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1/30/2020 8:28 am  #1

Create Your Own Handbook Challenge

Historical text from CxPulp:

07-19-2015, 05:36 PM
Okay, folks -- this is for you. The fan, the OHOTMU staff, anybody. Create your OWN Imaginary Handbook.

The theme? Up to you. Whether it's a previously used theme, used once or half a dozen times, or one that's never been used, you've free reign. Perhaps you wish to see a new, fully-Spider-Man-centric Handbook (the last one was Back in Black)? Or you think enough time has passed since the last X-Men-centric handbook (the Messiah Complex, not the Phoenix Force). Do you want to give the Ultimate Universe one last (Imaginary) Handbook hurrah?

Or maybe something new....Weapons and Devices? Howard the Duck? The 1950's? 2099 AD? Robots/Computers/Cyborgs/AI? All-ages lines? Humor characters? Fantasy? Sci-Fi? Or something only you have (or could have) thought of? This one's for you. You come up with the the theme, you come up with the contents.

Are you up to the challenge?
07-19-2015, 06:11 PM
I already did one for 616 versions of real people, and I think it's pretty obvious what my other choices would be. Here's one of them:

The Official Marvel Handbook of Laughs and Loves
Kathy Carter
Millie Collins (I know she already has an entry and it probably doesn't need to be updated, but she can't be left out of a handbook like this)
Hedy De Vine
Dolly Dill
Pearl Dimley
Eustace Hayseed
Homer Hooper
The Kellys
Pinky Lee
Little Lizzie
Miss Bliss
Molly Manton
Nellie the Nurse
Annie Oakley (the 40s humor character, not the historical western character)
Officer O'Krime
Wendy Parker
Powerhouse Pepper
Irma Peterson
Patty Powers
Sherry the Showgirl
Cindy Smith
Tessie the Typist
Della Vision
Sidney Osinga
07-19-2015, 10:09 PM
the Official Marvel Handbook to the Ultraverse

Aladdin (government agency)
Black September (event)
Break-Thru (event)
the Entity (alien device)
Exiles (post Black September team)
Ghoul (Martin)
Godwheel (event)
Amber Hunt
J.D. Hunt
Lord Pumpkin
Mantra (Lukaz)
Mantra (Sherwood)
Rex Mundi
Night Man
Phoenix Resurrection (event)
Prototype (Campbell)
Prototype (Ruiz)
Siren (Pearson)
the Squad
the Strangers
Alec Swan
7-20-2015, 12:23 PM
The Official Marvel Handbook to 50s War Characters

Attila the Hun
Barney Barker
Kent Blake
Battle Brady
Napoleon Bonaparte
Boot-Camp Brady
Buzz Brand
Battleship Burke
Winston Churchill
Combat Casey
Combat Kelly
Rick Davis
Devil-Dog Dugan
Doug Grant
Adolf Hitler
Genghis Khan
Korean War (event)
Douglas MacArthur
Clark Mason
Iron Mike McGraw
Rock Murdock
Tim O'Toole
Erwin Rommel
Joseph Stalin
Sailor Sweeney
Torpedo Taylor
George Washington
Pat Welsh
Stuart V
07-23-2015, 10:12 AM
The Marvel you never knew - cancelled, forgotten or slipped through the cracks:

From Marvel UK:
Golden Grenadier
Officer Outbody
Red Squirrel Man
Removal Man
Virago Troop Warheads

Marvel US:
Black Cat (new X-Men)
The original Caliban
Cougar (Marvel Age, the lost New Mutant)
Dazzler the Disco Queen
Decathlon (Marvel Age)
Fury Force
Holocaust (Sam Guthrie, New Mutant)
Sea Spine
Silkie (X-Men)
Starhawk (Marvel Super Heroes #20 ad)
Techno X
Tithe Collector (Gambit foe)
Venture the Bold (Technet, stolen armor)
Typhoon (new X-Men)
07-23-2015, 11:20 AM
Ooh, I really like that idea, Stuart. Along similar lines:

The Marvel You Don't Know: Non-English Marvel Stories

Unfortunately, since I don't read languages other than English, I can't populate a list, although there must be enough characters who originated in non-English sources to fill out a handbook of this type. Just off the top of my head, characters I know of:

Dr. Araki (70s Hulk manga)
Gemini (Italian team)
Supaidaman (70s Japanese Spider-Man tv show)
Thor (evil Thor from Brazilian X-Men comics)
Yu Kumori (Spider-Man: The Manga)

There must be other characters that could be included. Perhaps others from the other Japanese manga series. There were a few dozen original Mexican Spider-Man stories that must have some original characters. The same goes for the bajillion original Mexican Sgt. Fury stories. There were also quite a few original French Spider-Man and FF stories, so they may have had some new characters, too.
Sidney Osinga
07-23-2015, 09:57 PM
Great idea Stuart, although I don't if the Black Cat and Typhoon you mentioned could be covered since they were created by Dave Cockrum before he came to Marvel as part of the Legion of Super-Heroes setting.

Something else to include could be characters who've had entries announced but didn't get them, such as Kingo Sunen (Deluxe Edition), the Sunrise Society (Upade '89). and Red Ronin (Update 2010 #5)
07-24-2015, 05:15 AM

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Great idea Stuart, although I don't if the Black Cat and Typhoon you mentioned could be covered since they were created by Dave Cockrum before he came to Marvel as part of the Legion of Super-Heroes setting.

Something else to include could be characters who've had entries announced but didn't get them, such as Kingo Sunen (Deluxe Edition), the Sunrise Society (Upade '89). and Red Ronin (Update 2010 #5)

Another set of characters that were created for DC's Legion that wound up at Marvel were New Genix's members Allegra and Neutron/Munchkin. Another one that could make Stuart's book would be Fred Van Lente's mini The Destroyers which had the first 2 issues penciled prior to being canceled even before reaching solicitations.
Sidney Osinga
07-24-2015, 11:57 AM
There's also the Derangers, who I remember seeing being announced for a series in a preview issue of Amazing Heroes before they ultimately ended up in Alpha Flight (and most of the team being killed)
07-24-2015, 04:04 PM
Ok i knew all of the character Stuart mentioned except...
The original Caliban
Dazzler the Disco Queen
Holocaust (Sam Guthrie, New Mutant)
Venture the Bold (Technet, stolen armor)
Who where these character/concepts?
Eduardo M.
07-26-2015, 11:38 AM
The Official Handbook of the Initiative

Action Pack
Camp Hammond
Cloud 9 update
Desert Stars
Earth Force
Force of Nature
Freedom Force (Initiative team)
Heavy Hitters
Initiative update
Johnny Cool
Prodigy (Gilmore) update
Thor Girl update
Women Warriors
07-27-2015, 02:31 PM
The Official Handbook of the Agents of SHIELD

Barber Shop
Colonel Myrdden
Don of the Dead
Dum Dum Dugan Updte
Leo Fitz
Nick Fury Update
Sarah Garza
Andrea Hope
Iron Nail
Randal Jessup
Melinda Leucenstern
Melinda May
Mercedes Mercer
Mister Rasputin
Abu Mussan
Pandora Peters
Emily Preston
Secret Avengers
SHIELD update
Jemma Simmons
Rosalind Solomon
David Sum
Teen Abomination
Daman Veteri
Jeremiah Warrick
Patricia Wolman/VISTA
07-27-2015, 05:33 PM
Oh, cool! That's actually an idea I once had, but it seemed like so much of the principal SHIELD characters had already been covered, so I didn't pursue it.

Can I suggest a few additional possible entries?

Blue Streak (Don Thomas)
Laura Brown
Roger Dooley
Jerry Hunt
Imperial Hydra (Arnold Brown)
Leviathan (organization)
Sidney "The Gaff" Levine
Al "Mac" Mackenzie
Madame Hydra-6
Operation: Lightning Storm
Alexander Pierce
Gail Runciter
Rick Stoner
SHIELD Super-Agents/Super-Agents of SHIELD
Daniel Whitehall/Kraken

Good job to everybody, so far!
07-27-2015, 06:43 PM

skippcomet wrote:

Oh, cool! That's actually an idea I once had, but it seemed like so much of the principal SHIELD characters had already been covered, so I didn't pursue it.

