Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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2/13/2020 7:50 pm  #1

The Imaginary Iron Man 2020 Handbook thread!

It's been a while since we have done any imaginary Handbook threads so i thought i would start a few starting  with the  Imaginary Iron Man 2020 Handbook thread. Who would you like to see covered?

Ash (Captain Kerosene android) 
Black Ant
Inhuman Torch
Iron Man (Arno Stark)
Master Matrix
Red Ronin (Namie)
Robotman (Droom ally)
S.H.E.R.B.I.E. (S.H.I.E.L.D.)
T-Mech (Crazy S.U.E.S.)
Vin Vision
Virginia Vision
Viv Vision
Volton (Battle-Axis)


2/14/2020 6:09 am  #2

Re: The Imaginary Iron Man 2020 Handbook thread!

Is this supposed to be an Iron Man-centric handbook, or just a robot-centric handbook?  If it's Iron Man, it needs entries that are actually tied to Iron Man.  If it's robots/androids/cyborgs/technology, it should be described as such.

Arno Stark-616 is a good choice for a new Iron Man handbook.  I looked up the others, and they seem to have virtually no connection to Iron Man.

Last edited by skippcomet (2/14/2020 6:14 am)


2/14/2020 6:27 am  #3

Re: The Imaginary Iron Man 2020 Handbook thread!

It's actually both since the story line is dealing with A.I.s but Iron Man centric characters are welcome to i just couldn't think of anyone at the time i made the list but by all means feel free to add iron Man characters and tech. So it's both and A.I. and Iron Man book like the story line itself.

     Thread Starter

2/26/2020 9:40 am  #4

Re: The Imaginary Iron Man 2020 Handbook thread!

Lonewolf36 wrote:

It's been a while since we have done any imaginary Handbook threads

Actually I tossed in one a few weeks ago even before yesterday's thread but it got buried by the threads being moved over:

My focus will be more on older stuff because I finally stopped buying new material (beyond Handbooks) a couple years ago, so I'm not even all that aware of how things tie into the previous iron Man 2020 stuff if at all:

Avengers (Heroes Reborn team; arguably a different team than the original despite many of the same members, as they were unaware of the previous team's existence)
Cord Manufacturing
Doctor Doom update (was recently Iron Man for a time)
Iron Man (Stark) update
Machine Man (2020 reality)
Soviet spies and other agents

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

7/22/2020 5:28 pm  #5

Re: The Imaginary Iron Man 2020 Handbook thread!

Spider-Girl 2020 (Time's Arrow Book 3)

I remain

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