd Sisters, Dark Angel character)
Xenia (planet, Amazing Adult Fantasy #9)
Xeniac (Factious Five member, Sentry foe)
Xennus (Doctor Strange foe)
Xenogenesis (Defenders event)
Xenon (Xavier student, Advocates member)
Xenophobic Man (USAgent foe)
Xenophon (spirit, Astonishing #28)
Xenos (Moon Knight foe)
Xeron the Starslayer (Hulk character, Mobian member of the Starship Andromeda's crew, harpooner)
Xerxes (historical figure, Persian invader of Greece, Battle #22, Battlefront #23)
Xerxes (Microverse villain Venom/Scarlet Spider foe)
X-Factor (Earth-92131, X-Men: The Animated series cartoon)
X-Factor (All New X-Factor series)
X-Factor (X-Factor Forever)
X-Factor Investigations Headquarters & Transportation
X-Force (Earth-91119)
X-Force (X-Men 92 team)
X-Force Headquarters & Transportation (for both Cable's teams & X-Men Strike Force teams)
X-Haven (mutant sanctuary to protect mutantkind from the Terrigen Mist located in Limbo)
Xheng, Hark (Ultraverse)
Xhoohx - Tunnelworld sorcerer
X-Humed (group of zombie-fied dead mutants raised by Black Talon, faced She-Hulk)
Xi'an Chi Xan (sometimes called Desert Ghost, but usually Xi'an; X-Men 2099 founder, Earth-928)
Xiao (Freelance Restorations, Shang-Chi character))
Xiomara (Atlantean, ally of Andromeda, father killed by Attuma)
Xiombarg (Conan enemy)
Xiong (Chinese mutant, Depowered on M-Day)
X-Ipsofacto (What The?)
Xirdal (alien, Osborn character)
X-Jet (Amalgam)
X-League (Unlimited Access)
Xly (alien, Journey into Unknown Worlds #34)
Xlyym (Starblasters member, Namor foe)
X-Man (Blockbuster Video X-Men giveaway comic)
X-Man (Earth-774's Bruce Banner, Reed Richards, & Charles Xavier briefly merged into one being to ward off Galactus; What If? Vol. 1 #2)
X-Men update
X-Men (from X-Men Forever)
X-Men (Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
X-Men (Noir universe version)
X-Men (time lost younger versions) – in the unlikely event that the characters remain 616, treat as an event rather than a team; otherwise treat as team
X-Men (What If? 27 What if Phoenix Had Not Died?)
X-Men (Earth-295; Age of Apocalypse)
X-Men (Earth-1610/Ultimate X-Men) Update (or Full & Fully Updated entry, take your pick)
X-Men (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
X-Men (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
X-Men (Earth-9997/Earth X, including members of both Professor X and Mr. S's teams)
X-Men (Earth-10005, Fox movies)
X-Men (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
X-Men (Earth-11911)
X-Men (Earth-91119)
X-Men (Earth-92131)
X-Men (Earth-98121)
X-Men (Earth-534834)
X-Men (multiversal team, first appeared in Astonishing X-Men vol. 3 #45, also called the X-Treme X-Men)
X-Men (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
X-Men (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
X-Men Forever (Earth-161, has unique historical & familial differences from -616 & most other realities, particularly regarding the X-Men)
X-Men Headquarters & Transportation (like the similar entries for Avengers & Fantastic Four, including ALL the locations various teams of X-Men have used as headquarters/bases of operations, not just the Mansion or Utopia)
X-Men Imposters (Skrulls from First Class period; not the same Skrulls who tricked Gladiator)
X-Men imposters (Skrulls; tricked Gladiator)
Xoa (Ultraverse)
Xochi (Amazing High Adventure #1)
Xolotl (dog-headed Aztec god/Teteoh of fire and lightning)
Xom (World of Fantasy monster)
X-O Manowar (Tony Stark, Iron Man/X-O Manowar: Heavy Metal #1)
Xoorr (Mole Men leader, Tales to Astonish #16)
Xor (Ultraverse)
Xorak the Outcast
Xordu (planet, Marvel Tales #149)
Xorn (Ultraverse)
X-Patriots (X-Force characters)
X-Patrol (Amalgam)
X-People (M2 mutant team)
X-Persons (What The?)
Xplam (technology, Astonishing #40)
X-Press (Xavier School laundryman)
X-Ranch (mutant brothel)
X-Ray (Jimmy Darnell, member of the U-Foes)
Xrtyl (alien, Astonishing #47)
X-Sentinels (X-Men foes/Lang's robot duplicates)
X-Stream (Hydrators mini-comics)
X-Stroke the Eliminator (Amalgam)
X-Termination (mutant event)
X-Ternal (Earth-92131)
X-Ternals aka Externals (Gideon's group also known as the High Lords)
X-Ternals (Earth-295 team of mutant thieves led by Gambit)
X-Tinction Agenda
Xtoral Laxtan (Thanos foe)
X-Tremists (Amalgam)
Xuchit (Ultraverse)
Xun (Sorcerer, Cyttorak foe)
Xury (Marvel Classics Comics #19)
Xxan Xxar (alien who tried to assassinate Galatus)
Xxmth (inhabited asteroid, Astonishing #20)
Xyl (alien invader, Marvel Tales #126)
Xyli (planet, Mystery Tales #46)
Xzar (sorcerer, Tower of Shadows #5)
Xzax (Dracula's Frightful Four member, Brood mercenary)
Y2K Gang (robbers)
Yadow, Max (Thor #309)
Yaeger, Big Ben (mobster, Justice #49)
Yaeger Brothers (bank robbers, Annie Oakley #5)
Yaeger, Dirk (western character, Frontier Western #2)
Yaeger, Frank (western character, Cowboy Action #11)
Yaeger, Hank (western character, Cowboy Action #11)
Yaeger, Red (western character, Cowboy Action #11)
Yaeger, Trigger (outlaw, Western Outlaws #8)
Yager, Fat Man (Kid Colt foe, All Western Winners #3)
Yagg the Slayer (Thor foe)
Yagyu, Irving (Earth-8908, CIA agent, adoptive father of John Doe/Nth Man)
Yahoo Kid (Western Gunfighters vol. 1 #23)
Yahweh (biblical God; not sure if distinct from One-Above-All or not in Marvel continuity)
Yakamoto, Hatsu (Katherine Yakamoto’s father)
Yakamoto, Katherine (Punisher vol. 2 #22-25)
Yaldog (Winter Friends member, Hawkeye character)
Yalu River Rosie (North Korean allied with China during Korean War, frequent for of Hank "Combat" Kelly)
Yama Dharma (The Nest, Spider-Man/X-Men foe)
Yama, Jimmy (MC2, friend of Mayday Parker/Spider-Girl, cousin of Zane Yama/J2)
Yama, Sachi (Earth-982's mother of J2, attorney)
Yamada, Naoko (Earth-751263, Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon)
Yamakayaka (50s Combat Kelly friend)
Yamal, Saudia (Strange Tales #177)
Yamamoto (historical figure, Japanese Admiral in WWII)
Yamamoto, Sanji (Xavier Institute cook)
Yamir, Sasha (Project: Earth member, New Warriors foe)
Yammuz (demon, Ghost Rider foe)
Yancey, Aldes (Louisiana fisherman turned vampire, left to die in sunlight by Blade)
Yancey, D.R. (war character, Battlefront #23)
Yancey, Helen (bystander, Justice #39)
Yancy (western character, Black Rider #23)
Yancy (Power Pack #41)
Yancy, Ace (Two Gun Western #5)
Yancy Legion (Amalgam)
Yancy Street (base of operations for Yancy Street Gang, former home of Ben Grimm)
Yancy Street Gang
Y'Androgg (Thing/Olympians foe)
Yang, Yi (Night Raven and Wolverine foe)
Yankee Clipper (WW II hero. ally of Crimson Dynamo, Stonewall and Super Sabre)
Yankee Commando (character tied into Captain America's origin in Now Comics' series The Sting of the Green Hornet?)
Yankees (baseball team, Stag vol. 1 #4)
Yannroth (Shroud foe)
Yano (True Believers member, Spider-Man foe)
Yaozu, Quan (very first Iron Fist, took over the 8th City)
Yap (member of Technet, dependent on Gatecrasher)
Yar, Tasha (temporal anomaly in Days of Future Past timeline, Star Trek/X-Men: 2nd Contact)
Yarborough, Hank (Gunsmoke Western #37)
Yarby, Kip (US Marshal, Outlaw Fighters #1)
Yarby, Ross (Sgt, War Comics #31)
Yardarm (Ultraverse)
Yarmuike (What The?)
Yarnell, Ed (sheriff, Tim Holt #14 [Ghost Rider story])
Yaron (Ultraverse)
Yarr (Ultraverse)
Yashida, Mariko (Earth-10005)
Yashida, Shingen (Earth-10005)
Yashonka (country)
Yasinov, Sasha (KGB, X-Factor Annual #1)
Yasmela (Hyborean era princess, Conan character)
Yates (Ultraverse)
Yates, Bat (Pvt., Combat Kelly #14)
Yates, Charlie (western character, Black Rider #23)
Yates, Daniel (Earth-712)
Yates, Rush (western character, Wyatt Earp #2)
Yates, Sam (western character, Wild WestSories and Complete Novel Magazine #980
Yates, Trigger (Black Rider foe, Kid Colt Outlaw #39)
Yates, Yakima (western character, Cowboy Action #7)
Yates, Yakkety (Leatherneck Raiders)
Yat-Sen, Sun (historical figure)
Yazdi Gem (Dracula item)
Ybarra, Spats (fall guy, Crime Must Lose #5)
Yeames, Rodney (con man, Crime Cases Comics #24)
Yearby, Bull (western character, Wild Western #28)
Yeates (professor, Strange Tales #177)
Yee, Gale (Ultraverse, Night Man supporting character, former girlfriend of Chalk)
Yee, Wai Chee (sorcerer, Doctor Strange ally)
Yekaterina (Ukranian mutant, Spider-Man character)
Yellow Claw (Imperial Japanese spy/saboteur during WWII, foe of Captain America)
Yellow Eyes (Lee Forrest; WWII soldier)
Yellow Fang (Imperial Japanese spy using Nazi blimp with giant fan to create tornadoes, foe of GA Human Torch)
Yellow Hair (chief, For Men Only [Sep 1956])
Yellow Kid (one of the first comic strip characters; appeared in Captain America and Runaways)
Yellow Paw (Not Brand Echh)
Yellow Yahoo
Yellowjacket (Criti Nol; Skrull invader)
Yellowjacket (Earth-8096, Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes cartoon)
Yellowjacket (Earth-199999, Ant-Man movie)
Yemanja, Goddess of the Sea (Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Yeng (Colonel, Battle #44)
Yenser, Warren (state trooper, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 9 #1)
Yeoman UK (Earth-148’s Brion Burdock; The Corps)
Yeomans, Artie (criminal, Justice #9)
Yeti (Kurt Hanson)
Yeti (Ben Goldendawn, First X-Men)
Yeti (Weapon PRIME)
Yeti (Kree, Lunatic Legion ally)
Yetis (race)
Yetrigar (Godzilla foe)
Y'Garon (demon, foe of Dracula and Marada the She-Wolf)
Yggdrasil (the world tree supporting the Asgardian's Nine Worlds)
Yggdrasil Staff (magical weapon seemingly created from Yggdrasil itself, has been used by Dr. Strange and later the Black Cat)
Ygmlosvorraich (one third of the extradimensional beings known as Trinity of Ashes)
Yin & Yang (Rawhide Kid foes)
Yin, Angela (Spider-Man character, Daily Bugle photographer, cousin of Hand assassin Dragonfly)
Yinsen, Wellington (Earth-534834)
YinYang (X-Men international reject)
Yipyap (servant of Mister Jip)
Yirbek (alien race; enemies of the Kallusians)
Yla (alien, Mystic #43)
Ymai (Ultraverse)
Ymir (Earth-91119)
Ymir (Amalgam)
Ynyr (Marvel Super Special #28)
Yod of the All-Seeing Eye (Tetrarchs of Entropy)
Yodman (Foolkiller ally)
Yo-Gee (What The?)
Yogi Zamor (Father Time foe, Captain America Comics #10)
Yogom, Kingawa (Deceased mutant listed in Magneto's deceased mutants database)
Yog-Sokot (demon--mentioned only)
Yokai-Raida (Japanese Ghost Rider)
Yoko (Japanese saboteur during WWII, foe of Sub-Mariner, killed when US forces torpedoed his sub)
Yolinda (Hyborean-era Turanian princess, mother of two grotesqueries, killed)
Yologarch (composite A.I. based on Tesla's technology and attributes of Loki, Ultron, Red Skull, & Dr. Doom; fought Red She-Hulk)
Yon, Yasmine (director, Riot #3)
Yondu (Earth-616, Ravagers leader, Star-Lord foe)
Yondu (Earth-199999, Guardians of the Galaxy movie)
Yoof (alien, S.H.I.E.L.D./Society of Higher Interstellar Education and Logistical Development, Firebird character)
Yoosuf, Jaafar (Vanguard foe)
Yorak (Skrull)
York, Bill (war character, Battlefield #7)
York, Dan (policeman, Justice #25)
York, Hank (Quick-Trigger Western #14)
York, Sandy, assuming no one else has proposed him earlier.
York, Steve (sheriff, Two-Gun Western #13)
Yorkes, Dale & Stacey (time-traveling criminals, members of the Pride, Gertrude Yorkes' parents)
Yoshida, Saburo (X-Men vol. 1 #64)
Yotat the Destroyer (Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
Young, Charles (Caught #4)
Young, Harmony
Young, Jebediah (S.H.I.E.L.D./HAMMER agent)
Young, Jim (Marvel Double Feature: Thunderstrike/Code Blue #13-16)
Young, Kim Sung (mobster, Punisher character)
Young, Larry (Deatlok vol. 3 #1-3, 11)
Young, Max (Spider-Man character, criminal scientist)
Young Allies (World War II team)
Young Allies (modern day 'not-a-team,' fought Bastards of Evil)
Young Avenger (Golden Age hero)
Young Commandos (Amalgam)
Young Ultimates (team of young heroes including Miles Morales on Earth-1610)
Young X-Men (group of young mutants organized by Donald Pierce posing as Cyclops)
Youngblood (western character, Tim Holt #39 [Ghost Rider story])
Youngblood (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Youngblood, Seth (Spider-Man foe, British Annual)
Younghunt (competition by Upstarts to track down & kill surviving members of New Mutants & Hellions, involved X-Force & New Warriors)
Yourit, Glenn (What The?)
Youssef, Ben (Mystic #49)
Yrds (alien race)
Yrial (Ultraverse)
Yridisis (Deviant, artist, lover of Khoryphos the Eternal)
Ytitnedion (Tunnelworld sorcerer, Defenders character)
Yu, Chung (bodyguard proficicient in Kung Do Karate, one-time foe of Sage/Tessa)
Yu, Wong Ten (Ultraverse)
Yuanzhang, Zhu (Ally of Hui Lin/SHIELD's David Sum aided in removing Kubulai Khan from China in 1368)
Yuc, Rev. Joon Moon (Howard the Duck foe)
Yuki (Nail member)
Yukio (Earth-10005)
Yukthalok (minor demon, Ghost Rider/Blaze foe)
Yun, Kwan (Ultraverse)
Yuncy Street Gang (What The?)
Yun-Suan, Teng (Marvel Graphic Novel #57)
Yuppunisher (informal name for one of a number of Punisher imposters)
Yurdon, Crag (Frontier Western #7)
Yu-Ti (Nu-An, Iron fist foe/adoptive uncle)
Yvette (ghost, Journey into Mystery #23)
Zabu (Electro foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #17)
Zabu (Gus Beezer's dog)
Zabu (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Zabu (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Zabyk (Skrull, user of the Hyper-Wave bomb)
Zack, Tony (criminal, Captain America #260)
Zadixx (invader from Dimension X, Journey into Mystery #9-10)
Zadora, Pia (What The?)
Zafiro (Punisher character, foe of Castle & Lynn Michaels)
Zagan (demon)
Zagnar, Enric (Vision foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #25)
Zahgurim (demon, "Satan's Armorer," foe of Hellstorm)
Zahner, Llyod (Project Glamor operative)
Zahnmörder (Vernichtungs Kommando, Captain America foe)
Zakaius (alien religious zealot, foe of Firelord & Adam Warlock)
Zaladane (Earth-92131)
Zalaski (Thor foe)
Zalinsky (servant, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Zalman (Hydra agent, Elektra foe)
Zalme (mutant, Dazzler foe)
Zambuli tribe (Marvel Super Special #34)
Zamira (Shang-Chi student, Avengers character)
Zamora (Rawhide Kid foe)
Zamora, Darius (early 60s mystic)
Zamu (Dr. Druid enemy)
Zanda (Countess, Marvel Super Special #34)
Zanda, Princess (Black Panther character, Council of Antiquarians)
Zane, Angelique (Ultraverse)
Zane, Lorna (secretary, Doc Savage vol. 1 #3-4)
Zane, Ned (Daredevil #265, X-Factor Annual #4)
Zane, Thomas (Suspense #5)
Zanelli, Max (gangster, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Zankor (Skrull infiltrator)
Zann, Erich (Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft #2)
Zanni (CrossGen Universe, Sigil)
Zanoba (Daring Mystery Comics #3)
Zantha (Dynamic Science Stories pulp #1)
Zantor (Atlantean, Namor/Hulk foe)
Zapper (Cloak and Dagger foe)
Zapper (Agent foe)
Zapster (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Zara (Ultraverse)
Zaran (Zhou Man She, former student of Maximillian Zaran, tried to launch career using Zaran's identity)
Zarathustra (Fantastic Force character)
Zardeth (sorceror, foe of Crystar)
Zarga (Gypsy, Mystery Tales #14)
Zarin, Caroline (Acolytes, X-Men novels character)
Zarko the Flying Squid (giant monster, Elsa Bloodstone foe)
Zarmi (alleged sorceress, would-be prophesised one & leader of a revolt, foe of Conan)
Zaroff, Ivan (commie, Mystic #16)
Zarpo (Father Time foe, Captain America Comics #9)
Zartra (queen of Atlantis when it sank during the Great Cataclysm)
Zatananana (What The?)
Zawadi (Wakandan, Monster Hunters)
Zawicki (war character, Battlefront #39)
Zaxon, Konrad (scientist, Tales to Astonish #78-79)
Zealot (Genoshan mutant killed by Magneto)
Zealot (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Zebra Daddy (pimp, villain from NYX series)
Zebra Kids (Avengers characters)
Zebra People (Savage Land race)
Zechariah (priest, The Life of Christ)
Zedong, Mao (historical figure)
Zedrao (Skrull general, Avengers character)
ZeeBee (America's Next Superhero contestant, Eternals character)
Zeek (Morlock slain by the Marauders)
Zeet (Planet Terry)
Zefra (Godpack member)
Zeitgeist (Special Executive)
Zek, Achmed (Tarzan character)
Zekel, Ignatius (Adventures into Terror #25)
Zelby, Mike (USA Comics #1)
Zelda (witch, Homer the Happy Ghost character)
Zelda (Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Zeldo, Conrad (Young Men #8)
Zelinsky, Leo (Tailor to various Marvel heroes)
Zen Gunner (Karnak foe)
Zenith (Imperial Guard member)
Zenith Island (country)
Zenn (alien race, Tales to Astonish #37)
Zenn-Lavians (alien humanoid race, Norrin Radd's people)
Zenosha (Amalgam)
Zephyr (Elementals, Thor character)
Zephyrus (Amalgam)
Zeraphon (planet, Journey into Unknown Worlds #51)
Zern (mysterious village, Journey into Mystery #32)
Zero (clown, Man Comics #5)
Zero (Kenji Uedo, one of the first mutants/Lights activated after Avengers Vs. X-Men)
Zero, Mary (Agent X #3-7)
Zero/One (Dr. Parul Kurinji, scientist turned human/machine hybrid, foe of Red Hulk/Ross)
Zerotown (home base of Night People)
Zetu (Amazing High Adventure #1)
Zeus (Earth-Hercules in the 30th Century; basically the villain of the second Hercules mini-series)
Zeus (Amalgam)
Zey-Rogg (Kree cyborg, son of Yon-Rogg & foe of Genis-Vell)
Zgorian (Hulk ally)
Zheng, Xian (Director of S.P.E.A.R.)
Ziffy (hitman, Men’s Adventures #23)
Ziggy the Zipper (mobster, Justice #36)
Zig-Zag (courier, She-Hulk character)
Zilch, Mabel (Snafu vol. 2 #2)
Zillah of the Hyborian era (from Savage Sword of Conan vol 1 #35)
Zimmer (SHIELD agent, Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #2)
Zimmer, Fatso (Sgt., Complete War Novels Magazine pulp #3)
Zimmerman, Paul (cashier, Justice #37)
Zinborg, Gustave (doctor, Marvel Tales #116)
Zinyov (dictator, Marvel Tales #125)
Zipantoric (Mayan fire god, Dynamic Science Stories pulp #1)
Zip-Zap (Ultraverse)
Zip-Zap (Ultraforce cartoon)
Ziran the Tester (Celestial)
Zircon, ANton (criminal, All True Crime #41)
Zirconium (Elements of Doom member)
Zirtalx (Marvel Tales #125)
Zis (painter, Astonishing #51)
Zodiac (The Great Wheel, da Vinci's team)
Zodiac (Thanos' team)
Zodiac (Spider-Man/Mockingbird foes)
Zodiac (Earth-101001, Iron Man Anime)
Zodiac (Earth-730784, Avengers: United They Stand cartoon)
Zodus, Ernest (slaver, Journey into Unknown Worlds #5)
Zohar (Reuben Davis, Kabbalistic-magic user, foe of Moon Knight)
Zoids (What The? characters)
Zoma (the Watcher, She-Hulk character)
Zombie (Nick Fury's Howling Commandos)
Zombie Jasper Sitwell (Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. member)
Zombie Master (Golden Age Namor foe)
Zombies (616; a general look a la Demons, Vampires, Werewolves, etc)
Zombo (Rockman foe, U.S.A. Comics #2)
Zon (flame-powered female member of the New Immortals)
Zona Rosa (Everyman murder victim)
Zooboos (alien race, Amazing Adult Fantasy #12)
Zoor (Electro foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #9)
Zorak (Thing/Ant-Man foe; no connection to the Space Ghost foe)
Zoran (Atlantean, Sub-Mariner foe)
Zorba (Dr. Doom foe)
Zorba, Andreas (aka Carnivore of the Exemplars Black Panther/Avengers foe)
Zorbra (What The?)
Zorg (mad scientist, Adventures into Terror #16)
Zorg (planet, Adventures into Terror #20)
Zorida (Equestrienne, Lawbreakers Always Lose #10)
Zorina (con artist medium, Adventures into Terror #9)
Zorko (alien, Mystery Tales #25)
Zorn, Eli (musician, Mystery Tales #17)
Zorna (murderess, Marvel Tales #119)
Zorreks (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America foes)
Zorro (I'm not aware of anything establishing that Zorro is a 616 character, but I don't see any reason why Marvel's 90s Zorro series couldn't be 616)
Zorz (planet, Adventures into Weird Worlds #18)
Zot (alien, Astonishing #39)
Zota, Carlo (member of the Enclave)
Zota of Pergamum (Doctor Strange foe)
Zothros (Ultraverse)
Zoul, William J. (coroner, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Zreate'th (demon, Hellcat foe)
Zsaji (Secret Wars character)
Zubotski, Boris (commie spy, Astonishing #24)
Zug (Conan foe)
Zugg (cannibals, Men’s Adventures #25)
Zukala (Hyborian era god, Conan enemy)
Zula (Hyborean era swordsman, sorceror, ally of Conan)
Zuma, Tommy (What The?)
Zundamites (alien race)
Zuni (Black Musketeers, Black Panther ally)
Zuras (recently resurrected leader of the Eternals)
Zurich (Zern villager, Journey into Mystery #32)
Zurko, Henry (professor, Amazing Detective Cases #14)
Zvilpoggua (Ultimate Fantastic Four #30-32)
Zyklon (Heinrich Himmler, Lethal Legion member)
Zymek, Karl (1950's prisoner who escaped jail using an impregnable transparent film over his body, only to run out of air, Atlas Comics character)
Zyro (pink-skinned Kree, Captain Marvel character)
Zzutak (monster created by Frank Johnson using magic Aztec paint)
Zzzax (Earth-8096, Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes cartoon)
Zzzax (Earth-534834)

Last edited by skippcomet (2/09/2025 4:40 am)

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1/21/2020 8:25 am  #6

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Additional space for future expansion.

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1/21/2020 8:25 am  #7

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Additional space for future expansion.

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1/21/2020 8:26 am  #8

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Additional space for future expansion.

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1/21/2020 8:28 am  #9

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

skippcomet originally converted people's replies into Issues. Angelicknight later deleted these to make room for more entries, but I'm re-adding the initial "issues" for historical purposes.

Edit: The run so far:

Issue #1

Crimson Daffodil
Doctor Tannenbaum
Firearm (Ultraverse)
Fred Hembeck
Kickers Inc.
Liberty Girl
"Iron Mike" McGraw
NFL Superpro
Quill (Jordan)
Radioactive Man (Stanchek)
Strongman (Van Norton)
Tessie the Typist
U.S. Annie
X-Tinction Agenda
Yellow Yahoo
Zebra Kids
Issue #2

Big Man (Janice Foswell)
Clock (Earth-1136, Protectors)
Devil's Reign (crossover w/Top Cow)
Irving Forbush (Earth-665)
Hobgoblin (Lefty Donovan)
Inhuman Torch
Judge Mental (New Universe)
Korean War (event)
Lorna the Jungle Girl
Mind-Wave (Gelden)
Omega Flight (Validator's team)
Punisher (MAX)
Quark (Mojoverse)
Jeanie Rogers (Earth-"Just Imagine: Jeanie")
Thermo the Thermantronic Man
Vibranium (metal)
Skip Westcott
Yellow Kid
Issue #3

John Armbruster
Bob Brant and the Troubleshooters
Doc Savage
Earth-7642 (Earth-Crossover)
Freedom's Five
Gregson Gilbert
Headless Horseman (the Hessian or the foe of Major Liberty who posed as the ghost? or the character from 1998's "The Supernaturals" mini?)
Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler)
Kral IV
Lois Lane (Earth-616)
Nellie the Nurse
Professor Imam
Quintronic Man
Road Force
Thanos-Copter (Earth-57780)
Unseen (Unam)
Vibranium (Baru)
Witch Hunter (Ultraverse)
Xxan Xxar
Issue #4

American Panther
Brute Force (animals)
Cobra (Earth-7642?)
Duke (G.I. Joe, Amazing Spider-Man #268)
Explorer's Club
Gemini (Link)
Wild Bill Hickock
Jolt (Kyi)
Rex Lane
Nth Command
Omerta (Italian hero)
Irma Peterson
Quentin Carnival
Royal Roy
Sandman (alien)
Thor (foe of Brazilian X-Men story)
X-Men (Earth-92131)
Zephyr (Elementals)
Issue #5

Arizona Kid
Captain Italy (Earth-1610)
Devourer of Souls (Conan foe)
Enforcer (Nero)
Fu Manchu
Ghost Rider (Rex Fury)
Human Cannonball
Jolly Roger (Joliet)
Jack Kirby
Legion of Monsters
Machete (female)
New Seed (Deadpool)
Rebel O'Reilly (FR's Counter-Earth)
Puzzle Man
Questprobe (event)
Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt)
Josef Stalin
Teen Abomination
Paul Veidt (Dark Horse comics)
Yankee Commando (Now Comics)
Issue #6

"Battleship" Burke
Captain Wonder
Daddy Longlegs
Wyatt Earp
Frankensurfer (Borgo)
Gemini (Marvel Italia team)
Adolph Hitler
Jean Grey School for Higher Learning
Colonel Fritz Klaue
Carlos Lobo
Mayan Rule (Red Hulk storyline)
NME (Ultraverse)
Taryn O'Connell
People's Defense Force (Chinese team)
Queen Hippolyta (Amalgam)
Reaper (Hurageb)
Titan (moon)
Ultraverse (Earth-93060)
Della Vision
World Federation of Super-Heroes
Xorn (Ultraverse)
Yetis (race)
Issue #7

Martine Bancroft
Combo Man
Pearl Dimly
Eel (Lavelle)
Fantom of the Fair
Halflife (Bancha Rech)
Iron Rangers
Billy Joe Jacks
Ned Leeds
Machiavelli Club
Noman (Ian Rogers)
Outcasts (Mole Man allies)
Redstone (Earth-712)
Cindy Smith
Ulana the Watcher
Vicious Vine
Kinsey Walden
Charles Xavier (Earth-10005)
Zodiac (da Vinci's team)
Issue #8

Arizona Annie
Bulldozer (Camp)
Raymond Coker
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders (really?)
Elders of the Universe
Gamma Quest (novels event)
Hornet (Eddie McDonough)
Icon (Nazi team)
Joan of Arc
King of the Sewers
Stan Lee (616)
Monster Metropolos
Nightingale (First Line)
Annie Oakley
Pan-European Conference on Superhuman Affairs
Quill (Resistants)
Red Warrior
Ultra-Metallo (Amalgam)
el Vejigante
Aelfyre Whitemane
Yrial (Ultraverse)
Zodiac (Thanos's team)
Issue #9

Bloated Bandit
Canada Corps
Ducktor Doom
Electrocute (Ultraverse)
Freedom Force (Initiative)
Gang War (event)
Jim Hudson (50's police officer)
Ikon (Spaceknight)
Jackdaw (elf)
Kid from Dodge City
Carlotta La Rosa
Network Nina
O'Donnell (bartender)
Wendy Parker
Quasimodo (Earth-TRN048)
Richard the Lionheart
Hiram Sheckerberg
Triumph Division
Uatu the Guardian (Amalgam)
Vagabond (Pat Murphy)
Wicked Brigade
Yi Yang
Issue #10

Dr. Araki (manga Hulk)
The Bear (Stark Seven)
Commission on Superhuman Activities
Hedy De Vine
Hotshot (James)
Id Paralyzer
Gullivar Jones
Ming Kuo-Fan
Lucifer (Quist)
Skip McCoy
Noir (Zebari)
Prodigy (alien enslaver)
Douglas Rockwell
Thorson (1950s murderer)
Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation
Virus (Doorne)
Whip Wilson
Yeti (Weapon PRIME)
Zug (Conan character)
Issue #11

Volcana Ash
Candy Man
Dakimh the Enchanter
Eight Immortals
Fighting American
Golddigger (Golden)
Heavy Hitters
Ice Princess (Inuit)
Jann of the Jungle
Kangaroo (Oliver)
Esmeralda Lobo
Mega Morphs
Ninja (Master Khan servant)
Prussland (nation)
Redeemers (Squadron Supreme infiltrators)
Two-Gun Kid (Harder)
Unstable Molecules
Robin Vega
Bill Williams (racer)
Yellow Eyes
Zenosha (Amalgam)
Issue #12

Argonauts (Argosy)
Bullet Biker
Combat Casey
Destroyer (Remo Williams)
Felicity Frimp
Iron Lantern (Amalgam)
Justice (Wyatt Earp's steed)
Lana Lane (40's humor/romance; NOTE: Not the same as Lana Lang)
Not Brand Ecch Earth
Annie Oakley (40s humor/romance)
Physique (Initiative)
el Toro Rojo (Deviant)
Vaquero (Looter adversary)
The Wold (Ultraverse)
X, the Thing That Lived (Pre-FF Marvel Monster)
Yancy Street Gang
Zephyrus (Amalgam)
Issue #13

Ape X (Roy Reyna Earth-616)
Black Rider (Matthew Masters)
Castile D'Or (fictional country)
Doctor Goodwrench (mutant, West Coast Avengers foe)
Emissaries of Evil (all members of all line-ups)
Benjamin Franklin (historical figure)
Ghost Rider (Alejandra)
Sherlock Holmes
Insect Queen (Amalgam)
Jinn (Psylocke/X-Men foe)
Kid Commandos (WWII team)
Little Lizzie (humor character)
Melee (Initiative)
Necromantra (Ultraverse)
Overrider (Captain America foe)
Persuader (1950s, Cloak and Dagger character)
Quor (Ka-Zar the Savage foe)
Rangers (modern day western/50 State Initiative team)
Shark Rider (Atlantean Spirit of Vengeance)
Teutonia (fictional country)
Undertaker (Death's Head (FPA) foe)
Visage (Iron Man foe)
Berkley Whitmore (sci-fi author in Warrior's Revenge novel)
X-Men Headquarters & Transportation
Yeti (Ben Goldendawn, First X-Men)
Zorba (Dr. Doom foe)
Issue #14

Amazon (Amalgam)
Band of Baddies (Spider-Man/Wolverine foes)
Marlo Chandler
King David (Biblical figure)
Ecdysiast (Rick Jones "foe")
Fast Five (Blue Streak's team)
The Great Question (Amazing Man/Prince of Orphans foe)
Henrietta Hunter (member of X-Statix)
Infernal Man (The Order foe)
Jesse James (historical figure)
Kiber the Cruel (Black Panther foe)
Locksmith (Spider-Woman foe)
Mitsuko (70s Hulk manga character)
Neverland (Weapon X prison camp)
Occultist (Spider-Man/Black Cat foe)
Patty Powers (humor/romance character)
Quill (Warpy)
Rust (Resistants member)
Sovernia (fictional country)
Tablet of Life and Time (Spider-Man object, mystic tablet)
Ursula (Swiss heroine, Pan-European Conference on Superhuman Affairs)
Verinder family (Marvel Classics Comics #23: Moonstone)
Wolfpack (street-level vigilante team)
Xun (Sorcerer, Cyttorak foe)
Young Commandos (Amalgam)
Zedrao (Skrull general, Avengers character)
Issue #15

Ancients (novels group)
Billy (Peter Parker’s cousin, Sanger Harris Dallas Times Herald insert)
Kathy Carter (teen humor character)
Dr. Sacotti (from 1948's Ideal #2)
Sam Exmore (Fast Lane anti-drug inserts)
Foxfire (Ultraverse)
Ghosts of Christmas
Human Meteor (golden age hero, Invaders foe)
Infinity Sword (Earth-91119: Super Hero Squad)
Janus (Ultraverse)
Karzz the Conqueror (Avengers foe)
Lobo the Duck (Amalgam)
Molivia (fictional country)
Nightman (the tv show version)
Oscar (humor character)
Polaria (fictional country from Crash Comics #5 [Strongman story], not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Quentin Carnival (Amalgam)
Rawhide Kid (original from first 16 issues of RK series)
King Solomon (biblical figure)
Torpedo Taylor (50s war character)
Gabriel John Utterson (Marvel Classics Comics #1: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
Vammatar (Conan foe)
George Washington (historical figure)
Xenophobic Man (USAgent foe)
Yahweh (biblical God; not sure if distinct from One-Above-All or not in Marvel continuity)
Darius Zamora (early 60s mystic)
Issue #16

American Eagle (Fletcher, WWI pilot)
Brooklyn Avengers (Spider-Man team)
Circuit Breaker (616)
Demom Dinosaur (Brainchild creation, Spider-Man/Devil Dinosaur foe)
Echelon Super-Soldier Program (Red She-Hulk foes)
Fastforward (Quasar character)
Goliath (Biblical)
Horde (Gamma mutate)
Icon (U'mbaya)
June Jitsui (Hostes Villain)
Sharon King (former mutant, former Xavier student)
Lancelot (SHIELD agent, Marvel Italia)
Madam Web (Hostess villain)
NuHumans (race)
Operative (Mystery Men)
Primal (Berman, mutant)
Quills (mutant, Arena fighter)
Rapunzel (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
Shadowshift (Wolverine's First X-Men)
T-Ray (Terry Raymond, X-Man promotional character)
Ultimate Brawling League (Thunderbolts group)
Vox (Initiative/Action Pack)
Wraith (Watanabe, Spider-Man ally)
Xirdal (alien, Osborn character)
Wai Chee Yee (sorcerer, Doctor Strange ally)
Zapper (Agent foe)
Issue #17

Alemain, el
Blake, Kent
The Doctor
Fraser, Kate (Dracula / Captain Britain character)
Gianus, Comte Alvise
Hulk the Menace
Iron Cross (Oskar Mors)
Jansen, Hans (formerly the Dutch Spiderman)
Kulan Gath
Leopard Girl (1950s jungle heroine)
Miracleman (fair game now Marvel owns him - NB this is the Moore version)
Osprey (would-be Frightful Four member)
Professor Prometheus (Micronauts foe)
Quarry (Dystopia bounty hunter)
Subbie the Sea-Going Lad
Undead G-Man
Victor - heroic Earth-8610 Dr. Doom
Wu, Mr - Golden Age detective, and possibly Marvel's first non-stereotype non-Caucasian leads.
Xhoohx - Tunnelworld sorcerer
Harmony Young
Zeitgeist (Special Executive
Issue #18

Julie Angel (Fantastic Four ally)
Bzzk'Joh (Howard the Duck foe)
Carlos Cruz (Punishser replacement)
Dromedan (Deviant)
Eliminator (Fantastic Four foe)
Foolkiller 2099
Gabriel (RCX agent)
Lewis Haywerth (CSA member)
Icebox Bob (Blaze foe)
Hugh Jones (Roxxon CEO)
Katyusha (First Line member)
Holly LaDonna (Vision & Scarlet Witch ally)
Texas Jack Muldoon (Captan America ally)
Nenora (Silver Surfer foe)
Overkill Horn
Peace Corpse (Avengers foes)
Queega (alien race)
Remnant (Earth 712 Squadron Supreme foe)
Suicide Run (Punisher event)
The Twelve (WW2 superheroes)
El Uno (Spider-Man foe)
Emil Vachon (Colleen Wing foe)
Warhead (John Walker foe)
Xorak the Outcast
Young Avenger (Golden Age hero)
Zankor (Skrull infiltrator)

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (1/21/2020 8:31 am)

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1/21/2020 3:37 pm  #10

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Additional historical text from CxPulp
Eduardo M.
05-10-2015, 12:58 PM

Crimson Daffodil
05-10-2015, 02:32 PM

Doctor Tannenbaum (Great Lakes Avengers foe)
05-10-2015, 03:28 PM

Eye-Scream (X-Men foe)
05-10-2015, 03:40 PM

Ooh, I like this idea. :-)

Firearm (Ultraverse)
Sidney Osinga
05-10-2015, 06:05 PM

Gateway (X-Men ally)
05-10-2015, 06:44 PM

Fred Hembeck (Brother Voodoo, Red Skrull)
05-10-2015, 07:41 PM

Illuminator (licensed character)
05-10-2015, 07:50 PM

Jeanie (late 40s teen humor character): http://www.atlastales.com/character/66
Sidney Osinga
05-10-2015, 09:40 PM

Kickers Inc. (New Universe)
05-11-2015, 08:50 AM

Liberty Girl (member of the First Line)
05-11-2015, 11:39 AM

"Iron Mike" McGraw (50s war hero)
05-11-2015, 11:46 AM

NFL SuperPro
05-11-2015, 02:32 PM

Otetsukun (Japanese giant robot, Fantastic Four character)
05-11-2015, 04:59 PM

Push (MC2, member of the X-People)
Sidney Osinga
05-11-2015, 09:40 PM

Quill (Max Jordan; Xavier student)
05-11-2015, 09:46 PM

Radioactive Man (Igor Stanchek, Black Panther foe)
05-11-2015, 09:58 PM

Strongman (public domain character, Invaders foe)
05-11-2015, 10:09 PM

Tessie the Typist
05-12-2015, 12:59 AM

U.S. Annie (Anti-Registration Underground, Civil War)
Sidney Osinga
05-12-2015, 02:35 AM

Valeria (Victor Von Doom's lover)
05-12-2015, 12:08 PM

Waku, Prince of the Bantu (Jungle Tales volume 1 #1 September 1954)
05-12-2015, 12:40 PM

X-Tinction Agenda
05-12-2015, 02:12 PM

Zebra Kids (Avengers characters)
05-12-2015, 03:29 PM

Y was skipped, so I'll fill in that entry by suggesting the Yellow Yahoo. :-P http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/color ... htm#yellow
05-12-2015, 03:59 PM

Crimson Daffodil
Doctor Tannenbaum
Firearm (Ultraverse)
Fred Hembeck
Kickers Inc.
Liberty Girl
"Iron Mike" McGraw
NFL Superpro
Quill (Jordan)
Radioactive Man (Stanchek)
Strongman (Van Norton)
Tessie the Typist
U.S. Annie
X-Tinction Agenda
Yellow Yahoo
Zebra Kids

Okay, that's our first issue of the Imaginary A-Z Update. Great job, people! On to #2....

Access (Axel Asher, DC Vs. Marvel/Amalgam)
Andy E. Nystrom
05-12-2015, 04:18 PM

One thing I'd like to propose is, after the list has gone through the alphabet a few more times, after it's started to die down a bit, everyone gets a crack at doing a full list of 26 characters not previously named. That way people don't have to worry about missing a letter slot.

Big Man (Janice Foswell) (villain from Marvel Team-Up #39-40)
Sidney Osinga
05-12-2015, 04:23 PM

the Clock (Brian O'Brien; Earth 1136 Protectors; public domain)
05-12-2015, 04:42 PM

Devil's Reign (crossover event with Top Cow)
05-12-2015, 04:53 PM

Eques (X-Men at the Texas State Fair, promo character)
05-12-2015, 05:00 PM

Edit: Oops, ninjad by Angelicknight. Instead, I'll say Irving Forbush (Earth-665).
05-12-2015, 07:10 PM

Godzilla (giant scary monster)
Andy E. Nystrom
05-12-2015, 09:34 PM

Hobgoblin (Lefty Donovan) - patsy from Amazing Spider-Man
05-12-2015, 10:41 PM

Inhuman Torch (Jim Hammond foe)
Sidney Osinga
05-12-2015, 11:36 PM

Judge Mental (New Universe)
05-13-2015, 01:27 AM

Korean War
05-13-2015, 01:42 AM

Lorna the Jungle Girl
05-13-2015, 08:13 AM

Mind-Wave (Gelden, resurrected Scourge victim)
05-13-2015, 09:31 AM

Nebulo (Evil Inhumans)
05-13-2015, 10:23 AM
Omega Flight (Validator's team, Avengers characters)
Andy E. Nystrom
05-13-2015, 11:35 AM

Punisher (MAX series; got to have one headlinder character in there).
05-13-2015, 01:32 PM

Quark (the ram guy from the Mojoverse)
05-13-2015, 01:46 PM

Jeanie Rogers (Steve Roger's daughter from Earth-"Just Imagine: Jeanie" in the Questar magazine)
05-13-2015, 02:48 PM

Shiklah (Deadpool's wife)
05-13-2015, 04:54 PM

Thermo the Thermatronic Man (Dr. Walter Michaels, foe of Spider-Man, Dazzler, Paladin, Quasar and Captain America)
Andy E. Nystrom
05-13-2015, 05:40 PM

Ulik (Thor foe/troll; no full non-Files entry since Master Edition)
05-13-2015, 06:27 PM

Vibranium (metal)
05-13-2015, 06:41 PM

Skip Westcott (the guy who molested young Peter Parker)
skippcomet 05-13-2015, 08:13 PM

[b wrote:

Skip Westcott (the guy who molested young Peter Parker)

Waitaminnit...WHAT??? When did THIS happen? (And did this person make more than one appearance?)
05-13-2015, 08:38 PM

Xantippe (Anti-Registration Underground, Civil War)
05-13-2015, 08:47 PM

skippcomet wrote:

Waitaminnit...WHAT??? When did THIS happen? (And did this person make more than one appearance?)

It happens in a flashback in a child abuse prevention comic from 1984, Spider-Man and Power Pack. Skip is also referenced in a later 1987 comic, but he doesn't actually appear there.
Sidney Osinga
05-13-2015, 08:51 PM

Yellow Kid (one of the first comic strip characters; appeared in Captain America and Runaways)
05-14-2015, 08:48 AM

Learn something new everyday...or at least something horrifying.

Zuras (recently resurrected leader of the Eternals)
Andy E. Nystrom
05-14-2015, 09:30 AM

Col John Armbruster (deceased Incredible Hulk supporting cast member; Hulkbusters)
05-14-2015, 11:26 AM

Bob Brant and the Troubleshooters (50s adventurers)
05-14-2015, 01:51 PM

Chairman from the Hostess Spider-Man ad
05-14-2015, 02:07 PM

Doc Savage (pulp character)
05-14-2015, 02:11 PM

Earth-7642 (Earth-Crossover)
05-14-2015, 02:17 PM

Freedom's Five (WWI team)
05-14-2015, 03:51 PM

Gregson Gilbert (Dragon Man's creator) [He appeared in the "Fantastic Four", "Sub-Mariner", "Power Pack" and "Human Torch" comics and he really needs and deserves a profile because he never had a profile!!!]
05-14-2015, 04:27 PM
Headless Horseman
Sidney Osinga
05-14-2015, 08:44 PM

Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler; repentant Nazi villain)
05-14-2015, 09:00 PM

Jesus (Biblical character)
05-15-2015, 08:38 AM

Karkas (Deviant, ally of the Eternals)
05-15-2015, 12:41 PM

Lois Lane (reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper who hangs out with a guy named Clark Kent and seems to be making references to birds and planes a lot)
05-15-2015, 12:54 PM

Moses (Biblical character, Sphinx enemy)
05-15-2015, 12:56 PM

Nellie the Nurse
05-15-2015, 01:16 PM

One-Above-All (multiversal entity, has been known to adopt various guises)
Sidney Osinga
05-15-2015, 02:09 PM

Professor Imam (Squadron Supreme ally)
05-15-2015, 09:56 PM

Quintronic Man (giant robotic foe of Hulk and Nova/Rider)
05-15-2015, 10:01 PM

Road Force (Avengers characters)
05-15-2015, 10:02 PM

S.A.F.E. (novels organization)
05-15-2015, 10:35 PM

Thanos-Coptor (Earth-57780 vehicle)
Sidney Osinga
05-16-2015, 12:30 AM

Unseen (Unam; Spaceknight)
05-16-2015, 12:40 AM

Vibranium (Baru, Avengers character)
05-16-2015, 12:01 PM

Witch Hunter (Ultraverse)
Sidney Osinga
05-16-2015, 02:04 PM

Xxan Xxar (alien who tried to assassinate Galatus)
05-16-2015, 05:23 PM

Zarathustra (Fantastic Force character)
05-16-2015, 05:26 PM

Yggdrasill (the world tree supporting the Asgardian's Nine Worlds)
05-16-2015, 05:32 PM

American Panther (Black Panther foe)
05-16-2015, 06:01 PM

Brute Force (90s cyborg animals who recently resurfaced in a Deadpool annual)
05-16-2015, 06:06 PM

Cobra (villain from 60s Brazilian crossover between android Human Torch and Fawcett's Captain Marvel, possibly set on Earth-7642 [Earth-Crossover])
Sidney Osinga
05-16-2015, 08:14 PM

Duke (G.I.Joe First Sergeant; appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #268)
05-16-2015, 11:57 PM

Explorer's Club (1950s group)
05-17-2015, 02:26 AM
Fates (cosmic: http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix6/fates_cosmic.htm)
05-17-2015, 05:44 AM

Gemini (Joshua Link, Zodiac Cartel)
05-17-2015, 11:20 AM

Wild Bill Hickok
05-17-2015, 01:28 PM

[b wrote:

Angelicknight[/b]]Explorer's Club (1950s group)

Do you mean the Monsters Hunters?
05-17-2015, 01:30 PM

Iridia (a very beautiful Inhuman, I really like her very much)
Angelicknight 05-17-2015, 01:32 PM

[b wrote:

mal32[/b]]  Do you mean the Monsters Hunters?

EXPLORER's CLUB (Ulysses Bloodstone, B'Wana Brown (immortal), Zad Compton (extraterrestrial from "Pluto"), Dr. Druid, Makkari, Spellbinder (Sam Binder, hypnotist), Zawadi, unidentified leader, possibly Ken Hale (Gorilla Man) and hsi friend Benson; Stanley Hathaway (caretaker))
- New York City, meeting place of Monster Hunters, built in early 1900s, private club; Harvey Rupert Elder sought membership but was ousted (net-lostgen)--Journey into Mystery I#54/1 (July, 1953) (Journey into Mystery I#54/1, Journey Into Unknown Worlds#20, Men's Adventures#26, Strange Tales I#47, Marvel Universe#4
05-17-2015, 01:35 PM

Jolt (Kyi, Taskmaster's student)
Andy E. Nystrom
05-17-2015, 01:42 PM

Karkas (good guy Deviant; no entry since Master Edition).
05-17-2015, 03:33 PM

Rex Lane (supernatural investigator)
05-17-2015, 03:49 PM

Melmacians (Evolutionary War alien race)
Sidney Osinga
05-17-2015, 05:22 PM

Nth Command (Thing/Captain America enemies)
05-17-2015, 05:32 PM

Omerta (Italian hero, Alpha Flight character)
05-17-2015, 05:34 PM

Irma Peterson (My Friend Irma; she meets Stan Lee, so that's tentative evidence that Irma is a 616 character)
05-17-2015, 06:37 PM

The Quentin Carnival (Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze characters)
05-17-2015, 07:54 PM

Royal Roy (a prince of a boy)
05-17-2015, 08:14 PM

Sandman (Pre-Fantastic Four monster)
05-17-2015, 08:16 PM

Thor (the evil Thor from the original Brazilian X-Men comics)
Andy E. Nystrom
05-17-2015, 08:57 PM

Una (Kree; early love interest for Captain Mar-Vell)
05-17-2015, 11:38 PM

Vapora (Daredevil foe)
Sidney Osinga
05-18-2015, 01:34 AM

Watchers (alien race)
05-18-2015, 01:35 AM

X-Men (Earth-92131)
05-18-2015, 01:41 AM

Yetrigar (Godzilla foe)
mal32 05-18-2015, 03:37 AM

vanhornluke wrote:

Thor (the evil Thor from the original Brazilian X-Men comics)

May I ask you more about these original X-Men comics from Brasil, please?
05-18-2015, 11:22 AM

Zephyr (Elementals, Thor character)
05-18-2015, 11:48 AM

Arizona Kid
vanhornluke 05-18-2015, 11:56 AM

mal32 wrote:

 May I ask you more about these original X-Men comics from Brasil, please?

