Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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10/12/2024 8:47 am  #421

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Caprice (female member of the original Scourge program, later killed during an attempt to infiltrate Mt. Charteris when it was HQ for Osborn's Thunderbolts)


10/13/2024 4:34 pm  #422

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Dr. Rachel Deming (Earth-93060/Ultraverse, scientist who formed her world's original Exiles, only for that team to end in tragedy; one of its few survivors)


10/14/2024 10:59 am  #423

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Egghead (sociopathic android, former member of the Young Masters, current member of the A.I. Army)


10/15/2024 1:23 pm  #424

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Firestar (Angelica Jones of Earth-8107, AKA the world of the 1980s "Spider-Man/Spider-Man & His Amazing-Friends/Hulk" cartoons)


10/20/2024 10:36 pm  #425

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Gunthar (Rigellian member of Nebula's pirate crew, possesses psionic and density-altering abilities)


11/11/2024 8:16 am  #426

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Updated through Page One, Message #17's list of characters

Last edited by skippcomet (11/17/2024 9:01 am)


11/17/2024 9:07 am  #427

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

El Hombre Arañas (Spanish-speaking AU counterpart of Earth-616's Spider-Man, with some key differences between this world and Earth-616)


11/27/2024 11:16 am  #428

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Insectivorids (semi-humanoid/semi-insectoid alien race from the planet Kaliklak in the Microverse; representatives include Bug of the Micronauts)


12/02/2024 6:31 am  #429

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Jill Jerrold (model and actress, friend of Millie the Model)

Updated through Earth Lord (Kyle Brock), including a couple of suggested entries on page 2 that weren't included in the list.


12/07/2024 2:30 pm  #430

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Kazakhstan (nation, Marvel Atlas-style entry)

List updated through Zahgurim!

Last edited by skippcomet (12/07/2024 8:26 pm)


12/10/2024 1:22 pm  #431

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Kathy Ling (Earth-148611/New Universe, telekinetic member of Psi-Force)


12/22/2024 5:36 am  #432

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Monster Ape (Erik Gorbo, SHIELD scientist whose work transformed him into a giant gorilla, sacrificed himself to save Captain America)


12/23/2024 2:51 am  #433

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Sir Isaac Newton (historical figure, former member of the Brotherhood of the Shield)

Last edited by skippcomet (12/23/2024 2:52 am)


12/25/2024 11:29 pm  #434

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Outriders (genetically engineered race of mindless beasts in the service of Thanos and his Black Order)


12/27/2024 2:27 pm  #435

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Updated through Quiet Council of Krakoa


12/28/2024 7:46 pm  #436

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Prowler (Aaron Davis of Earth-1610, thief, uncle to his world's Miles Morales, was transported to Earth-616 post-Secret Wars)

Updated through Qua.

Last edited by skippcomet (12/30/2024 12:32 am)


12/29/2024 4:50 am  #437

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Quandary (supervillain, Earth-13178/world of Marvel Puzzle Box video game)

Last edited by skippcomet (12/30/2024 12:35 am)


1/05/2025 6:04 pm  #438

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Red Terror (costumed robber & foe of the Human Top in 1941, died when HT destroyed his zeppelin)


1/06/2025 6:13 am  #439

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Spider-Girl (Betty Brant of Earth-78227, bitten by radioactive spider & gained powers, became her world's Spider-Totem, was later a Spider-Verse & Spider-Geddon participant)


1/07/2025 2:39 pm  #440

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Tundra (one of the Great Beasts, Alpha Flight foe)


1/09/2025 12:12 pm  #441

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Ukaki (giant snail in 1953 Congo that feeds on minerals, Lorna the Jungle Queen character)

Last edited by skippcomet (1/09/2025 12:19 pm)


1/10/2025 1:38 am  #442

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Vulture (Mikhal Oglu, Hyborian-era assassin, killed by Conan)


1/11/2025 2:58 am  #443

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Abraham Whistler (Earth-26320 AKA the Blade film trilogy, mentor of Blade)

Updated through Knights of the Round Table

Last edited by skippcomet (1/12/2025 3:38 pm)


1/13/2025 4:22 am  #444

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

XENO (anti-mutant group, targeted mutant nation of Krakoa)


1/19/2025 1:41 am  #445

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Ben Yarby (one of several sheriffs of Leadville, Texas in the Old West, frequent ally of the Black Rider)


1/20/2025 1:53 pm  #446

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Zhu Rong (Xian/Taoist god of fire, Iron Fist foe)


1/21/2025 12:54 pm  #447

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Actor (unidentified Soviet spy & master impersonator, Iron Man foe)


1/22/2025 10:54 pm  #448

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Blockbuster (Bart Dietzel, former Man-Brute, foe of Captain America & Omega, killed by Foolkiller)


1/24/2025 1:44 pm  #449

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Cammi (Camille Benally) Update


1/25/2025 8:09 pm  #450

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Dinosaurs For Hire (team of dinosaur-like beings acting as mercenaries on Earth-88469, made their way to Earth-1138 before it was destroyed)


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