Can I suggest a few additional possible entries?

Blue Streak (Don Thomas)
Laura Brown
Roger Dooley
Jerry Hunt
Imperial Hydra (Arnold Brown)
Leviathan (organization)
Sidney "The Gaff" Levine
Al "Mac" Mackenzie
Madame Hydra-6
Operation: Lightning Storm
Alexander Pierce
Gail Runciter
Rick Stoner
SHIELD Super-Agents/Super-Agents of SHIELD
Daniel Whitehall/Kraken

Good job to everybody, so far!

Sure add anyone you like.
08-04-2015, 08:20 AM
I recently had my mind blown when I read the 2000 comic History of Marvels Comics. This is an entirely in-universe history of the 616 version of Marvel Comics (the company that contracts with the FF and others to publish comics based on their exploits). It's a very interesting read (the history of 616 Marvel is similar to the real world in some respects but diverges wildly in others). What blew my mind is that it says that the pulp magazines published by Martin Goodman in the 30s, 40s and 50s are all accurate retellings of 616 events! Presumably this doesn't include the sci-fi stories set in the future, but there's no problem considering the detective, western, romance, adventure, war, sports, and other sci-fi stories as 616. So, I think a cool topic for a handbook would be:

The Official Marvel Handbook to the Goodman Pulps

Unfortunately, I can't populate a list of suggested entries for such a handbook. These pulps are fairly rare and expensive, so I don't have any of them. I was able to find pdfs of six issues of various titles in archive.org's pulp magazine collection, but that's just a tiny amount of the overall number of pulp issues published.
08-10-2015, 05:10 AM

vanhornluke wrote:

I recently had my mind blown when I read the 2000 comic History of Marvels Comics. This is an entirely in-universe history of the 616 version of Marvel Comics (the company that contracts with the FF and others to publish comics based on their exploits). It's a very interesting read (the history of 616 Marvel is similar to the real world in some respects but diverges wildly in others). What blew my mind is that it says that the pulp magazines published by Martin Goodman in the 30s, 40s and 50s are all accurate retellings of 616 events! Presumably this doesn't include the sci-fi stories set in the future, but there's no problem considering the detective, western, romance, adventure, war, sports, and other sci-fi stories as 616. So, I think a cool topic for a handbook would be:

The Official Marvel Handbook to the Goodman Pulps

Unfortunately, I can't populate a list of suggested entries for such a handbook. These pulps are fairly rare and expensive, so I don't have any of them. I was able to find pdfs of six issues of various titles in archive.org's pulp magazine collection, but that's just a tiny amount of the overall number of pulp issues published.

You are right: this is very interesting!!!
Sidney Osinga
08-22-2015, 01:41 PM
Guidebook to the Forgotten Marvel Cimematic Universes

Avengers (United they Stand; 1999 animated series)
Black Panther (2010 animated series)
Captain America (1944 movie serial)
Captain America (1979 TV movies)
Captain America (1990 movie)
Daredevil (2003 movie)
Dr. Strange (1978 TV movie)
Elektra (Daredevil (2003), 2005 movie)
Fantastic Four (1978 animated series)
Fantastic Four (1994 unreleased movie)
Nick Fury (1998 TV movie)
Generation X (1996 TV movie)
Howard the Duck (1986 movie)
Hulk (1982 animated series)
Hulk (2003 movie)
Man-Thing (2005 movie)
Power Pack (1991 TV pilot)
Punisher (1989 movie)
Silver Surfer (1998 animated series)
Spider-Man (1977 TV series)
Spider-Man (1978 Japanese TV series)
Spider-Man (2003 MTV series)
Spider-Woman (1979 animated series)
Thing (Fred and Barney meet the Thing; 1979 animated series)
X-Men (Pryde of the X-Men; 1989 animated pilot)