Back in the 60s, there was a Brazilian comic publisher that had the license to reprint some Marvel comics in Brazil, including the X-Men. As a backup feature for 10 issues of the comic Edições.
Gep, the publisher commissioned original X-Men stories by Brazilian creators. One of these stories featured an evil Thor (not the Avenger), so that's who I was asking about. There's a really good article, including covers and a few panels, in an issue of Alter Ego last year. There's also a collected edition of these original stories (unfortunately still only in Portuguese):
https://zinebrasil.wordpress.com/2014/1 ... -malagola/.
05-18-2015, 12:57 PM

Bio-Genes (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack foes)
05-18-2015, 05:08 PM

Captain Italy (Umberto Landi, Earth-1610) an Italian (like me) super-hero
05-18-2015, 05:30 PM

The Devourer of Souls (Conan foe)
05-18-2015, 05:59 PM

Enforcer (Mike Nero, Hood foe)
05-18-2015, 07:35 PM

Fu Manchu (father of Shang-Chi, done some other things)
05-18-2015, 08:07 PM

Ghost Rider (Rex Fury)
05-19-2015, 01:14 AM

skippcomet wrote:

Fu Manchu (father of Shang-Chi, done some other things)

I believe Fu Manchu cannot be covered under this name because legal rights
05-19-2015, 01:28 AM

Human Cannonball (Jack Pulver) from Ringmaster's Circus of Crime
05-19-2015, 01:32 AM

Ikari (Daredevil foe)
Sidney Osinga
05-19-2015, 02:58 AM

Jolly Roger (Speedball villain)
05-19-2015, 04:37 AM

Jack Kirby
05-19-2015, 09:34 AM

Legion of Monsters
05-19-2015, 10:40 AM

Machete (female)
05-19-2015, 01:00 PM

The New Seed (2001, Deadpool, referenced in Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone)
05-19-2015, 04:55 PM

Rebel O'Reilly (Franklin Richards' Counter-Earth)
05-19-2015, 05:03 PM

Puzzle Man (contest character)
Andy E. Nystrom
05-19-2015, 09:39 PM

Questprobe (event, including details from the computer games)
Sidney Osinga
05-20-2015, 12:21 AM

Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt)
05-20-2015, 12:35 AM

Stalin (including his appearances in stuff published in the 50s)
05-20-2015, 12:49 AM

Teen Abomination (Superior Iron Man character)
05-20-2015, 08:42 AM

Uno (Ghost Rider character, Paranormal Law Enforcement Team leader)
05-20-2015, 11:48 AM

Paul Veidt (character tied into Abraham Erskine and Captain America's creation in Dark Horse's series The Shadow and Doc Savage)
05-20-2015, 03:35 PM

WAND (Mystical branch of SHIELD)
05-20-2015, 07:46 PM

X-Corporation/X-Corps (Sean Cassidy's attempt at an international mutant-run organization)
05-20-2015, 07:59 PM

Yankee Commando (character tied into Captain America's origin in Now Comics' series The Sting of the Green Hornet)
Sidney Osinga
05-20-2015, 09:10 PM

Zamu (Dr. Druid enemy)
05-21-2015, 12:28 AM

Adrenazon (She-Hulk foe/ally)
05-21-2015, 12:58 AM

Battleship Burke (50s war hero)
05-21-2015, 08:34 AM

Captain Wonder (Golden Age hero, only member of the The Twelve not covered)
05-21-2015, 01:49 PM

Daddy Longlegs (Spider-Woman foe)
05-21-2015, 02:11 PM

Wyatt Earp
05-21-2015, 03:23 PM

Frankensurfer (Borgo, foe of Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange)
05-21-2015, 05:49 PM

Gemini (Marvel Italia team)
05-21-2015, 06:42 PM

Hitler (including his appearances in stories published during the 50s)
Sidney Osinga
05-22-2015, 02:10 AM

Ion (Femizon member/Machine Man enemy)
05-22-2015, 03:05 AM

Jean Grey School for Higher Learning
05-22-2015, 07:21 PM

Colonel Fritz Klaue (WWII foe of Nick Fury, father of Ulysses Klaw)
Sidney Osinga
05-23-2015, 01:41 AM

Carlos Lobo (Spider-Man villain)
05-23-2015, 01:55 AM

Mayan Rule (event)
05-23-2015, 02:17 AM

NME (Ultraverse)
05-23-2015, 10:13 AM

Taryn O'Connell (US1/She-Hulk character, romantic partner of Razorback)
05-23-2015, 01:58 PM

People's Defense Force (Chinese team)
05-23-2015, 04:59 PM

Queen Hippolyta (Amalgam)
05-23-2015, 10:13 PM

Reaper (Pantu Hurageb; X-Cell member, former Mutant Liberation Front and Exiles/Ultraverse member)
05-24-2015, 02:33 AM

S-Wing (Spider-Man Hostess villains prison)
Sidney Osinga
05-24-2015, 03:16 AM

Titan (moon of Saturn; birthplace of Thanos)
05-24-2015, 07:14 AM

The Ultraverse (alternate reality, home of Prime, Hardcase, Night Man, and more)
05-24-2015, 11:54 AM

Della Vision (humor/romance character)
05-24-2015, 04:05 PM

World Federation of Superheroes (Fun and Games characters, international team)
05-24-2015, 09:48 PM

Xorn (Ultraverse)
Sidney Osinga
05-25-2015, 01:42 AM

Yetis (race)
05-25-2015, 01:56 AM

Zamira (Shang-Chi student, Avengers character)
05-25-2015, 02:19 AM

Arrowhead (western character)
05-25-2015, 06:44 AM

Martine Bancroft (Morbius's romantic interest, later actual vampire, now dead)
05-25-2015, 02:53 PM

Combo Man (Promotional character, A.I.M. foe)
05-25-2015, 03:08 PM

Pearl Dimly (humor character)
05-25-2015, 07:19 PM

Eel (Edward Lavell, successor to Viper's brother)
05-25-2015, 08:12 PM

Fantom of the Fair (Public domain character, Avengers #92 1971)
05-25-2015, 09:03 PM

Geronimo (historical figure)
Sidney Osinga
05-25-2015, 09:49 PM

Halflife (alien babe)
05-26-2015, 12:23 AM

Iron Rangers (Carnage foes)
05-26-2015, 12:30 AM

Billie Joe Jacks (televangelist in Dr. Strange novel Nightmare)
05-26-2015, 06:00 PM

Knorda (Asgardian, Avengers & Fantastic Four character/Domination Factor)
Sidney Osinga
05-26-2015, 06:06 PM

Ned Leeds (Spider-Man supporting character, Hobgoblin patsy)
05-26-2015, 07:11 PM

Machiavelli Club (novels organization; scroll down to the bottom at http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/gentlemn.htm)
05-26-2015, 08:11 PM

Nomad (Ian Rogers)
05-27-2015, 08:20 AM

Outcasts (Subterranea, super-powered allies of the Mole Man)
05-27-2015, 12:13 PM

There's no name for this event that I'm aware of, so I'll coin it myself: Peter-Parker's-Marriage-to-Gwen-Dream-Sequence (from the original Spidey comics published in Mexico)
05-27-2015, 08:44 PM

Quickfire (NuHuman, Mighty Avengers character)
05-27-2015, 08:45 PM

Redstone (Earth-712, Squadron Supreme member)
05-27-2015, 11:50 PM

Cindy Smith (humor/romance character)
05-28-2015, 12:26 AM

Tadpole (Wannabe Frog-Man sidekick)
05-28-2015, 08:21 AM

Ulana the Watcher (Uatu the Watcher's widow, see Original Sin)
05-28-2015, 12:17 PM

Vicious Vine (FF foe: http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix5/viciousvineff.htm)
05-28-2015, 12:52 PM

Kinsey Walden (Secret Invasion: Home Invasion)
05-29-2015, 01:10 AM

Charles Xavier (Earth-10005, Fox movies)
05-29-2015, 11:23 AM

Y'Garon (demon, foe of Dracula and Marada the She-Wolf)
05-29-2015, 01:02 PM

Zodiac (The Great Wheel, da Vinci's team)
05-29-2015, 01:38 PM

Arizona Annie (western character)
05-29-2015, 07:02 PM

Bulldozer (Henry Camp, Wrecking Crew)
05-29-2015, 09:55 PM

Raymond Coker (werewolf)
05-29-2015, 11:32 PM

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders :-P
Sidney Osinga
05-29-2015, 11:55 PM

Elders of the Universe
05-29-2015, 11:58 PM

Foe-Dog (Iceman character)
05-30-2015, 01:37 AM

Gamma Quest (novels event)
05-30-2015, 08:18 AM

Hornet (Eddie McDonough, Slingers member)
05-30-2015, 11:49 AM

Icon (Nazi team, Avengers 1950s foes)
05-30-2015, 11:58 AM

Joan of Arc (historical figure)
05-31-2015, 04:32 AM

King of the Sewers (Daredevil villain, leads an underground society in the sewers)
05-31-2015, 11:51 AM

Stan Lee (616 version)
05-31-2015, 01:26 PM

Monster Metropolis (location)
06-01-2015, 10:45 AM

Nightingale (First Line member)
06-01-2015, 12:08 PM

Annie Oakley (the historical figure, not the humor/romance character from the first few issues of the Annie Oakley series)
Eduardo M.
06-01-2015, 01:41 PM

Pan-European Conference on Superhuman Affairs
Sidney Osinga
06-01-2015, 03:59 PM

Quill (Resistant)
06-01-2015, 04:23 PM

Red Warrior (western character)
06-01-2015, 04:35 PM

S-Men (Red Skull's team)
06-01-2015, 07:54 PM

Terraformer (Plantman simuloid, Force of Nature member)
06-01-2015, 09:37 PM

Ultra-Metallo (Amalgam)
06-01-2015, 11:47 PM

el Vejigante (Fantastic Four character)
Sidney Osinga
06-02-2015, 12:50 AM

Aelfyre Whitemane (Power Pack character)
06-02-2015, 08:33 AM

Xandarians (alien race, created the Nova Corps)
06-02-2015, 11:18 AM

Yrial (Ultraverse)
06-02-2015, 01:06 PM

Zodiac (Thanos' team)
06-02-2015, 09:33 PM

Africaa (Marvel UK, ally of Black Axe)
06-02-2015, 10:12 PM

Bloated Bandit (Iron Man foe)
06-02-2015, 11:47 PM

Canada Corp (Deadpool characters)
Andy E. Nystrom
06-03-2015, 11:01 AM

Ducktor Doom (Spider-Ham foe; doesn't want to be a rock star; he just wants to rule the world).
06-03-2015, 11:57 AM

Electrocute (Ultraverse)
06-03-2015, 01:33 PM

Freedom Force (Initiative team)
Eduardo M.
06-03-2015, 01:42 PM

Gang War (Spider-Man event)
06-03-2015, 01:50 PM

Jim Hudson (50s police officer)
06-03-2015, 02:38 PM

Ikon (Spaceknight)
06-03-2015, 04:23 PM

Jackdaw (Captain Britain character, elf from Otherworld)
06-03-2015, 05:53 PM

Kid from Dodge City (western character)
Eduardo M.
06-03-2015, 06:20 PM

Kingsize (Wasp/HoH foe)
06-03-2015, 06:40 PM

Eduardo, I already posted a K character.
Eduardo M. 06-03-2015, 07:04 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Eduardo, I already posted a K character.

oops. no worries
Carlotta La Rosa (actress, Thing's ex-girlfriend)
06-03-2015, 07:22 PM

Metahumes (Spider-Man characters)
Sidney Osinga
06-04-2015, 01:03 AM

Network Nina (SHIELD ESPer agent)
Andy E. Nystrom
06-04-2015, 01:11 AM

O'Donnell (bartender in Madripoor, friend of Patch/Wolverine)

skipcomet, maybe on your first post, start listing names already taken? Otherwise sooner or later some duplication will occur because no one wants to wade through 24 pages.
06-04-2015, 01:18 AM

Wendy Parker (humor character; is she related to Peter?)
06-04-2015, 01:28 AM

Quasimodo (Incredible Hulk versus Quasimodo)
06-04-2015, 12:12 PM

Richard the Lionheart (historical figure)
Eduardo M.
06-04-2015, 01:40 PM

Hiriam Sheckleberg (Thing ally)
06-04-2015, 01:53 PM

Triumph Division (team)
06-04-2015, 02:08 PM

Uatu the Guardian (Amalgam)
Eduardo M.
06-04-2015, 02:42 PM

Vagabond (Golden Age hero)
06-04-2015, 02:51 PM

Wicked Brigade (Spider-Man villains)
06-04-2015, 06:52 PM

Okay, here's what we've go so far....

Issue #1

Crimson Daffodil
Doctor Tannenbaum
Firearm (Ultraverse)
Fred Hembeck
Kickers Inc.
Liberty Girl
"Iron Mike" McGraw
NFL Superpro
Quill (Jordan)
Radioactive Man (Stanchek)
Strongman (Van Norton)
Tessie the Typist
U.S. Annie
X-Tinction Agenda
Yellow Yahoo
Zebra Kids

Issue #2

Big Man (Janice Foswell)
The Clock (Earth-1136, Protectors)
Devil's Reign (crossover with Top Cow)
Irving Forbush (Earth-665)
Hobgoblin (Lefty Donovan)
Inhuman Torch
Judge Mental (New Universe)
Korean War (event)
Lorna the Jungle Girl
Mind-Wave (Gelden)
Omega Flight (Validator's team)
Punisher (MAX)
Quark (Mojoverse)
Jeanie Rogers (Earth-"Just Imagine: Jeanie")
Thermo the Thermantronic Man
Vibranium (metal)
Skip Westcott
Yellow Kid

Issue #3

John Armbruster
Bob Brant and the Troubleshooters
Doc Savage
Earth-7642 (Earth-Crossover)
Freedom's Five
Gregson Gilbert
Headless Horseman (the Hessian or the foe of Major Liberty who posed as the ghost? or the character from 1998's "The Supernaturals" mini?)
Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler)
Lois Lane (Earth-616)
Nellie the Nurse
Professor Imam
Quintronic Man
Road Force
Thanos-Copter (Earth-57780)
Unseen (Unam)
Vibranium (Baru)
Witch Hunter (Ultraverse)
Xxan Xxar

Issue #4

American Panther
Brute Force (animals)
Cobra (Earth-7642?)
Duke (G.I. Joe, Amazing Spider-Man #268)
Explorer's Club
Gemini (Link)
Wild Bill Hickock
Jolt (Kyi)
Rex Lane
Nth Command
Omerta (Italian hero)
Irma Peterson
Quentin Carnival
Royal Roy
Sandman (alien)
Thor (foe of Brazilian X-Men story)
X-Men (Earth-92131)
Zephyr (Elementals)

Issue #5

Arizona Kid
Captain Italy (Earth-1610)
Devourer of Souls (Conan foe)
Enforcer (Nero)
Fu Manchu
Ghost Rider (Rex Fury)
Human Cannonball
Jolly Roger (Joliet)
Jack Kirby
Legion of Monsters
Machete (female)
New Seed (Deadpool)
Rebel O'Reilly (FR's Counter-Earth)
Puzzle Man
Questprobe (event)
Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt)
Josef Stalin
Teen Abomination
Paul Veidt (actually a character from a Dark Horse comics mini, not Marvel)
Yankee Commando (actually a character from a Now Comics comic book, again not Marvel)

Issue #6

"Battleship" Burke
Captain Wonder
Daddy Longlegs
Wyatt Earp
Frankensurfer (Borgo)
Gemini (Marvel Italia team)
Adolph Hitler
Jean Grey School for Higher Learning
Colonel Fritz Klaue
Carlos Lobo
Mayan Rule (Red Hulk storyline)
NME (Ultraverse)
Taryn O'Connell
People's Defense Force (Chinese team)
Queen Hippolyta (Amalgam)
Reaper (Hurageb)
Titan (moon)
Ultraverse (Earth-93060)
Della Vision
World Federation of Super-Heroes
Xorn (Ultraverse)
Yetis (race)

Issue #7

Martine Bancroft
Combo Man
Pearl Dimly
Eel (Lavelle)
Fantom of the Fair
Halflife (Bancha Rech)
Iron Rangers
Billy Joe Jacks
Ned Leeds
Machiavelli Club
Noman (Ian Rogers)
Outcasts (Mole Man allies)
Redstone (Earth-712)
Cindy Smith
Ulana the Watcher
Vicious Vine
Kinsey Walden
Charles Xavier (Earth-10005)
Zodiac (da Vinci's team)

Issue #8

Arizona Annie
Bulldozer (Camp)
Raymond Coker
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders (really?)
Elders of the Universe
Gamma Quest (novels event)
Icon (Nazi team)
Joan of Arc
King of the Sewers
Stan Lee (616)
Monster Metropolos
Nightingale (First Line)
Annie Oakley
Pan-European Conference on Superhuman Affairs
Quill (Resistants)
Red Warrior
Ultra-Metallo (Amalgam)
el Vejigante
Aelfyre Whitemane
Yrial (Ultraverse)
Zodiac (Thanos's team)

Issue #9

Bloated Bandit
Canada Corps
Ducktor Doom
Electrocute (Ultraverse)
Freedom Force (Initiative)
Gang War (event)
Jim Hudson (50's police officer)
Ikon (Spaceknight)
Jackdaw (elf)
Kid from Dodge City
Carlotta La Rosa
Network Nina
O'Donnell (bartender)
Wendy Parker
Quasimodo (Earth-TRN048)
Richard the Lionheart
Hiram Sheckerberg
Triumph Division
Uatu the Guardian (Amalgam)
Vagabond (Pat Murphy)
Wicked Brigade

To which, I shall add...

X-Ray (Jimmy Darnell, member of the U-Foes)
06-04-2015, 08:14 PM

skippcomet wrote:

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders (really?)

Yep, they showed up in some newspaper insert comics. :-P
Sidney Osinga
06-04-2015, 09:12 PM

Yi Yang (Night Raven and Wolverine foe)
Andy E. Nystrom
06-04-2015, 09:52 PM

Zombies (616; a general look a la Demons, Vampires, Werewolves, etc)
06-04-2015, 10:24 PM

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Zombies (616; a general look a la Demons, Vampires, Werewolves, etc)

Don't you mean "zuvembies"? :-P

Doctor Araki (early 70s Hulk manga)
06-04-2015, 11:25 PM

Bear (Stark Seven/Mighty Avengers 1970s)
Sidney Osinga
06-05-2015, 01:34 AM

Commission of Superhuman Activities (U.S. government organization)
06-05-2015, 11:14 AM

Hedy De Vine (humor/romance character)
06-05-2015, 02:41 PM

Eosimias (Xavier student)
06-06-2015, 06:53 AM

Fortisquians (alien race, include Caretakers of Arcturus and Comet Man's ally Max)
06-06-2015, 12:50 PM

Genogoths (novels group)
06-06-2015, 01:57 PM

Hotshot (Hostess villain)
Eduardo M.
06-06-2015, 04:05 PM

Id Paralyzer
06-06-2015, 05:25 PM

Gullivar Jones
06-06-2015, 07:09 PM

Ming Kuo-Fan (girlfriend of Access/Axel Asher)
Sidney Osinga
06-06-2015, 09:33 PM

Lucifer (alien, X-men/Iron Man foe)
06-06-2015, 10:36 PM

Skip McCoy (40s detective)
06-06-2015, 11:18 PM

Noir (Darkforce user, Power Man/Iron Fist character)
06-07-2015, 08:05 AM

Ozymandias (X-Men character, servant of Apocalypse and Clan Akkaba)
06-07-2015, 11:58 AM
Prodigy (from Amazing Spider-Man vs the Prodigy)
06-07-2015, 02:10 PM

Quota (Agent foe, cyborg)
Eduardo M.
06-07-2015, 04:23 PM

Douglas Rockwell (Red Skull stooge and former head of the CSA)
06-07-2015, 05:56 PM

Skylark (Linda Lewis, member of Earth-712's Squadron Supreme)
06-07-2015, 05:56 PM

Oops, ninjad by skippcomet. I'll say instead Thorson (murderer from Justice #19)
Sidney Osinga
06-07-2015, 09:21 PM

Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation
06-07-2015, 09:46 PM

Virus (Lyle Doorne, First X-Men foe)
06-07-2015, 09:59 PM

Whip Wilson (western character)
06-08-2015, 03:13 AM

X-Humed (group of zombie-fied dead mutants raised by Black Talon, faced She-Hulk)
06-08-2015, 12:39 PM

Yeti (Weapon PRIME)
06-08-2015, 12:51 PM

Zug (Conan foe: http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/zugconan.htm)
Eduardo M.
06-08-2015, 01:45 PM

Volcana Ash (Killraven ally)
06-08-2015, 02:53 PM

Bobcat (Hawkeye foe)
06-08-2015, 02:54 PM

Angelicknight, didn't Eduardo already post an "A" character?
06-08-2015, 02:56 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Angelicknight, didn't Eduardo already post an "A" character?

He did i'm still half asleep
06-08-2015, 03:08 PM

Candy Man (Spider-Man foe from the novels)
06-08-2015, 04:45 PM

Dakimh the Enchanter (Man-Thing character, last covered in the Master Edition)
06-08-2015, 04:59 PM

Eight Immortals (Chinese team)
06-08-2015, 05:35 PM

Fighting American (he met a version of Captain America in a Hembeck cartoon in Marvel Age #83)
06-08-2015, 05:50 PM

Golddigger (Angela Golden, foe of Captain America and Hawkeye)
Eduardo M.
06-08-2015, 05:51 PM

Heavy Hitters (Initiative team)
06-08-2015, 06:41 PM

Ice Princess (Superia's Fenizons)
06-08-2015, 08:14 PM

Oops, didn't see Angelicknight had a post on the next page. I'll say instead Jann of the Jungle.
Sidney Osinga
06-08-2015, 09:45 PM

Kangaroo (Oliver)
06-08-2015, 10:00 PM

Esmeralda Lobo (mutant, sister of the Lobo Brothers)
06-08-2015, 11:20 PM

Mega Morphs
06-09-2015, 09:31 AM

Ninja (Iron Fist foe, servant of Master Khan)
06-09-2015, 01:54 PM

Oxbow (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
06-09-2015, 02:00 PM

Prussland (fictional country not covered in the Marvel Atlas; from Red Raven Comics #1)
Eduardo M.
06-09-2015, 02:29 PM

Redeemers (Squadron Supreme foes)
06-09-2015, 02:46 PM

Sinbad the Sailor (legendary hero)
06-09-2015, 02:49 PM

Two-Gun Kid (Clay Harder)
Eduardo M.
06-09-2015, 05:43 PM

Unstable Molecules
06-09-2015, 06:00 PM

Robin Vega (mutant, Spider-Man character)

06-09-2015, 06:40 PM

Since the letter Q was skipped...Quantum (Lomen, Dakkamite Soldier, member of Graviton's Forces and the Elect)
06-09-2015, 08:04 PM

Bill Williams (racer from Marvel Comics #1)

06-09-2015, 09:14 PM

X-Ceptionals (X-Force characters, wannabe heroes)

Sidney Osinga
06-09-2015, 11:50 PM

Yellow Eyes (Lee Forrest; WWII soldier)
06-10-2015, 10:48 AM

Zenosha (Amalgam)

06-10-2015, 11:15 AM

Argonauts (Hercules' former team)
Eduardo M.
06-10-2015, 02:08 PM

Bullet Biker
06-10-2015, 02:16 PM

Combat Casey (50s war character)
06-10-2015, 02:23 PM

Destroyer (Remo Williams)
Eduardo M.
06-10-2015, 05:11 PM

the Einhenjar
06-10-2015, 05:16 PM

Felicity Frimp (Spider-Man foe)
06-10-2015, 05:31 PM

Gadfly (Marvel: The Lost Generation)

06-10-2015, 06:21 PM

Haywire (Harold Danforth, former Redeemers/Squadron Supreme member and Avengers foe/ally)
06-10-2015, 06:22 PM

Iron Lantern (Amalgam)

06-10-2015, 06:31 PM

Justice (Wyatt Earp's steed)

Sidney Osinga
06-10-2015, 10:54 PM

Kofi (Power Pack ally)

Also, I noticed there's no K in issue #3.

06-10-2015, 11:05 PM

Lana (humor/romance character)
06-10-2015, 11:10 PM

MUSIC (Black Panther/Shuri character)

06-10-2015, 11:13 PM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Kofi (Power Pack ally)
Also, I noticed there's no K in issue #3.

Seem to remember Karkas being the K in #3 & 4 one should be replaced i guess.
Andy E. Nystrom
06-11-2015, 12:46 AM

Not Brand Ecch Earth

06-11-2015, 01:11 AM

Annie Oakley (the humor/romance character set in the 1940s from the first 4 issues of the Annie Oakley series, a distinct character from the western historical figure in the rest of the series)

06-11-2015, 03:08 AM

Physique (Initiative doctor)

Eduardo M.
06-11-2015, 01:48 PM

Quagmire (Squadrron Supreme reformed foe)

06-11-2015, 02:38 PM

Rattan (Captain America and Spider-Man foe)
06-11-2015, 02:55 PM

Smokescreen (Spider-Man/Power Man/Storm foe, anti-smoking comic)
06-11-2015, 06:51 PM

The Story Thus Far:

Issue #1

Crimson Daffodil
Doctor Tannenbaum
Firearm (Ultraverse)
Fred Hembeck
Kickers Inc.
Liberty Girl
"Iron Mike" McGraw
NFL Superpro
Quill (Jordan)
Radioactive Man (Stanchek)
Strongman (Van Norton)
Tessie the Typist
U.S. Annie
X-Tinction Agenda
Yellow Yahoo
Zebra Kids

Issue #2

Big Man (Janice Foswell)
The Clock (Earth-1136, Protectors)
Devil's Reign (crossover with Top Cow)
Irving Forbush (Earth-665)
Hobgoblin (Lefty Donovan)
Inhuman Torch
Judge Mental (New Universe)
Korean War (event)
Lorna the Jungle Girl
Mind-Wave (Gelden)
Omega Flight (Validator's team)
Punisher (MAX)
Quark (Mojoverse)
Jeanie Rogers (Earth-"Just Imagine: Jeanie")
Thermo the Thermantronic Man
Vibranium (metal)
Skip Westcott
Yellow Kid

Issue #3

John Armbruster
Bob Brant and the Troubleshooters
Doc Savage
Earth-7642 (Earth-Crossover)
Freedom's Five
Gregson Gilbert
Headless Horseman (Hessian)
Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler)
Kral IV
Lois Lane (Earth-616)
Nellie the Nurse
Professor Imam
Quintronic Man
Road Force
Thanos-Copter (Earth-57780)
Unseen (Unam)
Vibranium (Baru)
Witch Hunter (Ultraverse)
Xxan Xxar

Issue #4

American Panther
Brute Force (animals)
Cobra (Earth-7642?)
Duke (G.I. Joe, Amazing Spider-Man #268)
Explorer's Club
Gemini (Link)
Wild Bill Hickock
Jolt (Kyi)
Rex Lane
Nth Command
Omerta (Italian hero)
Irma Peterson
Quentin Carnival
Royal Roy
Sandman (alien)
Thor (foe of Brazilian X-Men story)
X-Men (Earth-92131)
Zephyr (Elementals)

Issue #5

Arizona Kid
Captain Italy (Earth-1610)
Devourer of Souls (Conan foe)
Enforcer (Nero)
Fu Manchu
Ghost Rider (Rex Fury)
Human Cannonball
Jolly Roger (Joliet)
Jack Kirby
Legion of Monsters
Machete (female)
New Seed (Deadpool)
Rebel O'Reilly (FR's Counter-Earth)
Puzzle Man
Questprobe (event)
Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt)
Josef Stalin
Teen Abomination
Paul Veidt (actually a character from a Dark Horse comics mini, not Marvel)
Yankee Commando (actually a character from a Now Comics comic book, again not Marvel)

Issue #6

"Battleship" Burke
Captain Wonder
Daddy Longlegs
Wyatt Earp
Frankensurfer (Borgo)
Gemini (Marvel Italia team)
Adolph Hitler
Jean Grey School for Higher Learning
Colonel Fritz Klaue
Carlos Lobo
Mayan Rule (Red Hulk storyline)
NME (Ultraverse)
Taryn O'Connell
People's Defense Force (Chinese team)
Queen Hippolyta (Amalgam)
Reaper (Hurageb)
Titan (moon)
Ultraverse (Earth-93060)
Della Vision
World Federation of Super-Heroes
Xorn (Ultraverse)
Yetis (race)

Issue #7

Martine Bancroft
Combo Man
Pearl Dimly
Eel (Lavelle)
Fantom of the Fair
Halflife (Bancha Rech)
Iron Rangers
Billy Joe Jacks
Ned Leeds
Machiavelli Club
Noman (Ian Rogers)
Outcasts (Mole Man allies)
Redstone (Earth-712)
Cindy Smith
Ulana the Watcher
Vicious Vine
Kinsey Walden
Charles Xavier (Earth-10005)
Zodiac (da Vinci's team)

Issue #8

Arizona Annie
Bulldozer (Camp)
Raymond Coker
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders (really?)
Elders of the Universe
Gamma Quest (novels event)
Icon (Nazi team)
Joan of Arc
King of the Sewers
Stan Lee (616)
Monster Metropolos
Nightingale (First Line)
Annie Oakley
Pan-European Conference on Superhuman Affairs
Quill (Resistants)
Red Warrior
Ultra-Metallo (Amalgam)
el Vejigante
Aelfyre Whitemane
Yrial (Ultraverse)
Zodiac (Thanos's team)

Issue #9

Bloated Bandit
Canada Corps
Ducktor Doom
Electrocute (Ultraverse)
Freedom Force (Initiative)
Gang War (event)
Jim Hudson (50's police officer)
Ikon (Spaceknight)
Jackdaw (elf)
Kid from Dodge City
Carlotta La Rosa
Network Nina
O'Donnell (bartender)
Wendy Parker
Quasimodo (Earth-TRN048)
Richard the Lionheart
Hiram Sheckerberg
Triumph Division
Uatu the Guardian (Amalgam)
Vagabond (Pat Murphy)
Wicked Brigade
Yi Yang

Issue #10

Dr. Araki
The Bear (Stark Seven)
Commission on Superhuman Activities
Hedy De Vine
Hotshot (James)
Id Paralyzer
Gullivar Jones
Ming Kuo-Fan
Lucifer (Quist)
Skip McCoy
Noir (Zebari)
Prodigy (alien enslaver)
Douglas Rockwell
Thorson (1950s murderer)
Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation
Virus (Doorne)
Whip Wilson
Yeti (Weapon PRIME)
Zug (Conan character)

Issue #11
Volcana Ash
Candy Man
Dakimh the Enchanter
Eight Immortals
Fighting American
Golddigger (Golden)
Heavy Hitters
Ice Princess (Inuit)
Jann of the Jungle
Kangaroo (Oliver)
Esmeralda Lobo
Mega Morphs
Ninja (Master Khan servant)
Prussland (nation)
Redeemers (Squadron Supreme infiltrators)
Two-Gun Kid (Harder)
Unstable Molecules
Robin Vega
Bill Williams (racer)
Yellow Eyes
Zenosha (Amalgam)

Issue #12

Argonauts (Argosy)
Bullet Biker
Combat Casey
Destroyer (Remo Williams -- anybody remember the 80's movie starring Fred Ward & Joel Grey?)
Felicity Frimp
Iron Lantern (Amalgam)
Justice (Wyatt Earp's steed)
Lana Lane (40's humor/romance; NOTE: Not the same as Lana Lang)
Not Brand Ecch Earth
Annie Oakley (40s humor/romance)
Physique (Initiative)
Rattan (having looked this guy up, if Hostess villains can be incorporated, why not this guy?)

About the missing "K" entry: When we first did the third round, I included Karkas for the K. Then somebody else suggested Karkas for the fourth round. But when I was typing up all the suggestions
for the first summary, I somehow ended up leaving out my own suggestion for Karkas! Awkward.

So, since the "missing" K for Issue 3 is both my suggestion and my omission, and it was since suggested by somebody else, allow me to suggest my own alternate "K" suggestion for that issue...Kral
IV, world inhabited by Skrulls who emulate various eras and people of relatively recent Earth history.

There, I've even (retroactively) added it to the list. I hope nobody objects!
06-11-2015, 06:56 PM

So, having nominated a replacement entry for Issue #3, I hope nobody minds if I make a nomination for the current issue, before it gets finished...

el Toro Rojo (Deviant, wrestler, Delta Network member)
06-11-2015, 07:12 PM

Two mistakes were made with issue #10. I said Gullivar Jones, not Gulliver Jones (those are two different characters). Also, Thorson is a character from the 50s crime anthology Justice #19, not the New Universe.
06-11-2015, 09:01 PM

I suggested the Headless Horseman which was the Hessian so as to clarify if someone else wanted to use the others. These would be some really interesting Handbooks to see in print.
Really enjoying some of the suggestions that have been made. Nicely done fellow posters. Love the imaginary threads skippcomet keep em coming!
Sidney Osinga
06-12-2015, 01:35 AM

Uni-Mind (primarily formed by Eternals but sometimes by other others)
Angelicknight 06-12-2015, 10:41 AM

Vaquero (Looter adversary)
06-12-2015, 12:08 PM

Thanks for the clarifications. I'd never heard of Gullivar Jones (or Gulliver Jones) and assumed that the name was misspelled. As for which series of "Justice" Thorson came from, I was surprised to learn when I typed "Justice #19" into the Marvel Wikia that there was an anthology title from the Fifties with that name. I made the mistake of believing that the New Universe title was more relevant to the Marvel Universe than a fifty-year-old anthology I'd never heard of before. I apologize for making these errors in judgement.
06-12-2015, 12:28 PM

No prob, skippcomet. I was definitely referencing some obscure (although interesting) characters. :-)

My next suggestion: The Wold (Ultraverse)
06-12-2015, 03:37 PM

X, the Thing That Lived (Pre-FF Marvel Monster, later faced off against Big Hero 6 & Alpha Flight)
Sidney Osinga
06-13-2015, 02:17 AM

Yancy Street Gang
06-13-2015, 05:55 PM

Zephyrus (Amalgam)
06-13-2015, 06:32 PM

Ape X (Roy Reyna Earth-616)
06-13-2015, 07:39 PM

Black Rider (Matthew Masters, Golden Age Western hero, not to be confused with his impersonators or Kim Lewis, one-time foe of Clay Harder with her own Black Rider identity)
06-13-2015, 08:01 PM

Castile D'Or (fictional country from golden age American Ace stories, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
06-13-2015, 11:21 PM

Doctor Goodwrench (mutant, West Coast Avengers foe)
06-14-2015, 03:32 AM

Emissaries of Evil (all members of all line-ups, like the entries for the Lethal Legion or the Masters of Evil)
06-14-2015, 03:23 PM

Benjamin Franklin (historical figure)
06-14-2015, 03:34 PM

Ghost Rider (Alejandra)
06-14-2015, 06:39 PM

Hornet (Eddie McDonough, one of the Slingers, victim of brainwashed Wolverine)
06-14-2015, 06:47 PM

Iron Lantern (amalgam)
06-14-2015, 07:52 PM

Jinn (Psylocke/X-Men foe)
Sidney Osinga
06-14-2015, 08:42 PM

Kid Commandos (WWII team)
06-14-2015, 09:29 PM

Little Lizzie (humor character)
06-14-2015, 10:06 PM

Melee (Initiative)
06-15-2015, 12:07 PM

Necromantra (Ultraverse)
Eduardo M.
06-15-2015, 02:11 PM
Overrider (Captain America foe)
06-15-2015, 03:20 PM

Persuader (1950s, Cloak and Dagger character)
skippcomet 06-15-2015, 07:56 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Iron Lantern (amalgam)

That's already been suggested, in the last round. You're allowed to suggest another "I" entry, if you'd like.
06-15-2015, 08:15 PM

Quor (Ka-Zar the Savage foe)
Sidney Osinga
06-15-2015, 08:53 PM

Rangers (modern day western/50 State Initiative team)
06-15-2015, 09:44 PM

skippcomet wrote:

That's already been suggested, in the last round. You're allowed to suggest another "I" entry, if you'd like.

Oops, I'll say instead: Insect Queen (Amalgam)
06-15-2015, 09:54 PM

Shark Rider (Atlantean Spirit of Vengeance)
06-15-2015, 09:59 PM

Teutonia (fictional country in Mystic Comics #4, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
06-16-2015, 11:53 AM

Does no one else have any U suggestions? I've got a couple more, but I just posted a T, so I don't want to post immediately again if anyone else has more U ideas.
Stuart V
06-16-2015, 12:05 PM

Undertaker (Death's Head (FPA) foe)
06-16-2015, 12:48 PM

Visage (Iron Man foe)
06-16-2015, 01:02 PM

Berkley Whitmore (sci-fi author in Warrior's Revenge novel)
06-16-2015, 07:03 PM

X-Men Headquarters & Transportation (like the similar entries for Avengers & Fantastic Four, including ALL the locations various teams of X-Men have used as headquarters/bases of operations, not just the Mansion or Utopia)
06-16-2015, 08:23 PM

Yeti (Ben Goldendawn, First X-Men)
Sidney Osinga
06-16-2015, 10:53 PM

Zorba (Dr. Doom foe)
06-16-2015, 11:56 PM

Amazon (Amalgam)
06-17-2015, 12:13 AM

Band of Baddies (Spider-Man/Wolverine foes)
06-17-2015, 09:06 AM

Marlo Chandler (Hulk character, married to Rick Jones)
06-17-2015, 12:05 PM

King David (Biblical figure)
Eduardo M.
06-17-2015, 02:07 PM

El Condor (Daredevil foe)
06-17-2015, 03:02 PM

Fast Five (Blue Streak's team)
Stuart V
06-17-2015, 03:36 PM

Eduardo M. wrote:

El Condor (Daredevil foe)

That's a C, not an E.
06-17-2015, 04:11 PM

The Great Question (Amazing Man/Prince of Orphans foe)
06-17-2015, 05:22 PM

Henrietta Hunter (member of X-Statix)
Eduardo M.
06-17-2015, 05:26 PM

Stuart V wrote:

That's a C, not an E.

sorry. Replace him then with Ecdysiast (Rick Jones "foe")
06-17-2015, 05:53 PM

Infernal Man (The Order foe)
06-17-2015, 07:08 PM

Jesse James (historical figure)
Sidney Osinga
06-17-2015, 10:52 PM

Kiber the Cruel (Black Panther foe)
06-17-2015, 11:13 PM

Locksmith (Spider-Woman foe)
06-18-2015, 01:07 AM

Mitsuko (70s Hulk manga character)
06-18-2015, 01:48 PM

Does no one else have any more N suggestions?
Eduardo M.
06-18-2015, 02:04 PM

Neverland (Weapon X prison camp)
06-18-2015, 02:15 PM

Occultist (Spider-Man/Black Cat foe)
06-18-2015, 02:24 PM

Patty Powers (humor/romance character)
Eduardo M.
06-18-2015, 02:26 PM

Quetzalcoatl (Aztec god)
06-18-2015, 03:07 PM

Rust (Resistants member)
06-18-2015, 04:43 PM

Sovernia (fictional country in Mystic Comics #2, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
06-18-2015, 08:28 PM

Tablet of Life and Time (Spider-Man object, mystic tablet, sought by Silvermane and others)
06-18-2015, 08:32 PM

Also: Quetzalcoatl received an entry in Vol. 14 of the Hardcover Series (based, I believe, on his entry in the Thor & Hercules: Encyclopedia Mythologica one-shot). We need a new Q entry, if possible.
06-18-2015, 08:53 PM

Ursula (Swiss heroine, Pan-European Conference on Superhuman Affairs)
06-18-2015, 09:12 PM

Verinder family (Marvel Classics Comics #23: Moonstone)
Sidney Osinga
06-19-2015, 01:51 AM

Wolfpack (street-level vigilante team)
06-19-2015, 01:52 AM

Edit: nevermind, already fixed.
Stuart V
06-19-2015, 12:18 PM

skippcomet wrote:

Also: Quetzalcoatl received an entry in Vol. 14 of the Hardcover Series (based, I believe, on his entry in the Thor & Hercules: Encyclopedia Mythologica one-shot). We need a new Q entry, if possible.

Quill (Warpy)
06-19-2015, 01:08 PM

Xun (Sorcerer, Cyttorak foe)
06-19-2015, 01:37 PM

Young Commandos (Amalgam)
06-19-2015, 05:07 PM

Zedrao (Skrull general, Avengers character)
06-19-2015, 05:21 PM

This concludes round 14. It was suggested near the beginning that at some point we each do our own run through the alphabet, and this is as good a time as any. Remember: one suggestion per letter, and don't make them all from the same category (like all 1940s teen/humor characters, or all Spider-Man-related entries). We're doing only one A-Z list per person this round (hopefully we'll do another round later on). Have fun!
06-19-2015, 05:58 PM

Ancients (novels group)
Billy (Peter Parker’s cousin, Sanger Harris Dallas Times Herald insert)
Kathy Carter (teen humor character)
Dr. Sacotti (from 1948's Ideal #2)
Sam Exmore (Fast Lane anti-drug inserts)
Foxfire (Ultraverse)
Ghosts of Christmas
Human Meteor (golden age hero, Invaders foe)
Infinity Sword (Earth-91119: Super Hero Squad)
Janus (Ultraverse)
Karzz the Conqueror (Avengers foe)
Lobo the Duck (Amalgam)
Molivia (fictional country from Marvel Mystery Comics #5, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Nightman (the tv show version, not the regular Ultraverse)
Oscar (humor character)
Polaria (fictional country from Crash Comics #5 [Strongman story], not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Quentin Carnival (Amalgam)
Rawhide Kid (original from first 16 issues of RK series)
King Solomon (biblical figure)
Torpedo Taylor (50s war character)
Gabriel John Utterson (Marvel Classics Comics #1: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
Vammatar (Conan foe)
George Washington (historical figure)
Xenophobic Man (USAgent foe)
Yahweh (biblical God; not sure if distinct from One-Above-All or not in Marvel continuity)
Darius Zamora (early 60s mystic)
06-19-2015, 06:48 PM

American Eagle (Fletcher, WWI pilot)
Brooklyn Avengers (Spider-Man team)
Circuit Breaker (616)
Demom Dinosaur (Brainchild creation, Spider-Man/Devil Dinosaur foe)
Echelon Super-Soldier Program (Red She-Hulk foes)
Fastforward (Quasar character)
Goliath (Biblical)
Horde (Gamma mutate)
Icon (U'mbaya)
June Jitsui (Hostes Villain)
Sharon King (former mutant, former Xavier student)
Lancelot (SHIELD agent, Marvel Italia)
Madam Web (Hostess villain)
NuHumans (race)
Operative (Mystery Men)
Primal (Berman, mutant)
Quills (mutant, Arena fighter)
Rapunzel (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
Shadowshift (Wolverine's First X-Men)
T-Ray (Terry Raymond, X-Man promotional character)
Ultimate Brawling League (Thunderbolts group)
Vox (Initiative/Action Pack)
Wraith (Watanabe, Spider-Man ally)
Xirdal (alien, Osborn character)
Wai Chee Yee (sorcerer, Doctor Strange ally)
Zapper (Agent foe)
Stuart V
06-19-2015, 09:16 PM

Alemain, el
Blake, Kent
The Doctor
Fraser, Kate (Dracula / Captain Britain character)
Gianus, Comte Alvise
Hulk (Dr. Araki, manga version) Hulk the Menace
Iron Cross (Helmut GrulerOskar Mors)
Jansen, Hans (formerly the Dutch Spiderman)
Kulan Gath
Leopard Girl (1950s jungle heroine)
Miracleman (fair game now Marvel owns him - NB this is the Moore version)
Osprey (would-be Frightful Four member)
Professor Prometheus (Micronauts foe)
Quarry (Dystopia bounty hunter)
Subbie the Sea-Going Lad
Undead G-Man
Victor - heroic Earth-8610 Dr. Doom
Wu, Mr - Golden Age detective, and possibly Marvel's first non-stereotype non-Caucasian leads.
Xhoohx - Tunnelworld sorcerer
Yellow KidHarmony Young
Zeitgeist (Special Executive)
06-19-2015, 09:33 PM
Stuart, I'll have to cross El Alemain and Kent Blake off my list of possible suggestions. :-) I should point out that I believe someone already suggested the Yellow Kid, and I know I already suggested Araki.
Sidney Osinga
06-20-2015, 01:05 AM

vanhornluke wrote:

I should point out that I believe someone already suggested the Yellow Kid.

It was me!

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     Thread Starter

1/21/2020 4:24 pm  #11

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Additional historical text from CxPulp
Eduardo M.
06-20-2015, 01:56 AM

Julie Angel (Fantastic Four ally)
Bzzk'Joh (Howard the Duck foe)
Carlos Cruz (Punishser replacement)
Dromedan (Deviant)
Eliminator (Fantastic Four foe)
Foolkiller 2099
Gabriel (RCX agent)
Lewis Haywerth (CSA member)
Ice Princess (Femizon)
Hugh Jones (Roxxon CEO)
Karzz the Conqueror (Avengers foe)
Holly LaDonna (Vision & Scarlet Witch ally)
Texas Jack Muldoon (Captan America ally)
Nenora (Silver Surfer foe)
Overkill Horn
Peace Corpse (Avengers foes)
Queega (alien race)
Remnant (Earth 712 Squadron Supreme foe)
Suicide Run (Punisher event)
The Twelve (WW2 superheroes)
El Uno (Spider-Man foe)
Emil Vachon (Colleen Wing foe)
Wendigo (Weapon Prime member)
X, the Thing That Lived (Marvel monster)
Young Avenger (Golden Age hero)
Zankor (Skrull infiltrator)
Stuart V
06-20-2015, 02:46 AM

vanhornluke wrote:

Stuart, I'll have to cross El Alemain and Kent Blake off my list of possible suggestions. :-) I should point out that I believe someone already suggested the Yellow Kid, and I know I already suggested Araki.

Thanks. Getting hard to keep track.
06-20-2015, 10:49 AM

Eduardo, I already suggested Karzz, and I think someone else has also already suggested X, the Thing That Lived.
Angelicknight 06-20-2015, 02:45 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Eduardo, I already suggested Karzz, and I think someone else has also already suggested X, the Thing That Lived.

Like Stuart said it's starting to get hard to keep track i know i already suggested Ice Princess and Yeti (Wendigo, Weapon PRIME). Maybe the first post should be edited with an alphabetical list of whats been posted. Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler) has also been used.
Stuart V
06-20-2015, 03:08 PM

Angelicknight wrote:

Like Stuart said it's starting to get hard to keep track i know i already suggested Ice Princess and Yeti (Wendigo, Weapon PRIME). Maybe the first post should be edited with an alphabetical list of whats been posted. Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler) has also been used.

First post edited to add lists.
06-20-2015, 04:00 PM

Thanks! Much easier to check now. A few doubles needing replacing

Hornet (#8 & #13)
Ice Princess (#11 & #18)
Karzz the Conqueror (#15 & #18)
Wendigo (#10 (as Yeti) & #18)
X, the Thing That Lived (#12 & #18)
06-20-2015, 09:28 PM

Thanks to Stuart the characters are listed by issue on the first page. I done a list in alphabetical order to help me so i thought i would post it as well to help out others just in case.

Alphabetical list added to first page by Stuart.
Stuart V
06-21-2015, 07:13 AM

Angelicknight wrote:

Thanks! Much easier to check now. A few doubles needing replacing

Hornet (#8 & #13)
Ice Princess (#11 & #18)
Karzz the Conqueror (#15 & #18)
Wendigo (#10 (as Yeti) & #18)
X, the Thing That Lived (#12 & #18)

I've put Hornet into #8, and substituted in Sherlock Holmes for the H slot in #13. All the others, I've left the entry chosen in the earlier issue (first dibs goes to first to pick) and left the #18 slots open, since the replacements are Eduardo's to choose. I'll also repost the list below at the start of the thread.
06-21-2015, 03:12 PM

Stuart V wrote:

I've put Hornet into #8, and substituted in Sherlock Holmes for the H slot in #13. All the others, I've left the entry chosen in the earlier issue (first dibs goes to first to pick) and left the #18 slots open, since the replacements are Eduardo's to choose. I'll also repost the list below at the start of the thread.

I like how you added the color coding to the list on those entries off limits to the handbook writers. I will leave the list to you are one of the other moderators capable hands from here on out.
06-21-2015, 03:47 PM

Shouldn't the following also be colored red?

Ming Kuo-Fan (Access's girlfriend)
Lois Lane
Irma Peterson (she was a licensed character)
Jeanie Rogers (Steve Rogers's daughter from the non-Marvel magazine Questar)
Whip Wilson (also a licensed character)
Stuart V
06-21-2015, 04:19 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Shouldn't the following also be colored red?

Ming Kuo-Fan (Access's girlfriend)
Lois Lane
Irma Peterson (she was a licensed character)
Jeanie Rogers (Steve Rogers's daughter from the non-Marvel magazine Questar)
Whip Wilson (also a licensed character)

Yes, they should be. I overlooked them. Fixed now.
06-22-2015, 01:47 PM

Seems like everyone has posted their full issue that is going to. Maybe its time to go back to single post rounds what say you skippcomet?
Eduardo M.
06-22-2015, 02:11 PM

Sorry about taking so long to get back with my substitutes. Busy weekend

Icebox Bob (Blaze foe)
Katyusha (First Line member
Warhead (John Walker foe
Xorak the Outcast
06-22-2015, 04:50 PM

Can we wait one more day? Sorry, everybody. I had a busy weekend and had little opportunity to log on the site. And I wanted to wait to see what everybody else came up with, so I'd be able to come up with something without repeats. Hope nobody minds....
06-22-2015, 05:18 PM

one more day sounds fine to me
zuckyd1 06-22-2015, 11:51 PM

Angelicknight wrote:

one more day sounds fine to me

One More Day sounds awful.
Andy E. Nystrom
06-24-2015, 12:46 AM

Ape-X (Institute of Evil turned Squadron Supreme member after behaviour modification; Earth-712)
Bar with No Name (bars that villains patronize; one was site of Scourge massacre)
Coffee a Go-Go (original X-Men hangout in civilian guise)
Daily Globe (main rival to Daily Bugle)
Europe (continent, source of many international heroes/villains; map in original Handbook needs updating).
Firefall (Archie Stryker): EArth criminal in Spaceknight armour
Goldigger (Mr Fantastic foe in Hostess ad)
Horses (animal; many have appeared in Marvel adventures as steeds including plenty of winged horses)
Iron Fist imposter (Luke Cage "partner" killed by Captain Hero/Super-Skrull)
Joan the Mouse (friend of the Punisher)
Nick Katzenburg (unpleasant Daily Bugle employee)
Ted Locke (ally of heroic Human Fly)
Battling Jack Murdock (Dardedevil's daddy)
Newuniversal Earth (alternate take on the New Universe)
Old Skull (Killraven ally)
Proteus (Atlantean; if memory serves at odds with Namor)
Queen's Vengeance (altered version of Avengers)
Red Ronin (robot from Godzilla)
Speedball (Robbie Baldwin of Marvel Apes Earth; ally of Gibbon who visited 616)
Blake Tower (DA in numerous Marvel titles)
US War Machine (MAX version of James Rhodes)
Vending Machine at Heroes for Hire (non-sentient(?) nemesis of Luke Cage while he was teaming with Iron Fist)
WHO (bulky computer that Spidey determined was a killer)
X-Men (from X-Men Forever)
Yuppunisher (informal name for one of a number of Punisher imposters)
Carlo Zota (member of the Enclave)
06-24-2015, 09:51 AM

Aardwolf (foe of Night Thrasher/Dwayne Taylor)
Box (Roger Boches, Alpha Flight member)
Casket of Ancient Winters (Asgardian mystic artifact)
Dynorr the Stalker (Namor foe)
Ember (Paul Chenklo, Force Works character, champion of the Dudak people of Slorenia)
Fifi the Duck (Howard the Duck/She-Hulk character)
Donna Garth (Simon Garth's daughter, Legion of Night)
Amber Hunt (Ultraverse, Exiles member, Phoenix Force host)
Impala (Captain America character, former member of Bad Girls, Inc.)
Jet (Gary Akers, Golden Age Human Torch foe)
Kingo Sunen (Eternal, movie star in Japan)
Left-Winger & Right-Winger (former partners of John Walker turned foes)
Meteorite (Valerie Barnhardt, Redeemers/Thunderbolts character)
Nightside (Imperial Guard)
Ox (Raymond Bloch, twin of Ronald, first Bloch to join Enforcers)
Python (Emil Cullen, WWII saboteur/villain)
Jason Quartermaster (Luke Cage foe)
Rocketeers (Corporation operatives; foes of Daredevil, Rom, Torpedo & Turbo)
Simon Stroud (government agent, former foe of Man-Wolf & Morbius)
Tink (Tinkabelinos Hardleg, faerie, MI13 member, married Pete Wisdom)
Ultra-Max (computer virus)
Vendetta (2099 AD, re-programmed Gene Doll, ally of Punisher 2099)
Woden (Reality-691, Thorson, Guardians of the Galaxy ally)
Sharon Xavier (Professor X's mother)
Yu-Ti (Nu-An, Iron fist foe/adoptive uncle)
Zawadi (Wakandan, Monster Hunters)
06-24-2015, 12:17 PM

That scratches Amber Hunt off my list of potential suggestions. :-)
Eduardo M. 06-24-2015, 05:32 PM

Abominatrix (She-Hulk foe)
Bartak (Silver Surfer imposter)
Rufus "Super Midnight" Carter
Dead Man's Hand (event)
Herbert Eagle
Famine (Rolfson)
Gadget (Cervantes)
Dean Haddad
Id the Selfish Moon
Jagged Bow
Naomi Kale
Beverly Lacoco (Fight-Man character)
Mech Tomorrow (Dynamic Man foes)
Nanny (robot)
O-Force (X-Statix characters)
Pinball (Squadron Earth)
Quark (McKenzie)
Gail Runciter (SHIELD agent)
Shockjock (Thing foe)
Tower (mutant)
Uber-Machine (Spider-Man foe)
Veritas (Sayge)
Arthur Woodman (Hydra agent)
X-Cutioner's Song (X-Men event)
Yagg the Slayer (Thor foe
Zsaji (Secret Wars character)
06-24-2015, 06:20 PM

Oh, are we doing a second round going through the alphabet individually? If so, here's my second list:

Alslavia (fictional country in Marvel Mystery Comics #22, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Battle Brady (50s war character)
Cleopatra (historical figure)
Doctor Strangefate (Amalgam)
Elmer (40s humor character)
The Freaks of Fear (Ghost Rider (Rex Fury) foes)
Guardian of the Spirit World (golden age Vision foe)
Rex Hart (western character)
Iron Clad (Ultraverse)
The Jewel (novels Spider-Man foe)
Kussia (fictional country in Mystic Comics #3, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Liberty's Torch (novels militia group)
Mechanoid (Leader vehicle from toilet paper comic)
Frank Nash (criminal, Justice Comics #9)
Officer O’Krime (40s humor character)
Albert Poole (mad scientist, Pym employer)
Qune (Ultraverse)
Abdul Rey (FF foe)
Sherry the Showgirl (humor character)
Un-People (Amalgam)
Victory Boys (40s war characters)
Warstrike (Ultraverse)
Xaltotun (Conan foe)
Artie Yeomans (criminal, Justice #9)
Zorro (I'm not aware of anything establishing that Zorro is a 616 character, but I don't see any reason why Marvel's 90s Zorro series couldn't be 616)
06-24-2015, 08:14 PM

Okay, coming up with one was hard enough. Question for everybody: What's worse, trying to come up with an entry for letters like Q & X, where there's only so many words that start with those letters, or coming up with entries for letters like M & S, where there are So. Damn. Many. to choose from? I don't remember a 90's Zorro series from Marvel, but if there were no crossovers with any Marvel characters, or any mentions of Marvel events, and the fact it's a licensed character would be my personal guidelines for concluding that it's probably not 616. If they didn't treat it the same as they did Conan, Micronauts, and Rom, then assume non-616. That's just me, though.
06-24-2015, 08:18 PM

This was the Zorro series in question: http://www.comics.org/series/4057/
As for your question, I think it's definitely harder finding entries for Q and X-Z than it is for M and S, but maybe that's just me.
Angelicknight 06-24-2015, 08:28 PM

Eduardo M. wrote:

Gadfly (Cervantes)

Is that suppose to be Gadget (Cervantes)?
Not having problems with any letters at the moment but i assume Q & X will run short eventually.

