Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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12/22/2020 9:34 am  #91

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

RVcousin wrote:

I have a question for a potential update and that could answer almost every other questions : are all the mutants fighting alongside Jean in X of Swords Destruction, full X-Men members ?

No. With the Quiet Council's ruling that the X-Men are no more, the mutants gathered behind Jean in X of Swords: Destruction can't be X-Men because the team no longer exists as of the start of the issue. She used the term, yes, but the team does not exist any longer, per the team's founder and owner, Professor X.

Definitely stay tuned for more developments on this front in 2021!


12/22/2020 9:36 am  #92

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

Rayeye wrote:

On a final note I remember a comic page with icons of those X-Men who lived on Utopia. At that page the main X-Men team was named the Extinction Team, Psylocke's team was called Security Recon (X-Men) and there was a Street Team with Dazzler, Boom Boom and Lifeguard as members. I wonder if these were official (sub-team) names? IIRC the Street Team was also called San Francisco Street Team in some later comic issue.

Just spotted this comment and query, which I managed to overlook earlier and thus didn't pass it on. Before I do, any chance you recall which specific issue these designations were shown?

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12/22/2020 10:14 am  #93

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

Loki wrote:

By "resurrection machine" are you asking about the Five?

You have interesting questions, but OHOTMU wouldn't be the place where stories flesh out the Five and the limits of ressureciton can take place. We'd say to keep reading the X books to see how it all plays out (including Moira's story)!

I have no idea what the Five is, I just meant whatever brought everyone back to life. As to your other point, I have to be honest: the Handbook convinced me that I wouldn't enjoy the current run of x-titles. I don't know who's writing which x-title or even which x-books exist at the moment, but I'm guessing that a lot of things covered are from the title(s) Hickman is writing, and after Secret Wars I realized that Hickman's writing doesn't mesh well with my sensibilities and I decided with Secret Wars that since at the time I made my decision there was only one issue left, I would read the final issue and then stop reading Hickman's books. he has some interesting ideas, but I find his writing cerebral to the point of usually ignoring the humanity of the characters (though I did like his portrayal of the kids in FF).  A good example being that his run of New Avengers was basically three years of characters standing around debating whether or not it was okay to blow up other Earths to save their own. Just not my tastes. Also the ramping up of the revolving door of death doesn't work for me because there needs to be a minimal amount of suspense for me to enjoy a title and for me. If everyone can be brought back on a whim, then I can't feel anything for characters when they get killed off.

A couple nitpicks I keep meaning to mention: In the first paragraph of Moira's History, one bit reads "they had three children, who in turn had eight grandchildren". I'm pretty sure that the grandchildren are Moira and Kenneth's but as written it reads more like it's their children who had the eight grandchildren.

The other nitpick is the bottom left column of X-Men page 7 mentions "new recruits Honey Badger (a young clone of X-23)", but she's not mentioned in the roster info in the back. I finally figured out she must be Scout due to the Kinney surname, but there should probably be a clarifiier somewhere that Honey Badger and Scout are the same person.

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12/22/2020 10:40 am  #94

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Loki wrote:

By "resurrection machine" are you asking about the Five?

You have interesting questions, but OHOTMU wouldn't be the place where stories flesh out the Five and the limits of ressureciton can take place. We'd say to keep reading the X books to see how it all plays out (including Moira's story)!

I have no idea what the Five is, I just meant whatever brought everyone back to life.

Yep, that's the Five - five individuals with the right combination of powers to resurrect people (or grow clones with identical memories, depending on your POV).

In terms of your feelings for the current writing, that's fair enough. I get where you are coming from. 

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

A couple nitpicks I keep meaning to mention: In the first paragraph of Moira's History, one bit reads "they had three children, who in turn had eight grandchildren". I'm pretty sure that the grandchildren are Moira and Kenneth's but as written it reads more like it's their children who had the eight grandchildren.

The other nitpick is the bottom left column of X-Men page 7 mentions "new recruits Honey Badger (a young clone of X-23)", but she's not mentioned in the roster info in the back. I finally figured out she must be Scout due to the Kinney surname, but there should probably be a clarifiier somewhere that Honey Badger and Scout are the same person.

Yes to the Moira bit - she had three children, who gave her in turn eight grandchildren between them (e.g. the three children had a total of eight kids of their own between them).

I'll pass your comments on. It does look like the wording could be clearer in both cases. One thing I've learned over the years is that after a few rounds of editing, something that might have been clear on the first draft is less so after being trimmed down for word count, but you don't spot that problem because you know what the story and what the profile is meaning to say. It often takes a fresh perspective to spot that you are no longer explaining things clearly.

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12/22/2020 10:51 am  #95

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

Thank you very very much for all this answers.
I have one last remark about the JGS employees : according to the OHOTMU X-Men 2005, the School Faculty is an Official Sub-Team.

Whatever, thank you very much for your work and your answers.