In the spirit of the current guidebooks that's been annouced, this one with feature characters from one-shot movies and TV shows that didn't last long. As such, I have left out longer running ones, such as the Blade series, the 1990s X-Men cartoon, and the Hulk TV series, since they could be covered in guidebooks on their own. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.
08-22-2015, 01:51 PM
Nicely done Sidney i would really love to see that Handbook!
Andy E. Nystrom
08-24-2015, 07:01 PM
Squadron Supreme 20th Anniversary Handbook

Anniversary of the start of the limited series of course. A handbook that would be very dear to the creator of the Handbooks. All 712 unless noted; all appeared in the limited series and/or the Captain America #314 tie-in.
Hyperion, Nighthawk, Power Princess, Scarlet Centurion, Skymax, Squadron Supreme itself have all had profiles in the modern Handbooks that probably aren't in serious need of an update

Alliance of Evil
Black Archer
Blue Eagle
Doctor Decibel
Doctor Spectrum
Master Menace
Moonglow (Hanover)
Moonglow (Jones)
Professor Iman
Squadron City
Tom Thumb
United States (very different than in our world or 616 even prior to Overmind's assault on 712)
Avengers update (616)
President Garner
Jones Family (Phillip, Katrina, Drusilla, Andrew, Benjamin Thomas)
Limbo (Master Menace's)
Steve Rogers update (616)
Maddy & Tina Stewart
Sidney Osinga
08-24-2015, 09:17 PM
Nice idea Andy, although it`s the 30th anniversary. I do think the entries of characters who have been covered should be included, just so it`d be complete. Also, I think it should include entries from the Squadron`s past, like Brain-Child (Sutton) and the Serpent Crown, should be included. Finally, given his history as an Avengers ally, Haywire could merit a full page.
Chris McCarver
09-30-2015, 10:50 PM

Walter Bolt
Ozzy Clemons
Shelly Conklin
Arthur Dolan
Stacy Dolan
Fireworks Fielstein
Neil Garrett
Danny Granville
Jock Jackson
Charlotte Jones
Kris Keating
William Lamont
Mother Majowski
Nick Manolis
Rusty Nales
Mayhem (O'Reilly)
Ismael Ortega
Jeff Piper
Martin Soap
Bev Sykes
Mad Dog Rassitano
Rigger Ruiz
Rafael Scarfe
Jim Sokolowski
Marcus Stone
Connor Trevane
Molly von Richtofen
Wraith (Watanabe)
10-01-2015, 02:20 AM
Handbook of alien' manipulations and of evolution
(stuff that goes in thousand of directions with many unfinished story-lines)

Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur)
Apocalypse (Gors Vil)
Apocalypse (Kelby Tak)
Charles Darwin
Dreaming Celestial
Eternals (Homo immortalis)
Eternals of Eyung (Eternians)
Eternals of Gigantus (Gigantians)
Eternals of Ron-Shor
Homo supreme
Inhuman Badoon
Inhuman Centaurians
Inhuman Kymellians
Inhumans (Inhomo supremis)
Hope Summers
The Horde
Hungry One
Kree Eternals
The Lacuna
Life Seed
Lupine (Lupus sapiens)
Mister Sinister
Mutants (Homo superior)
Mutant Skrulls
Rejects, Chosen and Beginagains
Scarlet Witch
Secong Coming
Skrullian Eternals
Universal Inhumans
The Vestibule
That Which Endures
Wraith Inhumans
10-01-2015, 08:52 AM
An evolution handbook should also include:

Org (prehistoric man, Spellbound #23)
10-01-2015, 11:31 AM

Chris McCarver wrote:


Walter Bolt
Ozzy Clemons
Shelly Conklin
Arthur Dolan
Stacy Dolan
Fireworks Fielstein
Neil Garrett
Danny Granville
Jock Jackson
Charlotte Jones
Kris Keating
William Lamont
Mother Majowski
Nick Manolis
Rusty Nales
Mayhem (O'Reilly)
Ismael Ortega
Jeff Piper
Martin Soap
Bev Sykes
Mad Dog Rassitano
Rigger Ruiz
Rafael Scarfe
Jim Sokolowski
Marcus Stone
Connor Trevane
Molly von Richtofen
Wraith (Watanabe)