Animator (Villain killed while being transported to the Vault, Cage character)
Bruin (Hobgoblin empowered villain)
Cassady, Wes (Spider-Man ally)
Darkforce users (like Gamma Mutates entry)
Eerok (giant monster, FF/Iron Man character)
Firebug (Alpha/Beta Flight foe)
Geller, Uri (Psychic, Daredevil ally)
Han, Yun Guang (Avengers foe)
I'xx'll'tk (Department of Occult Armaments member(s)?)
Josiah X (Crew)
Knievel, Evel (daredevil, had his on promo book from Marvel)
Lighttrakker (Power Pack ally)
Mister Danger (Evel Knievel foe)
Neo-Knights (Earth-91274, Autobot/Transformers allies)
Obama, Barack (President)
Plainsman (Looter adversary)
Quickkick (NFL SuperPro foe)
Red Bear (Spider-Man Novels villain)
Sum, David (immortal SHIELD agent)
Titanis (Eternal)
Ubermadchen (team, Miss America foes)
Val-Or (mutant Moloid)
Wolverina (Ravencroft Institute inmate)
Xande (mutant, Cable character)
Yankee Clipper (WW II hero. ally of Crimson Dynamo, Stonewall and Super Sabre)
Zona Rosa (Everyman murder victim)
06-24-2015, 11:30 PM

Angelicknight wrote:

Not having problems with any letters at the moment but i assume Q & X will run short eventually.

I'm still thinking and looking around for more suggestions (I keep a list), but at the moment I've completely run out of any for Q and X, and I've only got one crappy suggestion left for Z.
06-24-2015, 11:33 PM

They are starting to dwindle on my list as well. May have enough for 3 or 4 more rounds then mine will be gone to.
Eduardo M.
06-25-2015, 02:05 PM

Angelicknight wrote:

Is that suppose to be Gadget (Cervantes)?

That's the one. Fixed it. Thanks
06-26-2015, 01:42 PM

So, are we still waiting for more people to post full alphabetical lists, or are we returning to single suggestions?
06-26-2015, 02:27 PM

The alphabetical list on page 1 has been updated.
vanhornluke 06-26-2015, 05:47 PM

Angelicknight wrote:

The alphabetical list on page 1 has been updated.

The following should be in red:
Doctor Strangefate
Amber Hunt

Probably also Evil Knievel, Mister Danger, Tarzan, and Zorro
Angelicknight 06-26-2015, 05:55 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

The following should be in red:
Doctor Strangefate
Amber Hunt

Probably also Evil Knievel, Mister Danger, Tarzan, and Zorro

I agree with all except Mister Danger and Quickkick. They might go the same route as characters created in books like Godzilla, Rom, Micronauts ect. However i will let Stuart color those red that need to be because im really not qualified to say one way or the other who can and can't be covered by the writers. Their are others on the list like Combo Man, Barack Obama ect. that probably couldn't be covered as well.
06-26-2015, 06:13 PM

I'm pretty sure Obama would be fair game, just as Wyatt Earp or Annie Oakley would be.
06-26-2015, 07:18 PM

After looking at the indicias for both Illuminator and Combo Man both stated that they are owned by Marvel so i see no problem with either being in a handbook but Stuart colored Illuminator red so i may be missing something.
06-27-2015, 10:37 AM

If nobody minds, I'm going to start another one-at-a-time round....

Angar the Screamer (David Allen Angar, foe of Daredevil, Iron Fist, & more, former partner of Screaming Mimi)
06-27-2015, 12:02 PM

Blackmark (fantasy character)
06-27-2015, 12:59 PM

Charcoal (Thunderbolts member)
06-27-2015, 08:32 PM

Devil-Dog Dugan (50s war character)
06-28-2015, 06:29 AM

Effex (Ultragirl foe)
06-28-2015, 02:52 PM

Fate (40s character who appeared in various crime comics)
06-28-2015, 08:07 PM

Gypsy Moth (Defenders/Initiative foe)
06-29-2015, 01:51 AM

Hogun (Asgardian, Warriors Three)
06-29-2015, 11:37 AM

Isle of No Return (Amazing Mysteries #32)
06-29-2015, 03:16 PM

Jet Black (Arnim Zola's daughter)
06-30-2015, 12:48 AM
Kh'thon (novels alien race)
06-30-2015, 02:14 PM

Litter (Excalibur foes)
06-30-2015, 09:50 PM

Maulers (2nd Attack Squad, allie/rivals of the Howling Commandos during WWII)
06-30-2015, 11:54 PM

Nightman (Ultraverse)
07-01-2015, 12:26 AM

Outcasts (Puck's former team)
07-01-2015, 08:44 AM

Puff Adder (Gordon Fraley, Serpent Society member)
07-01-2015, 11:37 AM

Quantrell’s Guerillas (Western Outlaws and Sheriffs #66)
Eduardo M.
07-01-2015, 02:33 PM
Dan "Zapper Ridge
07-01-2015, 03:44 PM

Siren (Ultraverse)
07-01-2015, 04:24 PM

Tommy Tyme (golden age character)
07-02-2015, 08:17 AM

Ursino (Fight-Man foe)
07-02-2015, 12:03 PM

The Vixen (bandit, Western Life Romances #2)
07-02-2015, 04:32 PM

Wildfire (Power Man foe)
07-02-2015, 04:46 PM

I hope others still have "X" suggestions, since I'm fresh out.
07-02-2015, 04:57 PM

Down to my last X as well.
07-02-2015, 05:09 PM

Xenogenesis (Defenders event)
Sidney Osinga
07-02-2015, 08:39 PM

Rev. Joon Moon Yuc (Howard the Duck foe)
07-02-2015, 09:03 PM

Thomas Zane (Suspense #5)
07-02-2015, 09:53 PM

Abomination (Magneto foe, possible Morlock)
07-02-2015, 10:37 PM

Bullet (Buck Cashman, Daredevil foe)
07-02-2015, 11:46 PM

Billy Ray Cyrus (he met Merlin, so why not? http://www.comics.org/issue/755048/)
07-02-2015, 11:53 PM

Doomstomp (Who Wants To Be A Thunderbolt? contestant)
07-03-2015, 10:47 AM

Excavator (Ricky Callusky, son of Piledriver, Wrecking Crew character)
07-03-2015, 12:08 PM

Fargo Kid (Blaze Carson foe, Tex Morgan #5)
07-03-2015, 02:54 PM

Pete Gehringer (mutant, Avengers/JLA character)
07-03-2015, 08:54 PM

Hulk Robot (Eternals character, powered by cosmic rays)
07-03-2015, 09:15 PM

Island of Madness (Strange Tales #2)
07-03-2015, 09:28 PM

Jones, Nefertiti (SAFE agent, novels character)
Sidney Osinga
07-03-2015, 09:40 PM

Khoryphos (music loving Eternal)
07-03-2015, 11:34 PM

Lady Killer (Ultraverse)
07-03-2015, 11:51 PM

Monotony Man (Hostess villain)
07-04-2015, 12:14 PM

Bronko Nagurski (historical figure, Sports Action #6)
07-04-2015, 05:11 PM

Ojo Macabra (Everyman murder victim)
07-04-2015, 07:14 PM

Pit Bull (New Universe character, Paranormal Platoon member)
07-04-2015, 11:39 PM

Q7 Strike Force (Marvel UK, Gene Dogs foes)
Sidney Osinga
07-05-2015, 01:11 AM

Recorders (Rigellian-made robots)
07-05-2015, 02:19 AM

Sailor Sweeney (50s war character)
07-05-2015, 03:05 AM

Throwdown (Death-Throws applicant)
07-05-2015, 10:08 AM

Umbu the Unliving (robot, foe of Hulk and Ka-Zar)
07-05-2015, 11:59 AM

Vulture (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foe)
07-05-2015, 03:09 PM

W.E.S.P.E. (Blue Marvel foes)
07-05-2015, 04:07 PM

X-Press (Xavier School laundryman)
07-05-2015, 04:30 PM

Fat Man Yager (Kid Colt foe, All Western Winners #3)
07-05-2015, 04:38 PM

Zalme (mutant, Dazzler foe)
Sidney Osinga
07-05-2015, 10:53 PM

Armless Tiger Man (Golden Age Angel foe)
07-05-2015, 11:07 PM

Billy the Kid (historical figure)
07-05-2015, 11:37 PM

Captain Terrific (Hero whose severed head hangs in Satan's Circus bar)
07-06-2015, 12:36 PM

Dark Claw (Amalgam)
07-06-2015, 08:01 PM

Electrode (Department H operative)
Sidney Osinga
07-06-2015, 08:42 PM

Freex (Ultraverse team)
07-06-2015, 09:01 PM

Doug Grant (50s spy)
07-06-2015, 09:10 PM

Human Fly (Rick Rojatt, stuntman/hero)
07-07-2015, 11:38 AM

Ivanhoe (Marvel Classics Comics #16)
07-07-2015, 12:38 PM

Jungle Boy (Jack Spears Jr., 1950s jungle adventure character)
07-07-2015, 09:09 PM

Kid Copper (Braddock Academy student)
07-07-2015, 10:12 PM

The Land Between Life and Death (Journey into Unknown Worlds #5)
Sidney Osinga
07-07-2015, 10:15 PM

Mayhem (O'Reilly; Cloak and Dagger foe/ally)
07-07-2015, 11:49 PM

Noise (mutant, Agent (Mason) foe)
07-08-2015, 12:19 AM

Tim O’Toole (50s war character)
07-08-2015, 11:40 AM

Does no one else have any P suggestions? I've still got a bunch, but I just did O.
07-08-2015, 01:39 PM

Possessor (Kamo Tharnn, Elder of the Universe)
07-08-2015, 03:41 PM

Quickstart (Fight-Man foe)
07-08-2015, 05:35 PM

Rune (Ultraverse)
07-08-2015, 05:52 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Rune (Ultraverse)

Well that took you long enough!
Eduardo M.
07-08-2015, 07:18 PM

Beverly Switzer (Howard the duck's girlfriend)
07-08-2015, 07:30 PM

Tareva (Atlantean sorceress, Doctor Strange ally)
07-08-2015, 07:40 PM

zuckyd1 wrote:

Well that took you long enough!

Yeah, I figured it was past time I suggested him. :-P
Ursulus (gladiator, Sports Action #3)
07-08-2015, 08:34 PM

Vienna (Shang-Chi character, freelance spy)
07-08-2015, 09:29 PM

White Fox (Avengers: Electric Rain, Korean heroine)
07-08-2015, 10:02 PM

X-Man (Blockbuster Video X-Men giveaway comic)
07-08-2015, 10:19 PM

Spats Ybarra (fall guy, Crime Must Lose #5)
07-08-2015, 10:48 PM

Zombie Master (Golden Age Namor foe)
Sidney Osinga
07-08-2015, 11:32 PM

Arcanna (Jones; Squadron Supreme member)
07-09-2015, 12:21 AM

Bayakura (Human Meteor hidden city)
07-09-2015, 12:41 AM

Chupacabra, el (Mexican wrestler, Armadillo foe)
07-09-2015, 11:27 AM

The Dark Dimension (mystic realm, home to/ruled by Dormammu, Umar, and Clea at various points)
07-09-2015, 12:11 PM

Elven (Ultraverse)
07-09-2015, 03:10 PM

FACADE (Spider-Man foe)
Sidney Osinga
07-09-2015, 10:35 PM

Gomi (Fallen Angels member)
07-09-2015, 11:00 PM

Homer, the Happy Ghost
07-10-2015, 12:43 AM

Iron Cross (Clare Gruler, NuHuman)
07-10-2015, 09:28 AM

Jackhammer (former member of Hydra, Power Tools, & Dr. Octopus's Masters of Evil)
07-10-2015, 10:56 AM

Kalgantor (Atlantis resident, Marvel Tales #97)
Sidney Osinga
07-10-2015, 11:56 AM

Lightbright (Intruders member)
07-10-2015, 12:28 PM

Moositaur (Canada Corp operative, Deadpool character)
07-10-2015, 12:35 PM

Jean Jacques Nau (pirate, All-True Crime #44)
07-10-2015, 12:54 PM

One More Day/One Moment in Time (Spider-Man event/storyline)
07-10-2015, 01:21 PM

Protector (Captain America (Mace) foe)
07-10-2015, 02:18 PM

Quartrino (hunchback, Crime Can’t Win #43)
Eduardo M.  
07-10-2015, 02:52 PM

Red Guardian/Steel Guardian

07-10-2015, 02:56 PM

Serpentino (Magic Snake ad, Hulk foe)

07-10-2015, 03:46 PM

Thongor (fantasy character)
07-10-2015, 06:40 PM

Ulysses (Walter Charles, member of the Pantheon)
07-10-2015, 07:34 PM

Vile Tapeworm (Deadpool character, Contest of Champions participant)
07-10-2015, 07:37 PM

Waco Kid (Man Comics #9)
Sidney Osinga
07-10-2015, 08:26 PM

X-People (M2 mutant team)
07-10-2015, 09:40 PM

Youngblood, Seth (Spider-Man foe, British Annual)
07-10-2015, 10:27 PM

Ernest Zodus (slaver, Journey into Unknown Worlds #5)
Andy E. Nystrom  
07-10-2015, 11:16 PM

Ace - Spider-Man ally/enemy from two Spectacular Spider-Man Annuals
07-10-2015, 11:37 PM

Battleaxe (Hostess villain)
07-11-2015, 12:36 AM

Julius Caesar (historical figure)
Sidney Osinga
07-11-2015, 01:08 AM

Death (Cap. America foe from Marvel Fanfare #26)
07-11-2015, 01:31 AM

Elephant Steve (Earth-99062, Avengers member)
07-11-2015, 11:38 AM

Father Time (Captain America #383)
07-11-2015, 03:59 PM

Galactic Council (assembly of leaders of empires throughout universe, Trial of Reed Richards, Maximum Security)
07-11-2015, 05:43 PM

Holo (Wolverine's First X-Men)

07-11-2015, 05:46 PM

Ishmael (Marvel Classics Comics #8: Moby Dick)
07-11-2015, 06:39 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Ishmael (Marvel Classics Comics #8: Moby Dick)

Hopefully that profile would incorporate the Bloodstone/Giganto version of the Moby Dick story.
Sidney Osinga
07-11-2015, 10:51 PM

Jet (Akers; Golden Age Human Torch foe)
07-11-2015, 10:55 PM

Kinmont, Casey (Doctor Strange ally)
07-12-2015, 12:06 AM

Laramie Kid (murderer, Red Warrior #5)
Sidney Osinga
07-12-2015, 12:41 AM

Men in Black (alien policing group; although originally published by Aircel and then Malibu, Marvel gained the rights after they purchased the latter)
07-12-2015, 12:44 AM

Nightcat (singer/heroine)
07-12-2015, 01:49 PM

Hoppy Ogden (criminal, All True Crime Cases #30)
07-12-2015, 04:02 PM

Emil Nikos (Morbius character, vampire)
07-12-2015, 04:15 PM

Shouldn't P follow O?
07-12-2015, 09:21 PM

I will reserve P for skippcomet and post...
Qiblah (Anti-Registration Underground member)
07-13-2015, 12:39 AM

Reichonia (fictional country in Mystic Comics #1, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Sidney Osinga
07-13-2015, 12:55 AM

Sazzik the Sorcerer (from Tales of Suspence #32)
07-13-2015, 05:36 AM


Alexander Goodwin Pierce (SHIELD agent, not the character from Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie)
07-13-2015, 08:26 AM

Tombstone (Sgt. Harlan Stone, Texas Ranger, Vegas/Amazing Fantasy character)
skippcomet 07-13-2015, 08:42 AM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Jet (Akers; Golden Age Human Torch foe)

This was my "J" pick from my own A-Z list. I leave the choice of replacement "J" pick up to you.
Sidney Osinga
07-13-2015, 11:38 AM

skippcomet wrote:

This was my "J" pick from my own A-Z list. I leave the choice of replacement "J" pick up to you.

ShazBot! Then I choose Jolena (former lover of Odin)
07-13-2015, 12:24 PM

Uncas (Marvel Classics Comics #13: The Last of the Mohicans)
07-13-2015, 08:26 PM

Vulturions (Spider-Man foes)
Sidney Osinga
07-14-2015, 02:09 AM

Winda Wester (Howard the Duck supporting character)
07-14-2015, 10:21 AM

X-Ranch (mutant brothel)
07-14-2015, 11:46 AM

Rodney Yeames (con man, Crime Cases Comics #24)
07-14-2015, 02:21 PM

ZeeBee (America's Next Superhero contestant, Eternals character)
07-15-2015, 12:00 AM

Astra (X-Men foe, mutant teleporter)
07-15-2015, 12:17 AM

Bundesadler (German hero, Morlum victim)
07-15-2015, 12:29 AM

Alice Cooper
Sidney Osinga
07-15-2015, 01:40 AM

Daniel Damian (Eternals supporting cast member, later enemy)
07-15-2015, 01:49 AM

Ecliptic (Alpha Flight foe)
07-15-2015, 11:38 AM

Flap Flipflop (40s humor character)
07-15-2015, 03:11 PM

Glamor (Vision & Scarlet Witch character, widow of Illusion, stage magician & thief)
07-15-2015, 03:53 PM

Hurricane (Thunderbolts foe)
07-15-2015, 04:33 PM

It (Strange Tales #4)
Sidney Osinga
07-15-2015, 06:45 PM

Jade Dragon (Guan; Chinese hero)
07-15-2015, 06:55 PM

Kingsize (Wasp/Dakota North foe)
07-15-2015, 07:02 PM

Lady Talia (Amalgam)
07-16-2015, 01:26 AM

Minister Blood (Melvin Scarbo, brother of Mother Night & agent of the Red Skull)
07-16-2015, 01:41 AM

Night Witch (Red Guardians' WW II era unnamed team)
07-16-2015, 11:44 AM

Black George Olney (western character, Wild Western #10)
07-16-2015, 03:43 PM

Piledriver (Brian Calluskey, Wrecking Crew member)
07-16-2015, 04:59 PM

Raul Quentino (Silver Sable's Wild Pack member)
07-16-2015, 06:13 PM

Rutania (fictional country in Crash Comics #3 [Strongman story], not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Sidney Osinga
07-16-2015, 11:02 PM

Subterraneans (underground races)
07-16-2015, 11:09 PM

Typhoon (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
07-16-2015, 11:25 PM

U-Men (X-Men characters, stole mutant body parts to graft onto their bodies)
07-17-2015, 01:34 AM

Valulu (god, Astonishing #11)
07-17-2015, 11:14 AM

Wendigo (Validator's Omega Flight)
07-17-2015, 11:18 AM

X-Termination (mutant event)
07-17-2015, 12:39 PM

Dan York (policeman, Justice #25)
Sidney Osinga
07-17-2015, 01:52 PM

Zalaski (Thor foe)
07-17-2015, 03:06 PM

Amphibian (Earth-712, Squadron Supreme member)
07-17-2015, 03:31 PM

Barney Barker (50s war character)
07-17-2015, 04:05 PM

Chimera (Superia's Femizons)
07-18-2015, 12:43 AM

Stacy Dolan (Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch character, would-be victim of Colonel America)
Sidney Osinga
07-18-2015, 01:01 AM

Eon (deceased cosmic being, mentor of Captain Marvel and Quasar)
07-18-2015, 01:36 AM

Figment (Big House inmate)
07-18-2015, 02:15 AM

The Gentleman (novels Spider-Man foe)
07-18-2015, 12:06 PM

No one else has any H suggestions?
07-18-2015, 12:17 PM

Hellfang (Who Wants To Be A Thunderbolt contestant)
07-18-2015, 04:43 PM

Ion Man (MC2, member of the Revengers)
07-18-2015, 06:41 PM

Rocky Jordan (50s detective)
07-18-2015, 07:47 PM

Knight Errant (William Matson, Excalibur character)
07-18-2015, 08:47 PM

Leo (Daniel Radford, member of the Zodiac Cartel)
07-18-2015, 09:13 PM

Bran Mak Morn (Robert E. Howard character)
07-18-2015, 10:15 PM

Neuronauts (Merzah the Mystic’s group)
Sidney Osinga
07-19-2015, 12:42 AM

Oddbrand Otter (Asgardian character)
07-19-2015, 12:53 AM

Pecos Bill (Texas Kid #4)
07-19-2015, 01:29 AM

Quark (Microns member)
07-19-2015, 03:14 PM

Rattler (Gustav Krieger, Serpent Society member killed by Scourge/Demolition-Man)
07-19-2015, 03:31 PM

Scanlandia (fictional country in Crash Comics #4 [Strongman story], not placed in Marvel Atlas)
07-19-2015, 04:54 PM

Tuatara (Iron Man foe)
07-19-2015, 07:50 PM

Uri-El (Johnny Blaze character, ancient demon-killing warrior wrapped in chains)
07-19-2015, 08:03 PM

Varga (Venusian, Mystic #2)
07-19-2015, 10:14 PM

White Ninja (Spider-Man foe)
Sidney Osinga
07-19-2015, 11:10 PM

X-Men (Earth-295; Age of Apocalypse)
07-20-2015, 08:16 AM

Angela Yin (Spider-Man character, Daily Bugle photographer, cousin of Hand assassin Dragonfly)
07-20-2015, 11:35 AM

Conrad Zeldo (Young Men #8)
07-20-2015, 02:28 PM

Alpha Clan (New Warriors foes)
07-20-2015, 03:28 PM

Blue Eagle (Earth-712's Squadron Supreme)
07-20-2015, 03:30 PM

Combat Kelly (50s war character)
07-20-2015, 03:42 PM

Doctor Dark (B-Sides/Fantastic Four foe)
Sidney Osinga
07-20-2015, 08:21 PM

Erlik (Hyborian/Mongolian god)
07-20-2015, 09:06 PM

Flash Foster (50s racer)
07-20-2015, 09:08 PM

Ghoul (Malloy, Hulk foe)
07-21-2015, 12:45 AM

Hellspawn (Daredevil's Infinity War doppleganger)
07-21-2015, 01:34 AM

Isaac of York (Marvel Classics Comics #16: Ivanhoe)
07-21-2015, 01:53 AM

Junk (Paradise, Wolverines character)
07-21-2015, 06:51 AM

Kymellians (alien race, Power Pack allies)
7-21-2015, 11:09 AM

The Leader (Man Comics #8)
07-21-2015, 01:46 PM

Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan, Inhuman super-hero)
07-21-2015, 04:41 PM

Neuro (Paradise, Wolverines character)
07-21-2015, 05:01 PM

Winthrop O’Connor (General, Battlefront #3)
07-21-2015, 05:47 PM

Press Gang (X-Men characters, mutants serving as willing members of Genosha's Magistrates)
07-21-2015, 06:30 PM

Quixote (Ultraverse)
07-21-2015, 07:56 PM

Rafferty (Ultraverse)
Sidney Osinga
07-22-2015, 01:05 AM

Sunrise Society (Shadowmasters villians; referrenced to have an entry in OHotMU Update '89 but didn't)
07-22-2015, 01:50 AM

Thunderbolt (Bill Carver, Power Man & Iron Fist ally, super-speed/accelerated aging)
07-22-2015, 02:25 AM

Uberkommando (Invaders foes)
07-22-2015, 12:21 PM

Vulture (Tex Morgan foe)
07-22-2015, 01:53 PM

Morris Walters (She-Hulk's father)
07-22-2015, 02:27 PM

Xerxes (Microverse villain Venom/Scarlet Spider foe)
07-22-2015, 02:44 PM

Steve York (sheriff, Two-Gun Western #13)
07-22-2015, 03:56 PM

Zebra Daddy (pimp, villain from NYX series)
07-22-2015, 04:03 PM

Aviatrix (Mystery Men character)
07-22-2015, 05:49 PM

Spider Bailey (outlaw, Western Outlaws and Sheriffs #72)
07-23-2015, 01:02 AM

Captain Citrus (Licensed character, Avengers ally)
07-23-2015, 04:18 AM

Discus (Tim Stuart, brother of Stiletto, foe of Luke Cage)
07-23-2015, 10:35 AM

Dwight Eisenhower (historical figure)
07-23-2015, 10:51 AM

Flame Thrower (Hostess villain, Human Torch foe)
07-23-2015, 02:56 PM

Gideon (New Mutants/X-Force villain, one of the Externals)
07-23-2015, 04:51 PM

Hardcase (Ultraverse)
07-23-2015, 05:36 PM

Impercepto (Hostess villain, Mr. Fantastic foe)
Sidney Osinga
07-23-2015, 09:37 PM

Justice (Tensen; Newuniversal version)
07-23-2015, 10:49 PM

The Kellys (humor characters)
07-23-2015, 11:37 PM

Loch (Braddock Academy student)
07-24-2015, 12:11 AM

Mutant Force (aka "new" Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, members later part of the Resistants)
07-24-2015, 12:15 AM

That looks like two L suggestions, so I guess skippcomet should switch his to an M.
Baby Face Nelson (historical figure)
Sidney Osinga
07-24-2015, 12:43 AM

Orini (Dr. Strange foe; Clea's father)
07-24-2015, 08:20 AM

Paydirt (Initiative/Point Men member)
07-24-2015, 11:43 AM

Willard Quimby (General, Man Comics #17)
07-24-2015, 02:35 PM

The Rev (Sammy Smith, cult leader, Punisher foe)
07-24-2015, 02:44 PM

Star Sign (Initiative/Point Men member)
07-24-2015, 02:45 PM

Oops, accidental double post. nothing to see here.
07-24-2015, 02:50 PM

Tex Taylor (western character)
Sidney Osinga
07-24-2015, 02:59 PM

Universal Church of Truth (Cosmic religion, Earth-691 version)
07-24-2015, 03:23 PM

Veras (Microverse villain, Venom/Scarlet Spider foe)
07-24-2015, 03:25 PM

Pat Welsh (50s spy)
07-24-2015, 05:16 PM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Universal Church of Truth (Cosmic religion, Adam Warlock foes)

Didn't they get an entry (the 616 version) in the last actual A-Z Update series Marvel published?
07-24-2015, 05:19 PM

Xander (Dr. Strange foe, sorceror & agent of the Creators)
07-24-2015, 05:33 PM

YinYang (X-Men international reject)
07-24-2015, 05:34 PM

Zero (clown, Man Comics #5)
Sidney Osinga
07-24-2015, 10:30 PM

Yes, I forgot. Thanks for pointing that out. I've changed it.
(Don't know how to delete this post)
Sidney Osinga
07-24-2015, 10:31 PM

Adversary (demon; Forge enemy)
(Don't know how to delete this post)
Sidney Osinga
07-24-2015, 10:33 PM

skippcomet wrote:

Didn't they get an entry (the 616 version) in the last actual A-Z Update series Marvel published?

Yes, I forgot. Thanks for pointing that out. I've changed it.
Adversary (demon; Forge enemy)
07-24-2015, 10:49 PM

Bomb (Wolverine's First X-Men)
07-24-2015, 11:42 PM

Misty Collins (Millie’s niece)
07-25-2015, 12:35 AM

Desadia (clairvoyant, former partner of Gabriel the Devil-Hunter)
07-25-2015, 11:15 AM

Eliminator (Ultraverse)
zuckyd1 07-25-2015, 12:14 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Misty Collins (Millie’s niece)

She had an entry is HC vol. 14.
07-25-2015, 12:59 PM

zuckyd1 wrote:

She had an entry is HC vol. 14.

Really? I completely forgot. Oops. I'll replace my suggestion then with:
Davey Crockett (historical figure)
07-25-2015, 02:11 PM

Firefall (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
Sidney Osinga
07-26-2015, 01:29 AM

G.I.Joe (team of Real American Heroes)
07-26-2015, 01:32 AM

Hawkeye (Marvel Classics Comics #13: Last of the Mohicans)
07-26-2015, 01:55 AM

Ionic mutates (like the Gamma mutates entry)
07-26-2015, 04:03 AM

Frank Johnson (comic-book illustrator, creator of Zzutak, correspondent of Elsa Bloodstone)
07-26-2015, 11:52 AM

Aningan Kenojuak (Inuit shaman)
07-26-2015, 05:26 PM

Latverian School of Science
07-27-2015, 03:18 AM

Mercurio the Fourth-Dimensional Man (Gramosian foe of Thor and Mar-Vell)
07-27-2015, 11:04 AM

Nara (Braddock Academy Student, Avengers Arena)
07-27-2015, 11:41 AM

Slim Overmire (grease monkey, Sports Action #13)
07-27-2015, 07:40 PM

Pathway (Laura Dean, Alpha Flight character)
07-28-2015, 11:57 AM

Quinn Gang (outlaws, Wild Western #24)
07-28-2015, 03:40 PM

Ransak the Reject (human-looking Deviant, ally of the Eternals)
07-28-2015, 03:46 PM

Springheeled Jack (British Ghost Rider)
07-28-2015, 04:04 PM

Taranta (giant spider, Marvel Tales #101)
07-28-2015, 10:04 PM

Ursa the Man-Bear (Old West character, foe of Red Wolf/Johnny Wakely)
07-28-2015, 10:11 PM

VISTA (Patricia Wolman, Hulk character)
07-28-2015, 11:58 PM

White Fang (Marvel Classics Comics #32)
Sidney Osinga
07-29-2015, 12:39 AM

Xen (Earth-9997/Earth-X)
07-29-2015, 01:38 AM

Yokai-Raida (Japanese Ghost Rider)
07-29-2015, 11:54 AM

Anton Zircon (criminal, All True Crime #41)
07-29-2015, 02:05 PM

Asp (Richard Harper, thief, Living Mummy character)
07-29-2015, 03:20 PM

Badger Teeth (Furious Five, Spider-Man foe)
07-29-2015, 03:25 PM

Calico Kid (Tex Morgan foe, Tex Morgan #5)
07-29-2015, 06:17 PM

Doctor Crocodile (Joshua N'Dingi, Captain Britain & X-Men character)
07-29-2015, 07:13 PM

Electrisha (Amazing Fantasy, Vegas character)
07-29-2015, 07:36 PM

Roger Fairmont (Adventures into Weird Worlds #6)
Sidney Osinga
07-29-2015, 11:48 PM

Geirrodur (king of Asgardian trolls)
07-30-2015, 01:52 AM

Human Guess (Merzah the Mystic's Neuronauts, X-Men: Legacy character)
07-30-2015, 09:31 AM

Illusion (Ilya Zarkov, husband of Glamor, stage magician/thief killed by Hellphyr)
07-30-2015, 10:45 AM

Justice (Amazing Mysteries #32)
07-30-2015, 10:59 AM

Kid Briton (Avengers Arena)
07-30-2015, 04:38 PM

Live-Wire (Rance Preston, Circus of Crime)
07-30-2015, 08:07 PM

Douglas MacArthur (historical figure)
07-30-2015, 09:26 PM

Negasonic Teenage Warhead (New X-Men character)
Sidney Osinga
07-30-2015, 11:53 PM

Orion Rex (Marvel Boy (Greyson) foe, Astonishing #5)
07-31-2015, 12:29 AM

Jose Paez (bandit, western character, Official True Crime Cases Comics #24)
07-31-2015, 07:56 AM

Queen of Angels (Angela character, Thor foe)
07-31-2015, 04:26 PM

Replica (Earth-691, Guardians of the Galaxy character)
07-31-2015, 05:22 PM

Carmen San Diego (member of Machiavelli Club)
07-31-2015, 07:00 PM

Technocracy (Blue Marvel foes)
Sidney Osinga
07-31-2015, 10:51 PM

Ultima (She-Hulk foe)
08-01-2015, 01:13 AM

Pancho Valdez (bandit, Western Outlaws and Sheriffs #65)
08-01-2015, 01:23 AM

Whalesong (University of Atlantis student, Infinity: The Hunt character)
Sidney Osinga
08-01-2015, 03:16 AM

X-Men (Noir universe version)
08-01-2015, 08:05 AM

Max Young (Spider-Man character, criminal scientist)
08-01-2015, 11:25 AM

Zorida (Equestrienne, Lawbreakers Always Lose #10)
08-01-2015, 03:04 PM

Apex (Avengers Arena character)
08-01-2015, 04:47 PM

Baron Brimstone (Walter Theodoric, foe of Machine Man/Spider-Man/Paladin/more)
08-01-2015, 05:32 PM

Candy Kid (Lawbreakers Always Lose #3)
08-01-2015, 07:05 PM

Demona (Daimon Hellstrom's daughter, Infinity: The Hunt character)
Sidney Osinga
08-02-2015, 12:55 AM

Enigma Force (Source of power for Captain Universe)
08-02-2015, 08:48 AM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Enigma Force (Source of power for Captain Universe)

I am late because I wanted to ask about a profile of Doris "Dorrie" Evans, the Human Torch (Storm)'s first known girlfriend who did not love Johnny's super-hero job and who came back in the last issue of Fantastic Four (#645), after she was married and had children
08-02-2015, 02:52 PM

Falcona (Evil Inhumans)
08-02-2015, 02:56 PM

Dorothy Gale (Marvel's Wizard of Oz adaptations)
08-02-2015, 03:02 PM

Hypst’r (Brooklyn Avengers)
08-02-2015, 05:19 PM

Inferno (Slifer, Ghost Rider/Blaze foe, demon agent of Mephisto)
08-02-2015, 06:11 PM

John the Baptist (biblical figure)
08-02-2015, 06:24 PM

Krevius (Microverse villain, Venom/Scarlet Spider foe)
Sidney Osinga
08-03-2015, 01:55 AM

Living Monolith (Ahmet Abdol)
08-03-2015, 04:03 AM

Lindsey McCabe (Spider-Woman/Drew and Wolverine character, private investigator)
08-03-2015, 11:16 AM

Nichestein (fictional country in Battle #16, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
08-03-2015, 02:22 PM

Offer (Wolverine character)
08-03-2015, 04:08 PM

Piper (Savage Land Mutates)
08-03-2015, 05:43 PM
Colonel Quinto (war character, War Comics #8)
08-03-2015, 06:29 PM

Revenant (Mystery Men)
Sidney Osinga
08-04-2015, 02:43 AM

Sneepers (alien race, Tales of Suspense #49)
08-04-2015, 11:21 AM

Mikhail Tchekov (war character, Complete War Novels Magazine pulp #3)
08-04-2015, 04:17 PM

Ubiquitor's Emissaries (Earth-691, foes of the Galactic Guardians)
08-04-2015, 04:41 PM

Verre (X-Men foe)
08-04-2015, 05:38 PM

The Weatherman (Suspense #9)
08-05-2015, 09:30 AM

Xi'an Chi Xan (sometimes called Desert Ghost, but usually Xi'an; X-Men 2099 founder, Earth-928)

(I used to have that series, and he was called Xi'an far more often than Desert Ghost.)
08-06-2015, 12:12 AM

Bill York (war character, Battlefield #7)
08-06-2015, 11:14 AM

Do no one else have any Z suggestions? I've found several more recently, but I just did Y.
08-06-2015, 11:32 AM

Caroline Zarin (Acolytes, X-Men novels character)
08-06-2015, 02:24 PM

Abadon (Marvel UK character, Shadow Riders foe)
08-06-2015, 03:17 PM

Bazor, King of the Underworld Demi-Gods (Adventures into Terror #43)
08-06-2015, 05:39 PM

Captain Forsa (Brazilian hero, Everyman murder victim)
08-07-2015, 08:26 AM

Death-Sting (Miranda Rand-K'ai, Iron Fist's sister)
08-07-2015, 09:45 AM

Evil Inhumans (Maximus, Aireo, Falcona, Leonus, Nebulo, Stallior, Timberius) [I really would like to read this profile]
08-07-2015, 11:09 AM

Fickle Fly (Spider-Man foe)
08-07-2015, 03:30 PM

Glow Worm (Morlock, X-Factor character)
08-07-2015, 04:24 PM

House of Shadows (entity, foe of Dr. Strange & Rom)
08-07-2015, 05:43 PM

Ibn Saudi (government official, Strange Tales #12)
08-07-2015, 08:17 PM

Johnny Nightmare (Punisher foe/ally)
Sidney Osinga
08-08-2015, 03:56 AM

Kleenex (New Universe character)
08-08-2015, 11:30 AM

Charlie Landry (outlaw, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
08-08-2015, 12:21 PM

Magna Mind (Spider-Man foe, Magic Snake advertisement)
08-08-2015, 04:49 PM

Angelicknight wrote:

Magna Mind (Hulk foe, Magic Snake advertisement)

Is it a Hulk or a Spider-Man foe?
Reading here they talk only about Spider-Man:
08-08-2015, 05:01 PM

mal32 wrote:

Is it a Hulk or a Spider-Man foe?
Reading here they talk only about Spider-Man:

your correct it's a spider-man foe i will change it thanks for the correction.
08-08-2015, 05:13 PM

Naga (Namor foe, Serpent Crown wearer)
08-08-2015, 06:23 PM

Walburga Oesterreich (Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 2 #6)
08-08-2015, 06:36 PM

Proton (Initiative member)
Sidney Osinga
08-09-2015, 01:20 AM

Quill (Quinlan; New Universe assassin)
08-09-2015, 01:24 AM

R-Day (event, War Adventures #13)
08-09-2015, 08:50 AM

Sunpyre (Leyu Yoshida, X-Men/X-Corps character, Sunfire's sister)
08-09-2015, 01:54 PM

Telectrician (Merzah the Mystic's Neuronauts)
08-09-2015, 04:20 PM

Thomas Unger (Major, Man Comics #17)
08-09-2015, 05:52 PM

Viper (Jordan Stryke/Dixon, Captain America foe, brother of Eel/Leopold Stryke)
08-09-2015, 06:08 PM

Weightwatcher (mutant, SPAFON member)
08-09-2015, 06:57 PM

Joe X (Marvel Science Stories pulp vol. 3 #1)
Sidney Osinga
08-10-2015, 12:33 AM

Yazdi Gem (Dracula item)
08-10-2015, 05:09 AM

Zzutak (monster created by Frank Johnson using magic Aztec paint)
08-10-2015, 12:00 PM

Atlantis (Amazing Mysteries #32)
Eduardo M.  
08-10-2015, 02:05 PM

Bison (Kitson)
08-10-2015, 05:17 PM

Cheetah (Carracas, Captain Mar-Vell foe, Scourge victim)
08-10-2015, 05:23 PM

Doctor Positron (son of the Blue Marvel)
Sidney Osinga
08-10-2015, 06:08 PM

Exiles (Ultraverse team)
08-10-2015, 06:16 PM

Fish Men (Mystery Tales #9)
08-10-2015, 10:34 PM

Gang (Pan Asian School student, Infinity: The Hunt character)
08-11-2015, 11:06 AM

Hair-Trigger Hallock (western character, Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine pulp vol. 3 #2)
08-11-2015, 04:33 PM

Ikonn (mystic entity, sometimes invoked by Dr. Strange, part of the Octessence)
08-11-2015, 06:36 PM

Johnny Punk (Hostess villain)
08-11-2015, 06:49 PM

George Kane (Dynamic Science Stories pulp #2)
Angelicknight, are you still collecting all the suggestions on the first page?
08-11-2015, 08:38 PM

First page now updated.
08-12-2015, 10:45 AM

Lodestone (Andrea Haggard, Darkhawk foe, Crimson Cowl's Masters of Evil)
08-12-2015, 11:42 PM

Magico (Ghost Rider (Rex Fury) foe)
08-13-2015, 08:04 AM

Ninotchka (Red Room trainee, mercenary, foe of Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Daredevil, & Black Widow)
08-13-2015, 02:17 PM

Old Flame (Human Torch foe, Hostess villain)
08-13-2015, 02:44 PM

Pecos Kid (western character, Reno Brown #50)
08-14-2015, 11:49 AM

Anyone have any Q suggestions left?
08-14-2015, 02:18 PM

Quan-St'ar (Shang-Chi foe, sorcerer)
08-14-2015, 04:37 PM

Riot (Captain Britain foe)
08-14-2015, 04:41 PM

Scarecrow (Kid Colt foe, Kid Colt Outlaw #5)
Sidney Osinga
08-15-2015, 12:21 AM

Tatterdemalion (homeless supervillain, Night Shift member)
08-15-2015, 07:19 AM

Ultra-Marine (Kith Nasca, Marvel UK, Dark Guard member)
08-15-2015, 09:42 AM

Vielfras (Nightcrawler foe)
08-15-2015, 12:03 PM

The White Knight of York (Astonishing #22)
08-15-2015, 05:03 PM

Jimmy Yama (MC2, friend of Mayday Parker/Spider-Girl, cousin of Zane Yama/J2)
08-15-2015, 05:13 PM

X was skipped. Anyone (besides me) have any more X suggestions?
08-15-2015, 05:45 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

X was skipped. Anyone (besides me) have any more X suggestions?

X the Marvel (Willie Dance) a wrestler who drank a Super-Soldier serum and had a fight with Luke Cage
08-15-2015, 06:10 PM

Zantha (Dynamic Science Stories pulp #1)
08-15-2015, 09:44 PM

Air Force (team, New Warriors foes)
Sidney Osinga
08-16-2015, 01:04 AM

Blackbyrd (NYC detective; appearedin several 70s titles)
08-16-2015, 01:32 AM

Caruthia (fictional country in Strange Tales #18, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
08-16-2015, 02:17 AM

Daddy Wronglegs (Fantastic Four / Punisher foe)
08-16-2015, 02:20 AM

Doris "Dorrie" Evans [the Human Torch (Storm)'s first known girlfriend who did not love Johnny's super-hero job and who came back in the last issue of Fantastic Four (#645), after she was married and had children]
08-16-2015, 08:25 AM

Furies (Olympian goddesses, Alecto, Megaera & Tisiphone; one-time foes of Ghost Rider/Ketch)
08-16-2015, 11:55 AM

Georgie (40s humor character)
08-16-2015, 04:04 PM

Head Case (AIM, Ms. Marvel foe)
08-16-2015, 06:33 PM

Marcus Immortus (Avengers/Ms. Marvel character, from the infamous Avengers #200)
08-16-2015, 08:37 PM

Jack Rabbit Kid (outlaw, Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine pulp vol. 3 #2)
08-16-2015, 09:07 PM

Klepto (Hostess villain, Thing foe)
Sidney Osinga
08-16-2015, 11:17 PM

Leviathan (Anarchist S.H.I.E.L.D. foe)
08-17-2015, 01:01 AM

Clark Mason (50s spy)
08-17-2015, 08:15 AM

Nul (Servent of Cul the Serpent, one of the Worthy)
Eduardo M.  
08-17-2015, 06:39 PM

Matthew OBrien (the guy who killed the Hangman)
08-17-2015, 06:43 PM

The Phantom (Lawbreakers Always Lose #5)
Sidney Osinga
08-17-2015, 09:09 PM

Quantum Banders (duplicates of former Protectors of the Universe)
08-18-2015, 06:13 AM

Rhiannon (Ultraverse, cannibal & sorceress, foe and mother of Night Man)
08-18-2015, 08:31 AM

Silencer (Big House inmate)
08-18-2015, 11:09 AM

Ricky Tenda (70s Hulk manga)
Sidney Osinga
08-18-2015, 01:37 PM

Un-Human (50's foe of the original Human Torch)
08-18-2015, 05:18 PM

Vostok (robotic member of the Supreme Soviets/Winter Guard)
08-18-2015, 06:25 PM

Witch Queen (Amazing Mysteries #33)
08-18-2015, 11:06 PM

X-Men (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
08-19-2015, 09:43 AM

Younghunt (competition by Upstarts to track down & kill surviving members of New Mutants & Hellions, involved X-Force & New Warriors)
08-19-2015, 11:42 AM

Zadixx (invader from Dimension X, Journey into Mystery #9-10)
08-19-2015, 12:03 PM

Astonishing Puffball (SPAFON member, Beetle (Jenkins) adversary)
08-20-2015, 12:09 AM

Black Beauty (horse, Marvel Classics Comics #5)
08-20-2015, 07:27 AM

Rosalie Carbone (Punisher foe, mafia princess)
08-20-2015, 03:54 PM

Dr. Mime (Marvel: The Lost Generation)
08-20-2015, 04:33 PM

Ezra Earp (western character, Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine pulp vol. 3 #2)
Sidney Osinga
08-20-2015, 11:21 PM

Fallen Angels (NYC gang of superpowered individuals)
08-20-2015, 11:40 PM

Go-Getter (SPAFON member)
08-21-2015, 12:14 AM

Hawkeye Harris (western character, Whip Wilson #9, but not a licensed character)
08-21-2015, 07:29 AM

Joshua Itobo (T'Challa's cousin, one of the Black Musketeers)
08-21-2015, 11:23 AM

The Juggler (Tex Taylor foe, Tex Taylor #5)
08-21-2015, 02:11 PM

King Winter (Spider-Man promo villain)
08-21-2015, 05:06 PM

Lancer (Samantha Dunbar, Franklin Richards' Counter-Earth, one of Dr. Doom's generals)
08-21-2015, 05:07 PM

Rock Murdock (50s war character)
08-21-2015, 06:19 PM

Nogi (sidekick of Mr. Zardu)
08-22-2015, 09:58 AM

Omega (android created by Maximus, Inhumans character)
08-22-2015, 10:06 AM

Angelicknight wrote:

Nogi (sidekick of Mr. Zardu)

Sorry but who are Nogi and Mr. Zardu?
08-22-2015, 11:40 AM

The Phantom (Black Rider foe, Wild Western #8)
08-22-2015, 04:29 PM

mal32 wrote:

Sorry but who are Nogi and Mr. Zardu?

Zardu is one of Merzah the Mystic's Neuronauts from and early issue of Legion's X-Men: Legacy comic. The Neuronauts are elderly former heroes who all have mental powers. Zardu believed Legion was his former partner/sidekick Nogi.
Quiet Man (Steinbeck, Mystique character)
Sidney Osinga
08-22-2015, 04:45 PM

skippcomet wrote:

I already named Ransak the Reject in a previous round.

I missed it because I checked Reject and not Ransak. oops.
Rojhaz (1602 version of Captain America)
08-22-2015, 06:05 PM

Shang-Ti (giant, Battle Action #12)
08-22-2015, 06:22 PM

Thug (X-Men foe)
08-23-2015, 11:38 AM

Sammy Urzetta (golfer, Sports Action #7)
08-23-2015, 02:48 PM

I already named Ransak the Reject in a previous round.
Abraham van Helsing (Dracula foe)
08-23-2015, 03:03 PM

Wagner (Arnim Zola empowered Thunderbolts foe)
08-23-2015, 03:28 PM

Xeccalenon (alien, Suspense #23)
Sidney Osinga
08-23-2015, 11:24 PM

Yirbek (alien race; enemies of the Kallusians)
skippcomet 08-24-2015, 03:40 AM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Yirbek (alien race; enemies of the Kallusians)

Is there any significance to the fact that Yirbek is almost an anagram of "Kirby" with an extra "e"?
Zero (Kenji Uedo, one of the first mutants/Lights activated after Avengers Vs. X-Men)
08-24-2015, 11:20 AM

Attainia (fictional country from American Ace stories, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
08-24-2015, 03:55 PM

Black Dragon Death Squad (Wolverine foes)
Sidney Osinga
08-25-2015, 01:02 AM

Chance (Fallen Angels member)
08-25-2015, 11:05 AM

Rick Davis (50s spy)
08-25-2015, 02:02 PM

Eurystheus (Foe of Hercules and Wolverine)
08-25-2015, 05:52 PM

Fifty-One (alien, Rangers member)
08-25-2015, 06:31 PM

Golden Kid (murderer, Tex Taylor #5)
Sidney Osinga
08-25-2015, 10:14 PM

Headmen (group of bizarre supervillains)
08-25-2015, 11:02 PM

Imo Miri (Thunderbolts foe)
Front page updated
08-25-2015, 11:23 PM

El Jaguar (Kid Colt foe, Kid Colt Outlaw #25)
Andy E. Nystrom  
08-25-2015, 11:30 PM

Kommandant Englander (Earth-846) member of the Corps. I know almost nothing about them; I figured if I perused the Corps entry there would be someone whose name started with a K in there
In the character listings on the first page, Nightcat should be on a separate line, and Evel Knievel should probably be red.

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     Thread Starter

1/21/2020 5:05 pm  #12

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Additional historical text from CxPulp
08-25-2015, 11:44 PM

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Kommandant Englander (Earth-846) member of the Corps. I know almost nothing about them; I figured if I perused the Corps entry there would be someone whose name started with a K in there
In the character listings on the first page, Nightcat should be on a separate line, and Evel Knievel should probably be red.