12/22/2020 1:40 pm  #96

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

RVcousin wrote:

Thank you very very much for all this answers.
I have one last remark about the JGS employees : according to the OHOTMU X-Men 2005, the School Faculty is an Official Sub-Team.

Whatever, thank you very much for your work and your answers.

Since the 2005 book it has been decided that the X-Men and the Xavier/Grey school faculty are separate organizations completely, as shown in stories - not everyone who was an X-Man served on the faculty. The same holds true in reverse. Membership in one doesn't equate membership in the other, ergo, a faculty job shouldn't be classified as a sub-team. 

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12/22/2020 2:52 pm  #97

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

Loki wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

On a final note I remember a comic page with icons of those X-Men who lived on Utopia. At that page the main X-Men team was named the Extinction Team, Psylocke's team was called Security Recon (X-Men) and there was a Street Team with Dazzler, Boom Boom and Lifeguard as members. I wonder if these were official (sub-team) names? IIRC the Street Team was also called San Francisco Street Team in some later comic issue.

Just spotted this comment and query, which I managed to overlook earlier and thus didn't pass it on. Before I do, any chance you recall which specific issue these designations were shown?

First, big thanks for all your replies and answers to my questions!

I just checked it: the Extinction Team, Street Team, etc. were listed and named in Uncanny X-Men (2012) #1. I haven't found yet in which issue the Street Team was called San Francisco Street Team.

Last edited by Rayeye (12/22/2020 2:53 pm)


12/22/2020 5:42 pm  #98

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

Rayeye wrote:

Loki wrote:

Rayeye wrote:

On a final note I remember a comic page with icons of those X-Men who lived on Utopia. At that page the main X-Men team was named the Extinction Team, Psylocke's team was called Security Recon (X-Men) and there was a Street Team with Dazzler, Boom Boom and Lifeguard as members. I wonder if these were official (sub-team) names? IIRC the Street Team was also called San Francisco Street Team in some later comic issue.

Just spotted this comment and query, which I managed to overlook earlier and thus didn't pass it on. Before I do, any chance you recall which specific issue these designations were shown?

First, big thanks for all your replies and answers to my questions!

I just checked it: the Extinction Team, Street Team, etc. were listed and named in Uncanny X-Men (2012) #1. I haven't found yet in which issue the Street Team was called San Francisco Street Team.

Reply back from the writer who handled the roster:
Not official team designations. They were all X-Men who split up into groupings for various missions/events. Not longstanding official designations with permanent/official rosters.

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12/23/2020 8:04 am  #99

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

I get the feeling that the maybe Marvel should have waited a little longer before bring the the X or Swords handbook. Just read Excalibur #16 today and there are mad retcons being made. Makes some of the entries in the handbook feel old hat.

Unless someone is willing to confirm that everything is going to go back the status quo prior to X of Swords?


12/23/2020 8:48 am  #100

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

Nexus wrote:

I get the feeling that the maybe Marvel should have waited a little longer before bring the the X or Swords handbook. Just read Excalibur #16 today and there are mad retcons being made. Makes some of the entries in the handbook feel old hat.

Peril of any handbook. No matter when you publish, there's always a risk that the very next issue a character appears in we get a retcon that changes things.

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12/23/2020 11:13 pm  #101

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

Loki wrote:

Nexus wrote:

I get the feeling that the maybe Marvel should have waited a little longer before bring the the X or Swords handbook. Just read Excalibur #16 today and there are mad retcons being made. Makes some of the entries in the handbook feel old hat.

Peril of any handbook. No matter when you publish, there's always a risk that the very next issue a character appears in we get a retcon that changes things.

Always remember the gold standard: Barry "The Flash II" Allen received an entry in the original WHO'S WHO, issue #8 to be exact, one month before he died in CRISIS #8.  I mean, they weren't going to spoil that story, but it was a pretty major status quo change that made his entry immediately out of date.


12/24/2020 2:49 pm  #102

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

Any "comprehensive" handbook entry is going to eventually wind up being a snapshot in time—some sooner than others.


12/24/2020 4:13 pm  #103

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

zuckyd1 wrote:

Any "comprehensive" handbook entry is going to eventually wind up being a snapshot in time—some sooner than others.

We've even had fun with this - the 1960s Legacy Handbook took advantage of the idea that it only covered to the final month of that decade to end Spidey's entry talking about how Pete and Gwen looked set to enjoy many years together, and to report on Nick Fury having been assassinated; the first month of 1970 he was revealed to have faked his death.

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1/13/2021 1:44 pm  #104

Re: Handbook announcement - X of Swords Handbook

In Captain Britain (Elizabeth Braddock)'s affiliations, there is the Cable's X-Force missing.
Which brings me to another question : if there was a new X-Force entry, is the team in that 2014 X-Force series, as well as the Cable & X-Force and the 2018 X-Force series the same team than the Cable's Founded X-Force or would it be another teams ?


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