I like the idea of this Handbook one add though i would like to see is Slyde http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix5/slyde_nypd.htm
10-01-2015, 01:39 PM
I would want an NYPD handbook to include cops from the 40s/50s crime comics as well, such as Jim Hudson: http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix5/hudsonjim.htm
10-02-2015, 05:06 AM

vanhornluke wrote:

I would want an NYPD handbook to include cops from the 40s/50s crime comics as well, such as Jim Hudson: http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix5/hudsonjim.htm

Anybody who creates their own Imaginary Handbook should feel free to come up with their own contents however they want, I think. It's great if and when they feel able to include possible entries beyond just the here and now, but I'm pretty sure most people's knowledge of the 50's and 60's comics, especially of the non-super-hero stuff and pre-FF #1, is probably limited.

I've got to say, my hat is off to both Chris McCarver and Melou. Interesting subjects (I'd have never thought of either, that's for sure), and when I started looking up the entries listed, found enough breadth and depth to convince me that these could produce a range of entries from half-pagers to at least two-pages. Good job, guys!
10-02-2015, 08:37 AM
I wasn't intending to be critical. I was impressed by those handbook ideas, too. I just wanted to point out some other possible entries that would fit those ideas.
10-02-2015, 01:51 PM

vanhornluke wrote:

An evolution handbook should also include:

Org (prehistoric man, Spellbound #23)

And Armak the First Man from Thor (at least to clear the story about how he is 3 million years old Neanderthal...)
Chris McCarver
10-18-2015, 08:28 AM

vanhornluke wrote:

I wasn't intending to be critical. I was impressed by those handbook ideas, too. I just wanted to point out some other possible entries that would fit those ideas.

No offense taken... actually grateful for the suggestions.
10-26-2015, 01:02 AM
February's "Marvel Celebrates Black History Month Handbook"

Afrikaa (Marvel UK, Black Panther ally)
Assault & Battery (SHIELD foes)
Bio-Genes (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack foes)
Black Mariah (Luke Cage foe)
Black Muskeeters (Black Panther allies)
Brasher, Max (Mighty Avengers/Advanced Idea Avengers, son of Blue Marvel)
Cassady, Wes (Spider-Man ally)
Charcoal (Thunderbolts)
Chimera (Superia's Femizons)
Circle of Pavane (Quicksilver foes)
Coker, Raymond (werewolf)
Coldfire (Luke Cage's brother)
Comanche (Luke Cage foe)
Daddy Longlegs (Spider-Woman foe/ally)
Dagonfly (Marvel UK, Super Soldiers)
DK (X-Factor)
Enduque, Manuel (Hellfire Club)
Fin (Intruders/Initiative)
Flatiron (First Line)
Flint (Inhumans)
Ghost Rider (Caleb)
Goliath (Tom Foster)
Jones, Nefertiti (Spider-Man novels)
Jones, "Slow Motion" (ALL-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes)
Josiah X (Crew)
Lucas, James (1970s Mighty Avengers, father of Luke Cage)
King, Sharon (Former Xavier student, She-Hulk ally)
Meteorite (Redeemers, daughter of Cardinal/Harrier)
Molina, Constance (1970s Mighty Avengers)
Momento Mori (X-Factor foe)
Nighthawk (Earth-616's new Squadron Supreme)
Noir (Power Man/Iron Fist ally)
Oya (X-Men)
Persuader (1950s)
Powermaster (mutant, Spider-Man foe)
Rapunzel (First Line)
Savage, Ilongo (Shogun Warriors/Dangard Ace pilot)
Shades (Luke Cage foe, father of the current Power Man)
Sister Voodoo (Brother Voodoo character)
Sorenson, Janet (mutant?, Equinox's daughter)
Titanis (Eternals)
Topspin (V-Battalion)
Triage (X-Men)
Vibranium (Avengers/Black Panther ally)
Wakandan School For Alternative Studies

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