Thanks! It has now been corrected.
Leafmaster (Xavier School reject)
08-25-2015, 11:49 PM

The following should also be red:
Dark Claw; he should also be on his own line
Doctor Strangefate
Lady Talia
08-25-2015, 11:54 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

The following should also be red:

Dark Claw; he should also be on his own line
Doctor Strangefate
Lady Talia

Corrected now
Sidney Osinga
08-26-2015, 12:22 AM

Minor Domo (Mojo's assistant)
And on the subject of corrections, Fu Manchu and Tarzan should be in red while Gullivar Jones, who is a public domain character, should be black.
08-26-2015, 12:25 AM

Betty Newton (romance character, Girl Comics #12)
08-26-2015, 12:32 AM

Oya (All-New X-Men member)
08-26-2015, 12:39 AM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Minor Domo (Mojo's assistant)
And on the subject of corrections, Fu Manchu and Tarzan should be in red while Gullivar Jones, who is a public domain character, should be black.

Changed now
08-26-2015, 12:41 PM

The Phantom (Suspense #7)
08-26-2015, 04:04 PM

Queen of the Sub-Sea Realm (1950s foe of Namor)
08-26-2015, 05:26 PM

Rotary (Brooklyn Avengers member)
08-26-2015, 05:27 PM

The Solution (Ultraverse)
08-27-2015, 08:48 AM

Tuck (replicated humanoid, partner of Death's Head/Minion)
08-27-2015, 02:49 PM

Uncinus (Zoid, What The? character)
Sidney Osinga
08-27-2015, 02:52 PM

the Vault (prison for supervillains)
08-27-2015, 03:54 PM

Walter (telescope operator, Adventures into Terror #10)
08-28-2015, 02:17 AM

Xeniac (Factious Five member, Sentry foe)
08-28-2015, 02:19 PM

Bull Yearby (western character, Wild Western #28)
08-28-2015, 05:22 PM

Zakaius (alien religious zealot, foe of Firelord & Adam Warlock)
Andy E. Nystrom  
08-28-2015, 05:35 PM

Assassin-8 (Spider-Man foe in adventures only published in his UK comic in 1984; he was discussed in the latest Back Issue).
08-28-2015, 06:32 PM

Black Devil (wolf, All-True Crime Cases #31)
08-28-2015, 07:49 PM

Cat (Shirlee Bryant)
08-29-2015, 11:38 AM

Tex Dawson (western character)
08-29-2015, 05:17 PM

Ebony Blade (cursed weapon forged by Sir Percy from the Starstone, wielded by many, including Dane Whitman)
08-29-2015, 06:04 PM

Frizone (Hostess villain, Human Torch foe)
08-29-2015, 07:41 PM

Golden Kid (murderer, Apache Kid #7)
Sidney Osinga
08-29-2015, 11:19 PM

Headlok (Singleton; Avengers/Alpha Flight foe)
08-30-2015, 08:00 AM

Idunn (Thor character, Asgardian goddess of golden apples & immortality)
08-30-2015, 11:34 AM

Gordon Jackson (tourist victim, Mystic #22)
08-30-2015, 01:45 PM

Kwirkegard (Hostess villain, Iron Man foe)
08-30-2015, 03:53 PM

La Lunatica (Earth-928, X-Men 2099)
08-30-2015, 04:27 PM

El Matador (fictional country in Crash Comics #2 [strongman story], not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Andy E. Nystrom  
08-30-2015, 05:28 PM

Night Gawker (Night Stalker parody from Arrgh!). This one's a bit of a grey area in turns of black or red: the character has only appeared in Marvel, but his sole appearance was in a Mad-style TV show parody.
08-31-2015, 02:59 AM

Normie Osborn (MC2, Earth-982's son of Harry and Liz Osborn, Spider-Girl foe-turned-ally)
08-31-2015, 11:28 AM

Paladorns (subterranean race, Mystic #11)
08-31-2015, 09:34 PM

Quarrel (Kree, Spider-Man promo villain)
09-01-2015, 11:42 AM

The Rattler (outlaw, Kid Colt Outlaw #22)
09-01-2015, 05:26 PM

Steeplejack (Marvin Flumm, Scourge victim)
Andy E. Nystrom  
09-01-2015, 05:57 PM

Thunderclap: another villain from the Spider-Man UK story mentioned under Assassin-8. My suspicion is he's a villain because his name scares away any possible romantic partners.
09-01-2015, 06:08 PM

Universe-Two (Amalgam)
Stuart V  
09-01-2015, 08:04 PM

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Assassin-8 (Spider-Man foe in adventures only published in his UK comic in 1984; he was discussed in the latest Back Issue).

Not just 1984 - he also turned up again in 2011.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Thunderclap: another villain from the Spider-Man UK story mentioned under Assassin-8. My suspicion is he's a villain because his name scares away any possible romantic partners.

09-01-2015, 08:16 PM

Vortex (mutant, Generation X/Gen13 character)
Sidney Osinga
09-02-2015, 12:03 AM

Wildboyz (Spit and Jet, Daredevil foes)
09-02-2015, 12:53 AM

Xenophon (spirit, Astonishing #28)
09-02-2015, 11:27 AM

Anyone else have any Y or Z suggestions? I've still got several for each, but I just did X.
Stuart V  
09-02-2015, 01:58 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Anyone else have any Y or Z suggestions? I've still got several for each, but I just did X.

Sandy York, assuming no one else has proposed him earlier.
09-03-2015, 11:30 AM

Fatso Zimmer (Sgt., Complete War Novels Magazine pulp #3)
09-03-2015, 03:32 PM

Arclight (Philippa Sontag, Marauders, X-Men foe)
09-04-2015, 12:51 AM

Black Metal (Agent foe)
09-04-2015, 12:54 AM

Captain Nemo
09-04-2015, 12:54 PM

I'm surprised that no one has posted a D suggestion yet. I've got lots of those still, but I just did C.
09-04-2015, 01:10 PM

Dusk (Negative Zone rebel leader)
09-04-2015, 01:52 PM

Endo (Wolverines character)
09-04-2015, 02:14 PM

The Fargo Kid (Kid Colt Outlaw #31)
09-04-2015, 05:02 PM

Gorr the Golden Gorilla (Fantastic Four character)
09-04-2015, 05:15 PM

Haggis (X-Men international reject)
09-04-2015, 05:22 PM

Isolda (Queen of Atlantean descendants, Journey into Mystery #12)
09-05-2015, 11:06 AM

I wouldn't have thought J suggestions would be running low yet. I've still got several, but I just did I.
09-05-2015, 02:50 PM

Judex (Ally of Prince of Orphans)
09-05-2015, 02:55 PM

Barbara Ketch (Ghost Rider character, sister of Dan Ketch & Johnny Blaze, murdered by Blackout)
09-05-2015, 03:40 PM

Lobo (Tex Morgan companion)
09-05-2015, 05:42 PM

Musidora (Ally of Prince of Orphans)
Front page updated
09-06-2015, 11:43 AM

Bart Nelson (thug, Journey into Unknown Worlds #17)
09-06-2015, 07:12 PM

Okoye (Black Panther character, one of the Dora Milage)
09-06-2015, 08:18 PM

Pandora Peters (head of W.A.N.D., S.H.I.E.L.D.'s supernatural division)
09-06-2015, 08:33 PM

Quasimodo (hunchback, Mystic #23-24, Marvel Classics Comics #3)
Sidney Osinga
09-06-2015, 09:10 PM

the Right (armored wearing anti-mutant group)
09-06-2015, 11:00 PM

Scorched Earth (Red Hulk event)
09-06-2015, 11:54 PM

Tecmahseh (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foe, Best of the West #1)
09-07-2015, 12:03 PM

I imagine U suggestions might be running thin now. I've still got seven of them, but I just did T.
09-07-2015, 03:29 PM

Umbra (Xavier student, Rogue's Advocates Squad)
09-07-2015, 04:53 PM

Vampiro (Eternal, masked wrestler)
09-07-2015, 07:57 PM

The White Death (murderer in Justice #7)
09-07-2015, 08:35 PM

X-Patriots (X-Force characters)
09-08-2015, 11:35 AM

Yamamoto (historical figure, Japanese Admiral in WWII)
09-08-2015, 04:14 PM

Princess Zanda (Black Panther character, Council of Antiquarians)
09-08-2015, 05:40 PM

Askari (Excalibur character)
09-08-2015, 06:48 PM

Boravia (fictional country in Spider-Man newspaper strip, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Sidney Osinga
09-08-2015, 10:48 PM

Bruno Costa (Punisher foe)
09-09-2015, 12:37 AM

Death Locket (Avengers Arena character)
09-09-2015, 12:46 AM

Ebony (Calico Kid’s [Rex Fury]horse)
09-09-2015, 12:49 PM

Are F suggestions running low? I've still got 16 of them, but I just did E.
09-09-2015, 02:55 PM

Facelift (Brooklyn Avengers/Spider-Man foe)
09-09-2015, 05:22 PM

Gunhawk (aka Bounty-Hawk, bounty hunter, killed Kid Colt at Wonderment)
09-09-2015, 06:02 PM

Hawk-mensch (What The?)
Sidney Osinga
09-09-2015, 09:01 PM

Imperial Hydra (Arnold Brown)
09-09-2015, 09:12 PM

Jessup, Randy (NuHuman, Hulk ally)
09-09-2015, 11:00 PM

Alan Kent (necromancer, Astonishing #10)
09-10-2015, 08:34 AM

Lavender (Golden Age foe of Captain America/Jeff Mace & Bucky/Fred Davis)
Andy E. Nystrom  
09-10-2015, 09:45 AM

Murderworld: various large deathtraps used by Arcade to endanger adult superheroes or force teen superheroes to kill each other thus giving any survivors a serious case of PTSD.
Does Marvel fully own Road Force mentioned above? To my knowledge they've only been used in conjunction with Harley-Davidson so it's possible H-D co-owns them.
09-10-2015, 11:30 AM

Niema (Mystic #18)
09-10-2015, 01:54 PM

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Does Marvel fully own Road Force mentioned above? To my knowledge they've only been used in conjunction with Harley-Davidson so it's possible H-D co-owns them.

Indicia says all characters and their likeness are owned by Marvel. My guess is they fall into the same category as US Archer, Team America, Micronauts ect. Marvel owns the characters not the HD motorcycles and logo. Not that it makes them Marvel owned but they are mentioned in the Wrecker profile in the Avengers Now! handbook so they are at least 616 characters. Then again Combo Man and Illuminator's indicias say they are Marvel owned characters as well so who knows maybe Stuart can elaborate on this more.
Oriole (Air Force member, Night Thrasher/New Warriors foe)
09-10-2015, 04:38 PM

Jack Power (member of Power Pack)
09-10-2015, 04:45 PM

Quadro (hunchback, Adventures into Terror #21)
09-10-2015, 05:00 PM

Reflex (Hand ninja, Wolverine ally)
Sidney Osinga
09-10-2015, 09:35 PM

Sisters of Sin (Captain America foes)
Andy E. Nystrom  
09-10-2015, 10:01 PM

Thunderbolts (Red Hulk's)
09-10-2015, 10:06 PM

Ursula (Queen, American Ace foe)
09-10-2015, 10:26 PM

Valhalla Villas (Retirement home/community for Golden Age heroes and villains)
Sidney Osinga
09-10-2015, 11:17 PM

Wellspring of Power (New Warriors/Thunderbolts item/location)
09-10-2015, 11:49 PM

X-Persons (What The?)
09-11-2015, 07:31 AM

Yridisis (Deviant, artist, lover of Khoryphos the Eternal)
09-11-2015, 03:01 PM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Wellspring of Power (New Warriors/Thunderbolts item/location)

I 100% agree, we really need a profile about the "Wellspring of Power"
09-11-2015, 08:25 PM

Zabu (Electro foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #17)
Sidney Osinga
09-11-2015, 09:14 PM

Attilan (home of the Inhumans)
09-11-2015, 10:40 PM

Boar (Beta Ray Bill/Spider-Man foe)
09-11-2015, 11:02 PM

Blaze Carson (western character)
09-12-2015, 04:29 AM

Detroit Steel (Iron Man foe)
09-12-2015, 08:29 AM

Exterminatrix (Oubliette Midas, Noh-Varr character, daughter of Dr. Midas)
09-12-2015, 11:44 AM

The Fandom Stranger (What The?)
09-12-2015, 01:24 PM

Gila (Arcadia Group, Wolverines character)
09-12-2015, 04:58 PM

Haven (Radha Dastoor, mutant from India, X-Factor foe, died birthing reincarnation of Adversary)
09-12-2015, 05:17 PM

Ice Monster (Journey into Unknown Worlds #17)
09-12-2015, 05:53 PM

Juggernaut (Golden Age Destroyer foe)
09-13-2015, 11:02 AM

Robert Kelly (Earth-92131)
09-13-2015, 07:34 PM

Ludi (demon/former god, worshipped by Druids, foe of Murdoch Adams & later Dr. Strange)
09-13-2015, 09:57 PM

Mints (Brooklyn Avengers member)
09-13-2015, 10:00 PM

Anna Nikhail (witch, Mystic #10)
09-14-2015, 06:46 AM

Ox (Ronald Bloch, brother of Raymond, second Ox to join the Enforcers)
09-14-2015, 01:24 PM

Positron (Annie, Amazing Fantasy character)
09-14-2015, 01:53 PM

Quasi-Humans (What The?)
09-14-2015, 04:05 PM

Mikhail Rasputin (X-Men foe, brother of Colossus & Magik, leader of Gene Nation)
09-14-2015, 04:26 PM

Sparrow (Air Force member)
09-14-2015, 04:41 PM

Marion Telka (romance character, My Own Romance #30-31)
09-14-2015, 05:45 PM

Front page has been updated.
09-15-2015, 09:30 AM

Beck Underwood (Venom/Eddie Brock supporting character, romantic interest)
09-15-2015, 07:15 PM

Videoman (Frances Byte, Earth-8107, Spider-Man and the Amazing Friends cartoon, X-Men member)
09-15-2015, 08:06 PM

Wakonda (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foe, The Ghost Rider #1]
Andy E. Nystrom  
09-15-2015, 08:35 PM

X-Men (Earth-10005, Fox movies)
09-16-2015, 10:19 AM

Quan Yaozu (very first Iron Fist, took over the 8th City)
09-16-2015, 12:06 PM

Enric Zagnar (Vision foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #25)
09-16-2015, 02:02 PM

Front page updated.
All-Hate Squad (Fight-Man foes)
Eduardo M.  
09-16-2015, 03:58 PM

Bobster (Spider-Man ally)
09-16-2015, 04:19 PM

Chane of the Yellow Hair (fantasy character, Savage Sword of Conan #63-64, 67; not a Robert E. Howard character)
09-16-2015, 08:41 PM

Dr. Satan (Captain America (Mace) foe)
09-17-2015, 11:52 AM

Echhs-Men (Not Brand Echh)
Sidney Osinga
09-17-2015, 10:00 PM

Foreigner (Spider-Man foe/Silver Sable's ex)
09-17-2015, 10:37 PM

Grahh-Nola, the Crunch That Walks Like A Man (Portland Avengers, parody character)
09-17-2015, 11:18 PM

The Heap (golden age hero)
09-18-2015, 09:07 AM

Anastasia Inyushin (New Universe, member of Psi-Force)
09-18-2015, 05:54 PM

Jester (Golden Age Captain America foe)
09-18-2015, 06:24 PM

Genghis Khan (historical figure, Human Meteor foe)
09-19-2015, 12:01 PM

Are L suggestions in short supply? I've got a couple dozen still, but I just did K.
09-19-2015, 02:31 PM

Lurker (Zoid, What The? character)
09-19-2015, 05:23 PM

Dino Manelli (Howling Commandos)
09-19-2015, 06:17 PM

D’Ken Neramani (Earth-92131)
09-19-2015, 08:50 PM

Onome (Future Foundation)
Sidney Osinga
09-19-2015, 09:26 PM

Primus (Armin Zola creation)
09-19-2015, 09:33 PM

Q-Bomb (Crazy vol. 1 #2)
09-19-2015, 10:36 PM

Redeemer (Microverse, Venom/Scarlet Spider character)
09-20-2015, 11:28 AM

Swamp-Thang (What The?)
09-20-2015, 05:31 PM

Taboo (alien with tar-like body)
09-21-2015, 12:02 PM

I guess U suggestions are running low? I've still got several.
Hugo Uticek (Mystery Tales #16)
Eduardo M.  
09-21-2015, 05:51 PM

Vigilance (Avengers West Coast/Vision foes)
09-21-2015, 07:12 PM

Winter (Four Seasons member, TV Ultimate Spider-Man comic villain)
09-21-2015, 07:21 PM

X (Makkari foe, Captain America Comics #9)
09-22-2015, 11:52 AM

I've still got 14 Y suggestions, but I just did X.
09-22-2015, 02:25 PM

Yaldog (Winter Friends member, Hawkeye character)
09-22-2015, 05:15 PM

Ziran the Tester (Celestial)
09-22-2015, 05:34 PM

Ayesha (She, Marvel Classics Comics #24)
09-22-2015, 07:57 PM

Black Bee (Spider-Man ally)
Front page updated.
Sidney Osinga
09-22-2015, 11:36 PM

Chance (Powell; gambling mercenary)
09-23-2015, 12:09 AM

Nampi Da’ati (Native American deity, Tim Holt #34 [first Ghost Rider story])
09-23-2015, 12:13 AM

Epsilon (Arcadia Group, Wolverines character)
09-23-2015, 12:27 PM

The Fang (Lorna foe, Lorna the Jungle Girl #7)
09-23-2015, 03:41 PM

Darrion Grobe (son of Advent, came from the future and "replaced" Speedball in the New Warriors for some time)
09-23-2015, 11:29 PM

Hippie (Portland Avengers member)
09-23-2015, 11:39 PM

Izan (Human Torch foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #28)
09-24-2015, 12:06 PM

Are J suggestions getting scarce? I've still got a couple dozen of them if everyone else is out.
Eduardo M.  
09-24-2015, 01:23 PM

Johnny Cool (Initiative member)
09-24-2015, 05:04 PM

Orissa Kravinov (Prince of Orphans ally)
09-24-2015, 05:19 PM

Dolly La Moor (Adventures into Weird Worlds #17)
09-24-2015, 05:23 PM

Montana (member of the Enforcers)
09-25-2015, 11:34 AM

Nuke (Amalgam)
09-25-2015, 05:28 PM

Ogeode (Crystar character, sorcerer)
09-25-2015, 07:19 PM

The Peak (superhuman prison that held Damion Hellstrom)
09-25-2015, 07:38 PM

Quasimudpuddle (Crazy vol. 1 #6)
09-26-2015, 09:31 AM

Rarebit Fiend (X-Men international reject)
09-26-2015, 09:58 AM

Shocker (Randall Darby, member of Mutant Force, aka Paralyzer of the Resistants)
09-26-2015, 11:29 AM

Tyron (British General, Battle #31)
09-26-2015, 08:23 PM

Umbridge, Malvin (Mutant, Beast foe)
09-27-2015, 07:26 AM

Vakume (Salem's Seven)
09-27-2015, 11:38 AM

Waldo (Uncanny Tales #23)
09-27-2015, 04:42 PM

Xenos (Moon Knight foe)
09-27-2015, 07:00 PM

Ytitnedion (Tunnelworld sorcerer, Defenders character)
09-27-2015, 07:06 PM

Henry Zurko (professor, Amazing Detective Cases #14)
09-27-2015, 07:25 PM

Front page updated.
Atomic Skeletons of Paris (Blue Marvel foes)
09-28-2015, 11:23 AM

Bombshell (Wendy Conrad, Death-Throws member, former partner of Oddbal/Healey)
09-28-2015, 11:46 AM

Canary (Amalgam)
09-28-2015, 01:13 PM

Dragonclaw (Silk foe/ally)
Eduardo M.  
09-28-2015, 06:38 PM

Herbert Eagle (Fantastic Four character, State University dean)
09-28-2015, 07:07 PM

The Fawn Woman (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foe, Best of the West #4)
09-28-2015, 07:29 PM

Globalita (promo character, Iron Man ally)
09-29-2015, 11:45 AM

Caleb Halloway (western character, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
09-29-2015, 03:59 PM

Inertia (Earth-712's Redeemers & Squadron Supreme)
09-29-2015, 04:05 PM

Janus (Derangers)
09-29-2015, 04:28 PM

Boris Kuzov (scientist, Strange Tales #18)
09-30-2015, 08:17 AM

Legion Accursed (Secret Wars II villain team)
09-30-2015, 08:48 AM

Manta (Imperial Guard member)
09-30-2015, 11:59 AM

Cookie Novak (50s war character, Combat Kelly friend)
09-30-2015, 02:32 PM

Ogress (Riot Squad member)
10-01-2015, 08:30 AM

Phastos (Eternals of Earth, technologist)
10-01-2015, 11:53 AM

Quark (Earth-92131)
Eduardo M.  
10-01-2015, 01:16 PM

Revenant (Wright)
10-01-2015, 02:22 PM

Surgeon (Mystery Men)
10-01-2015, 04:40 PM

Toby (Human Meteor sidekick)
Eduardo M.  
10-01-2015, 07:48 PM

Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation.
This has needed an update.
10-01-2015, 08:34 PM

That's already been suggested (it's in the list on the front page of this thread).
10-02-2015, 08:38 AM

Veda (Magdalena Marie Neuntaben, member of the Initiative's team The Order)
10-02-2015, 11:39 AM

Mary Jane Watson (Earth-92131)
10-02-2015, 09:38 PM

X-Men (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
10-03-2015, 07:14 AM

Young Allies (modern day 'not-a-team,' fought Bastards of Evil)
10-03-2015, 11:59 AM

Zinyov (dictator, Marvel Tales #125)
10-03-2015, 02:59 PM

Agent Axis (the Italian+German+Japan Nazi agent)
10-03-2015, 03:41 PM

Front page updated.
Seems last round had several duplicates (Herbert Eagle, Revenant and Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation) that need to be replaced. E, R, an U is reserved for Eduardo M. to replace.
As of the end of last round there have been 1,222 entries equaling 47 handbooks.
Bayonet (Department H operative)
10-03-2015, 04:20 PM

Cyclops (Earth-92131)
10-03-2015, 04:27 PM

Deathstroke (Tani Uriuson, assassin, Spider-Woman foe, killed 'auditioning' for position with Red Skull)
10-03-2015, 04:33 PM

Energy Drainers (Captain America foes)
10-03-2015, 05:09 PM

Fire People (Mystery Tales #23)
10-04-2015, 11:44 AM

Are G suggestions running low? I've still got three dozen I haven't used yet.
10-04-2015, 01:04 PM

Ghast (Department of Occult Armaments member)
10-04-2015, 06:34 PM

Caleb Hammer (Old West character, Pinkerton, one of the few survivors of Wonderment's clash with night riders)
10-04-2015, 06:54 PM

Ivory (What The?)
Eduardo M.  
10-04-2015, 07:01 PM

Reno Jones (Wild West hero, former Phantom Rider)
10-04-2015, 07:02 PM

Kevlor (Nomextra's partner, Pyro foe)
10-04-2015, 08:36 PM

Lakoonda (Adventures into Terror #20)
10-05-2015, 06:22 AM

Miss Fury (Marla Drake, Golden Age heroine, costume alleged to be a magical panther skin, aka Black Fury)
Question: After this round, does anybody want to post their own A-Z list again?
10-05-2015, 11:46 AM

skippcomet wrote:

Miss Fury (Marla Drake, Golden Age heroine, costume alleged to be a magical panther skin, aka Black Fury)
Question: After this round, does anybody want to post their own A-Z list again?

Ooh, good one. I would want her handbook entry to include the rest of her newspaper strip run that wasn't reprinted in Timely's Miss Fury series. As for doing some more of our own A-Z lists, I would be fine with that.
10-05-2015, 02:38 PM

Neuron Nelson (Hostess villains, Captain Marvel foe)
Sure why not another round of our own A to Z list.
10-05-2015, 03:01 PM

Septimus Overstreet (Men’s Adventures #22)
Eduardo M.  
10-05-2015, 05:28 PM

Phantom Rider (Jaime Slade, Mockingbird foe)
10-05-2015, 05:43 PM

Quasar the Future Man (Iron Man foe)
10-05-2015, 06:25 PM

Rudolf Rassendyll (Marvel Classics Comics #29)
10-06-2015, 03:57 AM

Slingshot (Yo Yo Rodriguez, Griffin/Johnny Horton's daughter, one of Nick Fury's Secret Warriors)
10-06-2015, 07:53 AM

Thane (Thanos' son)
10-06-2015, 12:00 PM

The Utah Kid (Outlaw Fighters #4)
10-07-2015, 05:55 AM

Virgo (Elaine McLaughlin, Zodiac Cartel)
10-07-2015, 12:12 PM

The Wax Men (Adventures into Terror #24)
10-08-2015, 11:32 AM

How are we going to do further individual rounds of A-Z if apparently no one besides me has any X suggestions left?
10-08-2015, 12:31 PM

X-Ternals aka Externals (Gideon's group also known as the High Lords)
10-08-2015, 05:35 PM

Yologarch (composite A.I. based on Tesla's technology and attributes of Loki, Ultron, Red Skull, & Dr. Doom; fought Red She-Hulk)
10-08-2015, 05:37 PM

Tommy Zuma (What The?)
I guess the individual A-Z lists can begin now. How many rounds will we do this time?
10-08-2015, 05:50 PM

Axis (Marvel: The Lost Generation character)
Black Wolf (Department H operative)
Cannibal (Black Panther foe)
Doomsday Man (Energy Drainers member, Captain America foe)
Eiffel Flower (X-Men international reject)
Factious Five (Sentry foes)
Gargoyle Brothers (Department of Occult Armaments members)
Hound (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Insecticide (Humbug foe)
Jones, Indiana (Earth 1961, Grandson encountered by Reed Richard on Mars)
Kensington, Philomena (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Lord Quietus (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Master Mental (Merzah the Mystic’s Neuronauts character)
Necromancer (Deadpool ally, SHIELD agent)
Ogre (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Power Corp (Russian Team, mentioned only)
Quogg (Tales to Astonish monster)
Raidus (Micoverse villain, Scarlet Spider/Venom foe)
Spectrum (Spider-Man foe/character)
Tanager (Air Force member, New Warriors foe)
Un-Human (Skaa, Journey into Mystery monster)
Vunderknight (1959 Avengers foe)
Wattage Waster (Energy Drainers member, Captain America foe)
Xom (World of Fantasy monster)
Y'Androgg (Thing/Olympians foe)
Zoids (What The? characters)
Andy E. Nystrom  
10-08-2015, 06:35 PM

For E and F, E focuses on the world as a whole while F is more team focussed)

Annie (LMD friend of Red Hulk)
Blue Marvel (Marvel Boy duplicate)
Charlie America (Not Brand Ecch version of Captain America)
Emmanuel Da Costa (White Rook of the Hellfire Club and Sunspot’s dad)
Earth-Bullpen (world where Marvel staffers are the Fantastic Four)
Fantastic Four (of Earth-Bullpen)
Goose Rider (Larval Earth hero from Marvel Tails)
Holly (artificial lifeform created by Iron Man obsessed with breast cancer awareness)
Isis (Heliopolitan goddess)
Jester (Crazy Gang)
Killraven’s Freemen (Martians fighters in the future)
Billie Lumpkin (Willie Lumpkin’s daughter)
Manhattan (where a sizable percentage of Marvel stories take place)
Nevermind (informal name for a parasitic Hulk foe)
Oneg the Prober (Celestial)
Pretty Boy (Reaver)
Quasar’s Wrist Bands (power devices)
R.U. Reddy (Thunderriders/Team America)
Secret Wars Earth (from toy line descriptions; differs from 616’s Secret Wars involvement in key ways such as Iceman being present, Magneto being a villain, characters receiving coded messages, etc)
Taurus (Cornelius van Lunt; Zodiac member)
Uranians (gave Marvel Boy his abilities)
Vapor (U-Foes)
Myron Wilburn (Project: Pegasus)
X-Men imposters (Skrulls; tricked Gladiator)
Yakkety Yates (Leatherneck Raiders)
Zeus (Earth-Hercules in the 30th Century; basically the villain of the second Hercules mini-series)
10-08-2015, 07:21 PM

A-Wet-man (What The?)
Bruklan (fictional country in The Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]#11, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Cannonball (Earth-92131)
Sandra Danning (Leopard Girl foe, Jungle Action #1)
Elric of Melnibone (appeared in two issues of a Conan story as well as a few of his own)
Huckleberry Finn (Marvel Classics Comics #7)
Galactiac (Amalgam)
Hannibal (historical figure, Battleground #3)
Gil Ingle (western character, Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine pulp vol. 3 #1)
Pete Jenkins (murderer, Crimefighters #6)
Stanislaw Klemp (FF foe)
The Lost Kingdom (Lorna the Jungle Queen #5)
El Mazidor (fictional country in Spellbound #23, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Don Nelson (romance character, Love Tales #38)
Otar (alien invader, Marvel Tales #119)
Powerhouse Pepper (40s character)
Quog (boar, Ka-Zar animal)
Rathia (Namor foe, The Human Torch #5B)
Solitaire (Ultraverse)
Mike Trapp (40s detective)
Ushijima (General, Battle #17)
The Valley of the Mists (hides an unnamed fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Adventures into Terror #27)
Willie (40s humor character)
Charles Xavier (Earth-92131)
Yogi Zamor (Father Time foe, Captain America Comics #10)
Zelda (witch, Homer the Happy Ghost character)
10-09-2015, 12:14 PM

How many rounds are we going to do of individual A-Z lists?
Andy E. Nystrom  
10-09-2015, 07:26 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

How many rounds are we going to do of individual A-Z lists?

(Wearing my participant hat, not my moderator hat, so this is purely a suggestion): I suggest giving it a few days as opposed to a few rounds and see how much traffic it's getting. If the traffic is high, let it go on a bit longer, if low, switch back to singles.
vanhornluke 10-09-2015, 10:37 PM

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

(Wearing my participant hat, not my moderator hat, so this is purely a suggestion): I suggest giving it a few days as opposed to a few rounds and see how much traffic it's getting. If the traffic is high, let it go on a bit longer, if low, switch back to singles.

That makes sense. Since no one has posted a list in over 24 hours, I'll post another and wait to see if anyone else wants to as well.
The Atomic Man (supervillain, Astonishing #31)
James Bond
Captain America (Earth-92131)
Nosey Dame (What The?)
Ed (Headline Hunter editor, 40s character)
Fire God (Jungle Tales vol. 1 #3)
Gabbino (swami, Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foe, Tim Holt #26)
Tommy Henderson (Amazing Man sidekick)
Juan Castillo Ibanez (Two-Gun Kid [Harder]friend, Two-Gun Kid #15)
JLX (Amalgam)
Betty Knight (50s humor/romance character)
Louis the Lump (mobster, Justice #36)
Tex Morgan (western character)
Rocky Nolan (boxer, Girl Comics #9)
Mike O’Leary (Sgt., Spy Fighters #10)
Peter (biblical figure, Strange Tales #11)
Quaqui (African tribe, Lorna the Jungle Girl #11)
The Red-Robed Rainmakers (Spider-Man foes)
The Squad (Ultraverse)
Bolivar Trask (Earth-10005)
Unhumans (Not Brand Echh)
The Vulture (commie fighter pilot, Combat Kelly #12)
Widgit Witch (40s humor character)
James Xavier (Earth-92131)
Warren Yenser (state trooper, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 9 #1)
Zugg (cannibals, Men’s Adventures #25)
10-10-2015, 12:04 AM

American Kaiju (New Avengers foe)
Big Mouth (Hostess villain, Capain Marvel foe)
Captain Armenia (Crazy Magazine character)
Demolition Derby (Hostess Villain, Spider-Man foe)
Elderly Man (Crazy Magazine character)
Fly (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Gudrun the Golden (Hostess villain, Thor foe)
Home Wrecker (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Incredible Wino (Crazy Magazine character)
Jack Chain (NuHuman, New Warriors foe)
Krishnaman (Crazy Magazine character)
Legal Eagle (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
McBrain (Hostess villain, Daredevil foe)
New Genix (Marvel Comics Presents team)
Orb (Neo member)
Photoman (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Qubit (Nova Corps)
Ricochet Monster (Hostess villain, Thor foe)
Smart Alec (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Tektos (Marvel UK team)
Uzi (Grip member)
Vice (Grip member)
Waterman (Hostess villain, Iron Man foe)
Xiong (Chinese mutant, Depowered on M-Day)
Young, Jebediah (S.H.I.E.L.D./HAMMER agent)
Zodiac (Spider-Man/Mockingbird foes)
Edited front page
3 duplicates from previous rounds need replacing. Herbert Eagle, Revenant and Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation all by Eduardo M so he has first shot at replacing them if not someone else may fill the three slots.
10-10-2015, 11:51 AM
Angelicknight that last list could almost have been titled The Official Marvel Handbook to Sweet and Sticky Supervillains.

Also, I just noticed a goof on the front page. Otar should be a single name. The "Don" you put with his name should actually go with the "Nelson" from Love Tales #38.
Andy E. Nystrom  
10-10-2015, 02:11 PM

I would delete the word "reformed" from Quagmire; when he battled Quasar he was cured of his brainwashing and back to a villain. Also, since this thread seems to be sticking around, I suggest highlighting characters who get covered for real with another colour in the full list (e.g. Zsaji is supposed to be in the upcoming Secret Wars book)
Adaptoid ("Frank Senic"; defective artificial lifeform with similar abilities to the Super-Adaptoid)
Bagmom (Middle East country visited by Howard the Duck)
California [state that was or is the base of Avengers West Coast (just south of LA), Champions (LA), Daredevil and Black Widow (San Francisco)]
Doctor Strange (1970s TV movie)
Earth-616 (where most Marvel stories take place; nope, it's never had its own entry except in Appendices)
Flecken (alien race normally resembling domestic cats; only one surviving adult but numerous offspring)
Ben Grimm (alternate reality Thing cured by Thing-616)
Human Scorch (Not Brand Ecch)
Iceman (Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends series)
Jade Tiger Amulet (used in fragments by the Sons of the Tiger and as a whole by various White Tigers)
Kingpin (from Daredevil movie)
Limbo (various realms; some or all could be the same place)
Man-Thing's Swamp (Florida Everglades area containing the Nexus of All Realities)
Needle (Night Shift member)
Normie Osborn (Harry and Liz Osborn's son) - this is the 616 version
Persuasion (formerly Purple Girl; Purple Man's daughter)
Quicksilver (X-Men: Days of Future Past movie)
Ringmaster of Death (Fritz Tiboldt)
Roxanne Simpson (John Blaze's wife) - an argument could be made for putting her under the B's but when I did a keyword search I found out that Roxanne Blaze is also the name of a porn star so I decided it's best for all concerned to put her under her maiden area.
Tommy (Morlock)
Una (Mar-Vell's ex girlfriend)
Vertigo (Savage Land Mutants)
Watcher-Watcher (Marvel Apes alien)
X-Men (What If? 27 What if Phoenix Had Not Died?)
Yrds (alien race)
Zundamites (alien race)
10-10-2015, 03:55 PM

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I would delete the word "reformed" from Quagmire; when he battled Quasar he was cured of his brainwashing and back to a villain. Also, since this thread seems to be sticking around, I suggest highlighting characters who get covered for real with another colour in the full list (e.g. Zsaji is supposed to be in the upcoming Secret Wars book)

Una (Mar-Vell's ex girlfriend) is already on the list.
I agree. There is several on the list that have been covered at some point in time as well. Andy feel free to edit, change or add whatever you want to the list you keep much better track of who has and has not been covered than i do.
Front page updated.
Angelicknight 10-10-2015, 04:37 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Angelicknight, that last list could almost have been titled The Official Marvel Handbook to Sweet and Sticky Supervillains.
Also, I just noticed a goof on the front page. Otar should be a single name. The "Don" you put with his name should actually go with the "Nelson" from Love Tales #38.

Now corrected not sure how i done that one
Andy E. Nystrom  
10-10-2015, 06:02 PM

Sorry about the Una error. Replace with Ben Urich (from the future seen in Daredevil: End of Days)
10-11-2015, 12:39 AM

Alaric (invader, Battle #32)
Boot-Camp Brady (50s war character)
Choice (Ultraverse)
Dolly Dill (40s humor character)
Elijah (biblical figure)
Frankenstein Monster (Harry Bennett) (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foe, The Ghost Rider #10)
Gnatman (Not Brand Echh)
Zona Henderson (Amazing Man companion)
Arnold Isch (Sheriff, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 9 #3)
Jubilee (Earth-92131)
Korea Kate (Commie propagandist, Battlefront #15)
Lo-Zar (jungle character)
Mexican Pete (Masked Raider companion)
Norma Norman (Love Adventures #10)
The Offending Society (Amalgam)
Prototype (Jimmy Ruiz) (Ultraverse)
Quinn (Colonel, Combat Kelly #16)
Ringo Kid (western character, Western Outlaws and Sheriffs #73)
Spider-Man (Earth-7642)
Mike Trent (40s detective, Lawbreakers Always Lose #1)
Ulavitch (commie, Uncanny Tales #22)
Vani Hu (fictional country in Adventures into Weird Worlds #29, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
The White Wizard (Spider-Man foe)
X-Men (Earth-7642)
Yarmuike (What The?)
Zipantoric (Mayan fire god, Dynamic Science Stories pulp #1)
10-11-2015, 11:25 PM

Aries (Marcus Lassiter, Grover Raymond, & Oscar Gordon, all members of the Zodiac Cartel; think the entries for Grasshopper & Sq. Sinister's Dr. Spectrum)
Bling! (Roxanne Washington, X-Men character, Jean Grey School student)
Izzy Cohen (Howling Commandos member)
Domino (Dominic Dunsinane, information broker, helped the Scourge program)
Enforcer (Charles Delazney Jr., foe of multiple heroes, first known Scourge victim)
Fandral the Dashing (one of the Warriors Three)
Genegineer (Daniel Moreau, Genoshan scientist, oversaw transformation of Genoshan mutants into mutates)
Hollywood (Reality-691's Simon Williams in the 31st century)
Insidio (Ovoid scientist, member of the Starblasters)
"Piranha" Jones (former crime boss, foe of Luke Cage & Terror, Inc.)
Knight & Fogg (Spider-Man foes)
Cassandra Locke (time-traveling historian from Earth-700, First Line observer)
Mirage (Desmond Charne, Spider-Man foe, resurrected Scourge victim, dead again)
Numbers (10'-plus tall member of the Technet & Special Executive)
Oshtur (Elder Goddess, part of the Vishanti, mother of Agamotto)
Pit-Viper (double for Viper/Ophelia Sarkissian, would-be ally of Punisher, foe of Captain America & Silver Sable, killed by Viper)
Qabiri (extradimensional world destroyer from the Brilliant City; foe of X-Man/Nate Grey)
Rapido (Roussel Dupont, French cyborg, Punisher foe)
Shatterfist (foe of Thor/Eric Masterson, joined Crimson Cowl's Masters of Evil)
Joanne Tumolo (Cat People, posed as human scientist, Tigra character)
Ultraforce (team of heroes in Ultraverse)
Vibrania (Sharra, Speedball character, Vibranium-powered blasts, died saving kids)
Whizzer (Stanley Stewart of Earth-712's Squadron Supreme)
X-Factor Investigations Headquarters & Transportation
Yap (member of Technet, dependent on Gatecrasher)
Zey-Rogg (Kree cyborg, son of Yon-Rogg & foe of Genis-Vell)
10-12-2015, 01:14 AM

Alpha Prime (Savage Land team)
Beaver (Canada Corp operative)
Cellar (new superhuman prison)
Delectrode (Spider-Man foe)
Electro-Man (Robert Tunstall)
Fantomelle (Wolverines character)
Guiding Light (Soap Opera crossover character)
Hedgehog (Spike Dexter, Marvel Super Hero Roll Playing exemplar character)
Ivar (Prince of Orphans ally)
Junipur (Young Gods ally)
Kaboom (NuHuman, Ms. Marvel foe)
Legumbé (Annual reject, Marvel Year-In-Review character)
Madame Vegan (Portland Avengers member)
Next Wave (Ghost Rider/Silver Sable foes)
Ogre (Wicked Brigade member)
Portland Avengers (parody characters)
Quiet Man (Fantastic Four foe)
Radial (Xavier School reject)
Stealth (Agent (Mason) foe)
Thing Rings (Earth-616 version)
Ultimate Nullifer (Teen Brigade)
Voodonut (Portland Avengers member)
Werewolf (Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Xantia (Super Soldiers member)
Yeti (Kree, Lunatic Legion ally)
Zig-Zag (courier, She-Hulk character)
10-12-2015, 09:38 AM

Front page updated.
Duplicates needing replacements:
Eagle, Herbert (Eduardo M.)
Revenant (Eduardo M.)
Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation (Eduardo M.)
Ms. Marvel (skippcomet)
Andy E. Nystrom  
10-12-2015, 01:32 PM

Slight error in a previous post: the alien race listed as flecken is actually flerken
Avengers (evil alternate reality versions inadvertently rescued by AIM-616)
Baron Blood (Marvel Apes; impersonated Captain America)
Chewie (Captain Marvel’s flerken; currently the only remaining adult)
Doctor Dorcas (Sub-Mariner foe)
Electron (Imperial Guard)
Force (Guardians of the Galaxy-691 foes)
Gatecrasher (leader of the Technet)
Hulk (David Banner; from 1970s TV series)
Impossible Woman (Impossible Man’s “wife”)
J. Jonah Jameson (from 1970s Spider-Man TV series)
Kris Keating (police officer; reluctant ally of Spider-Man)
Leo (LMD Zodiac member)
Miguel (terrorist played by Christopher Lee in Captain America II: Death Too Soon)
Nelson & Murdock (prominent law firm)
Jeannine O’Connell (Project: Pegasus)
Pisces (Noah Perricone of Zodiac)
Quadriverse (dimension)
Rakk 'n' Ruin (Rocket Raccoon’s spaceship)
Spider-Man (from 1970s TV series)
Thor (from Return of the Incredible Hulk)
Ul'lula'ns (alien race)
Virgo (Zodiac LMD)
Watcher (Marvel Apes; not to be confused with Watcher-Watcher)
X-Men (time lost younger versions) – in the unlikely event that the characters remain 616, treat as an event rather than a team; otherwise treat as team
Yellowjacket (Criti Nol; Skrull invader)
Zorak (Thing/Ant-Man foe; no connection to the Space Ghost foe)
10-12-2015, 02:39 PM

Starchy Androods (What The?)
Buzz Brand (50s war character)
Cheyenne Kid (Red Warrior #4)
Disk-Eyes the Detective (40s detective)
Gloria Endicott (criminal, Justice Comics #5)
Francis of Assisi (Francis, Brother of the Universe #1)
The God of Justice (Marvel Tales #123)
Homer Hooper (humor/romance character)
Inedible Bulk (Not Brand Echh)
Jaws (Marvel Super Special #6)
Nikita Khruschev (both the commie human and the alien, Kusoom, who replaced him partway through his administration in Tales to Astonish #31)
Legacy Quest (novels event)
Hugh Mann (robot infiltrator, Journey into Mystery #6)
Frankie Noles (reporter, Crime Cases Comics #26)
O’Malley (Strange Tales #11)
Prototype (Bob Campbell) (Ultraverse)
Quasimodox (Amalgam)
Ringo Kid (western character, Wild Western #26)
Spider-Man (Earth-92131)
Topaz (Ultraverse)
Uhlin (Amazing Man foe, Amazing Man Comics #5)
The Vulture (western character, Outlaw Fighters #2)
The Winchester Kid (lawman, Outlaw Fighters #5)
Xly (alien, Journey into Unknown Worlds #34)
The Yellow Paw (Not Brand Echh)
Zatananana (What The?)
10-12-2015, 02:52 PM

Ok flecken is now changed to flerken
10-12-2015, 05:20 PM

Oooops. Please replace with:
Mirage (Desmond Charne, Spider-Man foe, resurrected Scourge victim, dead again)
10-12-2015, 05:54 PM

Ms. Marvel replaced with Mirage
Arachnoid (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Buff (Earth-700029, Generation X movie)
Captain Liechtenstein (Earth-91119, Super Hero Squad cartoon)
DeLauro, Emma/"Rapport" (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Electro (Earth-120703, Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie)
Facade (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
Git (Earth-751263, Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon)
Hypnotia (Earth-534834, Iron Man cartoon)
Invisible Man (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Jones, Jessica (Earth-199999 Jessica Jones TV series)
Kilmartin, Jesse/"Synergy" (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Lucid (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
Molecule Kid (Avengers Assemble cartoon)
Nephilia (Earth-8107, Spider-Man cartoon)
Owl (Earth-92131, Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon)
Plymouth Rocker (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Quicksilver (Earth-92131, X-Men: The Animated series cartoon)
Refrax (Earth-700029, Generation X movie)
Sparkplug (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Torpid (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
Ultimo (Earth-8096, Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes cartoon)
Vulture (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Ward, Grant (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
X-23 (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
Yondu (Earth-199999, Guardians of the Galaxy movie)
Zodiac (Earth-730784, Avengers: United They Stand cartoon)
Front page updated.
10-13-2015, 12:31 PM

Angelicknight, isn't the Quasimodo you just suggested already listed (from the Hulk vs. Quasimodo comic, which is just a comic adaptation of a cartoon episode)?
10-13-2015, 02:55 PM

same character but the comic and show are considered different even though its an adaptation of the episode. Per the Marvel Appendix the comic could actual be Earth-616.
10-13-2015, 03:28 PM

That's weird. Why would that be? Consider the 90s cartoons and their comic adaptations. I would think both are Earth-92131. After all, the original comic stories are set in the same earth as the cartoon, so why wouldn't the comic adaptations be as well, which are from the precursor series to the original stories?
10-13-2015, 03:51 PM

Not sure i always considered them the same till the appendix entry and may yet turn out to be the same. I will replace him with Quicksilver (Earth-92131, X-Men: The Animated series) so that there is no confusion.
Ok i need suggestions for replacements for duplicates Herbert Eagle, Revenant and Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation anyone? First come, first serve.
10-13-2015, 05:32 PM

Here are my three suggested replacements:
Ellen (Firearm girlfriend, Ultraverse)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (historical figure)
Upakiis (cannibal tribe, Lorna the Jungle Girl #12)
And my next A-Z list:
Arch E (Not Brand Echh)
The Black Baron (Astonishing #22)
Winston Churchill (historical figure)
Rodrigo Dorez (plantation owner, Uncanny Tales #11)
Erricone (mobster, All-True Crime #42)
Frankie and Johnnie (World’s Greatest Songs Illustrated #1)
Gladiator (Earth-7642)
The Headless Horsemen (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foes, Tim Holt #28)
Iron Man (Earth-92131)
Jeep Jones (40s war character)
Kismet Deadly (Ultraverse)
Lecks Loothor (What The?)
Margie (humor character)
Nightman (Ultraforce cartoon)
Org (prehistoric man, Spellbound #23)
Primevil (Ultraverse)
Peter Quinn (Earth-92131)
Rio Kid (western character, Love Adventures #6)
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle (Marvel Super Special #34)
Terra-X (Amalgam)
Ben Urich (Earth-701306, Daredevil movie)
The Vulture (Earth-92131)
Wolverine (Earth-92131)
Xyl (alien invader, Marvel Tales #126)
Ross Yarby (Sgt, War Comics #31)
Zombo (Rockman foe, U.S.A. Comics #2)
10-13-2015, 10:14 PM

Amador, Akela (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Black Knight (Earth-83930, Nightman TV series)
Chase, Prof. Jonathan/"Manimal" (Earth-83930, Nightman TV series)
D.I.S.K.s (Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
Electro (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Fox, Shalimar/"ShadowFox" (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Gamma Ray (Earth-700089, Fantastic Four cartoon)
Hybrid (Earth-534834, Incredible Hulk cartoon)
Iron Fist (Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
Jaiying (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
King Cobra (Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
Lightwave (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Mainframe (Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. cartoon)
Nightwoman (Earth-83930, Nightman TV series)
O'Malley, Karen (Earth-751263, Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon)
Petrodax (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series cartoon)
Quicksilver (Earth-199999, Avengers: Age of Ultron movie)
Ross, Jonah (Earth-8107, Incredbile Hulk cartoon)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Talon (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series catoon)
Ultron (Earth-199999, Avengers: Age of Ultron movie)
Videoman (Earth-8107, villain, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Whistler (Earth-92131, Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon)
X-Factor (Earth-92131, X-Men: The Animated series cartoon)
Yamada, Naoko (Earth-751263, Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon)
Zodiac (Earth-101001, Iron Man Anime)
Front page updated.
10-14-2015, 06:22 PM

All-Star Winners Squadron (Amalgam)
Black Bart (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foe, The Ghost Rider #9)
Yusuf Caramelli (pasha, historical figure, Battle #21, Marines in Battle #4, #6)
Devil Shark (Men’s Adventures #25)
W. E. Eggleston (Detective, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 2 #6)
The Fly-Man (Mystic #29)
The Green Gagsters (Spider-Man foes)
Eustace Hayseed (40s humor character)
Invisible Woman (Earth-7642)
The Jokester (What The?)
Fred Kinsey (criminal, Crimefighters #4)
Lord Pumpkin (Ultraverse)
Meteor Man (Jefferson Reed)
Lilandra Neramani (Earth-92131)
Bill Oatis (war character, Men’s Adventures #17)
Pretorious (Earth-7642)
Quill (Earth-10005)
Rio Kid (western character, Wild Western #27)
Stuporman (Not Brand Echh)
Thor (Earth-534834)
Ultraforce (Ultraforce cartoon)
The Vulture (Lorna foe, Lorna the Jungle Queen #4)
The Witch of Landor (Uncanny Tales #7)
P. Xavier (Earth-10005)
Kip Yarby (US Marshal, Outlaw Fighters #1)
Zip-Zap (Ultraverse)
10-14-2015, 07:57 PM

Ok after this multi round i am gonna hold off to give everyone a chance to get back in on the single rounds since it only seems to be me and vanhornluke doing the multi rounds now.
All-Captains Squad (Earth-91119, Super Hero Squad cartoon)
Boston Terroriers (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Captain Brazil (Earth-91119, Super Hero Squad cartoon)
Damaskinos, Nyssa (Earth-26320, Blade movies)
Eckhart, Mason (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Frye's Creature (Earth-400005, Incredible Hulk, TV series)
Gamesmaster (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Howling Commandos (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Infinata (Earth-6799, Spider-Man cartoon)
Jubilee (Earth-700029, Generation X movie)
Kane, Adam (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Lee, Teri (Earth-92131, Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon)
Mulwray, Brennan/"Fuse" (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Nomak, Jared (Earth-26320, Blade movies)
Owlsey, Leland (Earth-199999, Daredevil TV series)
Pierce, Lexa (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
Quicksilver (Earth-11052, X-Men: Evolution cartoon)
Raina (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Smith, Prof. Hiawatha (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
Turbo Jet (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series catoon)
Ultron (Avengers Assemble cartoon)
Vision (Earth-730784, Avengers: United They Stand cartoon)
Whirlwind (Avengers Assemble cartoon)
X-Men (Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
Yellowjacket (Earth-199999, Ant-Man movie)
Zzzax (Earth-8096, Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes cartoon)
10-14-2015, 09:56 PM

Okay, switching back to single suggestions makes sense.
Avengers (Earth-7642)
10-15-2015, 12:33 AM

Boddy, Noah (Earth-6799, Spider-Man cartoon)
Andy E. Nystrom  
10-15-2015, 12:13 PM

Chrysler Building (New York landmark; became sentient during World War Hulk)
10-15-2015, 12:33 PM

Daniel (Bible Tales for Young People #5)

Andy E. Nystrom
10-15-2015, 04:03 PM

Earth Force (foes turned allies of Thor)
10-15-2015, 04:22 PM

Freakout (Derangers member)
10-15-2015, 04:41 PM

Goblyn (Alpha Flight character, deformed mutant girl, sister of Pathway/Laura Dean)
10-15-2015, 04:47 PM

Hako (giant hawk, Jungle Action #3)
10-15-2015, 05:09 PM

Infestation (Hellions)
10-16-2015, 09:34 AM

el Jaguar (Ramon de Rico, Daredevil foe, Hydra member, Scourge victim)
10-16-2015, 12:20 PM

Kurt (Nazi, Rugged Action #1)
10-16-2015, 03:50 PM

Lost Boy (Offer’s Squad, Wolverine character)
10-17-2015, 11:27 AM

Macbeth (Shakespearean character, Adventures into Terror #27)
10-18-2015, 12:26 AM

Nephrus (ancient Egyptian wizard, enemy of the Living Mummy)
10-18-2015, 11:52 AM

Presley O’Bannon (marine, Marines in Battle #6)
10-18-2015, 03:07 PM

Prima Donna (Initiative/Action Pack member)
10-19-2015, 06:40 AM

Quicksilver (Earth-295/Age of Apocalypse counterpart of Pietro Maximoff)
10-19-2015, 07:09 AM

Rodgers, Nikki (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
10-19-2015, 12:04 PM

Sweetface (Ultraverse)
10-19-2015, 05:19 PM

Trull the Unhuman (alien whose life essence took over a steam shovel, later Ghost Rider foe)
10-20-2015, 11:50 AM

USAjerk (What The?)
10-20-2015, 02:07 PM

Voodoo Chile (Doctor Voodoo's pretend nephew)
10-20-2015, 09:24 PM

War Eagle (Ultraverse)
10-21-2015, 07:45 AM

X-Club (aka the Science Team, group of specialists gathered to figure out how to "turn on" depowered mutants' X-Genes)
10-21-2015, 02:09 PM

Big Ben Yaeger (mobster, Justice #49)
10-22-2015, 12:06 PM

Does no one else have any more Z suggestions?
10-23-2015, 01:39 AM

Zenith (Imperial Guard member)
Updated front page.
10-23-2015, 08:47 AM

Atom Bob (Ultraverse, member of the Strangers, turned evil & called himself the Pilgrim)
10-23-2015, 11:39 AM

The Buglers in Black (Spider-Man “foes”)
10-23-2015, 03:31 PM

Cyberiad (Earth-8107, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon)
10-23-2015, 10:25 PM

Edmond Dantes (Marvel Classics Comics #17)
10-24-2015, 09:10 AM

E.V.A. (manifestation of Fantomex's nervous system)
10-24-2015, 03:11 PM

Falcon (Earth-7642)
10-24-2015, 03:58 PM

Gaines, Roland & Roxanne (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series catoon)
10-24-2015, 10:10 PM

Hypnotia (Earth-534834)
Angelicknight 10-25-2015, 12:24 AM

vanhornluke wrote:

Hypnotia (Earth-534834)

Already on the list
10-25-2015, 11:54 AM

Oops, sorry. :-( I guess replace with:
Hydro-Man (Earth-92131)
10-25-2015, 08:04 PM

Infectia (X-Factor foe, died of the Legacy Virus)
10-25-2015, 08:20 PM

Jones, Nia (mother of Nick Fury, Jr.)
10-25-2015, 11:11 PM

Hans Krueger (puppeteer, Journey into Mystery #7)
10-26-2015, 10:09 AM

Lady Stilt-Man (criminal successor of the late Wilbur Day/Stilt-Man)
10-26-2015, 10:23 AM

McGee, Jack (Earth-400005, Incredible Hulk, TV series)
10-26-2015, 12:10 PM

Naiad (Ultraverse)
10-26-2015, 06:10 PM

Onyx (Meteor Man foe, partner of Silver)
10-27-2015, 12:35 AM

I'm surprised no one has suggested this one yet:
Prime (Ultraverse)
10-28-2015, 06:48 AM

Quirk (Naomi Torrijos-Washington, Earth-298's 2099 AD, singer, ally & love interest for John Eisenhart/Hulk)
10-28-2015, 01:52 PM

Rusty (40s humor character)
10-28-2015, 03:47 PM

Salem's Witch (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
10-28-2015, 11:23 PM

The Three Musketeers
10-28-2015, 11:45 PM

Uhalf, Arda (ancestor of Secret Warrior Sandra Murphy, defeated the demon Aeshma and claimed his mace for himself and his descendants)
10-29-2015, 12:17 PM

The Vultures (Black Rider foes, Wild Western #39)
10-29-2015, 04:25 PM

Wrangler (Laralie, rope-wielding assassin, joined Superia's Femizons)
10-30-2015, 12:10 PM

X (monster, Earth-11911)
10-31-2015, 07:49 AM

Gale Yee (Ultraverse, Night Man supporting character, former girlfriend of Chalk)
10-31-2015, 02:34 PM

Zzzax (Earth-534834)
11-01-2015, 12:17 AM

Front page updated.
Ashlocke, Gabriel (Earth-704509, Mutant X TV series)
11-01-2015, 10:51 AM

Billy Buckskin (western character)
11-02-2015, 02:32 AM

Crimson Dynamo (Dimitri Bukharin, formerly known as Airstrike) (Hey, if Gavrilov can get a separate entry...)
11-02-2015, 11:18 AM

Mirielle Duplessis (Earth-7642)
11-03-2015, 12:20 PM

I've got plenty of E suggestions left, but I just did D.
Andy E. Nystrom  
11-03-2015, 03:34 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

I've got plenty of E suggestions left, but I just did D.

