Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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10/12/2024 8:47 am  #421

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Caprice (female member of the original Scourge program, later killed during an attempt to infiltrate Mt. Charteris when it was HQ for Osborn's Thunderbolts)


10/13/2024 4:34 pm  #422

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Dr. Rachel Deming (Earth-93060/Ultraverse, scientist who formed her world's original Exiles, only for that team to end in tragedy; one of its few survivors)


Yesterday 10:59 am  #423

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Egghead (sociopathic android, former member of the Young Masters, current member of the A.I. Army)


Today 1:23 pm  #424

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Firestar (Angelica Jones of Earth-8107, AKA the world of the 1980s "Spider-Man/Spider-Man & His Amazing-Friends/Hulk" cartoons)


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