Earth-S (712): home of Squadron Supreme (due to the various Earths, E is actually one of the easiest letters).
A suggestion: sometimes there's the question of when to do a run through the alphabet or just individual letters. How about people can do a run through the alphabet at any time, only they have to start with the most recent letter? So someone could either do F next or F-E (there's actual precedent in the real handbooks: the last hardcover went Z-Y). Doesn't matter much to me either way so feel free to toss the suggestion if you don't like. I just thought it might make for an interesting exercise.
11-03-2015, 03:38 PM

Fancy Dan (Dan Brito, member of the Enforcers)
11-03-2015, 04:09 PM

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

A suggestion: sometimes there's the question of when to do a run through the alphabet or just individual letters. How about people can do a run through the alphabet at any time, only they have to start with the most recent letter? So someone could either do F next or F-E (there's actual precedent in the real handbooks: the last hardcover went Z-Y). Doesn't matter much to me either way so feel free to toss the suggestion if you don't like. I just thought it might make for an interesting exercise.

I think that's a really cool idea. Anyone else on board with this?
Galactus (Earth-7642)
11-05-2015, 09:37 AM

Hildegarde (member of the Valkyrior, accompanied Thor Odinson on several adventures)
11-05-2015, 05:03 PM

No one else has chimed in on Andy's idea. I like it, but I wouldn't want to start doing that if others are opposed to it.
Ivransen (professor, Mystery Tales #29)
Andy E. Nystrom  
11-05-2015, 05:29 PM

Jotunheim (one of Asgard's Nine Worlds).
I think skippcomet should make the final call on my idea, as the thread starter.
11-06-2015, 12:07 AM

Ka-Zar (Earth-7642)
11-06-2015, 07:49 AM

Sorry, guys, I'd thought I'd given it an okay with my last post, but that somehow got lost. If anybody feels they've got the stuff to do it, go ahead.
Right now, though, I'm just doing a single one...
Legba (Eternal)
...So if anybody wants to do M-L or whichever, feel free.
11-06-2015, 01:00 PM

Mjnari (Earth-92131, X-Men: The Animated series cartoon)
11-06-2015, 01:41 PM

Nail (Ultraverse)
Ozma (Princess, Ozma of Oz)
Pa Tat (Belgian superhero)
Clay Quartermain (Earth-5724, Nick Fury movie)
Russian Bill (outlaw, Arizona Kid #3)
The Swami (Journey into Mystery #18)
John Tyler (president, historical figure)
Jimmy Urich (Amalgam)
Vyr (Ultraverse)
War Machine (Earth-534834)
Xxmth (inhabited asteroid, Astonishing #20)
Yaeger Brothers (bank robbers, Annie Oakley #5)
Zabu (Earth-7642)
The Avenger (western character, Outlaw Fighters #2)
Jane Bryant (Menace #4)
Cyclops (Earth-7642)
The Duke of Borazzo (Mystery Tales #10)
David Eyl (50s war character, Men in Action #6)
Nick Fury (Earth-7642)
Henry Gyrich (Earth-92131)
Hydro-Man (Earth-534834)
Martha Ives (romance character, My Own Romance #29)
Just-a-League (What The?)
Ashley Kafka (Earth-7642)
Lex Luthor (member of Machiavelli Club)
Mystique (Earth-7642)
11-07-2015, 04:56 PM

Network (Sarah Vale, depowered Xavier student, killed by Stryker's forces)
11-07-2015, 11:22 PM

Ellen O’Faye (western character, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
11-08-2015, 12:06 PM

Primal (Teon Macik, X-Men, one of the Five Lights)
11-08-2015, 08:00 PM

Quasimodo (Earth-11911)
11-09-2015, 01:29 AM

Razorfist (hero, partner of Spiral)
11-09-2015, 07:26 AM

Spider-Girl (Anya Corazon, formerly known as Arana -- think the first All-New A-Z 12-issue series' last issue's entries for Venom/Gargan and Winter Soldier after they'd previously been covered as Scorpion and Bucky)
(There's been several characters who've been already covered in one identity who've since changed to new identities. Does anybody object to including them in their new identities in this thread, or do you think we should limit this thread only to "entries" that have not been covered by the OHOTMU staff at all [yet]? 'Cause if so, I can come up with a new "S" entry.)
11-09-2015, 12:01 PM

I think it's fine to suggest entries that need updating (I know Andy has suggested some of these already), and I don't think it should matter if the character's name has changed.
Adam Tyler (scientist, Strange Tales #20-21)
11-09-2015, 02:10 PM

Ultratex (Malibu based company whose corporate "spokesmask" is the armored Working Model)
11-09-2015, 10:12 PM

Vonntor (murderer, Uncanny Tales #14)
11-10-2015, 02:07 PM

Working Model (armored corporate "spokesmask" for Ultratex)
11-10-2015, 05:02 PM

X-Men Forever (Earth-161, has unique historical & familial differences from -616 & most other realities, particularly regarding the X-Men)
11-10-2015, 05:33 PM

Trigger Yaeger (outlaw, Western Outlaws #8)
11-10-2015, 06:59 PM

Zyklon (Heinrich Himmler, Lethal Legion member)
Front page updated.
11-11-2015, 01:46 AM

A’Charr (Ultraverse)
11-11-2015, 08:36 AM

Black Abbot (resurrected Scourge victim)
11-11-2015, 10:13 AM

Chat (Earth-616, Spider-Girl character)
11-11-2015, 11:32 AM

Randolph Duke (member of Machiavelli Club)
11-12-2015, 06:43 AM

Eel (Nazi agent, Captain America foe)
11-12-2015, 12:46 PM

Nick Fury (Earth-534834)
11-12-2015, 01:42 PM

Galacta (daughter of Galactus)
11-12-2015, 09:17 PM

Timothy Hale, Jr. (historical figure, Battle #40)
11-13-2015, 12:15 AM

Imperfects (Earth-50701, Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects)
11-13-2015, 10:36 AM

Jabari tribe (Man-Ape's tribe, frequent foes of Black Panther)
11-13-2015, 12:01 PM

Kagago (Jungle Boy foe, Jungle Action #5)
11-13-2015, 12:41 PM

Liberty (Ultraverse)
11-13-2015, 10:25 PM

Ma Yonaise (Belgian superheroine)
11-14-2015, 01:08 AM

Nakamoto, Kenji (SHIELD foe, reality warper)
11-14-2015, 11:44 AM

Oz (fictional location)
11-14-2015, 01:33 PM

Price, Rosalind (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)

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     Thread Starter

1/21/2020 5:29 pm  #13

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Additional historical text from CxPulp
11-14-2015, 11:54 PM

Quattro (Ultraverse team)
Rio Kid (western character, Kid Colt Outlaw #50)
Susan (Marvel Tales #134)
Ty (dinosaur, Adventures into Weird Worlds #30)
Ben Urich (Earth-7642)
George Vance (Jewel thief, Lawbreakers Always Lose #8)
Mary Jane Watson (Earth-7642)
Xerxes (historical figure, Persian invader of Greece, Battle #22, Battlefront #23)
Yamakayaka (50s Combat Kelly friend)
Boris Zubotski (commie spy, Astonishing #24)
Aunty Monitor (What The?)
Brutus (historical figure, Marvel Tales #136)
Culebra (Ultraverse)
Mortimer Duke (member of Machiavelli Club)
The Eyes (Astonishing #30)
Funke (German admiral, Battle #38)
Gwendor (Ultraverse)
Huntress (Amalgam)
Ivanshmoe (Riot #2)
Juggernaut (Earth-92131)
Kali (Kid Colt foe, Black Rider #27)
Lustig (scientist, Marvel Tales #120)
Ma-tuk (mummy, Journey into Unknown Worlds #24)
NuWareWolves (Ultraverse)
Outrage (Ultraverse)
Pyra (Mystery Tales #23)
11-15-2015, 01:25 AM

Quantum Mechanic (Captain Universe foe)
Rama-In-Pajamas (Winter Friends member, Hawkeye character)
Shades (Luke Cage foe)
Thermal Thief (Energy Drainers member, Captain America foe)
Udarnik (Iron Man: Fatal Frontier)
Veteri, Daman (SHIELD scientist, Hulk ally)
Winter Friends (Hawkeye characters)
Xenon (Xavier student, Advocates member)
Yoosuf, Jaafar (Vanguard foe)
Zirconium (Elements of Doom member)
Atua-Thaugul Department of Occult Armaments member
Bestial (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Crane, Julia (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Death Reaper (Nekra’s daughter)
Exocet (Meteor Man foe)
Fin (Intruders member)
Ghoul (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Harkspur Brood (Department of Occult Armaments members)
Inquisition (Taskmaster foes)
Jahrmarkt (carnival, Nightcrawler characters)
Krall, Urgoth (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Lobe (X-Men Foe)
Mudbug (Hellions member)
New Charles Xavier School for Mutants
Ogre (Angel (Halloway) foe)
Psi (Brooklyn Avengers member)
11-15-2015, 05:35 AM

Queen of Crime (1940s crime boss, foe of Human Torch & Toro)
11-15-2015, 03:31 PM

Ra’s Al Ghul (member of Machiavelli Club)
11-15-2015, 05:48 PM

Shuriken (Ultraverse character)
11-15-2015, 11:56 PM

Two-Gun Perry (criminal, Crime Must Lose #9)
11-16-2015, 03:00 PM

University of Atlantis (Atlantean school for superhumans)
11-16-2015, 09:25 PM

von Falkenhausen (Nazi general, Battle #34)
11-17-2015, 08:33 AM

War (Abraham Keiros, X-books character, former Horseman of Apocalypse)
11-17-2015, 02:51 PM

Xplam (technology, Astonishing #40)
11-17-2015, 04:45 PM

Yotat the Destroyer (Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
11-18-2015, 01:04 AM

Zot (alien, Astonishing #39)
11-18-2015, 03:29 PM

Avatar (Alaisa Ruatha Pethnan, Silver Surfer character, empowered by Mistress Love & Sire Hate)
11-18-2015, 10:46 PM

Eva Brun (Journey into Unknown Worlds #32)
11-19-2015, 12:47 PM

Confessor (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Eduardo M.  
11-19-2015, 01:12 PM

Doctor Bultar (Thanos/Adam Warlock foe)
11-19-2015, 03:01 PM

Dallas Eagan (criminal, Lawbreakers Always Lose #2)
11-19-2015, 03:13 PM

Fiber (Wolverine foe)
Front page updated through to the beginning of the current round.
11-19-2015, 05:14 PM

Grenade (Ultraverse, member of the Strangers)
11-19-2015, 06:14 PM

J.D. Hunt (Ultraverse)
11-19-2015, 09:50 PM

Incoming (Ultraverse)
11-20-2015, 11:44 AM

Juggernaut (Earth-10005)
Karl (werewolf victim, Uncanny Tales #23)
Frank Luscher (Colonel, Combat #3)
Machine Gun Kelly (historical figure, Crime Exposed #1)
Numa (Man-oo foe, Jungle Action #1)
John O’Grady (Colonel, Man Comics #17)
Pada (leopard, Jungle Tales vol. 1 #2)
Quicksilver (Earth-91119)
Rush (Ultraverse)
Superbman (What The?)
Two-Gun Kid (Kevin Maplewood)
Uncanny Avengers (Earth-91119)
Vince Vandaree (criminal, All True Crime #39)
Eugene Turbot Weiderspan (Earth-92131)
Sharon Xavier (Earth-92131)
Yvette (ghost, Journey into Mystery #23)
Zaladane (Earth-92131)
Abomination (Earth-7642)
Reno Brown (licensed western character)
Crystal (Earth-534834)
Ken Dugan (time traveler, Marvel Tales #135)
Monk Eastman (murderer, Crime Must Lose #12)
Emma Frost (Earth-92131)
Guy the Gardener (What The?)
Human Torch (Earth-7642)
Ivan (zombie, Astonishing #35)
11-20-2015, 05:01 PM

Jerry Jaxon (Omega Flight founder)
11-21-2015, 12:05 AM

Karnak (Earth-534834)
11-21-2015, 01:10 AM

Leucenstern, Melinda (SHIELD scientist, Hulk ally)
11-21-2015, 12:11 PM

Machine-Gun Maggie (Justice Comics #9)
11-21-2015, 07:54 PM

The Nail (villain team)
11-22-2015, 08:56 AM

Operation: Zero Tolerance (X-title event)
11-22-2015, 01:45 PM

Mary Parker (romance character, Secret Story Romances #1)
11-23-2015, 05:48 PM

Quiet Room (location, Inhumans: Attilan Rising)
Ripfire (Ultraverse character)
Siphon (Wolverines foe)
Thwart (Zoid, What The? character)
Undertow (Atlantean, SURF member)
Volton (former hero, later Invaders foe)
Warhammer (Meteor Man foe)
X-666 (Blackheart servant, X-23 foe)
Yammuz (demon, Ghost Rider foe)
Zheng, Xian (Director of S.P.E.A.R.)
Allergen Gang (Captain America foes)
Black Ant (Secret Avengers foe, Illuminati member)
Coldmoon (Avengers ally, partner of Dragonfire)
Dragonfire (Avengers ally, partner of Coldmoon)
Ember (Bastards of Evil member)
Fuel (Offer’s Squad, Wolverine ally)
Goldfire (Sabuki, V-Battalion member)
Hellblade (Ultraverse character)
Iso (Inhuman)
Jocasta (Gatherers member)
Kreagan, Dr. Emil (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Lash (Inhuman)
Major Violence (Delta City hero, Fight-Man rival)
Nightfire (demon, Illuminator foe)
Orb (Neo member)
Printout Man (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
11-24-2015, 12:43 AM

Quicksliver (What The?)
11-24-2015, 08:43 PM

Repairman (Silk foe)
11-25-2015, 11:01 AM

Sunder (former Morlock, died as one of the Muir Island X-Men)
Terminator (First Generation Spaceknight, killed by Galactus)
Ultimatum (Ultimate Universe event)
Venom (Flash Thompson) Update
Romany Wisdom (Pete Wisdom's sister, ties to British intelligence agencies)
X-Force Headquarters & Transportation (for both Cable's teams & X-Men Strike Force teams)
Dale & Stacey Yorkes (time-traveling criminals, members of the Pride, Gertrude Yorkes' parents)
Zon (flame-powered female member of the New Immortals)
Argo (MC2, son of Hercules)
Bloodhawk (Lemuel Krug, ally/member of Earth-928's X-Men in 2099 AD)
Buck Cowan (confidante of Jack Russell/The Werewolf)
Dragon's Claws (team on Earth-5555 circa 8162 AD)
Entity on the Moon (Ultraverse)
Kat Farrell (Daily Bugle reporter)
Grappler (She-Hulk foe & victim of Scourge)
Hippo (hippopotamus turned into one of HE's New Men, criminal career)
Ironclad (Mike Steele, U-Foes)
Tyrone Jessup (New Univese, member of Psi-Force)
Kid Blackheart (Anton Satan, result of Satanists' plan to create the Antichrist)
Lupa (Savage Land Mutates new member)
Moon Man (Golden Age hero)
Nocturne (Gray Poldark, Earth-9561 hero inspired by that world's Night Raven)
Orikal (prophetic extradimensional being held prisoner by Asgard's Rock Trolls)
Protectors (team of heroes on Earth-1136)
Quarl (other dimension, home of Ka-Zar foes the Sheenarians & Quarlians)
Hans Rooten (son of Dutch WWII resistance fighter, Howling Commandos' mascot)
11-25-2015, 12:03 PM

Superb-Pro (What The?)
11-25-2015, 12:12 PM

Todd (Agent of W.A.N.D., Pandora Peters right hand man)
11-25-2015, 06:48 PM

Ultron (Earth-91119)
11-26-2015, 07:11 AM

Voyager (Divad, former Imperial Guard member)
11-26-2015, 12:36 PM

Wheel of Fortune (mutant, Ultimate X-Men: It's a Wonderful Life story)
11-26-2015, 12:37 PM

Sharon Xavier (Earth-10005)
11-26-2015, 05:54 PM

Young Ultimates (team of young heroes including Miles Morales on Earth-1610)
11-26-2015, 07:19 PM

Zombie (Nick Fury's Howling Commandos)
11-26-2015, 08:36 PM

Aula (Ultraverse)
11-27-2015, 06:44 AM

La Bandera (Wolverine character, mutant South American heroine, killed by Zeitgeist/Everyman)
11-27-2015, 01:01 PM

Crusader (Ultraverse)
Dare (Amalgam)
Earth-58627 (1989 Punisher film)
Franz Froelich (living doll, Astonishing #20)
Casper Gutman (Gentleman ally)
Human Torch (Earth-534834)
Itor (prince, Human Torch foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #21)
Matt Judd (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foe, Tim Holt #21)
Keah (princess, Jungle Action vol. 1 #6)
Lukasz (Mantra, Ultraverse)
Moira MacTaggert (Earth-92131)
Nuglo (alien, Journey into Mystery #26)
Roger Ott (detective, Crime Must Lose #12)
George S. Patton (historical figure)
Jan Quill (Mystic #33)
Rurik (Viking, Battle Action #13)
Super-Skrull (Earth-534834)
Tutakamin (prince, Lorna the Jungle Queen #3)
UltraTech (Ultraverse)
Heinrich von Brenner (Nazi, Men’s Adventures #24)
Wyoming Kid (outlaw, Wild Western #45)
Charles Xavier (Earth-7642)
Yuncy Street Gang (What The?)
Zorna (murderess, Marvel Tales #119)
Attila the Hun (historical figure)
Brothers (cosmic entities, DC vs. Marvel series, Adventures of the X-Men #12)
11-27-2015, 01:06 PM

Front post updated through the beginning of the current round
Orb (Neo member) was a duplicate of mine from a previous round so i replace him with Orbit (Spacemen member, Spider-Man foe)
Chipmunk Hunk (Partner of Koi Boi, Squirrel Girl ally)
11-27-2015, 05:23 PM

Doctor Sax (former foe of Dazzler & partner of Johnny Guitar)
11-27-2015, 06:11 PM

Earthforce (an alternate-reality Ultraforce)
11-27-2015, 06:19 PM

Fitz, Leo (Earth-616, SHIELD)
11-28-2015, 11:29 AM

Gunhawk (Red Larabee, western character)
11-28-2015, 05:40 PM

Hebe (Olympian goddess of youth, former wife of Hercules)
11-28-2015, 08:11 PM

Ichor (Blackheart servant, Ghost Rider (Alejandra) foe)
Junkman of Brooklyn (NuHuman, SHIELD Secret Avengers foe)
Koi Boi (Partner of Chipmunk Hunk, Squirrel Girl ally)
LEOPARD (Douglas Cook, Marvel Super Hero Roll Playing exemplar character)
Malefactor (Meteor Man foe)
Nature Girl (Jean Grey School student)
Overcharge (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Parker, Teresa (CIA agent, possible sister of Spider-Man (Peter Parker))
Quake (Dawn of the White Light member)
Rutland Vermot (Marvel/DC location)
Skull Punch (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Third Power (Night Thrasher/Meteor Man foe)
Uranium (Elements of Doom/Masters of Alchemy member)
Vesper (Legion of Vengeance member)
Witch (Fantastic Four foe, coloring book character)
Xena (Wyrd Sisters, Dark Angel character)
Yuki (Nail member)
Zimmer (SHIELD agent, Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #2)
Arachnikid (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Black Bunny (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Chitauri (Earth-616, alien race)
Dark Matter (villain, Ultimate Spider-Man (TV) Infinite Comic)
Enigma Force (Microverse team)
Feather Boa (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
Ghost Strike (Meteor Man foe)
Haymaker (Furious Five member, Spider-Man foe)
11-29-2015, 12:52 AM

Iceberg (Amalgam)
11-29-2015, 09:42 AM

Jinku ("witch doctor" of the Lava Men, foe of the Avengers & X-Force)
11-29-2015, 02:41 PM

Kwanzaagator (Winter Friends member, Hawkeye character)
11-29-2015, 02:48 PM

Chester Lowre (scientist, Marvel Science Stories pulp vol. 3 #1)
11-30-2015, 12:36 AM

May, Melinda (Earth-616, SHIELD agent)
11-30-2015, 01:43 AM

Nia Noble (daughter of U-Man & Lady Lotus, married Peter Noble/The Fin, ally of New Invaders)
11-30-2015, 12:01 PM

Norman Osborn (Earth-92131)
11-30-2015, 02:12 PM

Petras Petragon (Inhuman, Gorgon's son)
11-30-2015, 08:44 PM

Quinn (Earth-26320)
12-01-2015, 12:19 AM

Rugburn (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
12-01-2015, 10:19 AM

12-02-2015, 07:01 AM

Tantalus (Deviant from the planet Armachedon, conqueror, father of both Blackwulfs)
12-02-2015, 02:25 PM

UltraTech (Ultraforce cartoon)
12-03-2015, 04:38 AM

Veil (Madeline Berry, now depowered former Avengers Academy student)
12-03-2015, 12:18 PM

Diane Wynn (romance character, Love Romances #28)
12-04-2015, 06:24 AM

Xeron the Starslayer (Hulk character, Mobian member of the Starship Andromeda's crew, harpooner)
12-04-2015, 12:40 PM

Yukio (Earth-10005)
12-05-2015, 12:22 PM

Does no one else have any more Z suggestions? I've still got several, but I just did Y.
12-05-2015, 04:07 PM

Zorro (Marvel's edition)
vanhornluke 12-05-2015, 04:23 PM

mal32 wrote:

Zorro (Marvel's edition)

Which Zorro is this? If you're referring to Marvel's 90s adaptation of the Family Channel show, it's already been suggested earlier in the thread.
12-05-2015, 11:00 PM

Atomiumman (Belgian superhero)
12-06-2015, 02:41 AM

I was looking for a Z entry...and then I fell asleep and started producing a different kind of 'zzzzzzzzzzz'.... (Thank you, I'll be here all week!)
Bird-Man (Achille DiBacco, 2nd group of Ani-Men, resurrected Scourge victim)
12-06-2015, 11:54 AM

Cromwell (Ultraforce guy, Ultraverse)
12-06-2015, 08:28 PM

Dusk (Cassie St. Commons, Slingers)
12-07-2015, 11:37 AM

Ego, the Living Planet (Earth-534834)
Frietzak (Belgian superhero)
The Gun-Dance Kid (Cowboy Action #6)
Human Lantern (Amalgam)
Iceberg (Earth-92131)
Benito Juarez (historical figure, Battle #42)
Barton Keller (sheriff, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
Lady Tanaka (Earth-58627)
Magneto (Earth-92131)
Nugget (Annie Oakley’s horse)
Jonny Orchid (criminal, Crime Cases Comics #24)
Peggy (40s humor character)
Quentin (western character, Rawhide Kid #4)
Running Wolf (Arrowhead foe, Arrowhead #2)
Strangers (Ultraverse)
Tut Al-Amaan (mummy, Spellbound #10)
Ultraforce (the alternate-reality team from Ultraforce #Infinity)
Amelia Voght (Earth-92131)
Wreckage (Ultraverse)
X-Ternal (Earth-92131)
Glenn Yourit (What The?)
Angelique Zane (Ultraverse)
Atom Bob (Ultraforce cartoon)
Brother Brood (Amalgam)
Caesar of Crime (Lorna foe, Lorna the Jungle Girl #15)
Duey (Ultraverse)
12-07-2015, 07:57 PM

Front page updated to the start of the current round.
mal32's Zorro (Marvel's edition) is a duplicate needing replacing
Encephalon (Blackheart servant, Red Hulk foe)
12-08-2015, 07:30 AM

Nick Fury (Marvel MAX/Earth-200111)
12-08-2015, 07:38 AM

double post, nothing to see here.
12-08-2015, 11:17 AM

Gun Nut (Ultraverse)
12-08-2015, 11:29 AM

Human Computer (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
12-08-2015, 06:11 PM

Iceman (Earth-92131)
12-08-2015, 07:02 PM

Jiaying (Earth-616, Inhuman)
12-09-2015, 12:59 AM

Karnoff (supervillain, Strange Tales #39)
12-09-2015, 07:08 AM

Liddleville (miniature town created by Dr. Doom & Puppet Master, used to trap FF, also encountered by Micronauts and Meltdown of X-Force)
12-09-2015, 08:01 AM

Makro (Nail member)
12-09-2015, 09:07 AM

Angelicknight wrote:

Front page updated to the start of the current round.

mal32's Zorro (Marvel's edition) is a duplicate needing replacing

ZILLAH of the Hyborian era (from Savage Sword of Conan vol 1 #35)
12-09-2015, 10:37 AM

Namor (Earth-534834)
12-09-2015, 01:06 PM

Otomo (Japanese adventurer, Super-Soldier Serum variant-empowered, Machine Man character)
12-09-2015, 02:28 PM

Parrish, Robin (Avengers Fail Safe Program)
12-09-2015, 02:41 PM

Walt Quinn (western character, Western Outlaws #11)
12-09-2015, 11:12 PM

Rhoda Dendron (Hostess villain, Hulk foe)
12-10-2015, 11:40 AM

Sabretooth (Earth-92131)
12-10-2015, 04:20 PM

Tag Team (Flux foes)
12-11-2015, 01:00 AM

Uwaga (Strange Tales #40)
skippcomet 12-11-2015, 05:21 AM

Angelicknight wrote:

Parrish, Robin (Avengers Fail Safe Program)

According to the Marvel Database, "Robin Parrish" was merely a name that showed up on a list of potential Young Avengers, and no such character actually made an appearance. Moreover, it says when coming up with names to list, YA writer Allan Heinberg just used names of some of his real-life friends, including the real-life Robin Parrish (whose website is http://www.robinparrish.com).
Shouldn't we at least limit ourselves to actual characters who've made at least one actual appearance?
12-11-2015, 06:38 AM

Warlord Kaa (Leader of the Shadow Realm, has attempted to invade/conquer Earth several times)
Angelicknight 12-11-2015, 07:04 AM

skippcomet wrote:

According to the Marvel Database, "Robin Parrish" was merely a name that showed up on a list of potential Young Avengers, and no such character actually made an appearance. Moreover, it says when coming up with names to list, YA writer Allan Heinberg just used names of some of his real-life friends, including the real-life Robin Parrish (whose website is http://www.robinparrish.com).
Shouldn't we at least limit ourselves to actual characters who've made at least one actual appearance?

That being the case we will have to remove several from the list. I have noticed several that have just got mentioned in passing and being mentioned on a list of potential recruits for the Young Avengers places it in Universe but i will go with whatever the rest of the crew decide. I just assumed being metioned meant an appendix entry not a full blown profile or something like the Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files from DC where characters that were only mentioned previously got covered with there first actual appearance being the entry in the Secret Files book.
vanhornluke 12-11-2015, 11:35 AM

Angelicknight wrote:

That being the case we will have to remove several from the list. I have noticed several that have just got mentioned in passing and being mentioned on a list of potential recruits for the Young Avengers places it in Universe but i will go with whatever the rest of the crew decide. I just assumed being metioned meant an appendix entry not a full blown profile or something like the Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files from DC where characters that were only mentioned previously got covered with there first actual appearance being the entry in the Secret Files book.

Right. Existing in-universe is enough to warrant at least a brief appendix entry (like the entries for a number of characters in the golden age handbook, although most of those characters probably deserve full handbook entries), so I don't see anything wrong with suggesting such characters for such entries (I believe the Belgian characters I've mentioned fit this description).
I should also point out that it looks like the letter V was skipped.
12-11-2015, 12:09 PM

Veil (Corporation member)
12-11-2015, 12:41 PM

X-Men (Earth-534834)
12-11-2015, 11:50 PM

Yin & Yang (Rawhide Kid foes)
12-12-2015, 11:52 AM

Zara (Ultraverse)
12-12-2015, 01:02 PM

Anti-Man (Blue Marvel foe)
12-12-2015, 09:19 PM

Backstabber (Ultraverse)
12-12-2015, 10:12 PM

Very well, then. Several of the South American heroes alleged to have been killed by Zeitgeist/Everyman/Larry Ekler are also just names in passing and never made an actual appearance, as well, but I suppose I can accept the "Appendix" reasoning.
Also, I'm the dummy who skipped the letter "V." *facepalm*
12-12-2015, 10:22 PM

Clinic for Paranormal Research (New Universe institution, crucial DP7 location/supporting characters)
12-12-2015, 11:14 PM

Doctor Mindbubble (Captain Americal foe)
12-13-2015, 12:55 AM

Elastika (Earth-534834)
12-13-2015, 02:31 PM

Furious Five (Spider-Man foes)
skippcomet 12-13-2015, 03:38 PM

Angelicknight wrote:

Doctor Fear (Golden Age Blazing Skull foe)

Honestly, I'm not *trying* to be 'that guy,' but didn't Doctor Fear got a half-page entry in the Fear Itself: Fellowship of Fear one-shot?
Eye of Agamotto (mystical artifact, Doctor Strange)
12-13-2015, 03:50 PM

Your totally right i forgot that. Thanks for the reminder and your so totally not that guy:D
Doctor Fear replaced with Doctor Mindbubble
vanhornluke 12-13-2015, 03:52 PM

skippcomet wrote:

Honestly, I'm not *trying* to be 'that guy,' but didn't Doctor Fear got a half-page entry in the Fear Itself: Fellowship of Fear one-shot?
Eye of Agamotto (mystical artifact, Doctor Strange)

I don't want to be "that guy," either, but shouldn't the next letter have been G instead of E?
skippcomet 12-14-2015, 07:31 AM

vanhornluke wrote:

I don't want to be "that guy," either, but shouldn't the next letter have been G instead of E?

I completely didn't see that.
David "D.W." Griffith (close friend of Luke Cage, owner/operator of the Gem Theatre)
12-14-2015, 11:38 AM

Hulk (Earth-534834)
12-14-2015, 02:22 PM

Incandescent Man (Spider-Man/Cannonball foe)
12-14-2015, 11:06 PM

Jack the Ripper (Earth-92131)
12-14-2015, 11:12 PM

KISS (licensed team)
12-15-2015, 11:27 AM

Lulu Labella (Annie Oakley #7)
Magnut, Robot Biter (Not Brand Echh)
Nancy Ann (ship, Astonishing #43)
Moose Orby (western character, Cowboy Action #8)
Peg (flying horse, Uncanny Tales #37)
Morty Quirt (Mystic #37)
Rune (Ultraforce cartoon)
Sage (Earth-7642)
Turf (Ultraverse)
Ultivac, the Multi-Robot (Amalgam)
Pogo Vladek (criminal, Amazing Detective Cases #4)
Wrath (Ultraverse)
X-Men (Earth-91119)
Youngblood (western character, Tim Holt #39 [Ghost Rider story])
Zarga (Gypsy, Mystery Tales #14)
Atlantis (Mystic #41)
Bad Ones of the Earth (Strange Stories of Suspense #6)
Dan Cupid (Spellbound #24)
Duey (Ultraforce cartoon)
Willie Evans (Pvt., Combat #5)
Fantastic Four (Earth-7642)
Guardian Angel (Amalgam)
Hulk (Earth-7642)
Iceman (Earth-92131)
Andrew Jackson (historical figure, Battlefront #35, Marines in Battle #10)
Kraven the Hunter (Earth-92131)
12-15-2015, 12:12 PM

Larcenous Lil (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Mikage, Kikyo (Earth-101001, Wolverine Anime)
Ninja Star (Earth-135263, Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes cartoon)
Orrgo (alien, Howling Commandos member)
Profit (Spider-Man foe)
Quarry (mercenary, friend of War Machine)
Roller Discoe Devils (Hostess villains, Hulk foes)
Scarab (Earth-600001, Captain America movie serial)
Tresh, Dr. Russel (Earth-700029, Generation X movie)
Uber Alles (NuHuman, Invaders/Iron Cross foe)
Vyking (Strikeforce: Morturi member)
Warhead (Bastards of Evil member)
Xoorr (Mole Men leader, Tales to Astonish #16)
Yekaterina (Ukranian mutant, Spider-Man character)
Zeek (Morlock slain by the Marauders)
Al-Thahab Al-Aswad/Black Gold (Aqirian hero, member of Hero Force)
Blow Dryer (Hostess villain, Human Torch foe)
CrossGen Universe
Daimonji, Indira "Indy" (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series catoon)
Evangelist (Blackheart servant, Venom foe)
Flatt, Miles (possible Initiative recruit)
Gutierrez, Joey (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Hood's Gang (The Hood's criminal army)
Invisible Woman (Olga Petrov, Journey Into Mystery #43)
Jade Nova (Amalgam)
Kamran (NuHuman, Ms. Marvel (Khan) foe)
12-15-2015, 12:37 PM

Iceman (Earth-92131) is a duplicate
12-15-2015, 12:40 PM

Angelicknight wrote:

Iceman (Earth-92131) is a duplicate

Oops. I guess replace him with:
Ichabod (horse, Kid Colt Outlaw #36)
Eduardo M.
12-15-2015, 02:20 PM

J. Jonah Jameson (Spider-Man TAS version)
12-15-2015, 02:59 PM

Eduardo M. wrote:

J. Jonah Jameson (Spider-Man TAS version)

Shouldn't the next letter have been L instead of I?
Eduardo M.  
12-15-2015, 05:20 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

Shouldn't the next letter have been L instead of I?

In that case,

Leviathan (Soviet organization, Nick Fury/Hydra foe)
12-15-2015, 05:25 PM

Orrgo got a unique-to-the-hardcovers entry.
12-15-2015, 05:27 PM

Maa-Gor (last of the Man-Apes tribe, Ka-Zar & Nabu foe)
12-15-2015, 05:30 PM

skippcomet wrote:

Orrgo got a unique-to-the-hardcovers entry.

In that case Oya (Santerians' member)
12-15-2015, 07:55 PM

Jack Napier (member of Machiavelli Club)
12-15-2015, 11:18 PM

Odashu, Genji (Shogun Warriors/Avengers pilot)
12-16-2015, 06:55 AM

Prism (crystalline-bodied member of the Marauders, repeatedly killed & cloned)
12-16-2015, 11:37 AM

Quicksilver (Earth-8096)
12-16-2015, 01:06 PM

Ronin (Dr. Nozomu Akatsuki, Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers cartoon)
12-16-2015, 05:44 PM

Scarlet Spider (Kaine) Update
12-16-2015, 06:53 PM

Turbocharge (Ultraverse)
12-16-2015, 08:01 PM

Umbotha, Tanuta (Q7 Strikeforce member, Marvel UK)
12-17-2015, 07:08 AM

Volx (Dire Wraith queen, foe of the New Warriors and later the Annihilators)
12-17-2015, 11:18 AM

Emma Woodhouse (Emma)
12-17-2015, 12:29 PM

Xzar (sorcerer, Tower of Shadows #5)
12-17-2015, 07:13 PM

Yasmine Yon (director, Riot #3)
12-17-2015, 11:23 PM

Zapper (Cloak and Dagger foe)
Front Page updated
12-18-2015, 08:43 AM

Autolycus (Adam Warlock foe, soul swallowed up by the Soul Gem)
12-18-2015, 09:47 AM

Building Behemoth (Hostess villain, Thing foe)
12-18-2015, 11:40 AM

Robinson Crusoe (Marvel Classics Comics #19)
12-18-2015, 05:39 PM

Doom (man believing himself to be the Heroic Age's Victor von Doom, Earth-928's 2099 AD)
12-18-2015, 08:56 PM

Elastico (criminal who has a profile in the in universe "Super Villains Handbook," Elektro character)
12-18-2015, 09:12 PM

Henry Fritter (Uncanny Tales #37)
Gruber Brothers (members of Machiavelli Club)
Hugo (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury]foe, The Ghost Rider #8)
Itza (Amazing High Adventure #1)
Stonewall Jackson (historical figure, Battleground #4)
Kallikrates (Marvel Classics Comics #24)
Louis XVI (historical figure)
Magua (Marvel Classics Comics #13, Marvel Illustrated: The Last of the Mohicans)
Nappy Head (Haunt of Horror vol. 1 #1)
Oracle (Earth-92131)
John J. Pershing (General, historical figure)
Quicksilver (Earth-12131)
Rover (talking dog, Marvel Tales #133)
The Survivor (Journey into Mystery #28)
Tumbleweed (Blaze Carson deputy)
Ustane (Marvel Classics Comics #24)
Abel J. Violette (Inspector, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 2 #6)
Wotta Woman (Not Brand Echh)
Xury (Marvel Classics Comics #19)
Yo-Gee (What The?)
Zarpo (Father Time foe, Captain America Comics #9)
Ambrose Abernathy (inventor, Amazing High Adventure #1)
Bruce Bane (What The?)
Costaguay (fictional country in Chamber of Chills #5, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
D’Artagnan (musketeer)
Mark Eaton (Mystery Tales #37)
12-19-2015, 10:13 AM

Adrienne Frost (Emma Frost's older sister, Generation X villain, shot & killed by Emma)
12-19-2015, 11:25 AM

Gun-R (Korean hero killed in the Contest of Champions)
12-19-2015, 11:28 AM

Horrormoor Castle (Adventures into Weird Worlds #27)
12-19-2015, 10:08 PM

Invisible Woman (Claire Maynard, Mystery Tales #13)
12-20-2015, 08:18 AM

Slow Motion Jones (African-American speedster, brief partnership with GA Whizzer, joined Crazy SUES, portrayed as racial stereotype in 1940's Timely Comics)
12-20-2015, 11:34 AM

Francis Kelly (war character, Complete War Novels Magazine pulp #3)
12-20-2015, 07:19 PM

Lodestone (Jenny Hopkins, Marvel Super Hero Roll Playing exemplar character)
12-21-2015, 12:31 AM

Mamalu (Lorna foe, Lorna the Jungle Queen #5)
12-21-2015, 04:30 AM

Nahrees (Inhuman with electrical conducting powers, former exchange student)
12-21-2015, 11:37 AM

Omo (elephant, Jungle Tales vol. 1 #4)
12-21-2015, 01:38 PM

Press-On (SPAFON member)
12-22-2015, 11:41 AM

Quicksilver (Earth-10005)
12-22-2015, 12:33 PM

Roach (mutant, killed by the Ghoul)
12-22-2015, 06:54 PM

The Strange Ones (early mutants, Strange Tales #31)
12-23-2015, 06:26 AM

Timestorm (event involving Spider-Man & Wolverine/Earth-616 with Earth-96099's 2099 AD)
12-23-2015, 12:45 PM

United Planets Organization (Marvel Tales #142)
12-23-2015, 09:52 PM

Vendor (Sentry foe)
12-24-2015, 12:49 PM

Henry Woodhouse (Emma)
12-25-2015, 07:57 AM

X-Men (Earth-1610/Ultimate X-Men) Update (or Full & Fully Updated entry, take your pick)
12-25-2015, 02:55 PM

Ymir (Earth-91119)
12-26-2015, 04:47 AM

Zardeth (sorceror, foe of Crystar)
12-26-2015, 12:03 PM

Atlantis (Marvel Tales #140)
12-26-2015, 02:59 PM

Boilermaker (Brooklyn Avengers member)
Not letting me update the front page so i will update it once the forum glitch is fixed.
12-26-2015, 10:39 PM

Crisle (alien, Uncanny Tales #7)
The Dude (western character, Two-Gun Kid #14)
Leo Evans (Sgt., Battlefront #5)
Jane Fairfax (Emma)
Grrugg (Trrosstian alien, Spellbound #10)
Horatius (Battlefront #21)
Ismael (Marvel Classics Comics #19)
Jade (Earth-534834)
Casimir Kravadka (Uncanny Tales #26)
Lady Rowena (Marvel Classics Comics #16)
Mammoth (giant, Strange Tales #39)
Elektra Natchios (Earth-701306)
Omega Team (Ultraverse)
Phade (Ultraverse)
Qin Shi Huan-Ti (historical figure)
Rotten Belly (Crow chief, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
The Strange Men (Strange Tales #1)
Nan Tul (mystic, Astonishing #41)
Ultimo (Earth-534834)
Gerard de Villefort (Marvel Classics Comics #17)
Wolverine (Earth-7642)
Xochi (Amazing High Adventure #1)
Yla (alien, Mystic #43)
Erich Zann (Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft #2)
Athos (musketeer)
Brood (Earth-7642)
12-26-2015, 11:15 PM

Commedia Dell’Morte (Power Man/Iron Fist foes)
12-27-2015, 11:49 AM

Drop Kick (Ultraverse)
12-27-2015, 08:10 PM

Erg (former Morlock)
12-27-2015, 09:03 PM

Furball (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
12-27-2015, 09:10 PM

Magilla Grod (What The?)
12-27-2015, 11:05 PM

Hero Force (Aqirian super-team)
12-28-2015, 07:53 AM

Ivan the Terrible (Ivan Pushkin, Maverick/Nord foe, Russian Mafia leader)
12-28-2015, 12:12 PM

Frank Joyce (mobster, Crime Cases Comics #11)
12-28-2015, 12:50 PM

Kaaskop (Dutch hero)
12-28-2015, 05:04 PM

Monica Lynne (T'Challa's former fiancee)
12-28-2015, 06:49 PM

The Man in the Mask (Strange Tales #29)
12-28-2015, 08:14 PM

Nur (Inhuman/NuHuman)
12-29-2015, 12:31 PM

Omega Red (Earth-92131)
12-29-2015, 02:18 PM

Panacea (Inhuman/NuHuman)
12-29-2015, 02:39 PM

Just a heads up that I'm currently out of any more Q suggestions. I haven't had a chance to look for more recently, and hopefully I'll be able to find some more when I get a chance to look again in a few days, but at the moment I've got nuthin'.
12-29-2015, 05:12 PM

Rebecca Quan (former romantic interest of Steve Rogers)
12-29-2015, 07:23 PM

Rotten (Not Brand Echh)
12-29-2015, 11:02 PM

Savage, Ilongo (Shogun Warriors pilot)
12-30-2015, 08:52 AM

Thunderer (Jerry Carstairs, aka the Black Marvel, Golden Age hero)
12-30-2015, 11:58 AM

Ulrica (Marvel Classics Comics #16)
12-30-2015, 12:28 PM

Vector (Simon Utrecht, the U-Foes' leader)
12-30-2015, 07:56 PM

Victor Wyatt (author, Strange Stories of Suspense #8)
12-31-2015, 07:45 AM

X-Calibre (team on Earth-295)
12-31-2015, 01:45 PM

Yakima Yates (western character, Cowboy Action #7)
01-01-2016, 05:05 PM

Zartra (queen of Atlantis when it sank during the Great Cataclysm)
01-02-2016, 11:40 AM

I'm still not sure what the big announcement is going to be, but it's making me hesitate to start another run through the alphabet.
Andy E. Nystrom
01-02-2016, 12:33 PM

Feel free to keep going if you'd like. While I still can't make the announcement because I don't believe that the Comics Extreme/CxPulp owner has seen my last message to him, I *can* tell you I have a way to factor in newer posts to this thread. While I don't participate in it that often, I realize it's a very popular thread and steps are being taken to make sure this this thread is a priority in what happens next.
01-02-2016, 01:07 PM

Okay, cool. Thanks, Andy :-)

Abilene Kid (Frontier Western #9)
01-02-2016, 03:25 PM

Thats great news Andy!
Box (Braddock Academy student)
01-02-2016, 10:02 PM

Crimson Dynamo (Earth-534834)
01-02-2016, 11:34 PM

DaVinci Toad (X-Men international reject)
01-03-2016, 08:02 AM

Earthquake (Imperial Guard member)
Andy E. Nystrom  
01-03-2016, 10:50 AM

I do have one minor request come to think of it: all possible means of dealing with the glitches we're seeing involve reformatting in some fashion. So I think I can safely say, hold off adding to or otherwise editing the second post (or any other earlier post) for the time being. Once the thread is properly reformatted to address the glitch issue you'll be able to edit that post again without killing the momentum.
01-03-2016, 12:23 PM
I was gonna wait till it was fixed i tried earlier when the glitch first started and it wouldn't let me so i decided to wait till a fix came in. I'm keeping a hard copy up to date till something is decided
01-03-2016, 12:28 PM
Henry Fabian (archaeologist, World of Fantasy #8)
01-03-2016, 12:37 PM
Gossip Girl (Furious Five member, Spider-Man foe)
Andy E. Nystrom 01-03-2016, 01:48 PM

Angelicknight wrote:

I was gonna wait till it was fixed i tried earlier when the glitch first started and it wouldn't let me so i decided to wait till a fix came in. I'm keeping a hard copy up to date till something is decided

Same thing happened to me with the Master List
01-03-2016, 08:43 PM

Anne Marie Hoag (director of Damage Control, acquaintance of Wolverine)
01-03-2016, 08:59 PM

Carleton Isaacs (scientist, Astonishing #24)
Joseph L. Jusko (producer, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
The Kago Kid (outlaw, Kid Colt Outlaw #61)
Lament (Ultraverse)
Mysticus (magician, World of Suspense #1)
Nikolas Natchios (Earth-701306)
Owlhoot Kid (outlaw, Western Kid #9)
Peter Pawling (time-traveler, Mystery Tales #39)
John Quitman (historical figure, Marines in Action #10)
The Rainmaker (Astonishing #39)
Subland (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, World of Mystery #5)
Tulsa Kid (Western Trails #1)
Utah Kid (Wild Western #53)
The Vigilantes (Western Outlaws #4)
Wyoming Kid (Kid Slade, Gunfighter #6)
Xyli (planet, Mystery Tales #46)
Dirk Yaeger (western character, Frontier Western #2)
Zvilpoggua (Ultimate Fantastic Four #30-32)
Atlantis (Marvel Tales #145)
John Byrne (Earth-616)
Cavernia (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Journey into Mystery #39)
Druzek (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Mystic #49)
Jubal Early (historical figure, Battle Action #30)
Ernest Falter (time-traveler, Mystery Tales #40)
Grunau (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Astonishing #51)
Hair-Trigger Kid (Two Gun Western vol. 2 #8)
01-04-2016, 06:17 PM

Iso-8/Neutronium (Ultimates/Contest of Champions)
Jackpot (Howard the Duck foe)
Klompman (Dutch hero)
Leno, Jay (Spider-Man ally, talk show host)
Man With 999 Faces (Hostess villain, Daredevil foe)
Naja (Inhuman/NuHuman)
Ocelot (mutant, O-Force member)
Protester (Portland Avengers member)
Quick Kick (Earth-120185, Action Force member, student of Shang-Chi)
Rapture (Earth-91274, Neo-Knights member, Autobot/Transformers ally)
Scarlet Cyclist (Portland Avengers member)
Thorndrake, Aloysius (Shadow Council member)
Ugly John (mutant, Cyclops/Wolverine ally)
Virginia (Vision's wife)
Warwolf (Reyna, Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. member)
Xak (Spawn of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon)
Yannroth (Shroud foe)
Zombie Jasper Sitwell (Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. member)
Allergen Al (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
Birdwatcher (SPAFON member)
Carson, Richard (Shogun Warriors pilot)
Dust Devil (Allergen Gang member, Captain America foe)
Emerald Warlock (Scarlet Witch foe)
Fumes (Furious Five member)
Golden Agency (Earth-S World War II era team)
Harrison, Julie (mutant, Jean Grey student)
01-05-2016, 12:07 AM

Tim Irons (stunt coordinator, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
01-06-2016, 06:42 AM

Junkpile (Earth-928, X-Men 2099 foe, later joined SHIELD)
01-06-2016, 09:39 AM

Koemannen (Dutch heroes)
01-06-2016, 11:40 AM

George Lucas (castaway, World of Fantasy #8)

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

1/22/2020 9:05 am  #14

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Historical text from Capes (Optional):
Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:20 pm
Ok to get things started on the new forum...

Miss Thing (Darla Deering, Ant-Man's former girlfriend)

Also a question something i was gonna ask on the old forum. I may are may not be able to edit the ongoing list in the thread so i thought of starting a new thread called "The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family! Master List" The question is do you want to leave the list on the thread or would it be easier to separate the list to it's on thread for quicker reference.
Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:46 pm
Naughty Georgie (humor character, Riot #5)
Andy E. Nystrom
Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:12 am

Angelicknight wrote:

Ok to get things started on the new forum...

Miss Thing (Darla Deering, Ant-Man's former girlfriend)

Also a question something i was gonna ask on the old forum. I may are may not be able to edit the ongoing list in the thread so i thought of starting a new thread called "The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family! Master List" The question is do you want to leave the list on the thread or would it be easier to separate the list to it's on thread for quicker reference.

I'll make sure that Michael gives you the ability to edit this thread. While you can separate the list, I recommend just editing the first post. If you split into a separate thread it might take longer to find the second section. Worse still, you might get some people replying to this thread and some people replying to the other thread, which could get confusing. If you do decide to split anyway, I won't stop you, but don't call it the Master List. That name's taken.
Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:25 am
I prefer to keep it in the thread but with a 100+ pages in the last forum it was getting a bit harder to keep track. With a the new forum i think it will be easier. You are correct sir the Master List is taken maybe Compiled List is better had i seperated
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:23 am
Onslaught (Imperial Guard member)
Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:18 pm
Pecos Kid (Frontier Western #1)
Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:08 pm
Is Q running dry? I've found two more Q suggestions, but I just did P. Do we want to start skipping Q if whoever is next doesn't have any more?
Andy E. Nystrom
Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:11 pm

[b wrote:

Is Q running dry? I've found two more Q suggestions, but I just did P. Do we want to start skipping Q if whoever is next doesn't have any more?

Still lots of Q's in the Master List that haven't gottten full or modern entries

Quasi-Universe (dimension)
Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:17 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

vanhornluke wrote:

Is Q running dry? I've found two more Q suggestions, but I just did P. Do we want to start skipping Q if whoever is next doesn't have any more?

Still lots of Q's in the Master List that haven't gottten full or modern entries

Quasi-Universe (dimension)

I usually just start looking for a possible entry when I see what letter is up next (assuming it's not late and I don't fall asleep while doing so). In this case, I just didn't have time to look a Q up before having to get ready to go to work..

Since we now have a Q...

Rancor (Reality-691, alleged descendant of Wolverine, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:31 pm
Sasquatch (Alpha Flight monster)
Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:08 am
Tuft (a-hole, Adventures into Terror #17)
Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:42 am
Unkillables (name given to group of immortal/unklllables individuals gathered by Contagion; included Wolverine, Yi Yang, & Immortalis)
Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:58 pm
Vulgaria (fiction country in Royal Roy, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:21 am
Wiz Kid (Takashi Matsuya, wheelchair-bound mutant with "techno-forming" powers, last seen at Avengers Academy)
Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:13 pm
X-Men (Earth-11911)
Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:35 am
Yellow Fang (Imperial Japanese spy using Nazi blimp with giant fan to create tornadoes, foe of GA Human Torch)

Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:06 am
Zeet (Planet Terry)
Mon Jan 18, 2016 8:09 am
Murdoch Adams (adventurer/occult dabbler, Dr. Strange ally)
Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:59 pm
Lou Briggs (Moon-man, Menace #1)
Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:07 am
Andrew Chord (supporting character for New Warriors & Night Thrasher, father of Silhouette & Midnight's Fire)
Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:16 pm
Amos Drizly (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #8)
Eduardo M.
Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:20 pm
Professor Jonas Eckhardt (Axis Mundi member)
Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:29 am
Fantastic Four (Earth-534834)
Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:25 am
Guardian (synthoid replica/clone of James M. Hudson, circa age 19, one-time co-leader of Alpha Flight)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:43 pm
Rufus T. Hackstabber (Shang-Chi/Defenders character)
Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:36 pm
Ironed Man (Not Brand Echh)
Eduardo M.
Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:14 am
Jubilee's Fairy Tale (Earth-961116)
Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:02 am
Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street #1-2)
Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:10 pm
Leonus (Evil Inhuman with lion-like attributes)
Sat Jan 23, 2016 7:11 pm
The Man Who Shrunk (Marvel Tales #142)
Eduardo M.
Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:23 pm
Dr. Carter Napier (Deathweb creater)

Sun Jan 24, 2016 7:51 pm
Stefan Orjanski (Journey into Mystery #39)
Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:19 am
Persuader (Roland Rayburn, foe of Spider-Man, killed by the Punisher)
Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:52 pm
Queen Hilda (Planet Terry)
The Ramrod (western character, Kid Colt Outlaw #52)
Suzanne Storm (romance character, Love Romances #31)
Edward Tudor (The Prince and the Pauper, Marvel Classics Comics #33)
Utah Kid (Rawhide Kid #9)
William Vane (criminal, Complete Mystery #2)
World of Flame (Astonishing #54)
X-Force (Earth-91119)
Yahoo Kid (Western Gunfighters vol. 1 #23)
Ignatius Zekel (Adventures into Terror #25)
Atalon (Ultraverse)
Cassandra Briar (Earth-7642)
The Crime Syndicate (Justice #41)
Irvin and Jane Dale (Astonishing #44)
Experiment XYZ (Tales to Astonish #1)
Ken Fargo (Haunt of Horror vol. 1 #2)
Gun-Barrel Kid (2 Gun Western #4)
Norman Hale (immortal, Astonishing #47)
Iron Man (Earth-534834)
Jozaba (witch doctor, Lorna the Jungle Girl #10)
Gregor Knowles (mad scientist, Astonishing #31)
Luxem (fictional country in Royal Roy, not placed in Marvel Atlas)
The Man Who Walked Alone (hit man, Crime Exposed #4)
Naza (King of Subland, World of Mystery #5)
Omnus (Planet Terry)
Pecos Kid (Western Gunfighters vol. 1 #27)
Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:49 pm
Quicksilver (Pietro Lensherr of Earth-1610/Ultimate Universe)
Eduardo M.
Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:50 pm
Frankie Raye (Earth-121698)
Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:10 pm
Sagamaw Kid (Quick-Trigger Western #18)
Eduardo M.
Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:27 pm
Toad (Earth-652975/Pryde of the X-Men)
Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:52 am
Ursus (gladiator, Marvel Tales #146)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:58 pm
Vision (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon)
Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:15 pm
Wolverina (What The?)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:03 pm
X-Men (Earth-8107 aka Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends)
Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:47 am
Sachi Yama (Earth-982's mother of J2, attorney)
Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:48 pm
Zetu (Amazing High Adventure #1)
Sat Jan 30, 2016 11:24 am
Alpha (Andrew Maguire, Spider-Man's "protege")
Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:42 pm
The Banshee (western character, Wild Western #39)
Eduardo M.
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:03 pm
Captain America (Earth-697064-1990 movie)
Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:25 pm
Dallas Kid (Two Gun Kid #33)
Eduardo M.
Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:44 pm
Earth-700029 (Spider-Woman cartoon)
Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:47 pm
Fargo Kid (Two Gun Western vol. 2 #7)
Eduardo M.
Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:58 pm
Professor Justin Alphonse Gamble (ex-TVA agent, time traveler)
Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:21 pm
Hubert (Astonishing #46)
Eduardo M.
Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:33 pm
Inferno (Conroy, Avengers foe)
Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:17 am
John the Skrull (Skrull in John Lennon's form, member of MI-13, killed during Secret Invasion)
Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:03 pm
John Knightley (Emma)
Eduardo M.
Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:57 pm
Legacy Virus (mutant disease)
Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:20 am
Mysterio (Earth-7642)
Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:19 am
Nidhogg (Asgardian dragon)
Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:25 pm
Omega Red (Earth-7642)
Percival (knight, Mystery Tales #39)
Queen Regalia (Royal Roy)
Barbie Roberts (licensed character; any reason she can’t be 616?)
Storm (Earth-92131)
Tsathogua (Savage Sword of Conan #40)
Ulga (fortune teller, Journey into Unknown Worlds #40)
Kent Varing (western character, 2-Gun Western pulp vol. 2 #5)
Woltan (apprentice sorcerer, Journey into Mystery #28)
X-23 (Earth-10005)
Crag Yurdon (Frontier Western #7)
Ziffy (hitman, Men’s Adventures #23)
Atalon (Ultraforce cartoon)
Banshee (Earth-7642)
Luke Cage (Earth-7642)
Dallas Kid (Six-Gun Western #1)
Ed Evans (time traveler, Strange Tales #38)
Bob Fry (Journey into Unknown Worlds #53)
Gummy (Royal Roy’s pet crocodile)
Herman Hooper (evil scientist, Strange Tales #14)
Iron Man (Earth-7642)
Joseph (biblical patriarch, Bible Tales for Young Folk #2)
Isabella Knightley (Emma)
Dorset Lane (romance character, True Secrets Comics #35)
Mustang Kid (Wild Western #19)
Nebuchadnezzar (Bible Tales for Young People #5)
Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:51 pm
Old Man Spider (Ezekiel Sims of Earth-4, Spider-Verse Character)
Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:02 pm
Matthew Perry (historical figure, Marines in Battle #19)
Eduardo M.
Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:50 pm
Qwerty (Morlock prophet)
Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:07 am
The Rattler (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Eduardo M.
Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:59 pm
Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter/90s Iron Man cartoon)
Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:11 pm
Trouble (Ultraverse)
Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:55 pm
Is Angelicknight still gathering the posts in a master list?
Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:52 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Is Angelicknight still gathering the posts in a master list?

Uppercut (mutant, Ghost of Cyclops member)

I have them gathered just haven't figued out what to do with them. I can't edit the original list dont know if i should start a seperate thread and link each time i update are just add it to the ongoing thread so i can keep updating someone let me know how you would prefer it an i will post it.
Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:42 pm
Eduardo M.'s X-Men (Earth-8107 aka Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends) is a repeat so he gets another X entry

Seems like there is a time limit on editing posts so i have no idea on a good way to post the taken list. Reposting it every few pages would just eat up to much space and without being able to edit that seems like the only option. So i am taking suggestions.
Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:12 am
Hmm, I wish I had a good suggestion. The time limit for editing posts is a real problem for keeping a list updated.

Vastar (Wally the Wizard)
Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:29 pm
Worm (alien, Monsters of Evil member)
Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:52 pm
X-16 (experimental plane, Mystery Tales #29)
Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:27 pm
Yeti (Kurt Hanson)

I decided to post my final updated list at the end of this round. I will continue updating my own personal list but there seems to be no easy way to maintain the list that wont eat up space every few rounds. Anyone is welcome to take over the list if they can find a way to keep it going you have my consent. That said i need an X entry to replace the X-Men (Earth-8107) dupe entry and the remaining Z entry.
Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:49 pm
I don't have an X to replace Eduardo's entry, but here's a Z:

Eli Zorn (musician, Mystery Tales #17)
Andy E. Nystrom
Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:17 am
Angelicknight: I just followed up with Michael on giving you access to editing the list on the first post if you're still interested in doing so. Once you (or if you don't want to do this anymore) whoever takes over has updated the top post I'll ask that the repost of the whole list be deleted. I realize it's been over a month since I promised you editing privileges, But only Michael has access to giving people editing privledges. Michael's been busy with the move from CxPulp (which isn't yet finished) and it's only been me, Michael, and David moving threads over. So other things needed to be done as a result of the move have fallen behind. They will happen, but don't be afraid to PM us about anything that you feel is pressing in the meantime. I do apologize for the delay; I had hoped that all the editing privileges would have been worked out by now, but the move has eaten up a lot of Michael's computer time.

Everyone: I don't visit every thread every day so if there are any issues like this, please send me and/or Michael (who has access to the technical side of things) a PM so the matter can be resolved. As long as you don't nag us everyday, it's also okay to PM a reminder.
Capes (Optional)
Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:44 pm
I believe I have corrected the access. Angelicknight, please let me know if it is working.
Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:42 pm

Capes (Optional) wrote:

I believe I have corrected the access. Angelicknight, please let me know if it is working.

Not able to yet but again it's not pressing so no great hurry you can get to it when time permits.
Capes (Optional)
Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:51 pm

Angelicknight wrote:

Capes (Optional) wrote:

I believe I have corrected the access. Angelicknight, please let me know if it is working.

Not able to yet but again it's not pressing so no great hurry you can get to it when time permits.

After a little more fiddling, I may have it corrected now.

BTW, I apologize for posting as Capes (Optional) but it is easier than logging in and out at the time being.
Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:42 pm

Capes (Optional) wrote:

Angelicknight wrote:

Capes (Optional) wrote:

I believe I have corrected the access. Angelicknight, please let me know if it is working.

Not able to yet but again it's not pressing so no great hurry you can get to it when time permits.

After a little more fiddling, I may have it corrected now.

BTW, I apologize for posting as Capes (Optional) but it is easier than logging in and out at the time being.

Yes it's working fine! No need to apologize. I will delete the list and add it to the first post later today or tonight and format it. Ok i will get back to editing the list every 3 or 4 rounds so let the game continue
Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:48 pm
First post list now updated.

Apparition (Earth-S, possible Golden Agency member)
Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:12 pm
Tod Barclay (time-traveler, Astonishing #44)
Eduardo M.
Mon Feb 15, 2016 6:29 pm
Captain America (Earth-3488/Ultimate Avengers cartoon movie)
Mon Feb 15, 2016 6:42 pm
Dachs (German hero, Morlun murder victim)
Andy E. Nystrom
Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:55 pm
Eelectro (Larvel Earth; Spider-Man foe)
Knock Furious (leader of SHEESH; Not Brand Ecch #8)
Goody Two-Shoes (minor Thing foe exaggerated by John Byrne-616)
House of Hate (quasi-sentient house from Captain America Comics #58)
Iron Mouse (Larval-Earth hero)
Jack Frost (1960s Marveol Super-heroes cartoon)
King-Pig (Spider-Ham foe)
Clea Lake (Dr Strange TV Movie)
Marsh Monster (cursed hero from Captain America’s Weird Tales #74)
New Mutants (New Mutants Forever)
Ox (1960s Spider-man cartoon)
The Plotter (1960s Spider-Man cartoon)
Queen Elizabeth II (British Monarch; met Captain Britain, etc)
Red Skull (John or George Maxon imposter; first RS to encounter Captain America and Bucky)
Stryker’s Island (prison complex; 616 analogue of Rikers Island)
Thing (Benjy Grimm, from Fred & Barney Meet the Thing)
Ultimate Captain Hamerica (Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham #1)
Vulture (1960s Spider-man cartoon)
Wasp (1960s Marvel Super-heroes cartoon)
X-Factor (All New X-Factor series)
Yancy Street (base of operations for Yancy Street Gang, former home of Ben Grimm)
Zerotown (home base of Night People)
Assistant Editors Month (quasi event; period of time where many Marvel heroes suddenly found themselves faced with the absurd and/or profound)
Battleworld (Doctor Doom’s; from Secret Wars 2015)
Captain America (What If? #44; revived later than on 616)
Doom (heroic Victor von Doom from What If? #22)

Human Fly should be in yellow (real life stuntman); this is why he’s never had more than a capsule entry despite headlining a 1970s series.
Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:14 pm
Thanks for the Human Fly catch it has been corrected. I am sure there is several more on the list that needs a yellow coding so if anyone sees any let me know and i will correct them.
Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:58 pm
Clarence Evans (murderer, Crimefighters #8)

Barbie Roberts should be in yellow (that's Barbie, y'know, the famous doll toy line that Marvel licensed for comics back in the 90s)
I also just noticed that Barney "Baker" is a typo. His name is Barney Barker.
Also, one of the Atalon entries is out of alphabetical order.
Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:34 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Clarence Evans (murderer, Crimefighters #8)

Barbie Roberts should be in yellow (that's Barbie, y'know, the famous doll toy line that Marvel licensed for comics back in the 90s)
I also just noticed that Barney "Baker" is a typo. His name is Barney Barker.
Also, one of the Atalon entries is out of alphabetical order.

Thanks for the heads up the corrections have been made.

Foe (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)
Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:02 pm

Angelicknight wrote:

Foe (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)

Shouldn't that be "Foe (Hostess foe, Spider-Man foe)"?

Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:43 pm

zuckyd1 wrote:

Angelicknight wrote:

Foe (Hostess villain, Spider-Man foe)

Shouldn't that be "Foe (Hostess foe, Spider-Man foe)"?

That might be one foe to many
Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:16 pm
Galactus (Earth-534834)
Harry Hoomple (murderer, Mystery Tales #10)
Igor (vampire, Marvel Tales #127)
Ebeneezer Jorgis (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Tim Holt #22)
George Knightley (Emma)
Laredo Kid (Gunsmoke Western #51)
Mustang (Ultraverse)
Needler (Ultraverse)
Richard O’Conlon (policeman, Caught #2)
The Phantom Bull (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Best of the West #11)
Queen Repugna (Planet Terry)
Rattler Coil (western character, Kid Colt Outlaw #24)
Storm (Earth-7642)
Tachzillo the Terrible (Strange Stories of Suspense #13)
Ugly Willy (Astonishing #38)
Francois Vidocq (Justice #49)
Wizard (Earth-534834)
X-Patrol (Amalgam)
Ben Youssef (Mystic #49)
Zorko (alien, Mystery Tales #25)
Asteroid Vergona (Marvel Tales #106)
Baron Zero (Amalgam)
Calvin (humor character, L’il Kids #10-12)
Daredevil (Earth-7642)
Esther (Bible Tales for Young People #5)
Frisco Kid (Western Gunfighters vol. 1 #26)
Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:25 am
Gwenpool (Gwen Poole)
Wed Feb 17, 2016 12:40 pm
Hook Haddon (murderer, Kid Colt Outlaw #30)
Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:11 pm
Inertia (Supreme Power)
Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:59 pm
Jason (Greek myth, leader of the Argonauts)
Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:23 pm
Kultron (Amalgam)
Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:29 am
Leah (Loki/Angela ally)
Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:44 pm
M-Parasiteplate (Amalgam)
Sun Feb 21, 2016 7:39 am
Noir Universe (Earth-90214, world were counterparts of 616 characters debuted in 1920s-30s, like Spider-Man Noir, X-Men Noir, etc.)
Andy E. Nystrom
Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:06 am
Orb of Agamotto (used by Dr Strange)
Paste Pot Peep (Lave Earth villain)
Quacksilver (Larval Earth; member of Scavengers)
Revengers (from Not Brand Ecch and What The--?!)
Silver Burper (from Not Brand Ecch and What The--?!)
Trickster (Milo Von Sett; Captain America Comics #71-72)
United States Presidents (Earth-616; some normally treated as separately people may due to the sliding timescale prove to be the same person)
Vizzion (from What The--?!)
Betty Wilson (1950s ally of Human Torch/Hammond)
X-Factor (X-Factor Forever)
Yeoman UK (Earth-148’s Brion Burdock; The Corps)
Zebra People (Savage Land race)
Alliance for Peace (Marvel Super-Heroes cartoon version of the original X-Men)
Capt. Barbera (police officer, Amazing Spider-Man TV series)
Rita Conway (Daily Bugle Reporter from Amazing Spider-Man TV series)
Dr Wendy Day (ally of Captain America from 1978 TV movies)
Eel (Atlantean)
Dr. Carolyn Fields (David Banner’s second wife, Incredible Hulk TV series)
Gnatman (Spidey-Ham foe; Not Brand Ecch)
Jerry Hunt (ex-boyfriend of Spider-Woman)
Iceman (X-men movies)
Jubilee (X3: The Last Stand)
Zelda Kurtzberg (Iceman ex-girlfriend)
Lady Deathstrike (X2: X-men United)
Dr. Simon Mills (ally of Captain America from 1978 TV movies)
Nazis (frequent threat in stories written and/or set in 1940s )
Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:44 pm
Andy, I already suggested Gnatman.

Omega Beast (Amalgam)
Andy E. Nystrom
Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:12 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Andy, I already suggested Gnatman.

Weird, I had caught that but somehow he remained in there. Replace with Gregory Gideon (Fantastic Four foe/Glorian's dad)
Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:30 pm
Inclusion List updated to current round.

Plasmacabre (time traveler, Squirrel Girl character)
Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:48 pm
Quick-Draw Kid (Western Outlaws #15)
Eduardo M.
Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:01 pm
Recorder-404 (Force Works infiltrator/ally of Starstealth)
Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:09 pm
The names for Ben Youssef and Zorko have been mixed together in the complete list.
Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:41 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

The names for Ben Youssef and Zorko have been mixed together in the complete list.

Corrected now thanks.

Shredded Man (NuHuman, Uncanny Avengers foe)
Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:37 pm
Tagak the Lantern-Lord (Amalgam)
Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:40 am
Umbra (Fantastic Four foe, Darbian ruler of Warworld, brother/enemy of Jaagur)
Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:03 pm
Vesper (Codename: Genetix member)
Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:54 pm
War Monarch (Amalgam)
Eduardo M.
Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:06 pm
X-Force (X-Men 92 team)
Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:13 pm
Young Allies (World War II team)
Eduardo M.
Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:14 pm
Andreas Zorba (aka Carnivore of the Exemplars Black Panther/Avengers foe)
Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:57 pm
In honor of the All-New All-Different Handbook coming up i decided to go primarily with new characters for my picks this round.

A-Force (Singularity's team)
Blindspot (Daredevil sidekick)
Cho, Maddy (Hulk/Amadeus Cho's sister)
Department of the Uncanny (WW II era magic team)
Espectro (Silk ally)
Falcon (Torres, Captain America: Sam Wilson ally)
Giant-Man (Malhotra, Ant-Man ally)
Ho, Toni (New Avengers/AIM support member)
Illuminati (Hood's group)
Juice (mutant, Ghosts of Cyclops member)
Knowhere Corps (Guardians of the Galaxy characters)
Loop (Deadpool/Cable: Split-Second)
Masacre (Mexico's Deadpool, Mercs For Money member)
New Avengers (Avengers Idea Mechanics/AIM) (Sunspot's team)
Orto (Gwenpool foe)
Pod (New Avengers/AIM member)
Quizling (Howard the Duck foe)
Red Widow (Black Widow character)
Synapse (Uncanny Avengers member)
Tam, Tara (Howard the Duck character)
Ultimates (Blue Marvel's group)
Vin & Viv (Vision's twin children)
White Fox (Earth-616, Contest of Champions character)
X-Ceptional (Bailey Hoskins, Worst X-Man Ever)
Yondu (Earth-616, Ravagers leader, Star-Lord foe)
Zahnmörder (Vernichtungs Kommando, Captain America foe)
Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:24 pm
Atlantis (Amalgam)
Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:43 am
Blur (Jeff Walters, alleged last survivor of Earth-148611/New Universe, now member of post-Secret Wars Squadron Supreme)
Eduardo M.
Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:50 pm
Bloodstone Hunt (Captain America event)
Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:48 pm
Eduardo, shouldn't the next suggestion have begun with C instead of B?
Eduardo M.

vanhornluke wrote:

Eduardo, shouldn't the next suggestion have begun with C instead of B?

My bad.

Crotus (Limbo/Otherplace demon)
Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:40 pm
Dagger (Amalgam)
Agamotto Express (Amalgam)
F’leet (Ultraverse)
Gaea (Amalgam)
H.E.C.T.O.R. (Amalgam)
Iguno (Greg Knight companion, Lorna the Jungle Girl #13)
Judgment League Avengers (Amalgam)
Kwill (Ultraverse)
Tino Lumpkin (Amalgam)
Myx (Amalgam)
Nyteflyt (Ultraverse)
Organism 8 (Ultraverse)
Ray Palmer (Amalgam)
Ray Quentin (Ultraverse)
Daryl Rutabaga (Amalgam)
S.H.I.E.L.D. (Amalgam)
Tyrannosaurus (Ultraverse)
Ultra-Violence (Ultraverse)
Vykin the Black Bolt (Amalgam)
Wraith (Amalgam)
Xanadu Amalgamated (Ultraverse)
Charles Young (Caught #4)
Zothros (Ultraverse)
Athena (Amalgam)
Byter (Ultraverse)
Cyber Croc (Amalgam)
Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:30 pm
Don of the Dead (former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Taskmaster foe)
Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:45 pm
Esmerelda (Marvel Classics Comics #3)
Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:07 pm
Flint (NuHuman/Inhuman)
Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:51 pm
Antonius Galleo (gladiator, Marvel Tales #146)
Andy E. Nystrom
Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:18 pm
A correction and a suggestion (I could do these myself but I don’t want to start getting sucked into the admin for this thread with all the other threads I already run and the threads I plan to start up):
As I previously noted, Quagmire is not reformed. Unlike Shape, once Quagmire was freed of his brainwashing he reverted back to being a criminal. Calling him reformed is the same as calling an amputated cat burglar reformed.
For the various descriptions where just the Earth number is listed, a clarifier would be helpful. I nearly added the X-Men from Marvel and DC Present until I realized that they were the X-Men of Earth-7642.

I realize that three of the suggestions below would have very similar entries but they're from a story that's so terrible that everyone must read, so I wanted to call extra attention to the amazing badness of the story. Fortunately it's a story that's bad in a fun sort of way, not a story that's bad in a depressing Hickman New Avengers sort of way.

Hauptmann Englande (Brian Braddock of Earth-597; leader of the Lightning Force)
Inevitable Girl (Shrew Storm; Not Brand Echh)
J. Jonah Jameson (1960s Spider-man cartoon series)
Kingpin (PunisherMax villain)
Lightning Force (Earth-597 Nazi team, foes of Excalibur-616)
Julie Masters (Daily Bugle reporter; The Amazing Spider-Man TV series)
Nuke (Albert Gaines; Squadron Supreme)
Olympus (home of the Greek gods)
Phantom (one of two villains who killed each other over a toy gun; from a Speedball story in Marvel Super-Heroes)
Ralph Quentin (founder of Quentin Carnival)
Gail Richards (Grant Gardner’s secretary; Captain America serial)
Spider-Woman (from 1970s cartoon series)
Thor (from Marvel Super-Heroes cartoon anthology series)
Utopia Island (mutant refuge)
Molly Von Richthofen (police officer; member - sometimes the only – of the Punisher Task Force)
Wasp (Jan of Marvel Apes)
X-Men Imposters (Skrulls from First Class period; not the same Skrulls who tricked Gladiator)
Yorak (Skrull)
Zenith Island (country)
El Aguila (Alejandro Montoya; ally of Power Man & Iron Fist)
Donald Blake (Thor ally from The incredible Hulk Returns)
Captain America (Grant Gardner; movie serial)
Daredevil (from Trial of the incredible Hulk)
Evilizer (toy gun that two minor villains killed each other over; from a Speedball story in Marvel Super-Heroes)
Del Frye (Incredible Hulk TV series; became a Hulk-like creature before Banner did)
Guardian (Mr. Doug; one of two villains who killed each other over a toy gun; from a Speedball story in Marvel Super-Heroes)
Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:15 pm
Haloroma (Amalgam)
Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:40 am
Jason Ionello (former high school classmate of Peter Parker & Flash Thompson)
Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:27 pm
Paul Jordan (Astonishing #40)
Eduardo M.
Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:39 pm
Killshot (Spider-Man foe)

I'd make a joke about a certain Robot Chicken GIJoe sketch but I'll refrain instead.
Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:10 pm
Updated to current round.

Changed Earth-7642 to Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover

Letterman, David (talkshow host, Avengers character)

Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:02 am
Myriad (Amalgam)
Eduardo M.
Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:38 pm
Night of the Demons (Eternals event)
Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:20 pm
Randy O'Brien (New Universe character, former member of DP7, formerly called Anti-Body)
Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:38 pm
Praeter (Herald of Galactus)
Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:03 pm
Quiet Burp (Riot #6)

This is the last Q suggestion I have (although I suppose I might find others eventually). When this game was originally started at cxpulp the idea was floated that certain letters like Q and X might become more scarce more quickly than the others and that we might skip over them eventually. Is that still the case? If so, when will be begin having the option of skipping them?

Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:56 am

vanhornluke wrote:

Quiet Burp (Riot #6)

This is the last Q suggestion I have (although I suppose I might find others eventually). When this game was originally started at cxpulp the idea was floated that certain letters like Q and X might become more scarce more quickly than the others and that we might skip over them eventually. Is that still the case? If so, when will be begin having the option of skipping them?

It is Skip's thread so i leave it to him to decide when he wants to do that but my guess its coming pretty quickly to that point.

Reader (Inhuman)
Andy E. Nystrom
Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:02 am
Skippcomet has the final call here, but once the jumping over letters starts, I suggest people should always have the option to add Q's etc if they have one to add, and if it is the proper time to add one. So if, say, someone makes a suggestion beginning with P, the next person could either suggest a Q entry or an R entry.

Spider-Man (1960s cartoon, does whatever a spider can)
Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:54 pm
Two-Faced Goblin (Amalgam)
Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:21 pm
My idea, and I submit it wanting to see if others approve or possibly have a problem with it, is that when Q or X (or any other letter, like Y, Z, etc.) come up, and nobody has something for it, we give it a couple of days for people to come up with something. If we can't come up with a new Q/X/etc. entry after that, we move on to the next letter, but we have until the end of the alphabet for that round to come up with a new entry for the letter skipped. If we get to the end of the alphabet (or as close to it as we can), and no new entry for the skipped letter has been proposed, then before we start the next round with A, the next person to post after the end of the alphabet has been reached gets to post an entry for whatever letter they want, just so we have 26 entries in that round.

Any questions, comments, problems, confusion? Discuss!

Carmella Unuscione (member of the Acolytes)
Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:26 pm
That sounds fine with me. :-)

Samuel Vick (crime character, All True Crime Cases Comics #36)
Sat Mar 05, 2016 10:49 pm

skippcomet wrote:

My idea, and I submit it wanting to see if others approve or possibly have a problem with it, is that when Q or X (or any other letter, like Y, Z, etc.) come up, and nobody has something for it, we give it a couple of days for people to come up with something. If we can't come up with a new Q/X/etc. entry after that, we move on to the next letter, but we have until the end of the alphabet for that round to come up with a new entry for the letter skipped. If we get to the end of the alphabet (or as close to it as we can), and no new entry for the skipped letter has been proposed, then before we start the next round with A, the next person to post after the end of the alphabet has been reached gets to post an entry for whatever letter they want, just so we have 26 entries in that round.

Any questions, comments, problems, confusion? Discuss!

Carmella Unuscione (member of the Acolytes)

Sounds like a good idea to me. That will work really well actually.

Water Snake (New Warriors member)
Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:20 pm
X-Tremists (Amalgam)
Andy E. Nystrom
Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:06 pm
Yashonka (country)

On the full list, Yancy Street should be moved alphabetically to above Yancy Street Gang.
Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:59 pm
Zagan (demon)

List updated and fixed.
Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:12 am
The Assassin of Paris (murderer, Journey into Mystery #10)
Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:26 am
Blue Bullet (Dr. Johann/John Goldstein, WWII-era Invaders character)
Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:48 pm
Cabal (Ultraverse)
Eduardo M.
Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:21 pm
Doctor Strange (Earth-8107)
Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:17 pm

skippcomet wrote:

My idea, and I submit it wanting to see if others approve or possibly have a problem with it, is that when Q or X (or any other letter, like Y, Z, etc.) come up, and nobody has something for it, we give it a couple of days for people to come up with something. If we can't come up with a new Q/X/etc. entry after that, we move on to the next letter, but we have until the end of the alphabet for that round to come up with a new entry for the letter skipped. If we get to the end of the alphabet (or as close to it as we can), and no new entry for the skipped letter has been proposed, then before we start the next round with A, the next person to post after the end of the alphabet has been reached gets to post an entry for whatever letter they want, just so we have 26 entries in that round.

Any questions, comments, problems, confusion? Discuss!

Here's a question. What about when a single person wants to post a list (say, M through L) but doesn't have a name for one of the letters? Should that person 1) refrain from posting a list unless one has a name for each letter; 2) post a list of only 25 names; 3) post a list of 26 but with two names for one of the letters?
Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:52 pm
Erik (Viking, Navy Action #9)
Frightful Five (Amalgam)
Gambit (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Hyena (Amalgam)
Ike (Strange Young Fighting Frogs, What The?)
Judge Dredd (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Kutt (Ultraverse)
L’ok D’saad (Amalgam)
Mona Lisa (Uncanny Tales #36)
Tony Neely (Mystic #36)
Otwani (Prince, Marvel Super Special #34)
Panthera (Amalgam)
Q (James Bond character, Marvel Super Special #19, #26)
Runaway (Amalgam)
Statue of Liberty (Astonishing #24)
Jonas Turnip (Amalgam)
U-tu (What The?)
Vertigo (Earth-92131)
Wondercat (Amalgam)
X-Stroke the Eliminator (Amalgam)
Hank York (Quick-Trigger Western #14)
Zorina (con artist medium, Adventures into Terror #9)
Serena Ashkenaz (Ultraverse)
Clark Bullock (Amalgam)
Cregg (murderer, Western Outlaws #7)
Dan Dare (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Eduardo M.
Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:04 pm
Electro (90s Spider-Man cartoon/Red Skull's son)
Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:47 pm
Heather Faraday (Ultraverse)
Eduardo M.
Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:59 pm
Guardians of the Galaxy (Disney XD animated series)
Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:25 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

skippcomet wrote:

My idea, and I submit it wanting to see if others approve or possibly have a problem with it, is that when Q or X (or any other letter, like Y, Z, etc.) come up, and nobody has something for it, we give it a couple of days for people to come up with something. If we can't come up with a new Q/X/etc. entry after that, we move on to the next letter, but we have until the end of the alphabet for that round to come up with a new entry for the letter skipped. If we get to the end of the alphabet (or as close to it as we can), and no new entry for the skipped letter has been proposed, then before we start the next round with A, the next person to post after the end of the alphabet has been reached gets to post an entry for whatever letter they want, just so we have 26 entries in that round.

Any questions, comments, problems, confusion? Discuss!

Here's a question. What about when a single person wants to post a list (say, M through L) but doesn't have a name for one of the letters? Should that person 1) refrain from posting a list unless one has a name for each letter; 2) post a list of only 25 names; 3) post a list of 26 but with two names for one of the letters?

I'd go with option 3. Just include a note about the missing letter and why you're including two, say, entries that start with the letter "S".
Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:43 pm
Haechi (New Warriors member, NuHuman/Inhuman)
Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:54 pm
Iron Man (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Eduardo M.
Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:09 pm
Rick Jones (1980s Hulk cartoon)
Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:59 am
Ziggy Karst (mutant, X student)
Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:17 am
Lyla (LYrate Lifeform Approximation, personal holographic assistant to Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099 on Earth-928)
Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:34 pm
Mutant Outsiders (Amalgam)
Eduardo M.
Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:42 pm
Michael Nowlan (X-Factor character, pawn of Apocalypse)
Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:32 pm
Obeahman (sorcerer, Hellstorm character)
Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:49 pm
Papa Verite (Ultraverse)
Fri Mar 11, 2016 7:47 pm
Quinn (Daredevil foe, former SHIELD agent)
Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:39 am
The Radioactive Kra (Amalgam)
Sat Mar 12, 2016 5:57 am
Sorrowful Maiden (Department of Occult Armaments member)
Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:12 pm
Tugun (Ultraverse)
Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:04 pm
Underchild (demon, Doctor Strange foe)
Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:53 am
Vinnie Veronica (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:05 am
Wolverine (Laura Kinney/X-23) Update
Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:52 pm
Xanja (Spider-Man foe)
Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:50 pm
Ynyr (Marvel Super Special #28)
Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:25 pm
Zantor (Atlantean, Namor/Hulk foe)
Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:29 am
Arrowcaster (Amalgam)
Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:19 am
Buggit (Daredevil foe)
Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:12 pm
Percival Crane (time-traveler, Strange Stories of Suspense #6)
Eduardo M.
Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:47 pm
Doctor Doom (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes version)
Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:37 pm
Euroforce update
Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:12 pm
Scott Free (Amalgam)
Gambit (Earth-92131)
Martin Goodman (Earth-616, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
Hydra (Amalgam)
Iron Legion (Earth-91119)
Jade Enchantress (Amalgam)
Khyscz (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Marvel Comics Super Special #5)
Lady Bug (Amalgam)
Benito Mussolini (historical figure)
Foggy Nelson (Earth-701306)
Oswyn (Marvel Super Special #28)
Hank Pym (Amalgam)
Ted Roto (murderer, Marvel Tales #120)
Swamp Thing (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Triserinak (Amalgam)
Uatu (Earth-92131)
Valinus (Amalgam)
Charlie Ward (war character, Battle #42)
X-Building (Amalgam)
D.R. Yancey (war character, Battlefront #23)
Zorg (mad scientist, Adventures into Terror #16)
Abomination (Earth-534834)
Dagwood Bumstead (Captain America #401)
Niles Cable (Amalgam)
Daredevil (Earth-92131)
Ergo the Magnificent (Marvel Super Special #28)

I used to G characters, since I was all out for Q.
Eduardo M.
Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:19 pm
Fantastic Four (Earth-121698/2005 Fantastic Four movie and sequel)
Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:21 pm
Glyph (Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. member)
Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:55 pm
Hyde (Amalgam)
Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:15 pm
Inner Guard (Madame Masque's robot servants, named after famous traitors, Avengers characters)
Eduardo M.
Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:26 pm
Jeweller (Roger Corman Fantastic Four foe)
Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:10 pm
Khana (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Mystic #59)
Wed Mar 16, 2016 8:15 pm
List updated to current round.

Llama Harry (Mercs For Hire character, in therapy group with Foolkiller)
Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:41 pm
Shouldn't the following all be in yellow?

Abomination (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Avengers (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Banshee (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Briar, Cassandra (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Brood (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Bullock, Clark (Amalgam)
Cage, Luke (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Cyclops (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Daredevil (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Iron Man (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Otwani (Prince, Marvel Super Special #34)
Ynyr (Marvel Super Special #28)

Also, I noticed the following:

Hank York (Quick-Trigger Western #14) had his first name given to Zorina
Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:46 pm
Mad Harriet (Amalgam)
Eduardo M.
Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:34 pm
Nightcrawler (Pryde of the X-Men)
Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:23 pm
Operator (Ultraverse)
Eduardo M.
Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:16 pm
Payback (Eddie Dyson/Punisher character)
Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:29 pm
Johnny Quackson (Duckworld television talk show host)
Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:32 pm
Johnny Random (Amalgam)
Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:10 am
Strel (formerly Mentor of the Imperial Guard, coerced into joining Fraternity of Raptors)
Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:08 pm
Glenn Talbot (Earth-534834)
Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:30 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Shouldn't the following all be in yellow?

Abomination (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Avengers (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Banshee (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Briar, Cassandra (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Brood (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Bullock, Clark (Amalgam)
Cage, Luke (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Cyclops (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Daredevil (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Iron Man (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Otwani (Prince, Marvel Super Special #34)
Ynyr (Marvel Super Special #28)

Also, I noticed the following:

Hank York (Quick-Trigger Western #14) had his first name given to Zorina

Sorry i been out of town for the last few days all should be corrected now. Thanks for the corrections!
Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:32 am
Leo Vincey (Marvel Classics Comics #24)
Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:43 pm
White Man (Deadpool/Power Man/Iron Fist foe)
Eduardo M.
Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:50 pm
X-Cutioner's Song (X-Men event)
Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:54 pm
Ymir (Amalgam)
Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:13 pm
Zreate'th (demon, Hellcat foe)

Eduardo M.'s X-Cutioner's Song (X-Men event) is a repeat so he gets another shot at a X entry
Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:51 pm
Ergo the Magnificent and Oswyn should be yellow. I'm not sure whether Dagwood Bumstead should be yellow or not.

Jose Armidez (criminal, Amazing Detective Cases #4)
Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:57 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Ergo the Magnificent and Oswyn should be yellow. I'm not sure whether Dagwood Bumstead should be yellow or not.

Jose Armidez (criminal, Amazing Detective Cases #4)


Bulldozer (Marci Camp, daughter of Bulldozer/Henry Camp)
Cherry Blossom (Nail member)
Dark Art (She-Hulk foe)
Expatriate (Generation X novels villain)
Feng Po-Po (Thunderbolts foe)
Ghost Dancer (Department of the Uncanny member)
Hummingbird (New Warriors member)
Iceworm (Jack Frost foe)
Janson, Tyrone (friend of Daredevil)
Knights of the Infinite (New Avengers characters)
Lightning Rod (Genoshan mutant, Excalibur foe)
Mania (Symbiote wearer, Venom sidekick)
Naiad (X-student, Advocates member)
Ocean (mutant, O-Force member)
Pokerface (Power Man/Iron Fist foe)
Quisling (Madame Masque's robotic servant)
Regent (Spider-Man foe)
Sapna (X-Men student)
Telekinian (NuHuman, Hellcat character)
Unnthinnk (demon, Six-Fingered Hand member)
Vacuum (Spacemen member, Spider-Man foe)
Willis, Verity (Loki character)
X-Haven (mutant sanctuary to protect mutantkind from the Terrigen Mist located in Limbo)
Yano (True Believers member, Spider-Man foe)
Zabu (Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Ascendants (Chinese super team)
Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:13 pm
Al Baker (Ultraverse)
Tue Mar 22, 2016 5:25 am
Cat-Man (Townsend Horgan, member of first Ani-Men, died working for Count Nefaria)
Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:25 am
Daredevil (Earth-534834)
Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:42 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Daredevil (Earth-534834)

What reality is that?
Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:44 pm

skippcomet wrote:

vanhornluke wrote:

Daredevil (Earth-534834)

What reality is that?

http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Matthew_Mu ... rth-534834)
Eduardo M.
Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:06 pm

Angelicknight wrote:

Eduardo M.'s X-Cutioner's Song (X-Men event) is a repeat so he gets another shot at a X entry.

Huh. Could've sworn I didn't see it already listed. Oh well, in that case, X-Sentinels (X-Men foes/Lang's robot duplicates)
Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:24 am
Electric Eve (mutant member of Chicago-based Morlocks, uncontrollable electrical generation powers)
Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:58 am
Fall (Four Seasons member, Ultimate Spider-Man TV comic)
Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:43 pm
Gamorola (Amalgam)
Mig-El Gand (Amalgam)
Hybrid (Ultraverse)
Iron Lantern 5700 (Amalgam)
Mark Jordan (scientist, World of Suspense #1)
Krakoa (Amalgam)
Lurch (Captain America #401)
Madame Banshee (Amalgam)
Paul McCartney (historical figure)
Horatio Nelson (admiral, Marines in Battle #4, Navy Combat #6)
Pete Olson (war character, Combat Casey #6)
El Papamondo (Amalgam)
Paul Revere (historical figure)
Surtur (Amalgam)
Tattoo (Ultraverse)
Uatu (Earth-91119)
Vikki Valkyrie (Amalgam)
Waver (Ultraverse)
Wellington Yinsen (Earth-534834)
Zorbra (What The?)
Abominite (Amalgam)
Ernst Blofeld (member of Machiavelli Club, Marvel Super Special #19)
Felicia Campbell (Ultraverse)
Daredevil (Earth-701306)
Eirig (King, Marvel Super Special #28)
Frederick the Great (historical figure, Marines in Action #5, Battle Action #24)

I was out of Q and X, so I included an extra G and M.
Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:47 pm
Goldballs (X-student)
Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:53 pm
Guy Hunt (Ultraverse)
Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:13 pm
Impulse (Imperial Guard member)
Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:55 am
Joey Jordan (Top Dog)

Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:53 am
Korbinites (alien race, Beta Ray Bill's people)
Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:24 am
Lady Death (Amalgam)
Sat Mar 26, 2016 10:11 am
Minotaur (Dario Agger, Greek CEO of Roxxon, can assume form & power of the Minotaur of legend, Thor foe)
Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:12 am
Neuronne (Ultraverse)
Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:04 pm
Oink (mutant, 0-Force member)
Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:34 pm
Peter Parker (Amalgam)
Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:38 pm
Queen Medusa (ruler of the Sub-Earth Men, encountered Captain America and Nazi agent the Spook in 1942 American Mid-West)
Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:48 pm
Ratatoskr (Asgardian, Squirrel Girl character)
Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:52 pm
Sarto (alien invader, Marvel Tales #120)
Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:42 am
Tarpit (Ghosts of Cyclops member)
Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:27 pm
Ubuwong (Amalgam)
Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:09 am
Vampiric Verses (Dr. Strange-centric event that led to restoration of vampires post-Montesi Formula)
Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:14 am
Wazar (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Astonishing #59
Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:56 pm
Xemnu (Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.)
Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:09 am
Frank Yaeger (western character, Cowboy Action #11)
Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:35 am
Zoran (Atlantean, Sub-Mariner foe)

List updated to current round.
Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:03 am
Allatou (demon, wife of Nergal, foe of Hellstorm, Avengers & Master Pandemonium)
Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:05 pm
Banisher (Amalgam)
Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:09 pm
Billy Connors (son of Curt Connors, ultimately killed by father's alter ego the Lizard)
Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:48 pm
Dark Aegis (Earth-534834)

Also, I noticed the following should be yellow:

Blofeld, Ernst
Krakoa (Amalgam) [it looks like it's tagged to be yellow but it didn't work]
Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:59 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Dark Aegis (Earth-534834)

Also, I noticed the following should be yellow:

Blofeld, Ernst
Krakoa (Amalgam) [it looks like it's tagged to be yellow but it didn't work]

All corrected thanks for letting me know.
Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:39 am
Excalibur (The Sword in the Stone, magical sword wielded by King Arthur, currently in Faiza Hussain's possession)
Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:28 am
Rebel Farmer (Amalgam)
Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:17 pm
Gopher (She-Hulk character)
Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:37 pm
Hammer & Anvil (Hulk foes, later victims of Scourge)
Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:03 pm
Ila (Strange Tales #42)
Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:18 pm
Jubula Pride (616, Daredevil foe/ally, daughter of the Owl)
Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:07 pm
Malcolm Kort (Ultraverse)
Lamplight Phantom (Amalgam)
Al Murdock (western character, Crimefighters #2)
Murrhr (Martian, Adventures into Weird Worlds #11)
Nevada Kid (Western Outlaws #13)
James Olsen (Amalgam)
Emma Peel (Captain America #401)
Alexi Rasputin (Amalgam)
Satan (a general entry covering all the various appearances of "Satan" [including stuff published in the 40s and 50s], and differentiating the various distinct characters who have sometimes used the name)
Team X (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
The Unseen Ones (invisible tribe, Mystery Tales #39)
Vinaigrette (Ultraverse)
Wonder-Gold (Amalgam)
Xrtyl (alien, Astonishing #47)
Hank Yaeger (western character, Cowboy Action #11)
Zurich (Zern villager, Journey into Mystery #32)
Arizona Kid (outlaw, Wyatt Earp #3)
Brooklyn Barnes (Amalgam)
Kelly Cantrell (Ultraverse)
Dark Wave (Ultraverse)
Elasti-Girl (Amalgam)
Jerry Fulton (telepath, Mystery Tales #39)
Gangsta (Ultraverse)
Hulk (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Immelmann (WWI Ace, Battle Action #17)
Hal Jordan (Amalgam)

I was out of Q, so I added an extra M.
Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:15 pm
List updated to current round.

Kid Rescue (Secret Wars character)
Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:16 pm
Lois Lane (Amalgam)

Also, "Farmer, Robert (Amalgam)" should be "Farmer, Rebel (Amalgam)"
Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:33 pm
Mister Miracle (Corporation member)
Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:36 pm
Nevada Kid (Six-Gun Western #3)
Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:52 pm
Orifice (mutant, O-Force member)
Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:36 pm
Pelt Man (Amalgam)
Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:55 am
Quickwire (MC2/Earth-982 character, Spider-Girl foe turned government agent)
Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:47 am
Ravok the Ravager (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:38 pm
Spider-Man (Earth31198 armored Spider-Man from Spider-Man the animated series)
Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:21 pm
Team X (Earth-10005)
Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:38 pm
Ultimates (Earth-110) Update
Eduardo M.
Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:26 pm
Venom (Earth-92131)
Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:28 pm
Wonder Woman (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:09 am

skippcomet wrote:

Ultimates (Earth-110) Update

That's supposed to be "(Earth-1610)."

Xaphan (fire demon, foe of Nightcrawler, Deadpool, and John Blaze & Dan Ketch)
Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:04 pm
Red Yaeger (western character, Cowboy Action #11)
Eduardo M.
Wed Apr 06, 2016 1:01 pm
Zabyk (Skrull, user of the Hyper-Wave bomb)
Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:20 pm
Absorbing Man (Earth-534834)
Eduardo M.
Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:09 pm
Pierce Benedict (Roxxon executive, Captain America character)
Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:51 pm
Comet (Harris Moore, formerly retired 1950s hero, later joined Champions of Xandar)
Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:52 pm
Daemonites (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:54 pm
Ecce (Watcher)
Eduardo M.
Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:30 pm
Flame (Dazzler foe)

Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:37 pm
Gyrich (Amalgam)
Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:14 pm
List updated to current round.

Harvesters (Kansas state Initiative team)
Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:43 am
Impact (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Rick Jones (Earth-534834)
Kokoro (Amalgam)
Lois Lane (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Multi-Master (Amalgam)
Rex Mundi (Ultraverse)
Nymph (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Jeremiah O’Leary (war character, Battle #15)
Painkiller Jane (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Samra Qury (Fantastic Four: War Zone novel)
Ra’s Al Ghul (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sathanas (Devil, Journey into Mystery #9)
Taboo (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ugami-San (war character, Battleground #9)
Valron (Marvel Tales #144)
Wonder Woman (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Yancy (western character, Black Rider #23)
Zis (painter, Astonishing #51)
Abraham (Bible Tales for Young Folks #3)
Baby (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Kelly Cantrell (Ultraforce cartoon)
Anton Drew (anthropologist, Spellbound #32)
Jackie Estacado (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
The Flat Man (Spellbound #3)
Gunk (Ultraverse)
Howling Commandos (Amalgam)

I was out of X, so I added an extra M.
Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:28 pm
Ikthalon (demon representing stagnation, foe of Hellstorm, invoked in spells)
Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:07 pm
Rick Jones (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)

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     Thread Starter

1/22/2020 9:56 am  #15

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:32 pm
Kymri (Excalibur character, former freedom fighter turned Earth-1289's Captain Britain Corps member)
Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:27 pm
Longhair John (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Best of the West #10)
Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:45 pm
Meanstreak (Henry Huang of Earth-928's X-Men team circa 2099 AD)
Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:51 pm
Jimmy Navarone (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:21 am
Old Man (Ultraverse/Earth-93060, allegedly millennia-old hunter, sometime-leader of the Freex)
Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:33 am
Andy Purvis (Journey into Unknown Worlds #37)
Eduardo M.
Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:56 pm
Billy Bob Rackham (Luke Cage foe)
Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:16 pm
Rhomann Sur (Amalgam)
Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:46 pm
Adding in for Q -- Quentin Quire Update (Does anybody call him "Kid Omega" anymore? Just wondering.)
Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:59 pm
Topspin (Mitchell, mutant, V-Battalion member)
Wed Apr 13, 2016 6:57 pm

Urban Jungle (Ka-Zar-centric event)
Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:04 pm
Melody Valentine (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:51 pm
Warp (Earth-982/MC2 character, former thief, joined that world's Avengers)
Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:55 pm
X-League (Unlimited Access)
Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:04 pm
I take it Y is hard to find anymore? I've still got several Y characters, so I can fill that in if someone wants to post a Z.
Eduardo M.
Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:09 pm
found one.

Sanji Yamamoto (Xavier Institute cook)
Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:52 pm
Zirtalx (Marvel Tales #125)

Eduardo M.
Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:02 pm
Abby-L (insane Gwen Stacy clone)
Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:04 pm
Backlash (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:11 pm
Coachwhip (Beatrix Keener, Serpent Society member, wields electrically charged whips mounted to gauntlets)
Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:46 pm
Jackson Dane (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Dream Eye (Dakota Chief, Arrowhead #2)
Edward Erraut (murderer, Mystery Tales #14)
Fairchild (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Granny Gullin (Amalgam)
Jean Grey (Earth-10005)
Hot Rox (Ultraverse)
Impossible Dawg (Amalgam)
Josie and the Pussycats (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Knightsabre (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Lorna Loot (Royal Roy)
Ms. Marvel (Earth-92131)
Bret Nevil (alien, Mystic #39)
Orion (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Purple Pig (in-universe fictional character, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
Quick Freeze (Unlimited Access)
Rainmaker (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Supreme Soviet (Ultraverse)
Tyrax (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Valhalla Zone (Unlimited Access)
Warblade (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Yancy Legion (Amalgam)
Zip-Zap (Ultraforce cartoon)
Autobots (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Boise Kid (Gunsmoke Western #52)
Captain America (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)

I was out of U and X, so I included an extra D and G.
Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:26 am
Doctor Danger (Jules Bergen, Old West criminal, member of Iron Mask's Circus of Crime, foe of Kid Colt)
Eduardo M.
Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:48 pm
Horst Eisele (Hydra agent, Thunderbolts foe)
Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:49 pm
F’rahsti (What The?)
Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:42 am
Gungnir (Odin's spear)
Hulk (Amadeus Cho) Update
David Ishima (former boyfriend of Jessica Drew, X-Men ally)
Jolen (Inhuman with plant-related powers, former exchange student)
Korg (Kronan member of the Hulk's Warbound)
Lionfang (Luke Cage foe, uses technology to control large cats, confined to wheelchair)
Marvel Adventures (Earth-20051, universe in which the Marvel Adventures line of comics took place)
Nocturne (Angela Cairn, former NYPD officer mutated into bat-winged form, Spider-Man character)
Overshadow (Philip Nolan Voight, New Universe character, DP7 villain)
Power Tools (two different teams of agents of Karl Malus, fought Hawkeye & Captain America)
Quiver (Rentaro Nakadai, Earth-928, mutant ally of Sham and X-Men circa 2099 AD)
Roko the Amazing (Lon Crag, gains super-powers from magic work "Illium," Golden Age hero)
Strontian (Xenith, cousin of Gladiator/Kallark, member of the Praetorians, formerly Star Masters)
Claire Temple (medical doctor, past romantic connections to Bill Foster & Luke Cage, has encountered other superhumans)
Ukko (Jumala/Finnish sky god, Council of Godheads)
Velocidad (Gabriel Cohuelo, former member of the Lights & X-Men)
White Flower (female leader of pirates in 1948, foe of Namor & Namora)
X-Men (Earth-9997/Earth X, including members of both Professor X and Mr. S's teams)
Yellow Claw (Imperial Japanese spy/saboteur during WWII, foe of Captain America)
Zenn-Lavians (alien humanoid race, Norrin Radd's people)
Aura (Anne Herd, wife of Override, Spider-Man foe)
Phillipe Bazin (crimelord, Darkhawk foe)
Kid Cassidy (former partner of Reno Jones, eventually killed by Joness during assault on Wonderment)
Dark Messiah (Mordecai Jones, agent of Moondragon, foe of Daredevil)
Empire State University (New York City-based college, history & known students/faculty)
Sally Floyd (reporter for Front Line, mother of deceased mutant child)
Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:17 pm
Gabop (What The?)
Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:59 pm
List updated to current round.

Huang, Angie (She-Hulk character)
Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:27 pm
Ivory Wench (What The?)
Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:14 pm

Angelicknight wrote:

List updated to current round.

I just went through updated master list, and the entries for the letters A through E on my last post/list (Aura, Phillipe Bazin, Kid Cassidy, Dark Messiah, and ESU) didn't get included in the update (but all the ones for G through Z were included). Is it because the A-E entries were placed after the letter Z?

Orji Jones (Blade's vampire hunting mentor)
Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:59 pm
Ka-Zar (Amalgam)
Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:15 pm

skippcomet wrote:

Angelicknight wrote:

List updated to current round.

I just went through updated master list, and the entries for the letters A through E on my last post/list (Aura, Phillipe Bazin, Kid Cassidy, Dark Messiah, and ESU) didn't get included in the update (but all the ones for G through Z were included). Is it because the A-E entries were placed after the letter Z?

Orji Jones (Blade's vampire hunting mentor)

Yes they are the starting of a new round and will be added in the next update once we reach z again. There not forgotten.
Eduardo M.
Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:07 pm
Lost Boys and Girls (Nanny's mind-controlled children)
Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:31 pm
Mutie Wanna-Bes (What The?)
Eduardo M.
Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:11 pm
Nails (Eaton, member of the Elite Agents of SHIELD
Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:43 pm
Ozarks Kingpin (Deadpool and the Mercs For Money character)
Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:06 pm
Pal-o’mine (What The?)
Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:37 am
Pamela Quinn (Delmar Insurance employee, mutually attracted to Machine Man)
Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:21 am
Ramjet (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:37 pm
Scarlet Witch (Maximoff, 90s Iron Man animated series)
Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:36 pm
Talia (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:19 pm
Ullikumis (Mesopotamian god)
Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:44 pm
Virmin Vundavort (Unlimited Access)
Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:39 pm
Whitehead, Nancy (Squirrel Girl character)
Sat Apr 23, 2016 11:50 am
X-Ipsofacto (What The?)
Sat Apr 23, 2016 3:36 pm
Yodman (Foolkiller ally)
Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:38 pm
Gustave Zinborg (doctor, Marvel Tales #116)
Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:44 pm
Arácnido Jr. (Mexican Spider-Man)
Blue Ear (Dr. Pedro Perez, Stark employee, custom comic character)
Captain Canada (World Federation of Superheroes member)
Depresso (Xavier School reject)
Echidna (Doom Maidens member)
Ferret (would-be super-hero, Amazing Spider-Man story)
Ghosts of Cyclops (All-New X-Men foes)
Horus (Madripoor's protector)
Ingrediento (Marvex foe)
Johnny Justice (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Kobik (Avengers Standoff character)
Landers, Dave (possible Earth-616 counterpart to the New Universe's Mastodon, tombstone seen in West Coast Avengers #65)
Marcus the Centaur (New Frightful Four member)
Nighthawk (Earth-31916 member of Prime Earth/Earth-616 Squadron Supreme)
Officer Dragon imposter (Nova foe, Skrull impersonator of Image's Savage Dragon)
Pillar (Ghosts of Cyclops member)
Quiver (Annie Stevenson, New Universe character)
Rattler (Red Wolf foe)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Update
Tenfingers (Daredevil foe)
Ultimator (Avengers foe)
van Scotter, Jubulile (Carnage character)
WHISPER (New Avengers foes)
X-Men update
Yuanzhang, Zhu (Ally of Hui Lin/SHIELD's David Sum aided in removing Kubulai Khan from China in 1368)
Zabu (Gus Beezer's dog)
Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:16 am
A La Mode (Lunch Legion, What The?)
Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:48 pm
List updated to current round.

Bar With No Doors (mystical hangout for magic users)
Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:32 pm
Cat and Mouse (skilled thieves, musicians, & operatves of the Shroud)
Sun Apr 24, 2016 6:56 pm
Dumsday (What The?)
Ebron (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Façade (What The?)
Gabriel (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Harold Haarfager (historical figure)
Impervious Guard (What The?)
James VI and I (historical figure)
Kalibak (Amalgam)
John Lynch (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Multiple-Guy (What The?)
Noah (biblical figure)
Kevin O’Leary (Irishman, Battle Action #21)
Parademons (Amalgam)
Quasar (What The?)
Runamuck (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sabrebak (Unlimited Access)
Talkin’ Bird (What The?)
Uatu-tu (What The?)
Vortex (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Wonder Wasp (Unlimited Access)
Xavier School for Hormonally Overactive Adolescents (What The?)
Youngblood (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Pia Zadora (What The?)
Amon Hatok (immortal pharaoh, Marvel Tales #145)
John Byrne (What The?)
Pedro Alvares Cabral (historical figure)
Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:55 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Dumsday (What The?)
Ebron (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Façade (What The?)
Gabriel (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Harold Haarfager (historical figure)
Impervious Guard (What The?)
James VI and I (historical figure)
Kalibak (Amalgam)
John Lynch (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Multiple-Guy (What The?)
Noah (biblical figure)
Kevin O’Leary (Irishman, Battle Action #21)
Parademons (Amalgam)
Quasar (What The?)
Runamuck (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sabrebak (Unlimited Access)
Talkin’ Bird (What The?)
Uatu-tu (What The?)
Vortex (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Wonder Wasp (Unlimited Access)
Xavier School for Hormonally Overactive Adolescents (What The?)
Youngblood (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Pia Zadora (What The?)
Amon Hatok (immortal pharaoh, Marvel Tales #145)
John Byrne (What The?)
Pedro Alvares Cabral (historical figure)

Is this character Vortex (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover) the same as Vortex (mutant, Generation X/Gen13 character) who is already on the list?

List updated to current round

Delta Vee (Arcadia Group member)
Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:01 pm
Oops.:blush: guess you can replace that name with:

Voodoo (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:36 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Oops.:blush: guess you can replace that name with:

Voodoo (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)

Done :grin:
Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:42 am
Eyeclops (What The?)
Eduardo M.
Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:50 pm
Future Man (All-Winners Squad foe)
Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:27 pm
Galacticus (What The?)
Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:39 pm
Hijack (X-student)
Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:05 pm
Irish Wolfhound (Cuchulain of Earth-691, Celtic warrior, GotG character)
Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:02 pm
Justice Junta (What The?)
Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:58 pm
Kid Dead (Rawhide Kid/Sensational Seven foe)
Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:27 am
L.U.S.T. (Pussycat #1)
Eduardo M.
Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:08 pm
Mainframe (Ian Wajler, Deathlok foe)
Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:43 pm
N’Iceman (What The?)
Tue Apr 26, 2016 3:32 pm
Ooze (mutant, O-Force member)
Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:37 pm
Parademons (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:58 pm
Queen Fria (Micronauts ally)
Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:28 pm
Runabout (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:29 pm
Simpsons (presumed surname of an American family who have encountered Speedball, Scorpion, Black Cat, and Vulture)
Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:40 pm
Tabe (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Eduardo M.
Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:40 pm
Unnameable (Defenders foe)
Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:51 pm
Rudolf von Habsburg (historical figure)
Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:03 pm
Warhawks (group of lackeys/terrorists organizes by Ares, foes of the Avengers & Hercules)
Eduardo M.
Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:50 pm
Charles Xavier (Earth-98101)
Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:25 pm
Helen Yancey (bystander, Justice #39)
Eduardo M.
Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:01 pm
Llyod Zahner (Project Glamor operative)
Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:37 pm
List updated to current round.

Artie Choke (Hostess villain, Hulk foe)
Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:54 pm
Butcher (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:05 pm
Caliber (Alpha Flight foe)
Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:14 pm
Dagnabbit (What The?)
Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:22 pm
Equilibrius (Savage Land Mutates)
Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:47 pm
Doug Frost (Bachelor magazine vol. 2 #1)
Gamora (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Garden of Eden (Marvel Tales #141)
Hydra Ladies Auxiliary (What The?)
Impossible Man (Earth-534834)
Justice (What The?)
Happy Kalmaku (Amalgam)
Lex Luthor (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Madame Cat (Amalgam)
Nachochip (What The?)
Pat O’Shea (Chief Petty Officer, Spy Fighters #10)
Anna Paabo (Hungarian Agent, For Men Only vol. 6 #3)
Qeelocke (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Rio Grande Kid (Kid Colt Outlaw #66)
S.C.O.R.E. (Pussycat #1)
Tamale (What The?)
Ulik (What The?)
Otto von Bismarck (historical figure, War Comics #41)
Wong (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Ace Yancy (Two Gun Western #5)
Zambuli tribe (Marvel Super Special #34)
A-Tuna (What The?)
Burnout (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Augustus Caesar (historical figure)
Duke of Density (What The?)
Magnus Eriksson (historical figure)

I was out of X, so I included an extra G.
Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:05 pm
Four Seasons (villain team, Ultimate Spider-Man TV comic)
Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:37 pm
Gardner (Amalgam)
Eduardo M.
Sun May 01, 2016 12:10 pm
Hellfire Club (Earth-92131)
Sun May 01, 2016 1:54 pm
Inevitable Woman (What The?)
Sun May 01, 2016 7:11 pm
Hornet's Hideaway (shrunken base of operations created by Pym in Yellowjacket identity)
Sun May 01, 2016 8:08 pm
Shouldn't the next suggestion have been a J rather than an H?
Mon May 02, 2016 2:02 am

Jack (early if miniature clone of Peter Parker created and later killed by the Jackal)
Mon May 02, 2016 11:28 am
Kamikaze Kat (What The?)
Eduardo M.
Mon May 02, 2016 1:40 pm
Leather and Lace (Black Cat foes)
Mon May 02, 2016 2:35 pm
Mutant Control Agency (Earth-92131)
Tue May 03, 2016 8:00 am
Nova Roma (community of alleged Roman descendants, created by Selene in Brazilian jungle)
Eduardo M.
Tue May 03, 2016 1:58 pm
Odd John (Micronauts foe)
Tue May 03, 2016 2:38 pm
Parasite (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Tue May 03, 2016 6:17 pm
Clay Quartermain (LMD, part of Deltan Conspiracy)
Tue May 03, 2016 10:23 pm
Radioactive Man (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Wed May 04, 2016 1:48 pm
Saberbat (Iron Man character)
Wed May 04, 2016 2:12 pm
Joe Tyler (bounty hunter, Male vol. 21 #7)
Eduardo M.
Thu May 05, 2016 2:04 pm
Ushas (Iron Fist foe)
Thu May 05, 2016 5:59 pm
Vampyr (London Morlock)
Weed (Drug Lords member)
Xlyym (Starblasters member, Namor foe)
Yog-Sokot (demon--mentioned only)
Zorreks (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America foes)
Antimatter (Singularity/A-Force foe)
Bloody Lips (serial killer who cannabalizes his victims for their powers)
Cape Crow (assassin, Elektra character)
Dynamo (Earth-91274, Neo-Knights member)
Earth-74425 (Bravavelli advertisements world)
Fitzgerald, Caitlin (Access/Axel Asher's DC Universe girlfriend)
Giant Flea Market Eating Flea (Hostess villain, Captain Marvel foe)
Hardshell (armored "spokesmask" for Alvin Industries)
Ice (Drug Lords member)
Janus (Atlantean, Wolverine character)
Karbon (Tektos member, Marvel U.K.)
Luz (Children of the Vault)
Mach 1 (Danny Paterson, Marvel Super Hero Roll Playing exemplar character)
Nautilus (Spider-Man/Cage foe)
Orange Crusher (depowered mutant, Anti-Registration Underground member)
Planet Terry (Cammi/Pip the Troll ally, Star Comics character)
Quoggoth (Shuma-Gorath creation, X-Men/Squirrel Girl foe)
Rover (biologically engineered Canine humanoid created by the Secret Empire, Hawkeye character)
Saint Hildegard (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Thunderpunch (Earth-91274, Neo-Knights member)
Unidipus (Doctor Druid foe)
Eduardo M.
Thu May 05, 2016 6:11 pm
Federico Valencia (Blade foe)
Thu May 05, 2016 7:30 pm
Janet Wynn (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Fri May 06, 2016 8:17 pm
List updated to current round.

Xaos (Cerebro's X-Men nanotech team)
Sat May 07, 2016 12:30 am
Zambuli tribe (Marvel Super Special #34) should be in yellow.

Hank Yarborough (Gunsmoke Western #37)
Sat May 07, 2016 2:04 am
Zefra (Godpack member)

List currently up to date.
Sat May 07, 2016 9:29 am
Atalanta (female member of the Pantheon, wields plasma bow, Hulk character)
Sat May 07, 2016 11:46 am
Belle Porte, including its residents (http://www.comicscube.com/2010/08/easter-eggs-in-comics-john-byrnes.html)
Sat May 07, 2016 12:13 pm
Cyborg (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sun May 08, 2016 6:57 am
Doctor Zero (Earth-88194, Shadowline character, appeared/died during Secret Wars)
Sun May 08, 2016 9:09 pm
Firefox (Grigori Andreivitch, Russian cyborg & assassin)
Sun May 08, 2016 10:19 pm
Guillotine (French heroine, Contest of Champions character)
Mon May 09, 2016 12:50 am
Bernie Hutton (Mr. Danger, Evel Knievel character)
Mon May 09, 2016 12:59 am

vanhornluke wrote:

Bernie Hutton (Mr. Danger, Evel Knievel character)

Mister Danger (Evel Knievel foe) is a repeat i think?
Mon May 09, 2016 11:37 am
Oops.:blush: I guess replace him with:

Hurtful Girl (What The?)

Edit: Shouldn't Mister Danger be yellow?
Mon May 09, 2016 1:01 pm
Yes Mister Danger should be colored yellow an oversight on my part.

Invincible (Earth-Image, Marvel Team-Up #14)
Justicia/Justice (Masacre's pet jaguar)
Kid Arachnid (Miles Morales, former Spider-Man in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon)
Lumbermen (X-Statix foes)
Madam Worm (Hydra agent, Winter Soldier foe)
Narangan Blade (Asgardian sword wielded by Vör and later by Skadihr)
Orbit (mutant, O-Force member)
Pleasant Hill (Prison community opperated by SHIELD)
Quasar (Kincaid, SHIELD agent)
Rodriguez, Becca (Weirdworld character)
Swiss Miss (Spider-man foe, Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark musical)
Tungsten (approached by Dynamic Concepts about being their armored "spokesmask")
Ulysses (NuHuman/Inhuman, key player in Civil War II)
Vague (Hell's Belles member)
Wasp (FCBD 2016/All-New All-Different Avengers character)
Xennus (Doctor Strange foe)
Yukthalok (minor demon, Ghost Rider/Blaze foe)
Zalman (Hydra agent, Elektra foe)
Alvin Industries (Corporation who uses the armored "spokesmask" Hardshell)
Brushfire (Gravity foe)
Chronosaurus Rex (Spider-Man/Silk armored foe/ally)
Dynamic Concepts (Corporation who approached Tungsten about being their armored "spokesmask")
Empyrean (mutant, X-Men foe)
Frostbite (Iron Man foe)
Great Society (Earth-4290001)
Hei Hei (Angie Huang's pet flying monkey, She-Hulk character)
Mon May 09, 2016 1:20 pm
Abdul Ibn Khor (sheikh, Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Jacob (thief, The Life of Christ: The Easter Story)
Solomon Kane
Lunch Legion (What The?)
Madame Saphire (Amalgam)
Ralph Nader (Earth-616, Male vol. 21 #7)
Ox (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Benjamin Parker (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Dan Quayle (What The?)
Howard Ryland (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
S.H.I.E.L.D. (Earth-92131)
Team 7 (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Uotto (What The?)
Valkyrie (What The?)
Wonder Woman (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
X-Men (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Yardarm (Ultraverse)
William J. Zoul (coroner, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Ayeda (goddess, Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Babenberg family (historical figures)
Cyblade (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Dream Crystal (Amalgam)
Clayton E. Eames (attorney, Detective Short Stories vol. 1 #2)
Kent Fahrnwell (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #6)
Gabriel (angel, biblical figure)
George Hupple (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #4)
Eduardo M.
Mon May 09, 2016 1:48 pm
Imogen (Century foe)

Mon May 09, 2016 4:58 pm
John Jacobs (Men in Adventure [Jun 1968])
Mon May 09, 2016 7:40 pm
Kamikaze (Haruo Tsuburaya, Mutant Liberation Front, accidentally decapitated by Archangel)
Mon May 09, 2016 8:05 pm
List updated to current round.

Leviathan (giant monster killed by Archangel of the X-Men)
Mon May 09, 2016 11:53 pm
Mademoiselle Peggy (Amalgam)
Eduardo M.
Tue May 10, 2016 2:02 pm
Jennifer Nyles (Beast character)
Tue May 10, 2016 2:20 pm
Overkill (mutant, O-Force member)
Tue May 10, 2016 2:45 pm
Ivan Passion (Pussycat #1)
Eduardo M.
Tue May 10, 2016 6:10 pm
Qu'lar the Massive (Thanos thrall)
Tue May 10, 2016 6:37 pm
Rhinos (Hostess ad, armored assault vehicles faced by Iron Man)
Tue May 10, 2016 7:10 pm
Swordsman (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Tue May 10, 2016 10:06 pm
Triage (X-student)
Wed May 11, 2016 12:00 pm
Uncle Scrooge (What The?)
Eduardo M.
Wed May 11, 2016 2:02 pm
Vulcan (First Line member)
Wed May 11, 2016 4:12 pm
Wonder Man (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Wed May 11, 2016 5:46 pm
Xtoral Laxtan (Thanos foe)
Wed May 11, 2016 9:26 pm
Ed Yarnell (sheriff, Tim Holt #14 [Ghost Rider story])
Eduardo M.
Thu May 12, 2016 1:43 pm
Zgorian (Hulk ally)
List updated.

Asha (Wakandan School For Alternative Studies student)
Thu May 12, 2016 3:00 pm
Badrock (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Thu May 12, 2016 5:31 pm
Chickenwings (Morlock, Sabretooth victim)
Thu May 12, 2016 6:26 pm
Dreadknight (Earth-534834)
Eduardo M.
Thu May 12, 2016 7:11 pm
Emperor of Texas (Team America foe)
Fri May 13, 2016 12:34 am
Chris Falk (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Guy Gardner (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Giuseppe Garibaldi (historical figure, Battleground #9)
Human Torch (pyromaniac, Amazing Detective Cases pulp vol. 2 #4)
Imperial Guard (Earth-92131)
James (disciple of Jesus)
Kang, the Time Conqueror (Amalgam)
Lucas (The Life of Christ: The Easter Story)
Magdalena (Patience, Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Namor (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Terrence O’Shea (Sgt., Battle Action #11)
Claudia Patrick (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #6)
Quantrill’s Band (Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Ilyana Rasputina (What The?)
Sabretooth (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Tech (Lela Cho, Ultraverse)
Ultron (What The?)
Sunset Vane (Amalgam)
Wonder Girl (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Mariko Yashida (Earth-10005)
Zalinsky (servant, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Awful Flight (What The?)
Ballistic (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Canasta (What The?)
Drax (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eccentrics (What The?)

I was out of X, so I used an extra G.
Fri May 13, 2016 3:32 am
Frightful Four (team of monster mercenaries formed by Dracula)
Fri May 13, 2016 7:41 am
Gravestone (member of Earth-1136's Protectors)
Fri May 13, 2016 11:42 am
Human Torch (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Sat May 14, 2016 4:25 pm
Ikelli (Inhuman, sister of Flint)
Sat May 14, 2016 6:06 pm
Bob James (murderer, Men in Adventure [Jun 1968])
Sun May 15, 2016 1:16 am
King Bee (Spider-Man foe)
Sun May 15, 2016 11:48 am
Dan Lacy (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #6)
Sun May 15, 2016 1:27 pm
Mother Monster (mother of the Wendigo Girls, She-Hulk/Wolverine (X-23) foe)
Neolithic (Monster Island creature, Fantastic Four foe)
Oversize (Shadowforce member, Spider-Man/X-Factor foe)
Phoomie Goonies (Hostess villains, Hulk foes)
Quicksilver (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
Rai (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
Solar, Man of the Atom (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
Titanium Man (Earth-Valiant Marvel, Agents of R.A.G.E., Avengers foe)
U.S.S. Enterprise (Earth-Star Trek, 2 seperate starships visited by members of the X-Men)
Violence (Super Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. member/infiltrator)
Windstorm (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
X-O Manowar (Tony Stark, Iron Man/X-O Manowar: Heavy Metal #1)
Yoof (alien, S.H.I.E.L.D./Society of Higher Interstellar Education and Logistical Development, Firebird character)
Zoma (the Watcher, She-Hulk character)
Armorines (Earth-Valiant Marvel, Agents of R.A.G.E., Avengers foes)
Brashear, Adrienne (daughter of Blue Marvel, Assistant Administrator of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.)
Captain America (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers member)
DK (mutant, X-Factor member)
Earth-Valiant Marvels (merged Marvel Earth-616/Earth-Valiant Universe)
Frightful Four update
Giyera (Earth-199999, Inhuman, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Halloran, Lisa (Ultimates character, Ms. America love intrest)
Iron Man (Aric of Dacia, Iron Man/X-O Manowar: Heavy Metal #1)
Jutta (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Khan, Kublai (Historical figure)
Lord Tiki (Monsters of Evil member)
Sun May 15, 2016 2:46 pm
Forgive my ignorance, but where is "Earth-Valiant Marvel" from?

Mule (What The?)
Sun May 15, 2016 3:43 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Forgive my ignorance, but where is "Earth-Valiant Marvel" from?

Mule (What The?)

Sorry i edited your post by accident. Fixed That.

Ignorance? You one of the most knowledgeable Marvel Universe people i know. :grin:

Its from Iron Man/X-O Manowar: Heavy Metal #1 I don't believe it ever got an official designation

http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d104/ ... wbw4ou.jpg
http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d104/ ... 7qajma.jpg

Nightvoid (mutant, X-Force/X-Statix farm team)
Sun May 15, 2016 4:17 pm
Ah, thanks. I read those Iron Man/XO crossovers once when they were originally published. Since they've never been officially deemed 616 (to my knowledge), I've never gone back and looked at them again, so I had forgotten that those other Valiant characters appeared. :-)
Sun May 15, 2016 11:17 pm
Helena Owlsley (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Mon May 16, 2016 12:36 am
Project Ricochet (Captain America/Spider-Man advertisement)
Mon May 16, 2016 3:01 am
Quiet Bill (William Kimpton, homeless mutant, Gambit character)
Mon May 16, 2016 11:54 am
Ratchet (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Mon May 16, 2016 1:57 pm
Sabre (Earth-691 Killraven character)
Mon May 16, 2016 2:24 pm
Techuza (Ultraverse)
Eduardo M.
Tue May 17, 2016 2:31 pm
Uroc (Thor foe)
Tue May 17, 2016 10:49 pm
Vargo (Kid Colt foe, Kid Colt Outlaw #58)
Tue May 17, 2016 11:27 pm
Whitley, Alisha (Earth-199999, Inhuman, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Wed May 18, 2016 11:15 am
X-Jet (Amalgam)

Also, the following should be in yellow:

Human Torch (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Namor (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Wed May 18, 2016 11:48 am

vanhornluke wrote:

Human Torch (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Namor (Pow! Biff! Pops!)

Fri May 20, 2016 1:50 pm
Given the lack of posts, it looks like Y is in short supply. If someone wants to post a Z, I can fill in the Y (I'd do it right now, but I just did X).
Fri May 20, 2016 3:24 pm
I would say go ahead and post your Y entry. I propose after 24 or 48 hours at latest with no posts you may post your next entry regardless of your last post. What say you posters 24 hours or 48 hours? Again it's skippcomet's thread so he has final say on it.
Fri May 20, 2016 11:56 pm
Go ahead. I've been too tired to even log on due to work for a couple of days, but I trust y'all.
Sat May 21, 2016 12:11 am
24 hours seems fine with me, too.

Shingen Yashida (Earth-10005)
Sat May 21, 2016 2:40 pm
Ok after 24 hours feel free to post your next entry if no one else has posted.
Sun May 22, 2016 1:46 am
It's been 24 hours, so here's a Z, too:

Zanda (Countess, Marvel Super Special #34)
Eduardo M.
Sun May 22, 2016 12:44 pm
Salome Abdol (Living Pharaoh's daughter)
Sun May 22, 2016 4:20 pm
List updated to current round.

Baqir (demon, brother of Shiklah)
Sun May 22, 2016 4:43 pm
Zanda (Countess, Marvel Super Special #34) should be in yellow.

Cannonfire (Amalgam)
Sun May 22, 2016 6:15 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Zanda (Countess, Marvel Super Special #34) should be in yellow.


Sun May 22, 2016 7:44 pm
Dread (agent of Anton Hellgate)
Sun May 22, 2016 9:15 pm
Empirikul (There goal "purify" all magic across the dimensions)
Sun May 22, 2016 10:47 pm
False-Face Gang (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Gate (Ultraverse)
Machine Gun Butch Gatlin (criminal, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Humanity (Old West town, Amalgam)
Zelda Istarte (Bachelor magazine vol. 4 #6)
Action Jackson (Earth-74425)
Kankun (war character, Battlefront #39)
‘Lectron (Amalgam)
Mummy (Earth-74425)
Nabu (Amalgam)
Owlhoot Cub (Complete Western Book Magazine pulp vol. 11 #4)
Paste-Eater Pete (Amalgam)
Raven (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Surf (Lunch Legion, What The?)
Tarzan (Earth-74425)
Universe Boy (Amalgam)
Volstagg (What The?)
Wonder Woman (Earth-74425)
Xcel (Amalgam)
Sun Yat-Sen (historical figure)
Max Zanelli (gangster, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Hal Avery (Gothic Tales of Love #1)
Frederick Barbarossa (historical figure)
Captain America (Earth-3839)
Sam Dallas (For Men Only vol. 6 #3)
Earth-“Pow! Biff! Pops!”

I was out of Q, so I added an extra G.
Sun May 22, 2016 11:58 pm
Firefight (Heroes for Hire foe)
Green Skull (Captain America foe)
“Hawaiian Thunder” (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Irellis (Inhuman, mother of Flint and Ikelli)
Joker (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Kryptonian (DC's Superman, briefly a Herald of Galactus while in the Marvel Universe)
Lionheart (cyborg animal, Brute Force member)
Magnetic Man (Spider-Man foe, later presumaly hired by Peter Parker after serving his sentence)
Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Deadpool movie)
Oracle (O-Force trainee)
“Purple Piccolo” (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Qyre (the Watcher, She-Hulk character)
"Robotman" (Droom ally)
Sogmaster (Cap'n Crunch/Spider-Man ad foe)
Terrible Eye (Agents of M.O.D.O.K. member, Gwenpool character)
Updraft (Earth-91274, G.I. Joe member)
“Vængir” (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Warmaster (Earth-Valiant Marvel, AgentS of R.A.G.E., Avengers foe)
Xzax (Dracula's Frightful Four member, Brood mercenary)
Yama Dharma (The Nest, Spider-Man/X-Men foe)
Zuni (Black Musketeers, Black Panther ally)
Action Boy (Earth-?, partner of Captain Action, Captain Action & Action boy promo (1967))
Brashear, Kevin (son of the Blue Marvel, first person to leave the Omniverse)
Captain Action (Earth-?, partner of Action Boy, Captain Action & Action boy promo (1967))
Deserter (Hostess villain, Captain America foe)
“Elec Boy” (mutant, Phantome foe)
Mon May 23, 2016 7:04 am
Froma (alien race, members have encountered Iron Man and later She-Hulk)
Mon May 23, 2016 11:51 am
El Gato (Ultraverse)
Eduardo M.
Mon May 23, 2016 2:07 pm
Hack (Hulk character)
Mon May 23, 2016 4:01 pm
List updated to current round.

Imperator (leader of the Empirikul)
Mon May 23, 2016 4:17 pm
Gideon Jupiter (Amalgam)
Mon May 23, 2016 6:53 pm
Killspree (Weapon P.R.I.M.E. member)
Mon May 23, 2016 8:30 pm
Low Key (What The?)
Mon May 23, 2016 9:06 pm
Musketeers (France's elite armored goverment unit)
Mon May 23, 2016 11:36 pm
Nutcracker (What The?)

Edit: Captain America (Earth-3839) should be yellow.
Tue May 24, 2016 12:03 am
Optiman (mutant, O-Force reject)
Tue May 24, 2016 12:37 am
Penance (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Tue May 24, 2016 2:47 pm
Q'Wake (Avatars of the Mandarin member)
Tue May 24, 2016 3:37 pm
Rawborgs (Ultraverse)
Tue May 24, 2016 3:52 pm
Señor Mágico (Power Man and Iron Fist ally)
Tue May 24, 2016 4:07 pm
Tecumseh (historical figure, Arrowhead #4, Battle #36)
Tue May 24, 2016 5:02 pm
Uriel (angel, ally/enemy of Noble Kale)
Tue May 24, 2016 5:09 pm
"Viking Virtuoso of Volume" (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Tue May 24, 2016 5:11 pm
Waco Kid (Amalgam)
Tue May 24, 2016 5:15 pm
Xavi (the Watcher, alternate reality She-Hulk character)
Tue May 24, 2016 8:19 pm
Bat Yates (Pvt., Combat Kelly #14)
Wed May 25, 2016 11:20 pm
Zawicki (war character, Battlefront #39)
Eduardo M.
Thu May 26, 2016 2:22 pm
Acrobat (Captain America/Mace foe)
Thu May 26, 2016 2:28 pm
Baron Wotan (Amalgam)
Thu May 26, 2016 4:12 pm
List updated to current round.

Cazador, el (Ant-Man (Lang) foe)
Thu May 26, 2016 5:37 pm
Dante (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Thu May 26, 2016 8:02 pm
Endotherm (Thomas Wilkins, Iron Man foe)
Finesse (Jeanne Foucault, Avengers Academy student)
Goom (alien invader from Planet X, father of Googam)
Hope (Esperanza Ling, mutant who carried the transmode virus without being infected)
Impulse (Dwight Hubbard, super-fast member of Psionex)
Jailbait (Jess Harrison, member of the Riot Squad)
Kid Gladiator (Kubark, son of Gladiator/Kallark)
Lady Lotus (WWII foe of Invaders, retconned to have been Lotus Newmark's true identity all along)
Mark Mason (1940's private eye, employer & later husband of Louise Mason/Blonde Phantom, now deceased)
Kate Neville (former SHIELD agent & lover of Nick Fury, killed by Baron Strucker)
Izzy Ortega (Bishop's former police partner in District X)
Plague (former Morlock turned into Pestilence, Horseman of Apocalypse)
Quasar (Avril Kincaid, SHIELD agent at Pleasant Hill)
Courtney Ross (former lover of Brian Braddock, killed by Sat-Yr-9)
Shape (Raleigh Lund, Earth-712's Squadron Supreme)
Troll (Gunna Sijurvald, Asgardian/Troll hybrid, former Thunderbolts member)
Ultron (Earth-1610, Ulitimate Universe version)
Viper (Leon Murtaugh, member of Sin's Serpent Squad, later killed by Scourge/Dennis Dunphy)
The Works (former HQ of Force Works)
X-Men (Noir/Earth-90214, 1930's-based version of team)
Aldes Yancey (Louisiana fisherman turned vampire, left to die in sunlight by Blade)
Zohar (Reuben Davis, Kabbalistic-magic user, foe of Moon Knight)
Apache Kid (Aloysius Kare/Dazii, half-white/half-Apache peacemaker/adventurer in Old West)
Kayla Ballentine (former personal assistant & girlfriend of Wendell Vaughn, later wielded the Star Brand)
Crimson Curse (Aerika Harkness, Earth-982/MC2, member of that world's Avengers, died)
Defensor (Gabriel Sepulveda, participant in Grandmaster's Contest of Champions, killed by Zeitgest)
Thu May 26, 2016 8:22 pm
Skippcomet, you already used Uriel in an earlier post.

Hammerhead Eagan (Detective Short Stories vol. 3 #2)
The Fuzz (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Gargoyles of Madness (Uncanny Tales pulp vol. 3 #1)
Henry Peter Gyration (What The?)
Halfshot (What The?)
Judas Iscariot (biblical figure)
The Jug (What The?)
Kantique (Unlimited Access)
Low Gage (What The?)
Muhammad (founder of Islam)
Naida (Mystery Tales vol. 3 #1)
O.B. O’Brien (detective, Detective Short Stories vol. 2 #3)
Tom Pendleton (Gothic Tales of Love #3)
Queen of Venus (Marvel Stories vol. 2 #2)
Holden Rayder (Ultraverse)
Surefire (What The?)
Turkey Taylor (private eye, Detective Short Stories vol. 3 #1)
Unus the Untouchable (Earth-Rai Negro)
Varden (doctor, Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Wacky Kid (Amalgam)
Charlie Yates (western character, Black Rider #23)
Zealot (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Abner Abernaphy (What The?)
Tom Burke (inventor, Marvel Science Stories vol. 1 #4)
Captain America (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Dream Date (Amalgam)

I was out of X, so I included an extra G.
Thu May 26, 2016 8:36 pm
Yeah, I've already corrected it.
Thu May 26, 2016 9:36 pm
Correction: it should be "Unus the Untouchable (Earth-Raio Negro)"
Thu May 26, 2016 11:08 pm
Skippcomet, Quasar (Avril Kincaid, SHIELD agent at Pleasant Hill) has already been used.

“Electric Scaramouche” (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Flying Carpet (Super Heores of Europe member)
Gragoa (Monsters of Evil member)
Half-Mad (French kyphotic mutant, Werewolf (Russell) foe)
Ice Duchess (Empirikul victim)
Javelin (Super Heores of Europe member)
Kingdom (Omega Flight member, Avengers character)
Leecher (Somalian mutant, leader of the Bio-Genes, Silver Sable foe)
Marwan, Krista (mutant, Genetix ally)
Nata (Brazilian mutant, Muties character)
Oracle (Super Heores of Europe member)
Professor Xu (Chinese mystic, ally of Doctor Strange)
Questa (Assassins Guild mutant, Rogue foe)
“Rouge Drummer” (50 State Initiative, Rhode Island candidate)
Skunk Ape (Monsters of Evil member)
“Trojan” (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
"Ursa Minor" (Believed to be a clone of Ursa Major (Black Widow/Fantomex foe)
“Vigor” (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Wendigo Girls (daughters of Mother Monster, She-Hulk/Wolverine (X-23) foes)
X (mutant, leader of the Brotherhood)
Yogom, Kingawa (Deceased mutant listed in Magneto's deceased mutants database)
Zealot (Genoshan mutant killed by Magneto)
Agents of R.A.G.E. (Earth-Valiant Marvels, Avengers foes)
Bonehead (Speedball/Squirrel Girl foe)
“Cosmic Specter” (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Doctor Warlock (Empirikul victim)
Fri May 27, 2016 7:51 am
Okay, this will teach me to copy and paste a file without checking more thoroughly to see if anything on it was already posted. Instead of Quasar/Kincaid....

Queen Adora (ruler of Xandar, died when Nebula wiped out Xandar, resurrected via cloning, and killed again by Annihilation Wave)
Fri May 27, 2016 11:36 am
Earth-“The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic”

Fri May 27, 2016 4:28 pm
Feedback (Beta Flight member)
Fri May 27, 2016 6:39 pm
Gutter Gang (What The?)
Fri May 27, 2016 9:25 pm
Skippcomet, is X-Men (Noir/Earth-90214, 1930's-based version of team) the same as X-Men (Noir universe version) if so you need a replacement if not i will add it wasn't sure on this one?

List updated to current round.
Hydra update
Fri May 27, 2016 11:55 pm
Washington Irving (historical figure)
Sat May 28, 2016 6:32 pm
Joust (Stockpile member)
Sat May 28, 2016 8:51 pm
Kael (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Sat May 28, 2016 10:28 pm
Loblolly (Brute Force member, Thunderbolts foe)
Sun May 29, 2016 12:42 am
Madmartigan (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Sun May 29, 2016 1:13 am
Necrogateur, le (le Bureau Discret member)
Sun May 29, 2016 7:51 am

Angelicknight wrote:

Skippcomet, is X-Men (Noir/Earth-90214, 1930's-based version of team) the same as X-Men (Noir universe version) if so you need a replacement if not i will add it wasn't sure on this one?

List updated to current round.

Hydra update

Yes, it's the same one. *facepalm* Okay, replacement:

Xaos (demon, took the form of Wong's deceased love Imei)

And now, for the current round's "O" entry...

Omaka (daughter of Sakaar's Red King/Angmo-Asan, ally of Skaar, later became the Red Queen)
Sun May 29, 2016 8:42 am
Pool Shark (Moon Knight foe)
Sun May 29, 2016 11:39 am
Queen Bavmorda (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Sun May 29, 2016 5:22 pm
Revolutionary (Dynasty member, Iron Man ally)
Sun May 29, 2016 5:24 pm
Supreme (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sun May 29, 2016 6:01 pm
Triplikill (X-Men foe)
Sun May 29, 2016 9:07 pm
Kiaya Ufgood ((Marvel Graphic Novel #36))
Sun May 29, 2016 9:31 pm
Validator (Omega Flight member)
Sun May 29, 2016 10:17 pm
Wonder Ball (What The?)
Mon May 30, 2016 8:18 am
X-Man (Earth-774's Bruce Banner, Reed Richards, & Charles Xavier briefly merged into one being to ward off Galactus; What If? Vol. 1 #2)
Mon May 30, 2016 11:43 am
Rush Yates (western character, Wyatt Earp #2)
Mon May 30, 2016 8:23 pm
Zamora (Rawhide Kid foe)
Mon May 30, 2016 8:46 pm
Mildred Abernaphy (What The?)
Mon May 30, 2016 9:00 pm
Beetlepeople (Mister Zardu foes)
Mon May 30, 2016 9:26 pm
Captain America (Earth-74425)

The following should be yellow:

Kael (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Madmartigan (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Queen Bavmorda (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Kiaya Ufgood (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Mon May 30, 2016 9:45 pm
Dale, Marc (mutant healer)
Mon May 30, 2016 10:19 pm
Eborsisk (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Sidney Frost (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Guardinghams of the Universe (What The?)
Guest Host Offengers (What The?)
Jimmy Hall (pilot, Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Imperial Suicide Squad (Amalgam)
Junn (High Aldwin, Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Kanto (Amalgam)
Linda LaDueña (What The?)
Magnavox (What The?)
Magnetic Men (Amalgam)
Nuba (lion, Jungle Tales vol. 1 #1)
Nellie O’Sullivan (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Hetty Pengaster (Gothic Tales of Love #1)
Jeff Raye (scientist, Strange Tales #67)
Superman (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Teen Titans (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Mims Ufgood (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Mary Varden (Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Wolvie (What The?)
Trigger Yates (Black Rider foe, Kid Colt Outlaw #39)
Zechariah (priest, The Life of Christ)
Absorbing Man (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Burglekutt (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Captain America (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Dragonfly (Ultraverse)

I was out of Q and X, so I included an extra G and M.
Tue May 31, 2016 3:56 pm
Ethicals (five humans transformed into godlike beings by energy discharge caused by Machine Man, later found on Stranger's Laboratory World)
Tue May 31, 2016 4:33 pm
Friends of Humanity (Earth-92131)
Tue May 31, 2016 5:54 pm
Grid (Inhuman/NuHuman)
Tue May 31, 2016 6:28 pm
Human Torch (Earth-98121)
Tue May 31, 2016 10:11 pm
Ingot (Brute Force member, Thunderbolts foe)
Tue May 31, 2016 10:21 pm
Judgment League Avengers West (Amalgam)
Tue May 31, 2016 11:09 pm
Kid Kree (Moon Girl/Devil Dinosaur foe)
Tue May 31, 2016 11:21 pm
Lady Maryjo (What The?)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:26 am
“Mephitis” (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:39 am
Inoshiro Nowarra (Haunt of Horror vol. 1 #2)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:24 pm
Overkill (aka Taserface, foe of Reality-691's Guardians of the Galaxy)
Eduardo M.
Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:58 pm
Artie Packer (Rom Ally)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:15 pm
Queen Nara (Marvel Mystery Comics #9)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:05 pm
Red Wolf (All-New Marvel)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:14 pm
Superman (Earth-74425)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:41 pm
Triage (The Crew foe)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:06 pm
Ranon Ufgood (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:22 pm
Vigilantes Support Group (Foolkiller characters)
Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:26 pm
Wump Jump (dragon, Marvel Mystery Comics #28)
Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:53 am
X-Men (Earth-98121)
Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:47 am
Chung Yu (bodyguard proficicient in Kung Do Karate, one-time foe of Sage/Tessa)
Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:29 am
Zoor (Electro foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #9)
Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:52 pm
List Updated.

"Apastron" (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:12 pm
Baron Zero (What The?)

The formatting for yellow is messed up for Superman (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:30 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

The formatting for yellow is messed up for Superman (Pow! Biff! Pops!)

Taken care of.

"Cratus" (Alphaclan member, New Warriors foe)
Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:40 pm
Dragon Fang (Ultraverse)
Sat Jun 04, 2016 5:31 pm
Espeth (Genogoth, Generation X: Genogoths novel)
Sat Jun 04, 2016 5:39 pm
Gary Friedrich (Earth-616)
Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:48 pm
Grain Reaper (Foolkiller/Yodman foe)
Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:12 pm
The Hag (Human Torch foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #19)
Ivan the Mighty One (Dave Dean foe, Funny Pages #2)
Judgment League Avengers International (Amalgam)
Kai-Mak (Vision foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #23)
Lady Bug (Amalgam, alternate from Earth-12772)
Magneeto (What The?)
Will Magnus (Amalgam)
N-4 (Nazi, Marvel Mystery Comics #23)
Mike O’Bell (detective, The Eagle #2-4)
Hank Pym (What The?)
Rusty (Defender sidekick)
Superman (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Tuskmaster (What The?)
Willow Ufgood (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Ramon Valerez (Namor foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #23)
Wong (Earth-98121)
Charles Xavier (Earth-98121)
Yankees (baseball team, Stag vol. 1 #4)
Paul Zimmerman (cashier, Justice #37)
AC Universe (What The?)
Barsh (alien infiltrator, Astonishing #32)
Captain America (Earth-98121)
Drago Kid (Kid Colt Outlaw #48)
Bill Everett (Earth-616)
Sigmund Freud (historical figure)
Galactus (Earth-Kalimán)

I was out of Q, so I included an extra M.
Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:21 pm
Haus (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:34 pm
Igan (cyclops, Captain America Comics #4)
Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:32 am
Jason (renegade member of the Pantheon, wears an eyepatch, used to do Agamemnon's dirty work)
Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:56 am
Harry Kane (Spider Queen’s husband)
Eduardo M.
Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:26 pm
Lachryma 2099 (Earth-928 vampire)
Sun Jun 05, 2016 2:14 pm
Meruda (Inhuman/NuHuman, Storm/X-men foe)
Sun Jun 05, 2016 4:23 pm
N’Jaga (Ka-Zar [David Rand] animal)
Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:13 pm
Orkin Man (Spider-Man: The Bug Stops Here)
Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:18 pm
Hank Pym (Earth-98121)
Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:55 am
Quintessons (Earth-91274)
Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:27 am
Ra the Avenger (Captain America Comics #8)
Eduardo M.
Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:48 pm
Slasher (Crawley, Moon Knight foe)
Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:25 pm
Val Turner (Marvel Stories vol. 2 #3)
Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:21 am
Ufo (alien from Alpha Centauri, met and was duped by the Yellow Claw, hated lies and liars)
Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:41 am
Vulture (Earth-98121)
Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:08 pm
Ward, Grant (Earth-616, SHIELD/Hydra agent)
Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:26 pm
Charles Xavier (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:27 pm
Yellow Hair (chief, For Men Only [Sep 1956])
Eduardo M.
Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:28 pm
Leo Zelinsky (Tailor to various Marvel heroes)
Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:26 pm
Academy of the New Elite (Ultraverse)
Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:53 pm
List updated to current round.

Black (Genogoth, Generation X: Genogoths novel)
Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:55 pm
Cyclops (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:06 pm
Daniels, Lola (Earth-616, Phil Coulson's former gf)
Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:16 pm
Marla Evens (Journey into Unknown Worlds #8)
Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:25 pm
Fourth Musketeer (Golden Age hero)
Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:47 pm
Linda Gaylord (Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Lou Haines (Cap foe, Captain America Comics #3)
Iceman (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Jubilee (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Voltan Kaparthy (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Jim Lame (What The?)
Mystique (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Namor (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Paddy O’Toole (Uncanny Tales #31)
Pussycat (Pussycat #1)
Ronald Rugworth (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Supergirl (Earth-74425)
Superman (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Turf (Lunch Legion, What The?)
Universe Boy (Amalgam, alternate from Earth-12772)
Voodini (Terry Vance foe, Marvel Mystery Comics #27)
Wolverine (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
X-Men (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Yemanja, Goddess of the Sea (Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Zanoba (Daring Mystery Comics #3)
Acolytes (Earth-92131)
Bela Bartok (historical figure)
Caliban (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Dragila (monster, Uncanny Tales #29)
Ecchscalibur (What The?)
Freefall (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)

I was out of Q, so I included an extra S.
Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:33 pm
Goleta the Wizard-Slayer (Weirdworld character)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 1:26 am
Hunchback (Nazi, Captain America Comics #3)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:04 am
Incredible Kvetch (Crazy Magazine character)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:29 am
Joshua (shepherd, The Life of Christ)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:38 pm
Kierkegaard (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:22 pm
Christopher Lance (For Men Only vol. 8 #3)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 3:17 pm
Malick, Gideon (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:00 pm
Nasty Boys (Earth-92131)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:22 pm
Orthan Ba ('s Sacred Relics of Kh'bor provided by WAND to Red Hulk to use against Oberoth'm'gozz posing as Doctor Strange)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 5:21 pm
Porcupine (Roger Gocking, successor to Alex Gentry, current Spider-Woman character)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 5:27 pm
Quantum Drive (high-capacity data storage device that contained a comprehensive list of effective counter-meassures against every major super hero on the planet)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 5:37 pm
Rugger (torturer, Mystery Tales vol. 3 #1)
Eduardo M.
Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:08 pm
Shocker (Kendall, Miss America foe)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:22 pm
The Trust (aspiring despotic organization, Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:40 pm
Utolan (hidden city of Inhumans)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:30 pm
Franz von Wehrheit (Nazi, Daring Mystery Comics #8)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:40 pm
White-Collar Criminal (Crazy Magazine character)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:59 pm
X-1 (robot, Journey into Unknown Worlds #8)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:24 pm
Yellowjacket (Earth-8096, Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes cartoon)
Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:54 pm
Mao Zedong (historical figure)
Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:58 am
List updated.

"Arabian Knight" (ancestor of the modern day Arabian Knight (Qamar), fought and defeated Gog and Magog in the past)
Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:56 am
Barton (time traveler, Adventures into Terror #27)
Eduardo M.
Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:12 pm
Captain Rectitude (She-Hulk foe)
Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:02 pm
Dragonfire (Night Raven foe)
Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:08 pm
Morgan Edge (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:34 pm
Fatale (Kate Horsley, Black Widow foe/ally)
Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:52 pm
Guardians of the Galaxy (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Hulk (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Iggy (Earth-98121)
Joseph of Arimathea (biblical figure)
Karate Kommandos (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Lancelot (the famous knight)
Moira MacTaggert (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Negatory Zone (What The?)
Oa the Living Planet (Amalgam)
Puppet Master (Earth-534834)
Sid Quinn (romance character, Millie the Model Comics #74)
David Roy (arsonist, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Super Ninja (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Super-Soldier (Amalgam)
Trolls (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Anna Urbanek (murder victim, Amazing Detective Cases vol. 1 #5)
Florence von Ward (golden age Destroyer companion)
Wolverine (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Yeng (Colonel, Battle #44)
Achmed Zek (Tarzan character)
Claire Acosta (Ultraverse)
Kim Basinger (What The?)
Captain America (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Elora Danan (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Harry Edgeworth (pilot, Stag vol. 11 #7)
Ingram Frazer (Journey into Mystery #22)

I was out of X, so I included an extra S.
Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:11 pm
Gopher (Howard the Duck foe)
Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:23 pm
Hulk (Hulk newspaper strip)
Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:59 pm
Imp Prince (Guillotine foe, Contest of Champions character)
Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:19 am
Franz Joseph (historical figure)
Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:01 am
Kingmaker (Wallace, former member of the Hellfire Club, made deals with the Xavier Academy's Hellions squad to make their dreams come true)
Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:43 am
Lana Lang (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:09 pm
M-80 (Elite Agent of SHIELD)
Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:21 pm
Nadir's Raiders (Crazy Magazine characters, Hulk foes)
Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:50 pm
Owl (What The?)
Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:59 pm
“Presidential Kidnapper” (Hulk foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide)
Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:16 pm
Quick Kick (Earth-91274, G.I. Joe member)
Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:45 pm
"Savage Fin" (Band of Baddies member, Spider-Man/Wolverine foe)
Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:49 pm
Trunklops (Power Pachyderms)
Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:45 am
Uplink (Chain Gang member, (Sleepwalker foe)
Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:26 pm
Vulture (Earth-5555)
Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:57 pm
Weak Link (Chain Gang member, Sleepwalker foe)
Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:21 pm
Hark Xheng (Ultraverse)
Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:39 pm
Young X-Men (group of young mutants organized by Donald Pierce posing as Cyclops)
Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:58 pm
Zarko the Flying Squid (giant monster, Elsa Bloodstone foe)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:22 am
Stacy Adams (Ultraverse)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:40 am
BrooklynKnight (Brooklyn Nets mascot, BrooklynKnight #1)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:21 am
Alice Cooper (musician, Marvel Premiere #50, Alice Cooper: The Last Temptation)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:34 am
Ditto (Goodmam, Lieber, Kurtzburg & Holliway, shape-shifting process server)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:38 am
skippcomet, I already suggested Alice Cooper.

Ebora (priestess, Marvel Premiere #5-6)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:53 pm
Fourhand (mutant, M.O.N.S.T.E.R. member, Generation X: Genogoths novel)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:13 pm
Gecko (Ultraverse)
Morgan Hunter (Ultraverse)
Iago (Ultraverse)
Joseph (Jesus’ adoptive father)
Karmel (What The?)
Fiorella La Guardia (Earth-616)
Madame Minuette (Ultraverse)
Negresco (Ultraverse)
Og (prehistoric man, Mystery Tales #39)
Francisco Pizarro (historical figure, Tim Holt #37 [Ghost Rider story], Battle #43)
Niall Quinn (Ultraverse)
Jess Roundtree (Texas Ranger, Western Supernovel Magazine pulp #1)
Ellen Swan (Ultraverse)
Tigora (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Marvel Super Special #34)
Joseph Urbanek (Amazing Detective Cases vol. 1 #5)
Daphne von Wilkinson (fashion designer, Tomb of Dracula #34-35)
Wolverine (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Xoa (Ultraverse)
Yaron (Ultraverse)
Mike Zelby (USA Comics #1)
Don Adar (time-traveler, Uncanny Tales #41)
Butterfly (Ultraverse)
Cyclops (Earth-98121)
Dyata (Ultraverse)
Ecallaw (Warlock and the Infinity Watch #26, 41)
Fandral (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:35 pm
Gummi (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:44 pm
J.D. Hunt (alternate from Ultraforce #Infinity)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jun 16, 2016 5:31 pm
Invisible Woman (Sue Storm of Earth-121698/2000s Fantastic Four movies)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 5:33 pm
Johnson, Grizzly (Cristo Pike's gang, Old West character, Sensational Seven foe)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 5:41 pm
Steve Karonak (peeping Tom, Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:56 pm
Lord Great Dagora (giant monster, Radiance/Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:14 pm
Magneto (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:11 pm
Nagraj (Earth-Nagraj, Ally of Spider-Man, Superman and Batman)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:17 pm
Oyabun (Ultraverse)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:34 pm
Pipedream (mutant, X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors novel)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:59 pm
Quicksilver (alternate from Ultraforce #Infinity)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:13 pm
Red Rover (mutant, X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors novel)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:33 pm
Supra (Ultraverse)
Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:57 pm
Thompson, Lea (actress, Howard the Duck client)
Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:11 am
John Urbanek (Amazing Detective Cases vol. 1 #5)
Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:22 am
Visioneer (Damage Control employee)
Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:43 am
Okay, scratch my last suggestion for C. Replacement:

Comanche (criminal archer, foe of Luke Cage, former partner of Shades)
Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:03 pm
Wolfstain (What The?)
Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:30 pm
X/Ms (Mutant Town gang)
Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:27 pm
Yarr (Ultraverse)
Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:54 pm
Zota of Pergamum (Doctor Strange foe)
List updated.
Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:01 am
Gomez and Morticia Addams (Captain America #401)

The following should be yellow:

Tigora (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Marvel Super Special #34)
Wolverine (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:27 am

vanhornluke wrote:

Tigora (fictional country not placed in Marvel Atlas, Marvel Super Special #34)
Wolverine (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)


Billy the Marlin (Miami Marlins mascot, Spider-Man ally)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:30 am
Cyberforce (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:21 am
Dog Pound (mutant, M.O.N.S.T.E.R. member, Generation X: Crossroads novel)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:05 am
Barbara Eden (Ultraverse)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:09 pm
Feuer (Jahrmarkt member, Nightcrawler ally)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:46 pm
Gemini (Ultraverse)
Hulk (Earth-98121)
Impossible Mod (Amalgam)
J. Jonah Jameson (Amalgam)
Karr (Ultraverse)
Linda Lane (Real Mystery Magazine vol. 1 #2)
Major Zemo (Amalgam)
Claire Nelson (Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Conan O’Brien (Ultraverse)
Karen Page (Earth-98121)
Qualaero (Ultraverse)
Thunderbolt Ross (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sunshine (Ultraverse)
Robert Thornton (explorer, Strange Tales #44)
U-016 (Ultraverse)
Valentine (doctor, Real Mystery Magazine vol. 1 #2)
Wolf (Amazing Detective Cases vol. 1 #2)
Xor (Ultraverse)
Kwan Yun (Ultraverse)
Zelda (Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Scipio Aemilianus (historical figure, Battle #35)
Everett Burgos (Spider-Man: Mutant Agenda #2-3)
Cult of the Klaw (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Dracula (Earth-74425)
Mary Edwards (Marvel Mystery Comics #6)
Fang (Mobster, Captain America Comics #6)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:02 pm
Genevieve (Earth-92131 (Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:49 pm
Hugo the Hippo (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 6:22 pm
Ill Billy (mutant, Fight-Man foe)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:40 pm
J. Jonah Jameson (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:10 pm
Killjoy (Black Panther foe)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:49 am

Angelicknight wrote:

Killjoy (Black Panther foe foe)

He's a foe of one of Black Panther's foes?

Laralei/Graylin (crossover character with Gold Key’s Dagar the Invincible, Kull the Destroyer #22-28)

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (1/23/2020 9:12 am)

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     Thread Starter

1/23/2020 9:13 am  #16

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
Sun Jun 19, 2016 4:39 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Angelicknight wrote:

Killjoy (Black Panther foe foe)

He's a foe of one of Black Panther's foes?

:dumb: It is fixed now.

Momenta (Goodmam, Lieber, Kurtzburg & Holliway's super-swift courier)

Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:06 pm
Foggy Nelson (Earth-98121)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:42 pm
One-Man Atrocity (Fight-Man foe)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:57 pm
Pyrotic (Ultraverse)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 7:19 pm
Queen of Nevers (cosmic entity, embodiment of all possibility)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 8:54 pm
Thunderbolt Ross (Amalgam)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:06 pm
Scorpion Boy (mutant, X-Men student)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:14 pm
Two-Finger (Ultraverse)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:23 pm
Unicron (Earth-91274, Autobots foe)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:35 pm
Richard Vaughn (war character, Battle #2)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:03 pm
Warbug (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:47 pm
Xuchit (Ultraverse)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:50 pm
Yod of the All-Seeing Eye (Tetrarchs of Entropy)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:01 pm
Zeus (Amalgam)
Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:47 pm
List updated.

A.T.C.U./Advanced Threat Containment Unit (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:29 am
Bacchus (Ultraverse)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:07 am
Catfish (mutant, friend of Cannonball, Generation X: Genogoths novel)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:41 am
Die-Cut (Marvel UK character)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:11 pm
Eelar (Giant-Size Defenders #5)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:44 pm
Funnel (mutant, X-Men: Mutant Empire #3 novel)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:50 pm
Gen13 (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Howard Huffinger (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Infinite Kickers, Inc. (Amalgam)
J. Jonah Jameson (Earth-92131)
Katinya (Ultraverse)
Lyra (Ultraverse)
Sam Makoa (Amalgam)
Nelwyn (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Owl (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Pup-Pest Master (What The?)
Quar (Ultraverse)
Rosella (fortune teller, Mystic #38)
Sun Lord (Amalgam)
Sunfirestorm (Amalgam)
Troll (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
U-587 (Ultraverse)
Veil (Ultraforce cartoon)
Wendell Witt (scientist, Astonishing #32)
Wong Ten Yu (Ultraverse)
Zern (mysterious village, Journey into Mystery #32)
Aeon (Ultraverse)
Backlash (Ultraverse)
Crusher Clark (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Drabny the Fixer (Amalgam)
Dia Effinger (Daredevil #78-79)
Fangella (What The?)

I was out of X, so I included an extra S.
Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:26 pm
Green Guardswoman (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:34 pm
Rock Hudson (historical figure)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:00 pm
Iguanid (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:25 pm
Jontor (Ultraverse)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:39 pm
Kruzado (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:38 pm
Darren Lynch (Ultraverse)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:21 pm
Masked Rose (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:45 pm
Netman (Cap foe, Captain America Comics #10)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:58 am
Orchid (mutant, O-Force rejectee)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:48 am
Phantom Eagle (Karl Kaufman-616, Freedom's Five, masked biplane fighter pilot of WWI, ghost haunted his killer)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:21 pm
Jenny Quinn (Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #14, 16-18)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 3:44 pm
Rewind (mutant, X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors novel)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:24 pm
Sugar (Ultraverse)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:50 pm
Time King (Fight-Man foe)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:08 pm
Isadore Uhman (X-Men Annual #3)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:05 pm
Viciada (Deathwalkers member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:18 pm
Witchblade (Sara Pezzini, Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:36 pm
Xabago (modified recreational vehicle used by male members of Generation X, Generation X: Crossroads novel)
Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:40 pm
Jim Young (Marvel Double Feature: Thunderstrike/Code Blue #13-16)
Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:48 pm
Ziggy the Zipper (mobster, Justice #36)
Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:18 pm
List updated.

Adur (Deathwalkers member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:37 pm
Sam Bass (historical figure)

Drabny the Fixer (Amalgam) should be yellow.
Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:40 pm
Cairn (Deathwalkers member, Mighty Avengers foe)

Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:54 pm
Jo Duffy (Earth-616)
Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:20 pm
E-Coli (Fight-Man foe)
Freeware (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Gimmick (Fight-Man foe)
Human Haze (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Infinitus (Human Torch/Iron Man foe)
Julia (Midnight Fire's super powered daughter)
Kadesh Base (world's only privately owned undersea science-fortress)
Leather Angel (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Mabu the Elephant Boy (Golden Age Namor ally)
Natural (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Ozone (mutant, O-Force rejectee)
Peace Lover (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Quake (Earth-91274, Decepticon)
Recall (mutant, M.O.N.S.T.E.R. member, Generation X: Crossroads novel)
Scorecard (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Tosser (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Upward Path (1907 era Wonders, Runaways characters)
Vapor Girl (metafictional character, Unstable Molecules)
Wu (Hong Kong detective with magically enhanced weapons, Scarlet Witch ally)
Xarggu (giant monster, Captain Marvel/Spectrum foe)
Yamir, Sasha (Project: Earth member, New Warriors foe)
Zen Gunner (Karnak foe)
Abberation (Gamma Corps: Black member)
Basic Black (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Canasta (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Dahntu (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:44 pm
Egghead (Earth-98121)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:32 pm
John Fernandez (reporter/Stamford victim)
Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:33 pm
Gismotron (Fight-Man foe)
Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:21 pm
Howling Commandos (Earth-92131)
Frank Inger (Strange Tales #22)
J. Jonah Jameson (Earth-98121)
Kaylie (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Lovecraft (Ultraverse)
Henry Malvern (scientist, Journey into Unknown Worlds #6)
Fats Neville (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Frank Owens (detective, Detective Short Stories vol. 2 #3)
Punk (What The?)
Quentin (Ultraverse Premiere #2-3)
Rose (prostitute, Men in Adventure [Jun 1968])
Stygians (underground race, Journey into Unknown Worlds #8)
Subunderhander (What The?)
Trijenskot (Amalgam)
Veil (Ultraverse)
Witchblade (Dani Baptiste, Earth-7642)
Ymai (Ultraverse)
Mabel Zilch (Snafu vol. 2 #2)
Aerie (Ultraverse)
Bastinado (Ultraverse)
Bat-Thing (Amalgam)
Crowbar (What The?)
Johnny Downes (early mutant? Mystic #41)
Egghead (Punisher War Journal #8)
Fantastic Four (Earth-92131)
Generation Hex (Amalgam)

I was out of U and X, so I included an extra B and S.
Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:57 pm
Iceberg (Liberteens member)
Fri Jun 24, 2016 1:15 am
H was just skipped, so here's an H:

Howlin’ Grinsburg (Pussycat #1)
Fri Jun 24, 2016 1:19 am
List updated.

Jacob (1907 era Wonder, Street Arabs member, Runaways character)
Fri Jun 24, 2016 11:53 am
Sally Kean (government agent, USA Comics #1)

It looks like Fats Neville (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2) was skipped over when the last update was made, since I don't see his name anywhere.
Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:15 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

It looks like Fats Neville (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2) was skipped over when the last update was made, since I don't see his name anywhere.

It was there i just messed up and put it in the Nelville spot instead of Neville where it belongs but it is corrected now :grin:

Lichidus (Deathwalkers member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:39 pm
Mammoth (Power Pachyderms)
Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:47 pm
Nightstick (1907 era Wonder, Upward Path member, Runaways character)
Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:39 pm
Keigo Ozaki (composer, Avengers #101)
Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:02 pm
Panthrax (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Sat Jun 25, 2016 7:48 pm
Quake (Earth-8096, Avengers: Earth's Mightest Heroes cartoon)
Rockslide (mutant, Dawn of the White Light member, Wolverine foe)
Scarlet Witch (Natalya Maximoff, mother of Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff)
Triskelion (island headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. also used as a base by the Ultimates)
Urn (Descendants member, Secret Avengers foe)
Vladimir (sentient bomb, Secret Avengers character)
Winter Woman (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Xiomara (Atlantean, ally of Andromeda, father killed by Attuma)
Ygmlosvorraich (one third of the extradimensional beings known as Trinity of Ashes)
Zapster (Anti-Registration Underground member)
All-Out (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Beastmaster (Berserkers member, Alpha Flight/X-Men character)
Clam (Rocket Raccoon/Groot foe)
Difference Engine (1907 era Wonder, Upward Path member, Runaways character)
Evil Deadpool (clone compossed of parts of Deadpool that had been cut off over the years)
Fernands, Anastasia (SHIELD press secretary)
Goldbrick (1907 era Wonder, Sinners member, Runaways character)
Haunter (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Inshallah, Khalid (sorcerer, Doctor Strange ally)
Jones, Stabbity (Who Wants to be a Thunderbolt? contestant)
Kyzerra Os (Deviant, mother of the Mole Monster)
Lady Hellbender (monster hunter, Hulk/Amadeus foe)
Mole Monster (son of the Mole Man, Nova/Red She-Hulk character)
Napalm (Road Force member)
Ouija (Hull House resident, Alpha Flight character)
Pathfinder (Berserkers member, Alpha Flight/X-Men character)
Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:34 am
Capt. Frank Quaid (Ultimate universe, NYPD successor to Jean DeWolff, encountered both Parker & Morales in their roles as Spider-Man)
Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:08 am
Ratbag (1907 era Wonder, Sinners member, Runaways character)
Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:46 am
Sturm-and-Drang (What The?)
Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:32 pm
Troglodyte (Spider-Man foe, Adventures in Reading Starring the Amazing Spider-Man #1 (1990))
Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:21 pm
I don't have any more U characters at the moment, but it's been 24 hours since the last post, so here's a V. Hopefully, someone can fill that gap.

Velocity (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:35 pm
Undead MC (Blaze foes)
Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:07 pm
Weed Witchards (What The?)
Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:38 am
X-11 (Earth-928's 2099 A.D., assassin associated with Synthia Food-Corp, enemy of Ravage 2099)
Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:12 am
Larry Young (Deathlok vol. 3 #1-3, 11)
Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:55 pm
Zyro (pink-skinned Kree, Captain Marvel character)

List updated.
Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:00 am
Aerwan (Ultraverse race)
Eduardo M.
Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:54 pm
Belladonna (Ravanna/Spider-Man foe)
Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:30 pm
Oliver Cromwell (historical figure)

Eduardo M.
Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:06 pm
Disciplinarian (Dagger foe)
Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:01 pm
John Ehrmann (Iron Man #137, 140-141)
Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:25 pm
Full Throttle (Road Force: Reconnaissance and Demolitions Division member)
Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:19 pm
Generation X (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Speed Howell (Marvel Stories vol. 2 #2)
Inhumans (Earth-534834)
J. Jonah Jameson (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Katy Keene (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Larry Lanning (Detective Short Stories vol. 3 #2)
M’Batu (giant jellyfish, Spellbound #12)
New Asgods (Amalgam)
Ovlov (escapee, Male magazine [Jan. 1961])
Punisher (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Rosamonda (fortune teller, Astonishing #48)
Stummp (Ultraverse)
Stuporman (humor character, Daring Mystery Comics #8, Snap vol. 1 #2, Snap vol. 1 #3, Joker vol. 1 #4)
Northstar Trigger (Amalgam)
Velvet Fist (Ultraverse)
Wired (Amalgam)
Max Yadow (Thor #309)
Lorna Zane (secretary, Doc Savage vol. 1 #3-4)
Agent 12 B (Pussycat #1)
Bat-X (Unlimited Access)
Batgirl (Earth-74425)
Cancer (Ultraverse)
Captain America, Jr. (Unlimited Access)
Daredevil (Earth-98121)
Eikert (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Barbara Freeman (Ultraverse)

I was out of Q, U, and X, so I included an extra S, B, and C.
Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:38 pm
Gas (mutant, Dawn of the White Light member, Wolverine foe)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:44 am
Howeird the Duck (What The?)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:54 pm
Iron Comrade (1950s Soviet Super Soldier)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:08 pm
Rick Jones (Earth-98121)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:01 pm
Kid Twist (1907 era Wonder, Sinners member, Runaways character)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:09 pm
Lard Boys (What The?)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 6:29 pm
Mistress Miraculous (stage magician with limited magical abilites, died performing when her magic left her during "The Last Days of Magic")
Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:10 pm
New Gods (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:49 pm
Owlwoman (Marvelman/Miracleman character)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:33 pm
Punisher (Earth-92131)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:46 pm
Quickmix (Earth-91274, Autobot)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:16 pm
Rool (Marvel Graphic Novel #36)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:31 pm
She-Man-Thing (Deadpool character, Contest of Champions participant)
Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:41 pm
Aurora Trigger (Amalgam)
Fri Jul 01, 2016 5:01 pm
Uhura, Nyota (USS Enterprise communications officer, during the X-Men's visit)
Fri Jul 01, 2016 5:23 pm
Harry Vendetta (criminal, Lawbreakers Always Lose #5)
Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:32 pm
Witchbreaker (1907 era Wonder, Upward Path member, Runaways character)
Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:52 pm
Xandra (Earth-928's 2099 AD era; Doom 2099 character, member of Panther's Rage)
Sat Jul 02, 2016 11:40 am
Max Young (Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 #37, 371-372)
Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:01 pm
Zorg (planet, Adventures into Terror #20)
Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:09 pm
I wouldn't have suspected A to be in short supply already.

Agent G (Pussycat #1)
Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:01 pm
Brain Spasm (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:02 pm
Captain Bad (What The?)
Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:18 pm
Doctor Tricky (Fight-Man foe)
Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:48 pm
Noriko Ezaki (Shadowmasters #2-3)
Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:01 pm
List updated to current round.

Are Young, Max (Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 #37, 371-372) and Young, Max (Spider-Man character, criminal scientist) the same character if so vanhornluke you need a Y replacement.

Forget-Me-Not (1907 era Wonder, Sinners member, Runaways character)
Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:54 pm

Angelicknight wrote:

Are Young, Max (Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 #37, 371-372) and Young, Max (Spider-Man character, criminal scientist) the same character if so vanhornluke you need a Y replacement.

Oops. :blush:

Kim Sung Young (mobster, Punisher character)

The following should be yellow:
Keene, Katy (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Zane, Lorna (secretary, Doc Savage vol. 1 #3-4)
Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:55 pm
Guise (Ultraverse)
Howard the Duck (Howard newspaper strip)
I-n-j-u-n Joe (Marvel Classics Comics #7) [the first word in his name doesn't have the hyphens, but it's a slur that this board wants to replace with "YANG"]
Phil Jones (vampire, Adventures into Terror #28)
Keeper of the Comics Code (What The?)
Laredo Kid (Gunsmoke Western #57)
Man-Thang (What The?)
New Musicians (Power Pachyderms)
Overlord (Ultraverse)
Punisher (Earth-58627)
Ron (Amalgam, Lobo the Duck #1)
Strangler (Challenger foe, Mystic Comics #6)
Streakback (Ultraverse)
Ian C. Trevor-Hale (British intelligence, Men in Adventure [Sep 1969])
Vengeance (Amalgam)
Winterstick (Amalgam)
Katherine Yakamoto (Punisher vol. 2 #22-25)
Zorz (planet, Adventures into Weird Worlds #18)
Agent S (Pussycat #1)
Elizabeth Bathory (historical figure)
Batman (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Captain Brazil (Earth-91119)
Captain Britain (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Daredevil (Spider-Man newspaper strip)
Mary Evans (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Fantastic Four (Earth-98121)

I was out of Q, U, and X, so I added an extra B, C, and S.
Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:14 pm
Generic Badguy (Fight-Man foe)
Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:09 pm
Howard (treasure hunter, Journey into Unknown Worlds #6)
Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:28 am
Ice King (Golden Age foe of Namor the Sub-Mariner)
Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:32 am
Lucy Jones (Ultraverse)
Eduardo M.
Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:17 pm
Kagrok the Killer (demon, foe of Doctor Doom)
Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:31 pm
Trixie LaRue (What The?)
Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:02 pm
Malice (psionic entity that possesses others, member of the Marauders)
Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:03 pm
New Western Teen Malform Force (Amalgam)
Eduardo M.
Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:23 pm
Maire O'Connell (Magik(Rasputin) ally)
Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:38 pm
Punisher (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:53 pm
List updated to the start of the current round.
Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:06 pm
Meredith Quill (Star-Lord’s mother)
Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:18 pm
Redline (Fast Five member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:25 pm
Strand (Ultraverse)
Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:37 pm
Thermos (mutant, Dawn of the White Light member, Wolverine foe)
Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:20 pm
Nikoli Uzbek (Russian military, X-Factor Annual #1)
Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:58 pm
Varghese (lead scientist at Project: Troubleshooter, turned soldier into the American Kaiju, New Avengers character)
Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:05 am
Katy Winters (Pussycat #1)
Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:17 am
Xaccus (planet, Strange Tales #93)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:22 am
Hatsu Yakamoto (Katherine Yakamoto’s father)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:15 pm
Zanni (CrossGen Universe, Sigil)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:32 pm
Agent X (Secret Service Agent, Crimefighters #4)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:40 pm
List updated.

Captain Brazil (Earth-91119) was a repeat and needs replacing. So Vanhornluke you get another C entry.

Bugout (Zoid, What The? character)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:39 pm

Angelicknight wrote:

List updated.

Captain Brazil (Earth-91119) was a repeat and needs replacing. So Vanhornluke you get another C entry.

:blush: Oops

Captain British (What The?)

And for this round:

Captain Marble (What The?)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:46 pm
DoctOrangutang (Fight-Man foe)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:05 pm
Dorrie Evans (Earth-98121)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:03 pm
Fisticuff-Woman (Fight-Man foe)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:34 pm
Grunge (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Hour-Glass Hannah (Snafu vol. 2 #2)
I-n-j-u-n Sam (Mystic #37) [I had to add the hyphens to the first word in his name so that the slur isn't blocked]
Jughead Jones (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Alan Keever (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Larvis (What The?)
Mysterio (Earth-98121)
New Worriers (What The?)
Michael O’Hill (policeman, Web of Spider-Man #52)
Punisher (Amalgam)
Quo (alien race, Tales to Astonish #37)
Rolling Doors (Amalgam)
Storm (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Stormwatch (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Trax (Ultraverse)
Venom (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Joseph Wintergreen (psychotherapist, Astonishing #22)
Xenia (planet, Amazing Adult Fantasy #9)
Yancy (Power Pack #41)
Zooboos (alien race, Amazing Adult Fantasy #12)
Agent X (Commie spy, Spy Cases #17)
Batman (Earth-3839)
Captain Marvel (Amalgam)
Daredevil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1)
Doris Evans (Fantastic Four #203, Iron Man Annual #8)
Fantastic Four (Superman #50)

I was out of U, so I included an extra S.
Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:12 pm
Gold Rush (Fast Five member, Mighty Avengers foe)
Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:38 pm
Harry Houdini (historical figure)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:51 am
Ire (Gods of War member, Hercules ally)
Eduardo M.
Sun Jul 10, 2016 12:02 pm
Jack O'Lantern (brother of Steven Mark Levins, agent of Satan)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 12:48 pm
Katmandingo (Fight-Man foe)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:53 pm
Bart Lasher (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, Tim Holt #11)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 5:11 pm
Midnight Angels (a subgroup of Wakanda's Dora Milaje composed of it's best members)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:16 pm
New York Special Crimes Unit (Amalgam)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:42 pm
Omnus (alien, Planet Terry ally)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 8:07 pm
Pulverizer (What The?)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 8:28 pm
Quill (Earth-58163, House of M)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:39 pm
Rogue (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:49 pm
Shadow (Road Force team leader, Dire Wraith)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:31 pm
Trauma (Ultraverse)
Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:36 pm
UPC-PO human/cash register relations (Deadpool character)
Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:11 am
Valkin (Polar Eternal, father of Druig & uncle of Ikaris, left Earth with most of Earth's Eternals to explore universe)
Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:51 am
Eddie Winstrom (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:51 pm
X-Stream (Hydrators mini-comics)
Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:43 pm
Tasha Yar (temporal anomaly in Days of Future Past timeline, Star Trek/X-Men: 2nd Contact)
Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:03 pm
Zaran (Zhou Man She, former student of Maximillian Zaran, tried to launch career using Zaran's identity)
Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:38 pm
Agent X (Earth-92131)
Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:28 am
Bruiser (mercenary, worked for various criminal organizations)
Wed Jul 13, 2016 9:27 am
Cottonmouth (Burchell Clemens, Serpent Society member)
Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:44 am
Haggatha Darkness (What The?)
Wed Jul 13, 2016 5:44 pm
Executioner (Young Masters member)
Wed Jul 13, 2016 5:58 pm
Fantastic Lad (Amalgam)
Geraldine Grundy (Earth-616, The Punisher Meets Archie)
Hotrodders (What The?)
Independent Pictures (Journey into Unknown Worlds #58)
John Paul Jones (historical figure)
Royce Kelvin (criminal, All True Crime #49)
La-Ni (Egyptian princess, Mystery Tales #47)
Multiple Maid (Amalgam)
Alice Newell (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Over-Mime (What The?)
Puck (Amalgam)
Rogue (Earth-92131)
Red Storm (Amalgam)
Johnny Stormtrooper (Amalgam)
Marvin Trask (scientist, Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Venus (Ultraverse)
Hugh Winston (Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Xordu (planet, Marvel Tales #149)
Yates (Ultraverse)
Ned Zane (Daredevil #265, X-Factor Annual #4)
Agent X (Pussycat #1)
Batman (Azrael, Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Batman (Bruce Wayne, Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Captain Marvel (Earth-74425)
Dagon (visitor from another dimension, Mystery Tales #47)
Eula (ape-woman, Uncanny Tales pulp vol. 2 #6)

I was out of Q and U, so I included an extra B and S.
Eduardo M.
Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:13 pm
Phil Fox (Daily Bugle reporter, Luke Cage ally)
Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:32 pm
Generator X (Ultraverse)
Wed Jul 13, 2016 7:47 pm
Harbormaster (Anti-Registration Underground member)
Wed Jul 13, 2016 7:51 pm
Injustice Gang (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:21 am
Doug Johnson (WWII Air Force member who earned nickname "J A P Buster" while battling Japanese forces to avenge best friend, joined Crazy SUES, died)
Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:33 pm
Kemo (Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:06 pm
Lady Killer (Daredevil foe)
Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:21 pm
Mahatma Doom (Doctor Strange ally, targeted by the Empirikul)
Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:38 pm
James Newell (actor, Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:15 pm
Obb (alien, Deadpool ally)
Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:45 pm
Psylocke (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:10 pm
List updated.

Had to replace my Omnus (alien, Planet Terry ally) entry which was a repeat with Officer Z.E.R.O. (Code: Blue foe).

Is these 2 entries the same character

Evans, Doris (Fantastic Four #203, Iron Man Annual #8)
Evans, Doris "Dorrie" [the Human Torch (Storm)'s first known girlfriend who did not love Johnny's super-hero job and who came back in the last issue of Fantastic Four (#645), after she was married and had children]

If so we need a replacement entry for E from Vanhornluke.
Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:11 pm

Angelicknight wrote:

Is these 2 entries the same character

Evans, Doris (Fantastic Four #203, Iron Man Annual #8)
Evans, Doris "Dorrie" [the Human Torch (Storm)'s first known girlfriend who did not love Johnny's super-hero job and who came back in the last issue of Fantastic Four (#645), after she was married and had children]

If so we need a replacement entry for E from Vanhornluke.

I was referring to this character: link.
Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:33 pm
Ok so 2 different characters then. Thanks for the clarification.
Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:54 pm
It's been over 24 hours with no new character posted. I don't have any more Q characters, so I'm skipping it for R. Hopefully someone can fill that hole.

Anthony Rogers (Martian, Journey into Unknown Worlds #8)
Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:26 pm
Salamander (Scarlet Spider/Hummingbird foe)
Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:37 am
Bat Trask (marshal, Amalgam)
Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:33 am
It's been 24 hours since the last post. I don't have a U, so hopefully someone can fill that.

Verlan (executioner, Strange Tales #29)
Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:18 am
I hope it's okay that I didn't wait the last few minutes before a full 24 hours passed, but I'm going to bed.

Diane Winston (Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:46 pm
Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff of Earth-1298/Mutant X, X-Men member, died in Mutant X Annual 2001)
Mon Jul 18, 2016 3:59 pm
Urg (Cosmic Commandos member, Star Masters foe)
Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:59 am
It's been over 24 hours since W was posted. I don't have any more X characters, so hopefully someone can fill that in.

Daniel Yates (Earth-712)
Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:14 pm
Ivan Zaroff (commie, Mystic #16)
Eduardo M.
Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:19 pm
Arachne (Greek myth character, member of the Olympus Group)
Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:45 pm
Batman (Earth-74425)
Eduardo M.
Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:23 pm
Cold War (Captain/Steve Rogers foe)
Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:49 pm
Darkseid (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:21 am
Entropy (One of the Seven Friendless, son of Eternity, has encountered Genis-Vell and Starbrand & Nightmask)
Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:15 pm
Frankie Fuddle (humor character)
Genie (from Aladdin’s lamp, Strange Stories of Suspense #5, Journey into Mystery #25, Marvel Classics Comics #30)
Horsestar (What The?)
Ink (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
John Jones (Amalgam)
Ron Kennard (immortal, Strange Tales #44)
Lashina (Amalgam)
Ms. Moreballs (What The?)
Ray Novak (war character, Battle #2)
Joe O’Brien (reporter, Love Tales #63)
Psylocke (Earth-92131)
Rodent (Ultraverse)
Josiah Stone (sea captain, Journey into Mystery #29)
Ace Storm (Amalgam)
Trapster (Earth-534834)
Tom Underwood (romance character, Stories of Romance #5)
Hendrick Vermeer (college dean, USA Comics #3)
Helle Wingsoe (actress, For Men Only vol. 6 #3)
Yeates (professor, Strange Tales #177)
Konrad Zaxon (scientist, Tales to Astonish #78-79)
Agent Z (investigator, True Complete Mystery #7)
Batman (Pow! Biff! Pops!)
Battlewagon (Ultraverse)
Captain Marvel Ball (What The?)
Darkurians (Ultraverse race)
Essex Corporation (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)

I was out of Q and X, so I included an extra B and S.
Eduardo M.
Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:09 pm
firebolt (Sloan)
Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:16 pm
Jenette Gruenwald (Amalgam)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:46 pm
Tim Hacker (depowered mutant, victim of the Ghoul)
Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:50 pm
Lena Ivana (Morbius the Living Vampire #25-32)
Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:13 pm
i jumped the gun continue on i have no J entry.
Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:17 pm

Angelicknight wrote:

Mantrap (mutant, X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors novel)

Shouldn't the next letter have been J instead of M?
Fri Jul 22, 2016 7:08 pm
Jack Bundy Jones (criminal, Complete Detective Cases pulp vol. 9 #1)
Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:27 pm
John F. Kennedy (Earth-616)
Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:29 am
Sidney Levine (SHIELD scientist, nicknamed "The Gaff," flew with the Sky Wolves during WWII)
Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:02 pm
Ms. Marvel (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:28 pm
Netster (Road Force: Recovery Division member)
Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:31 pm
Pamela Owens (romance character, My Love Story #4)
Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:11 pm
Pink Sphinx (Deadpool character, Contest of Champions participant)
Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:30 am
Queen of the Brood (Brood queen of unknown origins, member of Galactic Council's new roster)
Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:11 pm
Rocket Raccoon (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Eduardo M.
Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:54 pm
Gulliver South (Intelligence agent, ally of Tarantula)
Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:12 pm
List updated to current round.

Triton (Earth-700089, Fantastic Four cartoon)
Eduardo M.
Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:03 pm
Terrance Updike (New Universe/Earth-148611 Justice ally)
Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:38 pm
Vermin the Vile (Planet Terry)
Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:49 pm
Widowmaker (Road Force: Recovery Division member)
Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:13 am
Xavier (Charles Xavier II of Earth-13729, son of that reality's Charles Xavier & Mystique)
Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:34 am
Saudia Yamal (Strange Tales #177)
Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:43 am
Zenn (alien race, Tales to Astonish #37)
Eduardo M.
Thu Jul 28, 2016 1:57 pm
Araki (Shi'ar Chamberlin)
Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:19 pm
Ton-ton Baze (voodoo priest, Gothic Tales of Love #2)
Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:29 pm
Cobalt Tomahawk (American Eagle foe)
Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:34 pm
Elinore Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility)
Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:36 pm
Ernst (X-Man-in-training, superstrong, possibly afflicted with progeria)
Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:41 pm
Fantastical Four (What The?)
Jason Grubb (time-traveler, Tales of Suspense #2)
The Horror That Walked (Namor foe, Sub-Mariner Comics #4)
Ivan (Cossack, Adventures into Weird Worlds #18)
Harry Jones (FBI, Astonishing #24)
Kenny the Kid (western character, Rawhide Kid #4)
Latkovia (Amalgam)
Ralph Macchio (Earth-616)
Nova Kid (What The?)
Otto the Great (historical figure)
Psylocke (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Robota (Planet Terry)
Stiro (alien from planet Zorg, Adventures into Terror #20)
Stompa (Amalgam)
George Trant (Marvel Tales pulp vol. 1 #6)
Richard Uberhart (Nazi, Tales of Suspense #69-71)
Rudy Vandenberger (knife thrower, Marvel Comics Presents #42)
Humphrey Wimpole (Dynamic Science Stories pulp #1)
Sasha Yasinov (KGB, X-Factor Annual #1)
Zeraphon (planet, Journey into Unknown Worlds #51)
Agunzzi (monster, Journey into Mystery #14)
Pete Bazinni (Ultraverse)
The Beast-Man (Marvel Tales #113)
Captain Neato (What The?)
Enriquo DaSilva (Ultraverse)

I was out of Q and X, so I included an extra B and S.
Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:15 pm
Fastman (Fight-Man foe)
Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:08 pm
Growing Boy (Amalgam)
Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:00 pm
Highway Bandit (Road Force: Recovery Division crew leader)
Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:11 pm
Insidious Six (Earth-92131)
Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:16 am
Jessup, Col. Tyrone (Troubleshooter, Ultimates character)
Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:35 am
Clark Kent (Earth-616)
Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:51 am
List updated to current round.

Leonid (cosmic powered offspring of Isaac Newton and a Deviant woman named Morda)
Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:56 am
Mr. Sinister (Earth-92131)

The following appear to be missing from the list on the first page after the last time or two of updating it:

Frankie Fuddle (humor character)
Genie (from Aladdin’s lamp, Strange Stories of Suspense #5, Journey into Mystery #25, Marvel Classics Comics #30)
Horsestar (What The?)
Ink (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
John Jones (Amalgam)
Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:25 pm
Rosa Navarro (X-Men 2099 character, member of the Freakshow, became involved with Metalhead of the X-Men)
Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:08 pm
Otto II (“The Red,” Holy Roman Emperor)
Sat Jul 30, 2016 7:14 pm

vanhornluke wrote:

Mr. Sinister (Earth-92131)

The following appear to be missing from the list on the first page after the last time or two of updating it:

Frankie Fuddle (humor character)
Genie (from Aladdin’s lamp, Strange Stories of Suspense #5, Journey into Mystery #25, Marvel Classics Comics #30)
Horsestar (What The?)
Ink (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)
John Jones (Amalgam)

My count is right so i completely overlooked those 5 so they were never added. Thanks for keeping me on my toes vanhornluke there down to added this round once we reach 26 characters.

Parker, Peter (Earth-DC/Earth-1, photographer, Crisis on Infinite Earths #5)
Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:18 am

Angelicknight wrote:

Parker, Peter (Earth-DC/Earth-1, photographer, Crisis on Infinite Earths #5)

I'm not challenging, but I've got both the TPB as well as the original issues I bought off the rack back in '85-'86 -- where is he in this issue?

Quorum (hired thug of James Johnsmeyer/one of the Great Game's sponsors, fought Kaine)
Sun Jul 31, 2016 11:49 am
Robodevil (What The?)
Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:54 pm

skippcomet wrote:

Angelicknight wrote:

Parker, Peter (Earth-DC/Earth-1, photographer, Crisis on Infinite Earths #5)

I'm not challenging, but I've got both the TPB as well as the original issues I bought off the rack back in '85-'86 -- where is he in this issue?

Quorum (hired thug of James Johnsmeyer/one of the Great Game's sponsors, fought Kaine)

Issue #5 Page #14
Crisis on Infinite Earths Index #1 http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d104/ ... iykhen.jpg
Amazing Heroes #91 (March, 1986) - The Crisis Issue http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d104/ ... p8onz3.jpg

Both books have a great index of thee characters within. Amazing Heroes is really informative giving information i have not seen anywhere else.

Shikata (Earth-760207, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series catoon)
Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:25 pm
Trance (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:32 pm
Samuel T. Underwood (politician, Captain American #250)
Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:33 pm
Primus Vand (Hulk character, Sakaarian Imperial & gladiator trainer, killed by Elloe Kaifi)
Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:32 pm
Wilton (professor, Journey into Unknown Worlds #35)
Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:06 pm
X-Men (multiversal team, first appeared in Astonishing X-Men vol. 3 #45, also called the X-Treme X-Men)
Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:27 pm
Saburo Yoshida (X-Men vol. 1 #64)
Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:41 pm
Mary Zero (Agent X #3-7)
Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:21 pm
Ajax (member of the Pantheon)
Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:32 pm
Beast Men (Black Rider foes, Western Winners #6)
Eduardo M.
Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:55 pm
Cinder (Pyrokinetic villain killed by Guardsmen)
Wed Aug 03, 2016 7:03 pm
Doctor Anarchy (Fight-Man foe)
Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:05 pm
Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:01 pm
Freedom Force (U.S. Army team)
Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:31 am
Genie (Ultraverse)
Charles C. Hopkins (Detective Short Stories pulp vol. 1 #2)
Israel (Ultraverse)
George Jones (gorilla boy, Adventures into Weird Worlds #22)
Kenyan (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Laughing Boy (Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #5]
Mr. Sinister (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)
Nova (Frankie Raye, Earth-534834)
Other-People (Marvel Stories vol. 2 #3)
Psycho-Man (Earth-534834)
RoboCop (Earth-?, The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational, and Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic)
Rocky Steele (50s boxer)
Flo Steinberg (Earth-616, The History of Marvels Comics #1)
Tradesmen (Ultraverse)
Ull (gang leader, Doc Savage vol. 1 #3-4)
Jules Verne (Uncanny Tales #31)
Tad Wilson (Strange Tales #38)
Teng Yun-Suan (Marvel Graphic Novel #57)
Tony Zack (criminal, Captain America #260)
Agu (Lorna the Jungle Girl character)
Beast (Earth-98121)
Lint Becker (Voodoo zombie master, Ghost Rider [Rex Fury] foe, The Ghost Rider #7)
Captain Trunk (licensed character from Sledge Hammer)
Dare-a-Day Davy (met Nick Fury in Pow #33)
Vincent Esquida (Ultraverse)
Jabez Farraday (western character, Cowboy Action #8)

I was out of Q and X, so I included an extra B and S.
Thu Aug 04, 2016 7:30 am
Ghoul (Jonathan Martin of Ultraverse, died and gained powers from Theta virus, member of that world's first Exiles team, later joined Ultraforce)
Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:35 am
The Hood (Dynamic Man foe, Mystic Comics #3)
Eduardo M.
Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:53 pm
Incinerator (Power Man and Iron Fist foe)
Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:34 pm
Gabriel Jones (Earth-534834)
Eduardo M.
Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:13 pm
Khanata (T'Challa's cousin)
Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:36 pm
Laurie (professor, Journey into Mystery #26)
Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:58 pm
List updated to current round.

Mister Density (Fight-Man foe)
Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:27 pm
Notch (Ultraverse)

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (1/23/2020 11:01 am)

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1/23/2020 11:02 am  #17

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional), found on Wayback Machine:

Angelicknight » Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:36 pm
Doorman (Crazy Magazine character)

vanhornluke » Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:41 pm
Sammy Davis, Jr. (Spider-Man newspaper strip)

Eduardo M. » Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:41 pm
Emotion Charger (Dr. Doom device)

vanhornluke » Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:54 pm
Simon Fairweather (Male vol. 6 #6)

skippcomet » Fri Oct 21, 2016 12:54 am
Eobar Garrington (ancestor of Dane Whitman, body was possesssed for a time by Whitman's spirit)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:03 am
Ghost Rider (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:06 am
Helen Hume (murder victim, Male vol. 6 #6)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:27 pm
Invisible Woman (Earth-92131)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:27 pm
Judy Judson (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #98)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:21 pm
Arthur Kent-Cameron (lawyer, Male vol. 6 #6)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:47 pm
Roxy Leech (Amalgam)

Angelicknight » Sat Oct 22, 2016 2:10 am
Mantego, Daniel (Honduran mutant killed in collision with a plane)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:32 am
Mordo (swami, Adventures into Weird Worlds #11)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:38 am
Mike Norton (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #98)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:14 pm
Harry Osborn (Earth-98121)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:27 pm
Proteus (Earth-92131)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:29 pm
John Reader (war character, War Action #13)

Angelicknight » Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:05 pm
Six-Gun Kid (Renegades member, Vegas foe)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:21 pm
Barbara Streisand (Spider-Man newspaper strip)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:37 am
Thang (What The?)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:40 am
Mike Vines (Male vol. 6 #6)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:57 pm
Cliff Wilson (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #98)

skippcomet » Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:47 pm
X-Ternals (Earth-295, team of mutant thieves led by Gambit)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:45 pm
Sam Yates (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #98)

Angelicknight » Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:45 pm
Animax (mutant, X-Men foe)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:35 pm
Abe Beame (Spider-Man newspaper strip)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:16 pm
Mary Carter (alien spy, Journey into Mystery #21)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:23 am
Deadeye (Ultraverse)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:38 am
Emplate (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)

skippcomet » Mon Oct 24, 2016 11:26 am
Firebrand (Amanda, mercenary, has faced Iron Man under the employ of the Mandarin and Spymaster)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:51 pm
Ghost Rider (Earth-534834)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:59 pm
Carol Hughes (model, Male vol. 6 #6)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:58 pm
Invisible Woman (Earth-534834)

vanhornluke » Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:02 am
Dan Johansen (Ultraverse)

vanhornluke » Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:49 am
Kid Six-Gun (Rawhide Kid #12)

skippcomet » Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:05 am
Jay Little Bear (WWII Native American soldier, former Leatherneck Raider, died as one of the Deadly Dozen)

vanhornluke » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:19 pm
Mordecai (Ultraverse)

skippcomet » Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:15 pm
Ningal (one of the Annunaki, degenerated into a demon, foe of Dr. Strange)

Eduardo M. » Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:52 pm
Office of Insufficient Evidence (Sleepwalker foes)

vanhornluke » Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:22 pm
Prometheus (Ultraverse)

vanhornluke » Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:22 pm
Readers (X-Persons foes, What The?)

Eduardo M. » Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:16 pm
Super Olympics (charity event put on by the Maria Stark Foundation)

vanhornluke » Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:04 am
Standby (What The?)

vanhornluke » Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:28 am
Thanoseid (Amalgam)

vanhornluke » Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:42 am
von Boden (Nazi, Black Marvel foe, Mystic Comics #6)

vanhornluke » Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:56 pm
Wild Bunch (Western Outlaws #17)

Eduardo M. » Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:39 pm
Sara Wolfe (Dr Strange ally)

vanhornluke » Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:47 pm
Pete Arnold (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #98)

vanhornluke » Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:52 pm
Tommy Benton (Spellbound #17)

Angelicknight » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:21 pm
Charade (mutant, X-Men: Smoke and Mirrows novel)

skippcomet » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:25 pm
Dog Brother #1 (Iron Fist character, one of the Immortal Weapons)

Eduardo M. » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:02 pm
Exto Clan (aliens, Deadpool foes)

vanhornluke » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:13 pm
Farrah Fawcett-Majors (Spider-Man newspaper strip)

vanhornluke » Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:25 am
Ghost Roller (What The?)

vanhornluke » Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:12 am
Bob Hackett (western character, Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #98)

vanhornluke » Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:54 pm
Invisible Woman (Spider-Man newspaper strip)

vanhornluke » Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:18 pm
Roy Jackson (romance character, Love Romances #45)

Eduardo M. » Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:47 pm
Keepsake (Death's Head and the Doctor ally)

vanhornluke » Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:26 pm
Ned Leeds (Earth-7642/Earth-Crossover)

vanhornluke » Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:29 pm
Morbius (Earth-92131)

vanhornluke » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:46 pm
Pete Novak (romance character, True Secrets #22)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:03 am
Meghan Orlavsky (Deadpool film)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:15 am
Project Patriot (Ultraverse)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:49 pm
Nancy Reagan (Earth-616)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:01 pm
St. Valentine (Journey into Mystery #27)

skippcomet » Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:47 pm
Timberius (one of the "Evil" Inhumans)

vanhornluke » Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:30 pm
Tharlock (Amalgam)

Eduardo M. » Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:29 am
Untouchables (Luke Cage foes)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:44 am
von Crabb (spy, Daring Mystery Comics #3)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:33 pm
Harley Wilcoxson (Stag vol. 15 #7)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:59 pm
Arachne (Earth-11714)

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:17 pm

vanhornluke » Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:27 pm
Nick Carter (licensed detective character, Rendezvous with Dead Men)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:02 am
Deadpool (Earth-10005)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:07 am
Empire-7 (Ultraverse)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 30, 2016 4:20 pm
Al Fenton (Spellbound #4)

Angelicknight » Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:12 pm
Gordon (Earth-199999, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:26 pm
Ghost Writer (What The?)

vanhornluke » Sun Oct 30, 2016 10:30 pm
Jake Hyatt (romance character, True Secrets #22)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:04 am
Ione (Ultraverse)

skippcomet » Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:26 am
Invincible Robots (particlular kind of robots created by Dr. Doom; have been used to quell rebellions, deliver messages, and sink Avengers Island)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 31, 2016 2:40 am
Roy Jambes (Male vol. 6 #6)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:58 am
Kid Stuff (Amalgam)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:39 pm
Ned Leeds (Earth-98121)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:44 pm
Moravia (fictional country in Royal Roy, not placed in Marvel Atlas)

Eduardo M. » Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:52 pm
Nadar (Inhuman scientist)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:49 pm
Orillium (“radio-active principle,” Marvel Stories vol. 2 #2)

vanhornluke » Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:02 pm
Project Cadmus (Amalgam)

vanhornluke » Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:46 am
Harry Reasoner (Spider-Man newspaper strip)

vanhornluke » Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:14 pm
St. Patrick (historical figure)

vanhornluke » Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:38 pm
Becky Thatcher (Marvel Classics Comics #7)

vanhornluke » Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:45 pm
Cynthia von Doom

skippcomet » Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:05 pm
Worm (Savage Land Mutates)

vanhornluke » Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:36 am
Aquan (Ultraverse)

vanhornluke » Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:41 am
Bernadeth (Amalgam)

vanhornluke » Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:51 pm
Randolph Carter (Uncanny Tales pulp vol. 2 #6)

vanhornluke » Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:53 pm
Deadpool (X-Men films, alternate timeline introduced in Days of Future Past)

vanhornluke » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:34 pm
Emperor Spider (Journey into Unknown Worlds #24)

skippcomet » Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:24 am
Fixer (Roscoe Sweeney, "fixed" boxing matches, had Jack Murdock killed for not taking a dive, Daredevil foe)

vanhornluke » Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:23 am
Ghoul (Ultraforce cartoon)

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (10/08/2024 7:01 pm)

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1/23/2020 11:02 am  #18

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:02 am  #19

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:02 am  #20

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:02 am  #21

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:02 am  #22

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:02 am  #23

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:03 am  #24

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:03 am  #25

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:03 am  #26

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:03 am  #27

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

More historical text from Capes (Optional):
MISSING. Placeholder spot in case more text turns up later.

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1/23/2020 11:11 am  #28

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Thank you to LoneWolf36 (formerly Angelicknight) for providing the Capes(Optional) material. Unfortunately the bit above seems to be all that's survived the crash. I've provided space in case posts turn up later but otherwise I recommend resuming the game from the last surviving post.

If anyone wants to add entries to the top post, I'll give you Moderator status for that purpose. Or I'm willing to copy and paste them in, but someone else will need to maintain the list of entries. I have enough on my place with my won threads. Unfortunately this site proved to have a character limit so I had to split the list up to add everyone in. I left space in each post for future expansion, plus a few extra spaces in case you need to shuffle things around. Some entries from the last few posts probably need to be readded to the full list eventually.

Beyond that, go ahead and resume the game!

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1/25/2020 5:46 am  #29

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

I know the last listed entry is for Notch, but that's not necessarily where we finished; however, running on the assumption that we continue from there:
Officer Outbody
Astral plane patrolman


1/25/2020 10:17 am  #30

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Loki wrote:

I know the last listed entry is for Notch, but that's not necessarily where we finished; however, running on the assumption that we continue from there:

Yeah. Unlike someone with advanced computer skills wants to talk to Michael about getting a copy of the backup file, best to assume that anything after Notch is gone for good unless people go from memory. I don't have a copy of the backup myself.

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